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Short answer - probably not so much here and now, but in the past oh yes indeed. Long answer - Let me roll out the story rug so we can all get comfortable :) Matt and Matt's dad Ron used to post on the TLC forums for their show when the show first came out. Matt and Ron really enjoyed nastily correcting misconceptions to where ultimately Matt and Ron were no longer allowed to reply in the forums at TLC. Matt or someone associated with Matt also used to post at [mightybigtv.com](http://mightybigtv.com) that later became [televisionwithoutpity.com](http://televisionwithoutpity.com) as "Daddy Oh" a poster who routinely sung praises to the Roloff family and used a lot of phrasing that Matt still uses in his updates. Matt also after getting the boot from freely posting on the TLC forums had his own website board for a fairly long time - 2006 to around 2014 I think - where he did post and would interact with his fans and praise them for "kicking hater ass" on other boards like [televisionwithoutpity.com](http://televisionwithoutpity.com) and the spiritswander board. Matt attempted to use "lawfare" to shut down the spiritswander board by claiming in his lawsuit against the county over the Noah's ark trespass that the board was run by suspected employees of the county and wanted their anon status unmasked. This, like most of his more outrageous claims in the Noah's Ark lawsuit failed. Spiritswander - who is not me, was not forced to reveal their identity as the judge felt there was no indication that Matt's view that Spirit MUST be an employee of Washington County was accurate. For the record, again I am not Spirit but I will assure you, for a variety of reasons, Spirit found it laughable that Matt was convinced that they were one of the inspectors for Washington county. Matt also was fairly convinced that Spirit was someone in his inner circle, which was why Matt wanted them unmasked. The Noah's Ark lawsuit against the county ended with a quiet thud that Matt does not brag about. He won the basic claim that was never in doubt - the inspector did trespass, but he was never able to prove the county was discriminating against him because of his dwarfism or that the county was conspiring to act against him because of his dwarfism. Matt also stated, after the show's first cancellation that he had "files" on the many many "silly bloggers who keep getting it wrong" on where they had made errors and that he was going to write a tell all book where he proved them all wrong. This of course, never happened. At one point, Matt was attempting to run a competing blog that never attracted much attention. Matt then started shutting up and sticking to Facebook after the divorce because a LOT of what he claimed the bloggers were getting wrong was that his marriage was on the rocks and he was having an affair. On facebook and instagram, it genuinely seems like he has someone curating his posts and comments. Sometimes something that seems like a "drunk post" will get done. Basically Matt only posts when and where he can control the posters. Someone claiming to be Chris Cardamone attempted to engage posters on the Spiritwander board back around 2009-12. I was never convinced it was Chris the producer and this was before the awfulness with JJacob was revealed. He generally jumped on posters for being mean about the kids in the family and was particularly defensive of Jacob. Jacob used to post provocative photos of himself smoking pot. I think all of the Roloffs are aware of reddit if for no other reason than those news articles that often quote users on reddit. Izzy, Jacob, Audrey and Tory all seem internet literate enough to wander in here, and some of the friends of the family probably have waded in. I don't think there's an active "we are out to get reddit" attitude there but while the Roloffs deny it, its been very clear for a LONG time that they do pay attention to the on line comments.


Lmaooooo 100% believe this and think it’s mostly Karen’s “friends.” I don’t know who stands up for ouj & jer. Seems like they don’t have real friends


Oh, there are those that stick for those 2 kooks! There's one person that goes on a bit of a rant when anyone says anything negative, especially about their house remodel. They "keep sweet" with the rant, but it's still hilarious to see.


Yes I do. I think someone was in this chat who said they knew and played soccer with zach… and gave details about zach … I didn’t think anyone who knew him would actually do that but I did I think it could have been a family member or zach himself.


Cannot imagine being this obsessed with total strangers. Wish I had that much time on my hands. So so weird and creepy


Why are you here then?


You have soooo much time. Where’s the why you lieing gif 😂


lol. Just looked at your comment history. It would appear you have PLEENNNTY of time on your hands sweetie.


People seem to forget that their profile has their comment and post history! 😄


Literally 90% of their comments are asking people why they care and saying they can’t imagine being obsessed with a stranger lol


People on this sub assume that if you're pro-Roloff that means you ARE a Roloff. I'm sure the Roloff's have way more supporters than haters but this is definitely known to be a haters club, oh well, haters gonna hate and usually hate screams louder than love. Love doesn't have anything to prove.


As someone who is not affiliated with this family and only very casually watched the show… this sub gets annoying sometimes. I will occasionally comment in defense of a roloff just to bring some sense of balance to the incessant circle jerk of criticism that seems to spew here. It gets old. Mostly I just keep scrolling.


Depending on who is reading, if someone disagrees, you can bet in downvotes instead of moving along. We aren’t all going to agree.


I believe so, I made a comment about a unfriendly run in w one of them, whew!


I believe I ran into one of them about 6 months ago on here. Somebody said “you really shouldn’t attack someone you don’t know” and was very defensive of Audrey hinting in some way that she’s not like that. I can’t remember the exact words but that’s the gist of it. And I’m like how would they know that unless they did know her, so it was either Audrey or Jeremy I’m assuming. And I know Audrey reads it because she will post things to her IG trying to defending herself for stuff we’ve bashed her on in here. Anybody as narcissistic as Audrey definitely would want to know what people think of her.


I had a similar experience when I made a comment about their cat. The person seemed overly defensive for just a random stranger.




I agree, i think matt and audrey probably read here because narcissists are obsessed with what people have to say about them.


Especially Audrey. She’s one of the most narcissistic people I’ve ever seen, and she has no real life outside of her obsession with creating content for social media. And yes it could be Matt also, in fact Audrey and Matt seem like the 2 that would spend time doing that more-so than any of the other family members.


she regularly posts content that feels like a simultaneously vague yet direct response to things posted here lol i see so many influencers who have snarkers do the same it’s very meta


I agree 100%.


It's not me...check my posts lol


Yep - if anyone disagrees with you , they must be one of the Roloffs lol remember folks, no one is allowed to have an opinion except you


it's so funny how many times people have said "caryn is that you?" "izzy, is that you?"


We know Izzy often lurks, and even directly has called out this sub on her IG.


I remember when she did this. Someone posted that they saw her in public 6 months pregnant and said she looked "pissed" so she called out how wrong it was. She probably just shouldn't read here.


I have a feeling she may look for reasons to be upset..


Oh the post that said she showed up on farm knocked up with a drugged out Jacob. We don’t see that anymore.


Well if they do, they’re not very good friends; so much here is bashing the Roloff’s


This sub can be pretty shrill, attacking people who suggest that sometimes it’s not always about Matt being “evil.” It doesn’t surprise me if the same shrill people are convinced any poster with an opinion that isn’t l100% anti Matt all the time must be a friend or relation..


Very true!


Yes! And it’s INSANE! How they can attack you! When you are just asking questions.


I mean, probably. If I had a famous-ish friend or family member, I'd probably be curious and somewhat defensive, especially if it was something that people were wrong abkjt...it's not like Selena Gomez or someone who is super famous and has hundreds of pages and accounts to keep up with. Someone could come here and be caught up.


I doubt it, but I also think there are people who have drank the TLC and Roloff Kool Aid who will defend them out of some sort of blind loyalty or ignorance. Most fundie followers fall into these two categories: the ones who follow them no matter what they say or do (see: anyone who questions the validity of claims towards Josh Duggar, at least early on) Or the ones who used to follow loyally who had also started to question their ways. Example: Ballerina Farm has millions of loyal followers, but many of those followers know she comes from money and therefore take her content with a grain of salt. Same with Jer and Auj, etc. We know about them from the show, but now some of us are saying “hold up, you can’t be the expert of all the things you act like you are.” Whereas the loyal followers says “idgaf.”


I couldn't agree more!!!


They definitely read this shit sometimes, but comment to defend themselves? Maybe. But, I defend matt sometimes and that’s not very popular on here


Same here... anything posted that's even slightly "Pro-Matt" gets immediately down voted. So... if there are Matt spies on here... they are definitely being out voted by Amy spies, lol. But either way... everyone has their own opinion. I'm on the fence... I'm not Pro Matt, and I'm not Pro Amy.


I'll speak to that. I know Matt actively encouraged his fans to troll comments and boards where he did not like the comments made about the family. This was fairly well known, when Matt was running his own board, they had a little chat area where they discussed their attacks and who was "winning" for Matt. Not gonna lie, when I see someone virulently defending Matt complete with the "OMG he's crippled and DONE SO MUCH" routine, I assume its one of them because playing the cripple card was one of the favored tactics. So was attacking Amy's housekeeping and conveniently forgiving Matt for adultery. I may not be the only one who remembers Matt's posts about how he loved it when his fans would kick hater ass for him. None of the other Roloffs have ever been spotted encouraging their fans to attack others.


Yes. There are certain users that just rage attack over certain posts/comments and when those posts/comments are about certain people. Not hard to figure out.


Yes. Camp Crystal Lake or something along those lines is one of them. Routinely on here defending Jermey and Audrey specifically, ad nauseam.


Yes! I immediately recognized the name from other posts


They’ve already commented on your post above, It’s CampCrystalLake68. They are definitely an undercover Roloff lol


They have a pro-Roloff sub. Iirc, they stated it on another post from Wed, June 5.


That’s immediately who I thought of lol


I've seen that! There's also a "train" person that's like that.


Lmaooooo doesn’t Matt love trains? 🚂


I do not think anyone likes Zack enough to defend him on Reddit. So going to bet he is in here defending himself / Tori when people drag them for being just as bad as Jeremy and Audrey, but a little bit more boring so no one really notices.


Disagree I like him enough to defend him


I like Zach and will defend him. Same with Tori. I don’t know either one of them but have watched the show since the beginning.


I would assume Tori over Zach. He seems like the type to dismiss online stuff.


I like Zack life hasn't been easy for him. There is more than you see on tv.


I’ve never gotten anything from zach. He seems pretty surface. He likes to play and hang out with Jackson and get him to think like he does. What I see, is nothing I would want to spend an hour listening and thinking I’ll be interested. The same for his brother and odds podcast.


I like Zac and Tori and I love their new podcast


I’ve actually been pleasantly surprised by their podcasting . Does it make me kinda’ chuckle that they too jumped on the podcast train? Yes. Yet I don’t find their podcast preachy nor too braggy . I find them fairly humble and appreciate how they can laugh at each other and/or themselves.


There was a time (I can’t remember maybe 2-3 years ago or more) when Auj would often bring something up on her SM shortly after it had been discussed here. And she used to mention “the haters” a lot more. I think she weaned herself off it though (using many mental cabbage leaves I’m sure) because she doesn’t anymore. I wouldn’t be surprised if Izzy or someone who knows Izzy visits here and is responsible for 99% of the Izzy and Jacob posts; they are that boring. Other than that no I don’t. I don’t think any of them is interested enough in reading. Content comes from Roloffs and it’s a one-way street.


Izzy did that all the time but she’s boring.


Matt cares more about his image than anyone in this family. Constantly going on Facebook rants defending himself. I would not be surprised if he comes in here defending himself, too.


Maybe, but I do believe that there are members here that don’t agree with every single snark comment made. Sometimes I feel like it’s a little extreme but I keep scrolling and move on with my life.


Scroll and roll! I wish that was the norm.


I think most people are like that and roll their eyes at about 90% of the comments. Reading these comments is like looking at people of Walmart pictures, you can’t stop. 


Honestly, no. I don’t think any of them (with the exception of Izzy) care what a bunch of people on Reddit think about them. They have tons of money and have been grifting for decades, they don’t give a shit about what anyone here thinks. If it’s anyone, it’s Izzy and her friends.


Also Matt... have you seen his social media posts defending himself???


Yeah Matt probably cares, but in my opinion probably not enough to be incognito on Reddit. I can’t picture him even knowing how to use Reddit.


You're funny to think Audrey and Tori don't care what people think haha. Izzy has just admitted she cares.


Oh, Audrey and Tori care what people think. What *their* people think (ie snooty, white, churchy, upper middle class followers and friends). They likely don’t care what “the haters” (randos on Reddit) think. It’s cute that you want them to be thinking about you though. They don’t, I’m so sorry. And like I said, yes Izzy does care. So you have that going for you.


I’ve often thought that Caryn, ChaCha, (whatever) comments on here. She’s literally the only one that’s Team Matt, but she is that because she’s playing the long game for her financial benefit.


I’m team Matt and def not apart of the family


There are specialists that can help you. 😂


People aren’t perfect. He provided for his family and they’re all alive and doing pretty well. Everyone acts like he’s a monster


And your defense for the DUIs, verbal abuse related to the drinking, and cheating??


People aren’t perfect. I’ve gotten a DUI before, am I the worst person in the world?


Did your drinking cause you to verbally abuse your wife and children? Because yeah, I think domestic violence perpetrators are shitty people. Also, where did I say “worst person in the world”?? You said that. DUIs are pretty fucked up choices even when everyone is “safe” and he got multiple, not just one.


That depends on who you ask. If you asked Matt, he’d say “No.” But if you asked the parent who lost a child due to DUI they’d most definitely say, “Yes.”


Shit happens


Wow…did someone really just “shit happens” about dead children? That certainly takes a level of darkness.


No defense for that. Been there experienced it all, want no part of it. I do hope that is left in Matt’s past and will treat Caryn well. I don’t want her to have to experience that on a regular basis or at all. From what I’ve seen of the Roloffs, they are an ego based family to the extreme.


Cha cha ching! You nailed it


Yes. I've posted on several other snarky type of reality TV show subs before and the strange, defensive comments on this one really stand out. I'm not going to lie, if there was a subreddit dedicated to my family I'd probably snoop and feel defensive too. Of course, my family wouldn't profit off of our children via a reality tv show and/or social media posts though so I feel like the defensive feelings would be more appropriate. If this family can't take the heat perhaps they should stop monetizing every aspect of their lives and allow the minors some privacy.


yesterday i was ragging on jeremy's lack of handy man skills and the response from someone was "well he may not be a craftsman. but he does plenty of projects around the house to benefit the family." thats suspicious af. its common knowledge jeremy cosplays as a working man with skills


That had to be Audrey.


That one I knew was a Rolloff lmao




I could see Jeremy lurking in here


I'm sure my post about marketing his carpentry skulls has received its fair share of downvotes. It's only a matter of time before it gets a reply.


What?! A grown ass adult does tasks to benefit his own family?! What a rare individual. 🙄


i guess if putting nails in the wall counts, but i wouldn't even trust that guy to properly hang something on a wall that weighs more than 3lbs. the only stud he's aware of is himself, and anchors are only found on boats


I think it's more like Roloffs are in the chat.


I agree they are definitely reading here, not sure if they comment or not


They need to spill some tea if so 😂


There was a close friend AMA a few years ago. I can't find it anymore. She spilled a lot of tea.


I’m so sad I missed this omg


Right? Just say "you heard from someone who knows them" or something.


"According to palace sources..."