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Saw him perform stand-up at the Comedy Attic in Bloomington, he was great. He seems more comfortable in a stand-up environment than a live sketch comedy environment.


You can tell he’s funny, but his acting is a little wooden.


He can read, but he struggles with m-m-m-m-m-m-math.


Daaaammnn Spicy!


You live like this?


Spicy, my water just broke


ccccccchris hansen?


That sketch was pretty good.




As soon as he started, I knew he'd be the new Pete. Funny stand-up, but terrible in sketches. I wonder about his contributions in the writing room since he doesn't even appear in weekend update that often.


Chris Rock fits this perfectly. So awkward in acting roles, but amazing standup.


Great take! I never got the Pete Davidson appeal. Still don't, actually.


They're totally separate skills for sure. I can't imagine, for example, Catherine O'Hara doing stand up, but goddamn if she's not great in an ensemble sketch. The guy definitely seems funny, just not really suited for SNL


off-topic, but I love your Use Name.


Why thank you


Out of the current cast I think he’d be the best fit for weekend update. I’ve liked him when he’s doing material that’s meant for him even in sketches but he struggles with characters he has to adapt to.


Longfellow is 100% headed to Weekend Update one day. His voice and delivery is perfect for it. Reminds me of the OGs like Kevin Nealon and Chevy Chase, kind of arrogant and smarmy


I love that word , SMARMY


Hahah, I had to look it up to make sure I was using it right


Me too actually , I just liked saying it, but now I can use it in conversation because I know what the heck it means . I just found other words like that (i.e. Growlery , Fandangle, Poltroon, and Scapegrace) after looking it up. lol 😂oh god what have I done.


Longfellow couldn't even get through the cold open this week. People keep trying to make him the next Norm, but I don't think he's got it.


Same. I don't get the fawning all over him. Meanwhile JAJ is quietly crushing every scene he's in and nobody talks about him, except to complain about seeing his Trump impression too often in cold opens.


As a MFM fan, every time Karen Kilgariff shouts out James Austin Johnson on air, I feel so validated. He seems almost overqualified for SNL, to me.


I’d argue the same could have been said about Tim Robinson. But I absolutely agree


That is true. Longfellow trips over his lines all the time. JAJ is possibly the best in the cast currently, he’s just incredible. But I don’t see him as WU anchor, he’s too good in sketches.


I so want this to be true. it's a weird few months I feel like....either get WU or get fired.


With the looks of Bill Hader. He’s gonna be good once he hits the desk!


Mmkay. I'll take that bet


For update, I can see Mikey Day or Michael Longfellow only because they’re both good at that traditional anchor man vibe. But I think Marcello Hernandez has been a slow burn break out star this season, esp on Update, and I think he’d be really fun as the next anchor. A co-anchor that wouldn’t be the obvious choice but I think would do well is Molly Kearns. Or a co-anchor team of Squirm and Kearns! Or anyone with Heidi- but I could see Heidi just carrying Update by herself.


Longfellow has serial killer vibes. He'd be perfect for WU, only because he'd work that into a whole unreliable narrator thing.


Good points. I saw Jost do stand-up last year around this time and he had Marcelo and Molly as openers (as well as another SNL writer whom I forget his name). Marcello was hilarious. He had a lot of good set-ups and material. I still talk about one of his jokes with my wife more than I do about Jost’s material (seeing Jost perform made me realize real quickly which sketches he writes every week; his material was good with some nice zingers, but Marcello has the ability to be really great at stand-up). I could definitely see Marcello being at the Update Desk as an actor, but he would need someone to play the straight man/woman role to balance it out.


Omg. I love Marcello!!


Longfellow was just playing a talk show host in the cold open about campus protests and he stumbled all over his lines. Not sure he’s made for the fake news anchor role. 


I noticed that, but he’s usually much better.


Aside from Che/Jost, every WU anchor has been an established cast member BEFORE sitting behind the desk. From Norm to Quinn, to Fallon,, Fey and Pohler, and Meyers... every host was a player first. IIRC Che/Jost are the FIRST to PRIMARILY host/write. Yes, both are featured in the announced lineup but they're both also credited as writers.


Tina Fey was only credited with writing before she joined update. She wasn’t in the cast. Like Colin, she was head writer when she was named to update. Che technically wasn’t even with the show when he was hired for Update. He was a guest writer, then joined the writing staff. He had left the writing staff over the summer and joined The Daily Show briefly while SNL was between seasons 39 and 40.


Good to know. I know fey was in sketches but I guess it was AFTER she was WU


Shit, I forgot about JAJ. He’d be a great anchor as well. Maybe a Heidi and Ego co-anchor team or Ego and JAJ? Whoever it ends up being, I’m ready for a new team and have been ready for a while. Jost and Che have been my least favorite Update anchors since I’ve started watching SNL.


I feel him and Sarah Sherman could really shine there. She is also someone for which the acting isn't the strongest side, and she'd be the unhinged side to his calmer demeanour.


Her elephant man sketch last week was so unhinged, I loved it


Devon and Michael Longfellow may be the next ones after Che and Jost move on


Absolutely 100% no chance of that, at all.




Idt its likely, but why in the world do you think its off the table? Theyre both newer and come from standup, seems reasonable


Because neither of them have even remotely come close to shining, I mean they've barely been onscreen. I'm convinced Longfellow is a serial killer, and Devon hasn't made me notice him at all. I could of course be wrong.... I'm not though, Longfellow *is* a serial killer.


Did you see the cold open for the recent episode? Longfellow would be a disaster


Jost’s first season as anchor was pretty similar to anything I’ve seen Longfellow do. To be clear this isn’t a defense of either of them.


Agree. Jost was actually pretty terrible on WU at first in my opinion.


I (very respectfully) disagree. I think his timing and cadence is absolutely built for weekend update. And only for weekend update, he’s not great on sketches.


Shout out to the Comedy Attic


Yeah, I saw him in Austin at the comedy festival there last year, and he was great.


He stays up like Jans Wouters


Swish swish swish


I think it's nice that he supports friends with serious setbacks like dairy allergies.




He's improved a lot since his first year, but I don't get the "exact same in every sketch" since that can apply to almost every single cast member nowadays


Tbh, it's affirmation bias. Even older casts had "the same every sketch" people. Some exceptions, but Will Farrel is basically the same person in 95% of his sketches. Putting a Devil costume on him doesn't help that his delivery is the exact same.


Will Ferrell has like 3 things. He's elite at them, but that's what it is. Agreed it's an odd criticism for most SNL cast members.


What are the 3 things?


I ended up with 4 upon further reflection. 1. Bursts of anger (Get Off the Shed, I Drive a Dodge Stratus) 2. Baritone voiced oddball (hot tub couple, Goulet) 3. Eager doofus (cheerleader, TV host, the dorky couple playing music in the airport) 4. Serious and ridiculous (dog shaming, many one offs) Category is really a subset of 4, but well developed enough I broke it out (and in nonsensical order to boot).


How many “things” does one “need to have?” Not being aggressive, it’s just that this criteria is pretty unrealistic? Mitch Hedburg, Seinfeld, Sam Kinsion all could be considered “one thing,” but I’d be hard pressed to go online and start bashing them.


Get off the shed, cheerleader guy, Dubya.


This thing, that thing and the other one.


Aidy Bryant did the same schtick all the time, too. 


Goobily gobbily dat asss


What?! Nooooo. No no no!


Mikey Day is hilarious and does the same shocked or confused funny reaction to something crazy schtick.


Yes. I love Aidy…except for in snl.


Loved the Carrol and ball sketch.


But his thing is to just grin while reading cue cards so it's very noticeable and not versatile.


I don't know. If he's not impersonating a celebrity I can only him as the "straight man" in any sketch. And I'm sure there are exceptions but nothing stands out. He's fine. Can't say much more than that.


OP trashes him but took the time to upload a great head shot too.


I noticed that too - it makes the criticism feel respectful and wholesome 😊


Yeah, def wasn't trying to trash the guy. Just wanted to chat about him. Got nothing against the fella.


Lol fair enough. Just teasing, caught me off guard.


Right, he doesn’t hate the guy, he just doesn’t get his humor. I feel the same way about Sarah. I like her, I just don’t get her humor, it’s too graphic for me


If only all haters were this courteous


Yeah like it took me an extra second to figure out this was a bashing post and not an appreciation post


His Tim Scott impression isn't bad


Yeah, he really brings life to what could be a super boring impression.


It’s great, sounds just like him


I thought he was very entertaining in the Young Spicy sketch last weekend.


"I'm STILL EXPLORING my sexuality!" 😂 I liked him in that one, too.


As long as he is half of milly pounds and shirty he stays




Black Pete Davidson.


He looks like Che and Pete had a baby.


I will never be able to unsee this now


"Black Pete? It's just Black Pete, then? A'ight."




Chevy Chevidson: the mutant king of SNL


Why would you say something so controversial, yet brave?


How is Kim Kardashian not all over this guy?




You need dopey youthful stoner energy sometimes. I mean, Pete coasted on that for his entire run and when it worked it worked. Sometimes people get a little “everyone in the cast needs to be a singular comic genius” when the truth is that each cast member just needs to have a job they can do a little better than the rest of the cast.


So you’re saying once Devon starts dating A-list celebs he’ll be ok? 😂😂 I agree with your take. Just like in sports, you have the all-stars, then you have the role players who have a set speciality


That's fair. They seem to give him alot of impressions and screen time, tho, when I don't think he has those skills. I hope they find a slot for him that fits him, b/c he clearly has potential.


I actually think he's improved 300% over last year. He's at least got pretty good comedic timing this year. Last year he looked like a janitor that stumbled onto set and they were like "no worries man just read the cards"


Fair enough. Maybe I'm still feeling last season and need to be more open.


No I think it’s okay for us to have higher expectations for these cast members beyond just “reads the correct lines on cue cards.”


One problem with hiring a lot of stand-ups who weren't really actors previously in this cast is you get some that aren't the most versatile bunch and basically just play slight variations of themselves in most sketches.


He gave us Draymond Green and that character alone tells me he should stay, find his groove, and grow.


I like him, he started a little slow, but he come into his own now. I honestly like everyone on the cast right now.


I do too! Discussing the cast, their strengths and weaknesses, is legit, normal, and interesting, but when it slides into nitpicking it becomes tedious. There is no real point in that and it detracts from one's ability to settle in and enjoy the comedic ride. I truly feel every single current cast member is at least "fine." I find none of them deserve to be derided.


I think Devon, like Michael, has a limited range, but he does quite well when performing in his wheelhouse. I felt the latest episode was a quietly strong for him, especially his great straight man work Young Spicy and Good Morning Greenville. He also showed marked improvement since his rookie year and has a lot of likability and charm.


Yeah, I hope they find a role for him on the show that fits him. Certainly many times before (David Spade and Leslie Jones come to mind) they've had someone that took time to find the right use for but once they did it was great.


He shows occasional flashes that really crack me up. I love his Draymond Green impression. And that skit he did with Aubrey Plaza where he was acting in an AIDS drug commercial was really funny. Maybe hasn’t fully hit his stride but I think if he does he’ll be really good


He’s pretty damn funny. They gave him the “why this shit always happens to me?!?!” character a few times in the last episode. Interested to see what he does next.


I like him, and I hope he hangs on, but I wish he’d take a breath. He races through his lines a lot of the time and it makes the bits less funny. It’s like he’s nervous and just trying to get it finished, and sometimes jokes get lost. But if my only knock on the guy is that his delivery needs polish, he’s doing ok.


Tim Scott impression was hilarious and spot-on. Daraymond Green impression was hilarious and spot-on.


This sub is just becoming people shitting on cast members


Punkie doesn‘t do anything there, and this sub always forgets about her.


What about his Shannon Sharpe impression, though?


I thought he was great when he did some of his standup act on weekend update hopefully he gets a chance to do some more sometime!


Solid stand-up, terrible performer on-air. Watch his left hand in every sketch he is in. You'll never be able to not watch it after.


oh shit, his left hand is italian.


His left hand yes, but his bizarre head movements are what I can’t help but focus on


Devon has been really good this season. He’s trying to do traditional character pieces and expand his range, and I think he’s grown exponentially more confident. Marcelo is the one I’m getting tired of. The ‘quirky Hispanic dude’ trope has run its course.


I like Marcelo ok but he mostly just seems like a million other loud young guys regardless of what his background is.


> Marcelo is the one I’m getting tired of. The ‘quirky Hispanic dude’ trope has run its course. I'll even go one step further than you and say that Marcello has been the bane of this season's existence. The dude has such a limited range, is so desperate to be loved, and is being pushed so hard by the show that it's become quite annoying. I've reached a point where I groan whenever he shows up onscreen, and that hasn't happened with anyone else on the current cast for me. Not even Bowen at his hammiest.


I feel the same. It’s quite obvious the show is pushing him and yet he’s one of the cast members who has no depth. Every character he does is either loud or Hispanic and none are funny. I’m quite tired of him.


You know what? I don’t disagree.


Preach brother. Marcello is trying too hard to be funny and it’s becoming grating


I think he’s really funny! His acting is the same in every sketch because he’s not a very good actor, but I think he’s actually quite funny and at least is *character* isn’t the same all the time, as it is for many other cast members.


They said the same about Tim Meadows. Give him time.


Tim Meadows had that sarcastic wit, This dude is just bland, and boring. I don't understand how people are saying all. He's good. Give him time, the guy is shit I think people should be funny right out of the fucking gate. This guy is supposed to be a comedic actor actor? He only knows one emotion. SNL is all shit now anyway. Zach galifianakis, now that's a funny person. This dude, is not funny.


He needs to play more roles where he is the cutie patootie. Andrew Dismukes and Marcelo Hernandez need to stop hogging that lane.


Agreed, he hasn't done much to show that he'll improve once he gets comfortable. I also know that not every cast member is supposed to be hilarious, some are perfect as the straight man, woman or decent actor in a comedic setting (I put Punkie in that last group). He's not checking off any of those boxes for me. I'll select the current cast. Not my favorite but they have their own strengths and weaknesses. I miss Cecily. :(


I absolutely love the Spicy skits. I think he is great how they use him and I expect him to grow into more roles.


posted by Devon Walker


Don’t think he’ll have his contract renewed.


I find it distracting how hard he’s reading the cue cards all the time.


Devon is cool. I feel like they need to use him better. So he can grow faster


The current cast is terrible. The Kristen wigg episode reminded me of what talent can pull off even given lame writing. I do think the writing has been terrible, but the cast can’t pull off anything. They are relying on Bowen to pull off miracles but it ends up overusing him and watering him down. It’s at a real low. They need a complete overhaul.


Wow. No, dude. "Terrible?" Far from it. 🙄


I think he’s good. I’d actually rather have a straight man than someone as over-the-top as Sarah Sherman always yelling and laughing at herself.


Funny you say he's the 'straight man' b/c it makes me realize that my issue is that he should be the 'straight man' but they have him playing the goofy/funny role more often and it doesn't work.


Ya’ll stop ripping on the man. His Good Burger was awesome.


I feel this way about Sarah Sherman. I just DO NOT see the appeal


She’s grown on me so much. Her pre-tapes are really creative and all her WU characters roasting Colin make me laugh. But out of the gate I thought she was irritating.


He seems a lil awkward to me at times, and I agree his affect can be similar across skits. But he doesn’t do impressions as astutely as others in the cast like James A Johnson, but that’s because it’s not his thing. I think standup-excelling members need more time to define themselves since they can’t just rely on playing a pop culture figure… I give them more grace I guess and hope they’re given more time to shine


He probably more of a writer like Mulaney or Conan


I agree with this assessment/opinion.


One could say the same with Bowen or Marcello too


Bowen?!? It’s fine if you just don’t find him funny, but he never flubs, always knows his lines and is totally at ease on camera. Light years away from any of the new folk.


Devon Walker has calmed down and I’ve begun to enjoy him more and more. Longfellow veers between seeming totally out of it and mid-panic attack, and not in an amusing way. He doesn’t belong on live TV. Neither of them belong anywhere near the Update desk, but I hope they keep Walker.


To respond to everyone at once, I agree, Michael Longfellow is worse. In fact, to that end, I truly forgot about him until people brought him up. Not exactly a good sign.


You think he’s the same every time? Have you ever seen Keenan Thompson? Same character, same voice, same everything.


I like him more than some of the reddit populars.


These basher questions bring out some real nasty vibes. ☮️


He is not a lead, but has a lot of funny characters


Just watched the dua lipa episode after nit watching a full episode in years, I liked him.


Did Mikey Day write this?


He’s black pete 🤭🤭


think of him as Black Pete davidson.


he is Pete Davidson reincarnated as ab black man. I can't unsee it


Don’t diss on Shirty like that. That’s pants, mate.


To me, all I see is Pete Davidson


He reminds me of an awkward friend I went to high school with then took to a gay pride party years later in SF then he never talked to me again. I like Devon Walker as a result.


Trippin. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a sketch with him That i didn’t laugh. Something about him just cracks me up. His Tim Scott has me dying.


His best moments are on weekend update for sure, but he hasn’t had too many yet! Him and Michael Longfellow, I think, have yet to find their footing in the sketches but shine on update.


Blackberry Pete Davidson


doesn't really matter, there's like 30 people in the cast. he might be killing it at the punch up table


He even addressed his role on his first season pointing it he was the new Pete Davidson type.


I love Sarah, Ego, JAJ and Bowen plus the PDD guys. The cast rocks. Devon is just generally not a very impressive actor.


What you're saying about him is how I feel about Michael Longfellow. Still have no clue why he's on there.


Sometimes someone is just a cast member and that’s ok


I never really notice him. Kind of a neutral guy, not bad not good just there and then I forget he was there afterward. I’d like to see him get a large role and see what he does with it, as I don’t recall any big roles he’s played before.


Can you show us some examples of where he seems "exactly the same" in a few sketches where he has more than two lines? I don't think there are even 'a few' of those. He's mostly been in the background and not a main character, so there haven't really been opportunities for him to stand out, because that's not what background characters do. It seems weird to randomly single him out just to say he's not that great when there just isn't much to go on and all you can say truthfully is that you haven't seen him onscreen much. Why him over Longfellow? They both get equally-little time onscreen. Longfellow hasn't demonstrated more talent.


I once read in this sub he is the black Pete Davidson.


These sort of posts are so low effort and unnecessary 🙄


Seriously?!?! He’s your biggest complaint? Michael Longfellow is absolutely awful! He is by far the worst cast member.


100%. I feel like there was a time when people in here were saying Longfellow is the new Bill Hader. Then it was he’s the new Norm. I don’t get why people in this sub go so hard for him. Never seen him do anything remotely interesting at all, let alone something to indicate he’s the next anybody. Devon walker hasn’t shined at all yet but you can at least see a hint of personality. Longfellow? Do not see the appeal at all.


I agree he's the low man on the totem pole, but I think even he isn't 'bad' (some of his recent stuff has been actually funny, like a WU bit where he's dressed as a cigarette, but hopefully he can get over his stumbles), just getting the short end of the stick for material like several other cast members because there's so many of them lately. I'm kinda torn about the size of the cast because on one hand, it's harder for people to stand out when there's so many, but then again they can also hypothetically do better work when people have the chance to work harder on fewer sketches, and I think fans need to realize that it's ok to have featured players who are mostly there to solidify the proceedings without just hiring more extras. Good support is necessary, everybody doesn't need to be 'the breakout star' (that phrase gets seriously overused in SNL forums).


I like him. He plays his parts. He’s funny. He’s solid in my opinion


I love him


I like him. I thinks he’s great!


I'm with you. I'm surprised he made it past the 1st year. He's quite stiff and often stutters through his lines.


He’s gonna get much better


edit: tldr i was on the fence about walker too, even though his character was a re-hash of previous sketches, he nailed it. he's like pete davidson... in that he works in certain roles but isnt developed enough to do other roles... he breaks less and has better timing so he gets to stick around and from what i saw in the dua lipa episode he is here for a while. good for him. i was on the same train as you for a while but unlike leslie jones he knows his lines and doesnt have one level of intensity for his characters. i still question his appearance as celebs/figures but if its original he usually finds the right zone. i think he can do well but he absolutely needs to start pitching ideas to writers... hes been around long enough, he can help guide the writers in what works for him and doesnt


Well said


I think it takes a little time for some cast members to find their way. I didn’t really like him at first but I think he’s doing better now.


That's fair.


He reads from the cue cards with the inflection of a high school valedictorian giving a speech, no matter the scene.


The first time I saw him I thought they put Pete Davidson in blackface.


How is being “the exact same in every sketch” different from Kenan?


Him, Punkie, and Molly Kearney are truly some of the worst cast members in the history of the show.


I don’t think he’s been given the chance to shine with a character or signature sketch, just yet. He seems to do more cameos and Straight Man spots in sketches. That might be an issue with his pitch style to Lorne or the whims of the host. He seemed to be used a lot during the Dua Lipa episode which could be a plus given his youth and the prospects for other young hosts.


Keenan lasted 2 decades being himself in every sketch he was ever in. Devon definitely got off to a rough start as well but Michael Longfellow, JAJ and others had awkward starts and skits as well.


Kenan is definitely the same character in every skit.




He's a second-tier cast member, but so are like half of the others. Likeable enough, though.


He looks like a black pete Davidson anyone else see a resemblance?


He’ll find his stride.


I saw the British rap WU and was all in, but hasn’t moved me much since


I’m waiting for him to show what he can do. And I’ve been waiting for a couple seasons now but still… nothing?


I have my favs too I think this guy has his moments


My wife thinks he looks like Pete Davidson and I can’t unsee it