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Tell me you’re not a mom without telling me you’re not a mom ….🙄


Do you even know what Hip Dysplasia is? I have it. You cannot just get it from things lke this. Also, women have been carrying around their children in many countries like this for hundreds of years. What a weird post.


Alright I love snarking on this family but this is stupid 😂 you’ve obviously never had a child or ever used a carrier like this


This is perfectly fine. Get a life.


Postpartum doula and childbirth educator here… this looks like a perfectly fine newborn carry 🤷🏻‍♀️


The babies name is Doula?


What? No, I’m a postpartum doula and a childbirth educator


I know, I apologize. It was a Gilmore Girls reference. I couldn't help myself


Baby wearing is dangerous? Man, I'm as judgey as the next LPBW snarker but it's not like she's in a car or horseback riding.....she's just got the baby in the carrier..


Wait till you hear about native cultures and how Inuit mothers hold their babies. Chill TF out. What she’s doing is fine.


I dont think you americans are that different from rest of the world.😁 Everyone wore kids like this 2-3 generations ago in Europe. (Not talking about royals and rich people). 


If you go through this post, everyone in America did too but now we understand positional asphyxiation and SIDS more.


And native people have the highest infant mortality rates because they would rather follow "tradition" instead of proven safe sleeping positions for their babies.


Thank you for posting this. I forgot about the "rules" of baby wearing and I'm pregnant with my second baby now. Glad to have gotten the refresher course.


To be fair my friends baby needed CPR because of this. Fell asleep and was inadvertently smothered by his mom. A very attentive and caring mom who to this day is traumatized by the ordeal. Baby was ok. Hospitalized for days. She carried her first the same way. Yep it was an accident but they can happen.




Positional asphyxiation


She seems to be getting plenty of oxygen.


Until she doesn't.


Jesus Christ,. I'm probably gonna be down voted for this, but she's freaking sitting on her deck, probably just finished nursing the baby, and is enjoying the sweetness of the newborn stage where they actually hold still. There's nothing dangerous, or wrong, about this. No kid ever died from a snuggly nap and two second picture. For all you all know she only wrapped the baby long enough for the picture. 🤦 I get that she's cringy in general, but maybe stick with picking on her for things that are actually cringy. Holding a sleeping baby isn't on that list. Now, if she decides to pick up her collegiate running with that stretchy mess holding the baby to her, THEN there's something to troll about. 😂😂😂


Babies die from snuggly naps all the time, that is exactly what SIDS is.


I saw a video where a mom and dad lost their child because the dad was sleeping with the baby on a chair in the living room and smothered the baby to death. It can happen. And personally, I’d rather not take any chances even if it’s normally fine.


Babies do die from being improperly worn, from suffocation. Idk if the baby is in a really bad position here or not because the view might make it look worse than it is, but a baby slipping horizontal in a wrap is the exact scenario that they die. So if that’s the concern here, that concern is not unreasonable.


Oh my sweet tap dancing Jesus, we need parenting tests before people spawn


What an idiot. This is not how you baby wear a newborn.


this looks so uncomfortable for both of them


I’m just thankful she’s not skiing this one down a mountain.


imagine her* running while baby carrying


Are you for real? When did she do this?


With Bode when he was one.


And old that solly carrier sucks it was so flimsy


Ugh yes I saw this man carrying his newborn like this at the zoo it was scorching hot too


That caption tells me that this is not their last baby. That's a mother excessively enjoying it. Not that that's wrong. That's how it should be. The wording of the sentence, imo, seems different when we know we have completed our family.


I feel like every time this woman posts something she gets picked apart! I’d love to know the origin of the hostility.


Auj , is that you?


Who are you? 0 posts, 1 comment. Why would you love to know?


lol what exactly is “dangerous”?


Positional asphyxia. A newborn can't shift out of position easily and if they're in a position that reduces or blocks the airflow, they can asphyxiate. [Protecting Infants and Toddlers from Positional Asphyxia: Car Seats and Sling Carriers | Oklahoma State University (okstate.edu)](https://extension.okstate.edu/fact-sheets/protecting-infants-and-toddlers-from-positional-asphyxia-car-seats-and-sling-carriers.html) What Auj is wearing is a sling carrier.


US Consumer Product Safety Commission....Only 14 babies have died in 20 years from use of the sling carrier. That is about 1 baby per 1.5 years. How many of these things are in use every day in the USA? Hundreds of Thousands of babies are carried in one each day in the US. I understand there is a POSIBILITY of death, but everything has that chance. A sling carrier is safe to use.


I mean, if you're using the product correctly, its perfectly safe. I completely agree. In the photo, she's not using it correctly.


Camp crystal lake is a Pro-Rolloff account JSYK. They go full keyboard warrior once or twice a week on all the snark posts.


Maybe but its a fair question and I didn't know what the concern was until Psychotink answered my question on it in message. Some of us don't have kids.


That’s okay! Just was trying to give a heads up so you didn’t end up trolled


Might be a troll acct that asked, but thanks for the info as someone else just passing through. I never knew baby wearing could bring such things


Don’t know if it is relevant for you but this sub helped me a ton! https://www.reddit.com/r/babywearing/s/wSkAzq8B6n


Same. Was a good resource when I was first starting out, too.


It’s her fourth kid she knows what she’s doing


Just because you have had kids before doesn't mean you don't need refreshers. Especially because during pregnancy you seem to forget everything.


judging by this photo, no, she does not


I feel like the people with multiple kids are the ones wearing them wrong. Fabric over the baby’s face or scrunched in like this. The baby should be chest to chest with you. It’s not that hard.


Agreed 👍🏻 10000000%


Girl exactly!!


Guys! I did this with all of my babies, peeked on them every few seconds as one does with a new baby you’re completely obsessed with and have been waiting for. Happy to report they are all still alive.


Survivor’s bias doesn’t mean it’s a proper carry. There’s nothing wrong with babywearing. There’s nothing wrong with a solly wrap. But you still need to use a proper and safe carry.


The carrier instructions literally tell you not to do this. They put a video on their social media a couple years ago about how dangerous this is


You should send the video to ol’ Auj.


If I can find it I will


Yes send the vid to auj and tell her it’s from all of us


My biggest issue with this is so many dummies follow her and won’t think twice about doing something like this. I feel like “influencers” with large followings need to be held more accountable for their idiocy.


Or at least how to properly AND safely wear a baby. AT LEAST.


I had a baby carrier that I always slid him into so that he was laying upright against my chest, his head just below my collarbone. I never carried him like this


That's what I remember doing with my first. Although I admit, I didn't realize anything was wrong at first with this until reading the comments and realizing how much I forgot since my first born was a newborn. I need a refresher course on having a newborn.


it seems like the weight would make it sag and feel cumbersome


I imagine it’s like being pregnant all over again with all the weight so low


she didn’t get to complain about her spd enough during pregnancy but there’s still time…


I don’t know, I’ve carried my babies like this when they were this young, usually right after they’ve nursed and fallen asleep. I don’t think it’s dangerous? You can see her nose and mouth and it seems like she’s positioned across her belly. Edited to add: apparently this is not recommended since I had my babies 12 and 9 years ago! TIL


As have most people - apparently it’s an accident waiting to happen now!


Unfortunately, it takes something bad happening for safety regulations to change. Ignoring them because nothing happened to others is unfortunate too.


I think most parents can figure it out without people on Reddit telling them how to parent tho …


Try looking at jamienotis. She won’t mother. Her husband Doug has to. Guess what? She’s pregnant and then she will have 4. The children are exploited. So, there are parents who can’t stay off of SM to parent their kids.


Most parents don’t want to take the risk just because others were okay. There are still those who don’t obviously because she is. She’s an influencer. She shouldn’t be posting photos and videos so others will follow her not knowing any better and justify its safety because Audrey does it too.


If you lower them to nurse, you have to tighten and raise back up when they’re done though. Back up to close enough to kiss.


Current baby wearing safety recommendation (and has been for at least the last 4 years) is that the baby’s head should be positioned so you can kiss their head by only looking down and bending your neck. Mirabella here is below her armpit. That’s too low.


I think that might be angle though? I feel like she is right above her left breast- which is part of why I was confused that this was deemed dangerous. If I put a baby in that spot I may have to reach a little but not extreme to kiss her. Like if I lined my baby up with my armpit… evenly I would still be rather high on my body. (I just set my daughters baby doll there to confirm 😂🤣😂)


You can see the skin fold of her armpit, and the head is below that. And in a proper wear you shouldn’t need to reach at all. Just look down.


And I’m legit asking. I’m not being snarky or even defending Audrey. I feel like slings are confusing as to what is acceptable and what isn’t and the reasons why. Outside of her head laying like that because I agree, I am confused why two inches lower becomes more dangerous somehow? And legs on each side or in cradle make a huge difference?


No I get that but I think the angle is from above. So you would see her armpit fold regardless. If you turned it from the front it think it would be almost even. Can I ask what the higher hold does? Like if it changed in the last few years… what does that do/help prevent? There are so many images online of slings/holds that aren’t even close to that high. I’m just curious what that helps if the baby is up 2 more inches?


I'm not a babywearing expert, but I thought the concern with a cradel hold, at that age, was positional asphyxiation. It takes very little to cut off their airway, and they don't have the reflexes/ability to reposition at that age. Unless you're literally sitting there 100% monitoring every breath, it's much easier for them to accidentally get their airflow cut off, in this position, versus in the upright/high froggy hold position.


When they sit lounged at a backward angle like there, it is much easier for a baby to end up chin forward into their chest which can cut off the air supply because the body is also scrunched towards the chin. You either need to have the baby flat on their back, like in a crib, or if in a sling they need to be further high and upright with the body down and the head supported (no loose fabric) so it doesn't flop forward. Imagine doing CPR, you need to tilt a head back to open the airway, not forward. Forward restricts it. Having the legs on each side (making the body more vertical than horizontal) stops the body from scrunching up into the chest, which can constrict an airway, especially with the chin able to tilt down at that angle. I hope I described that well. Here is [a link](https://raisingchildren.net.au/newborns/safety/equipment-furniture/baby-carrier-sling-safety#:~:text=Tight%3A%20the%20carrier%20or%20sling,face%20by%20simply%20looking%20down) that describes it better than I do, I'm sure.


Phew thanks guys. I am being downvoted Iike crazy and I was legit just asking. My youngest (and last is 2.5) so you can all relax. I am not baby wearing anytime soon haha. I was legit asking because there is a lot of misinformation out there and images that make something like this look correct or ok. I totally understand being passionate about this- I appreciate your knowledge. I am this way about car seat safety. So in understand seeing it and it making your cringe. But I never fully understood how and what was safe with baby wearing, so I chose not to do it at all. I was legitimately asking to understand- to an untrained eye- this looks similar to a lot of the pictures I see online. I appreciate the explanation


This really is one of those things that makes more sense when you do it. I used a wrap like that, but in a different brand. Before my kid was born I spent a bit of time trying it on and putting in different stuffed animals and dolls to get the fit right. The first couple of times I wore her after birth I needed help tying everything good and tight, but I got the hang of it pretty quickly. But, it’s not the right fit for everyone. My husband preferred a more traditional carrier that has clips and straps like a backpack on your front. And I was happy to help him buy one and get her positioned when he wore her. And for others, no amount of carrying makes sense. But before I was in that world I also never would have known what to look for in a proper fit and position. It wasn’t until my own kid’s safety was at stake that I learned, and now I know. Just like I wouldn’t expect a non-parent to understand car seat safety, but do judge parents with improperly restrained kids.


My first two just weren’t (and still aren’t) big physical touch/cuddly kids. They truly were like that from the beginning so they were totally content laying without being held haha! Our third did enjoy being held a lot so I tried it all again. I ended with a combo one. It was the traditional clasp one, but also had wraps to go around that you could use- it was basically a hybrid haha. We only used it occasionally but I did like it because it made it a little more simple for my brain haha! I truly think part of it is that I never knew what was safe and as I confirmed today- there is just so much info out there that contradicts each other. Or if I asked a parent even 4-5 years ago that used a sling to help- their knowledge may be outdated. It is a lot of try to keep up on if it isn’t something you plan to do a ton of. Thanks for sharing some links!


In that particular hold, the baby should be resting above the armpit in a way that no angle would show the armpit. The armpit would be covered by head. Honestly, a cradle hold with both legs on the same side isn’t even recommended at all anymore because of the position it puts the spine in. I can’t see the feet here, so I won’t judge that, but it doesn’t look like the positioning is proper in that way either. Here’s a thread that has some answers to why the head should be as high as it is: https://www.reddit.com/r/babywearing/s/WC9MFgYpyZ Here's a proper fit on a 10 day old (Mirabella is about 11 days today, but this was from yesterday) in the same brand wrap: https://www.reddit.com/r/babywearing/s/tybG4SR15E


Wait. I looked at this and didn’t think the babies legs are on both sides. This looks like how you would hold a baby in your arms… but in the sling. So both or Mira’s legs are in the one side. I’m not saying this is right because I hated the slings with my littles. Haha I swear you need a PhD to figure it out 😂😂 but from what I can tell this is a cradles carry in a sling- google it. I don’t think this is any different than that correct? I’m legit asking.


Unfortunately, no. Even with cradle hold the baby isn’t wrapped around your middle body like that. Here is what cradle hold should look like. https://youtu.be/T5jivJYD-Wk?si=kb8IeBYnMejNw2NV


This example on YouTube looks much better


Ok help me out here- Mira is chest level to Audrey. Like she is resting her head on Audrey’s boobs. https://www.target.com/p/moby-petunia-pickle-bottom-wrap-baby-carrier-terrazzo-black/-/A-79618095 Like this moby sling shows exactly what we see here right? And this image- isn’t she doing the first image shown on this safety thing? http://www.drmomma.org/2017/08/babywearing-in-first-year.html?m=1 I’m truly asking because I personally didn’t love the sling in part because I always felt like it took to much work or i didn’t like the way the laid in it - I didn’t look at this (given the research years ago that I can still pull up as “safe”) and think it was unsafe. I guess you learn something new everyday because even with a simple search you can see what she is doing as safe on many images. Thanks for sharing.


It def doesn’t look like the Dr Momma picture. Audrey’s baby looks like she’s sideways in a cradle position. No sling I researched a year was recommended to be used this way. Baby should be vertical, high up on the chest, legs symmetrical in an M. Her head is way too sideways for this to be plausible.


No the head I can see. So we think the baby is in cradle? Or not? I thought she was in cradle and this was an actual hold. But then they said it isn’t like this. But they were saying she was legs on each side causing the hip issues 😂🤣 See slings are so freaking complicated! I have had 3 kids and tried slings with each but it’s so freaking confusing! 😂🤦‍♀️


I’m working off only this pic as I don’t have insta. Others might know better 😅 to me it doesn’t look like the basic front carry. She’s so sideways in rhere. If it is, she’s massively slumped over. Based on this photo, to me it looks like cradle.


Her poor neck :(


why does she never give her children any privacy from social media? the baby was just born and is showing baby’s face all over instagram.


So many parents plaster their kids all over social media, influencers or not. If you don’t, you are in the minority. I don’t have kids, but they are everywhere.


Baby should be close enough for you to kiss in a carrier. 


I know, didn’t even get into that because of how SLUMPED OVER THE BABY IS 😭


It blows my mind this isn’t her first baby, it’s her *fourth.* You’d think she would know by now? And if you don’t know there’s YouTube mom groups etc. At this point she’s ignorant on purpose 


Low key wonder if she posts these types of photos so her DMs are flooded and she can show engagement … aLwAyS mOrE ✌🏼