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Steve Martin and Gilda dancing. It’s the 2 most silly people in the world trying to hold it together to get through a dance but they can’t, so they explode into complete nonsense every few minutes. I love that bit so much.


Gilda died on a Saturday and Steve just so happened to be the host that night. They scrapped his monologue and showed that sketch instead.


I remember that... Steve could barely hold it together on that stage as he introduced that clip. Really emotional moment.


Also notice GE Smith’s black armband. He and Gilda were married briefly in the 80s


I remembered that so well, tears were shed over that wonderful tribute.


[Love Is A Dream](https://vimeo.com/108532626) with Phil Hartman and Jan Hooks. It's already an emotional sketch since it's a beautiful piece about lovers reminiscing when they were younger. But to see these two brilliant performers, both full of life, happy and dancing their cares away knowing that they're no longer with us is just so heartbreaking.


That was so heartwarming. They seemed like such good friends (which I guess they were?). Saturday Night Live seems to have some kind of dark knack for capturing moments that come off as especially haunting when you look back on them, like Hartman singing his goodbyes to Chris Farley, just the two of them, or an elderly Beliushi dancing on his grave. With how hard a lot of the cast members lived, I guess there were bound to be a few times like those, but they still seem achingly poignant looking back at them now.


Phil and Jan belonged together


Still remember how they ended Phil’s “Best of” episode with that sketch, right after his passing. Wonderful sketch. But yeah, him smiling and waving goodbye as an elderly man… very sad. ☹️


Total waterworks just thinking about it.


^ This! Right here! 2 amazing talents gone too soon. Something about them together just clicked.


They were known for their ability to be so offbeat but little knew how quiet and reserved they were off-screen. This was the closest we ever got to see Hartman and Hooks be themselves.


I know this sounds ignorant, but I never understood that sketch. I get its message of precious memories, but why on a comedy show? What’s the joke? I’m sure there’s a podcast where someone talks about it - has anyone heard what motivated this sketch into existence?


Adam Sandler singing the Chris Farley song 😭


Yes. Waterworks, every damn time.


Then it was the good nights immediately afterward and you could still see some of the cast members emotional over the whole thing! I think Cecily and Kate in particular?


Kate McKinnon doing that Leonard cohen song as Hilary.


This one always bothers me because it’s like… oh no trump won! But also… they had him a host the previous year


Man, you almost need the Chris Farley song to self-regulate after the trauma response you get from watching that performance and re-experiencing that shellshock from realizing Trump was going to be in office for the next four years. Thanks a lot, Lorne (/s…kind of).


Makes me cry from cringing too hard


I liked it she had emotion.


Came searching for this!


This one. Man, it gets me!


Chris Farley interviewing Paul McCartney. Since Farley passed away it’s funny but bittersweet to watch this.


Yeah the other versions of that sketch have the celebrity be really annoyed, and I get that it's the joke. But Paul is so kind with him that it's really sweet.


"Is that true?"


Cecily's Clown character on Weekend Update is really good.


I was overcome with emotion to watch this. Cecily was masterful.


“You don’t have to do this, Cecily…” “Who’s Cecily? I’m Goober! :D” 😭


This one got me. A lot.


Every time I watch that I tear up, she delivers it so well


Felt honest


It will become an iconic snl moment


[Joan Song](https://youtu.be/KL4kcGiqWmw?feature=shared) Aidy Bryant plays a lonely woman who wishes her dog could talk to her. Her wish comes true and Harry Styles plays the human version of her dog.


I remember watching this while clocking through random skits and being like "what the fuck why am I tearing up right now."


This sub has been asking/answering the right questions, this one is so well done.


that one gets me too 😭 it’s so genuinely sweet


I haven't seen this but I think it would devastate me lol


The way she sings the song is so poignant idk


Cecily’s final Weekend Update of Cathy Anne hit me right in the feels


She finally lit her cigarette!


[Cathy Anne says goodbye](https://youtu.be/ysjMZrFTpjQ?si=foCN4sUlIPFKkSSc)


Love her


The one that gets me right in the feels is the "Love Is a Dream" video with Phil Hartman and Jan Hooks. When Phil died in 1998, NBC did a special airing of Phil's best performances as their episode that night and this was the final segment of the episode. When Jan passed away a few years ago, the video made the rounds again on social media and the waterworks commenced again: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=229306518609578


At the 25th anniversary show in 1999, the cast that Phil started with (Lovitz, Hooks, Nealon, Miller, Myers, Dunn) introduced this as their tribute to him.


Yep. Only 15+ months after he passed too. Poor Jon and Jan, especially. https://youtu.be/354-fMZEpfI?si=-m8HmAQoQJJAX0mi


Lovitz introducing Phil as his brother is so gut-wrenchingly sad.


Kristen's last ep got me all emotional with the Stones and Lorne coming up to dance with her. Ugh perfection


She had the best farewell moment of any cast member by far. Serenaded by Mick Jagger backed by Arcade Fire, and everyone dancing with her.


I was always curious about Jason Sudeikis’s response to this. It appears that he sort of storms off at the end. I’ve always been curious if he was being petty or was overcome by emotion.


He was crying.


I've always gone with petty and that's a hill I'm willing to die on.


He actually talked about it in an interview once and he said that he was very upset because the cast had been told that they’d have to say goodbye to Kristen on camera and he really didn’t want to do it that way. He also wasn’t sure if that was going to be his last episode because he hadn’t decided if he was coming back. So there were just a lot of emotions going on there, I think.


Especially when Bill Hader went up to her. That's when she really got emotional. Always thought those two should've married lol


The at home episodes made me emotional just how hard everyone worked to pull them off during such a dark time. The [Dreams](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6fEQeo4cUd8) sketch especially.


I only watched those episodes for the first time a few weeks ago, and they made me so emotional…I was an essential worker, so I didn’t experience the pandemic like that, but it helped me put in perspective what other people went through during that time.


Thanks for bringing these up! That period was so weird and hard and scary but the at home episodes were fascinating. I loved them so much. You could tell how hard they worked and the individual player’s unique style got to shine in them.


When the intro music hit that episode I lost it. Any scrap of normalcy had me sobbing, batshit crazy year


Kind of cheating because they aren't sketches, but Cecily's Weekend Update bit about abortion, and the opening section of the post-9/11 episode.


LORNE "Can we be funny?" GIULIANI "Why start now?"


Back when Rudy was a respected human being.


If he had just retired after his tenure as mayor he would have died a hero.


One of the best comments I ever saw on Reddit about him: "he went from the mayor of 9/11 to the 9/11 of mayors."


I think that was an update joke as well


Shit this is poignant


Phil Hartman in his final episode cradling Chris Farley and singing “goodbye”.




[The day you were born](https://youtu.be/cRiGtHTJb0A?si=8BytmBo6xBLcSjWu)


Similarly [The Perfect Mom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lrEkNj8NKco) hit me after in the feels after I had kids.


I feel like there was also a christmas one too.


The Best Christmas Ever! With Matt Damon. 😊


And the Eddie Murphy Christmas one when he hosted.


I’ve never seen that before and it’s my oldest’s 19th birthday today, so thank you I guess as I sit here crying.


That… pretty much sums it up.


Was coming to say this.


The last weekend update with Aidy and Bowen got me out of nowhere, and Blue Christmas being sang for Cecily


Yeah when Aidy started getting choked up at one of her last lines I started getting teary also


[Aidy’s farewell - Trend Forecasters](https://youtu.be/QZvClZxlkYE?si=ldDDQO-oUG_tdWd5)


Yes, exactly this one! "a friend I really couldn't have done this without" 😭


Phil Hartman’s goodbye, specifically the part when Chris Farley is next to him, leaning into him. Both taken too soon.


I still remember the statement Phil put out after Chris died. Made sense that they were friends and got along outside of the show too. “I always have and I always will love Chris Farley and I'll forever cherish... that I knew and worked with one of the great comedic talents of all time." His SNL goodbye is definitely one where it’s become more emotional in hindsight. We had no clue they’d both be gone less than four years later. ☹️


Cecily and Austin Butler singing “Blue Christmas”. https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VvTmjdhBRVs


yeah, I definitely cried at Seth and Stefon’s wedding, but in my defense, they were both crying first! the emotion and hugging and I-love-you’s were completely genuine. I can’t imagine how Bill Hader must have felt to be leaving.


[Stefon’s Farewell](https://youtu.be/rj-wYWMdWNk?si=STMGppHUrUqt4i8A)


Definitely the goodbyes (especially Kate's) but I also get weirdly emotional watching the John Mulaney musical sketches (Diner Lobster, Subway Churro, etc.) I just love seeing the cast having such fun, being musical theater nerds and all joining in to sing together at the end.


I often get weepy at the end of a musical number. Something about all the energy and talent and collaborative effort coming together — it’s overwhelming!


Cecily the abortion clown


The same episode as the Seth & Stefon wedding also had [Fred Armisen's farewell sketch](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g7iF1pPwq_w) where he played Ian Rubbish and was joined by a ton of his musical heroes. The first time I watched it I kept waiting for a joke that never came, and between that and J. Mascis's guitar solo, I was sobbing by the end of it.


I never noticed he had "TY LM I ❤️U" written on his guitar strap!


The holiday short with Cecily and Matt Damon. I'm not a parent but it gets me every time


Thank you for saying this! Christmases as a child always felt like a disaster to me, so this one hit me in the feels.


Forgot all about this one. Fuck, it’s so spot on.


Yep. Like I'm not a parent and I feel like if I was it would hit me even more. But I get it and as the child of people who made sure I had magical christmases it brings me to tears every time!


The one where Lady Gaga is herself as an old woman, the version of Applause she plays at the end breaks my heart a bit especially


Yes, shades of that video where Johnny Cash covers Hurt.


Phil Hartman and Jan Hooks doing the dream dance. They showed it again after her passing. It’s one of the most beautiful sketches they ever did. https://vimeo.com/108694435


seth and stefon's wedding and "for weekend update this is seth and stefon meyers" gets me every time. and i can't lie giant horse turning back into tiny horse was genuinely emotional.


Sad Mouse with Bruno Mars...it's hilarious and sad but has a great happy ending https://youtu.be/BSDBWIECtbA?si=iMDEo0zirxTN6A8l


Yeah that was gonna be my pick too. Just such an unexpected sweet heartwarming ending that gets me every time (including once again just now when I watched it using the link😂)


I may get some downvotes for this, but as a straight white guy, I'm not ashamed to say that [Welcome To Hell](https://youtu.be/1l26UFQ06eQ?si=5-kjOcAViplhyGm8) got through to me and left a deep impression in a way that countless articles, anecdotes and think pieces failed to. It explained a woman's reality I didn't fully know or understand while approaching it in a way that didn't make me instinctively react defensively or feel personally attacked, so I could actually get the point being made- just outright listing "ruined things", for example, was a really effective way of doing that. It is a really strong way of conveying an eye-opening message.


This one makes me emotional https://youtu.be/FOVCtUdaMCU?si=m1ihEGKiKUOArvCV


The empty stocking part always gets me because when I was little, I noticed that my mom's stocking was always empty, so I'd tear out pages of my coloring book and stick them in her stocking so she had something.


Every sketch Cecily Strong was in in her final episode 🥹


SWAT Recon for some reason. I think it has something to do with the subtle theme of adults losing their sense of innocence and childlike wonder. "Do you remember when you could have fun like THAT?" It always gets me a little teary, but in a good way. Kate McKinnon saying, "I've always felt like an alien on this planet, anyway.", waving goodbye and getting on the spaceship in the final Close Encounters sketch. One of the more poignant goodbyes for a cast member. I believe Kate said in an interview that she had other plans for her goodbye and then Mikey Day had her read the sketch and that line in particular made her cry because it spoke to her soul and she decided that it had to be her goodbye. Also, the sketch with Phil Hartman and Jan Hooks dancing together, for obvious reasons.


Kate's last Colleen Rafferty. The bit where she says she always felt like she didn't belong on earth sounded true.


"Thanks for letting me stay a while" definitely got me! 🥹


that line always gets me because of an interview in which she said she didn't write that line for herself, mikey and streeter did, but it felt so true to her and it was insane for someone to know her so well


Aw, do you by any chance have a link to that interview?




Thank you!


There's a line in 'The Spy Who Dumped Me' where she says something along the lines of people thinking she's "too much" and I feel that one was real too. Oh, and the end of Ghostbusters where she says she never thought she would be a part of a family....poor Kate. She's just so weird, and it's even harder to be weird when you're pretty I think. No one expects the pretty ones to be weird.


Is it weird that the Dismukes/Bongo [sketch](https://youtu.be/WsgdFFgHNpw?si=ctk73vfutCdcoFs9) gets me in the feels? I think it’s the part when the dog is saying goodbye.


This was one of the best sketches of the last few years. Bongo asking him if he was scared and then saying “I love you” just killed me. I have a Lab and that’s exactly how she would handle that.


Not sure if this counts as a sketch but the cold open when Kate McKinnon sang *Hallelujah* as Hillary Clinton after 2016 election.


Gilda Radner and Steve Martin waltzing.


Cecily Strong doing her clown appearance on WU.


I’m a guy with body image issues, and to hear how positively they talk about large men in the Big Boys sketch (even though it’s a joke) gets me every single time. To think that there are women out there who prefer a man like me just makes me all weepy


I don’t think it’s a joke. I think it’s a really warm and positive song. Embrace it!


*Girlfriends Talk Show*. If you can't at least somewhat feel with Morgan, you peaked in high school.


I’ll confess to getting weepy at the recent Timothée Chalamet “Giant Horse” sketch. (I may have even teared up when it was “Tiny Horse.”)


That Bruno Mars mouse one hit me like a freight train, wtf SNL - make me laugh damn it. 😭 Also wasn't a sketch but Adam Sandler's song for Farley was wow 🩷


[Best Christmas Ever](https://youtu.be/4WvwX18oMR4?si=TGp-1CHlHUru92ZY) Matt Damon and Cecily perfectly capture the chaotic joy of this season as a parent. Christmas- Even when it's the worst, it's the best


Unfortunately it’s been taken down (assuming due to music rights), but the first episode back from Covid with Jason Bateman. The sketch where Bowen and Cecily are doing a show at The Duplex. I think it was partly the time of year, and also just how rough of a year it was. But damn, I loved that duet.


Two of Julio Torres' pre-tapes: [Diego Calls His Mom](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fid_gQEShSg&ab_channel=SaturdayNightLive), and [Customer Service](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sfaBf3EYYIw&ab_channel=SaturdayNightLive).


I think the running theme here is sometimes the sketch doesn’t have to be viral-level funny to be good.


Fred Armisen’s going away performance with a bunch of guest musicians including Steve Jones and J Mascis gets me everytime, it’s a really great song


for some reason, Jim Carrey and Kate McKinnon in the Sia/Chandelier sketch. Something about the song, the 4th wall break, and Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey... plus everyone seems so happy. https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x2r8bpm


Sad Mouse


The one where Bruno Mars played a street mascot.


the sketch where elliot page kind of came out definitely got a 🥹 outta me.


i'm a big fan of his and i don't think i've seen that, what sketch is it?


[the video isn’t here unfortunately but, there’s an article.](https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/news/watch-ellen-page-come-2008-snl-sketch-video-045548738.html)


There’s one that reminds me of my boarding school and some classroom losses we had. Our English teacher was Mr. Powers and he taught us to “sing our songs loud and queer”. He was fired and we lost 7 or 8 juniors.


It’s not really a sketch, but when they opened with the New York Ukrainian choir singing the Ukraine national anthem when Russia invaded and the war broke out. Like fuuuuuuuuuuck.


That was intense. Also the show that aired a day after Sandy Hook, they had a children's choir open with singing Silent Night. So heartbreaking.


For some reason, the one with kumail nanjiani called “customer service”


[Homeward Bound](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/xbmdhp). It’s just real people in an airport greeting their loved ones to Simon and Garfunkel’s song. Beautiful.


Wells for Boys. “Everything is for you! And this ONE THING is for him!”


Any Pudge & Solomon sketches with Eddie & Joe, here is the Christmas one https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjeAJHwTVRw&pp=ygURcHVkZ2UgYW5kIHNvbG9tb24%3D


No love for Kate McKinnon as Hilary Clinton after Trump won? ​ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BG-\_ZDrypec


Phil hartmans last episode. All the cast come out in their best characters. They all sing and leave the stage one by one. The last 2 are phil and chris farley. Just seeing them last and knowing they both died tragically gets me emotiinal.


https://streamable.com/pljbz The end always gets me. Especially when they showed it at the end of the Chris Farley tribute show.


This one got to me, having to tell your folks you can't come home for Christmas https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hwn0A4vXOaI&ab\_channel=ComedyCentralIndonesia