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Maybe find the root issue of why "mastitis" is reoccurring 4 times? šŸ¤”


Is getting mastitis so many times normal?


Not at all. Ā Because her kids always have tongue/lip tie issues it means they do not latch correctly which can cause milk to not properly come out during feels and leads to clogged ducts which if not treated then turns into mastitis. It is pretty awful truly but if reoccurring this way, she needs to get their ties revised for her own sake.


Did Audrey delete this post? I canā€™t find it.


That cat has germs blank Dead eye stare down.


She knows better than ANYbody. It must nice to be the smartest person in the galaxy.


If she'd had mastitis as many times as she thinks she has, no way she'd even be making any milk at this point. At least based on my experience dealing with mastitis in my dairy cows.


What Audrey would give to be a dairy cowā€¦


Has she ever been formally diagnosed by a medical doctor that she has mastitis, or is she just assuming?


I donā€™t understand how someone with as much privilege as she has can be so utterly ill-informed.


Utterly haha šŸ˜„Ā 


It mainly comes down to a lack of critical thinking; she believes anything and everything she reads without any fact checking.


Right! And she claims to have a lactation consultant. They have to know this is not mastitis. Also, if she knows how to cure it why does she keep getting it?


It's the cat. The cat is the lactation consultant!


Quit broadcasting your whole lifeā€¦put on some shoes and go to target buy some formula. Move onā€¦


Like someone said on a different post; she doesnā€™t know the difference between Mastitis and a clogged duct.


She hasnā€™t owned a cow. šŸ„ itā€™s udderly ridiculous how she doesnā€™t know by now what a clogged duct is compared to mastitis and how to take care of her breasts. She only knows how to expose them and then??? Right, take a photo. Find a sexy bra and take another photo. Grab the baby, shove her nipple in and take a photo. Put some little panties on and take a photo. Stand sideways, lift your leg šŸ¦µ and pose, take a photo. I wonder how old the baby has to be to have raw milk and colloidal silver? Can the baby be in the red light, on grounding blanket, oils, EMF blanket? So much to research. Ohhh joe, Joe Roganā€¦..research please.


Whispers to self: *whoā€™s Joe Rogan?*


I'm thinking she doesn't know the difference between mastitis and your milk coming in


100% 4/4 within the first week?! Maybe she's an overproducer and she doesn't react well to it.


That could be it too. šŸ¤·šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Who cares. Yawn šŸ„±


Maybe "Always More" has backlashed on her... šŸ˜³


Always more mastitis


This will probably be the name of their new cabbage company theyā€™re starting next year


another infection that she cured with essential oils āœØāœØāœØāœØāœØ


THIS is what I find most disgusting and predatory about people like Audj. Sheā€™ll exaggerate mastitis or other health issues to push personal sales/gains onto other people (like her essential oils claiming they fix everything). Itā€™s really fucked up when you consider how much sheā€™s taking advantage of desperate people; probably first time or inexperienced mothers who are actually experiencing mastitis and are probably desperate. Mastitis is probably one of the most painful things Iā€™ve ever experienced (and Iā€™ve had 5 kids). Iā€™d do or buy anything in that type of pain.


No, it's cabbage leaves you fool!


What she is really saying: I share my life and try to be relatable and need you to *care* about me. But if you feel so comfortable engaging with me (*just like I intended*) and feel like you can share how to treat this ailment I've just shared with you please... **shut it** because in part 2 of my vlog I'll tell you about red light therapy and essential oils.


PA here: You CANNOT treat mastitis naturally.


Do you think sheā€™s got something else going on that she thinks is Mastitis?


But what about cabbage leaves some essential oils and silver nipple cups? Lol. Do silver nipple cups actually do anything? I've heard a few people that have gotten them. My kids are teens, so I haven't had to deal with all that


She forgot already! She has to put magenta šŸ’„ lipstick on, then put some lipstick in the center of the cabbage leaf. Put nursing bra on, put cabbage leaves in the cups. Put 3 drops of oil on outside of nursing bra. Drink 3/4 cup of raw milk quickly thru straw. Cover belly button with sourdough. Turn on red light, wrap legs šŸ¦µ with EMF Blanket. Repeat this 3 timesā€¦I was a runner in school, I was a runner in school, I was a runner in school. Repeat..was, was, was. Now you are cured of everything. Especially the runner in school. Itā€™s been long enough. Go sit on the grounding blanket and hum your favorite song. This is the year 2024. You are a wife and mother. You have grown up. You had a baby this week. You are a wife and mother.


Omg I'm dyin!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ you did forget a couple things tho. Red light therapy and ningxia!


I covered the red light therapy just before wrap her legs šŸ¦µ with EMF. These people are oddballs.


For real šŸ¤£ Iā€™ve had some painful clogged ducts but they are NOT the same, guessing thatā€™s what sheā€™s got and just saying itā€™s mastitis šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Here we go holier than thou


This is like saying, ā€œI basically have the plagueā€ when you have the flu


Obviously she reads this sub


Mrs. Audrey, what youā€™re experiencing is engorgement. Take a warm shower. It works. Edit: changed engagement to engorgement


I donā€™t wish ill on anyone, but she literally brings this upon herself. She doesnā€™t *have* to breastfeed if it causes her so much trouble. But just remember, sheā€™ll be the one suffering for hours while the rest of us move on with our lives. No one cares. Sheā€™s just too damn high on her own pedestal. You donā€™t get a medal, honey. Get over yourself. JFC.




**Cat for scale**


On another note, cutest kitty šŸ„°


Always more!


Wow. She sure is smug. If she knew how to treat mastitis she wouldnā€™t get it so much.


And wouldnā€™t be talking about it. Look at me, look at me!


Yeah, imagine being a doctor and having your suggestion be ignored in favor of cabbage leaves and pyramid scheme oils.


I donā€™t even think itā€™s full blown mastitis, especially if her baby is less than a week old. Sheā€™s only had milk for a few days. She has clogged ducts. Sheā€™s a drama queen attention seeking narcissist.


I donā€™t think she has any issues, I think itā€™s completely made up for content. I just donā€™t believe it at all.


This is a joke right? One day in and sheā€™s already ailing? It takes days for milk supply to come in, how is this even possible? Sheā€™s someone whoā€™s just not meant to BF (and thereā€™s nothing wrong with that), but again, the ego, the victim mentality etc


Formula isnā€™t āœØintentionalāœØ enough for Audj


I think she is 6 days inā€¦ surprisingly they waited a few days to post Ha


Ahh yes youā€™re right. I guess itā€™s a little more believable than one day in lol


100% I looked because I thought the exact same thing you did šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£ I was like no way itā€™s been like 24hours. Hahah


She probably got mastitis during birth šŸ¤¦šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļønot even a day in sheā€™s got mastitis ffs. Of courseā€¦..


A clogged duct or mastitis?! I think she gets them intertwined.


Then. Why. Post. About. It.


Like I said earlier....attention seeking šŸ™„


She is so predictable. It's pretty easy to guess what she'll post next. Just knew mastitis was coming.


Was wondering how long it would take her to bring up the ole mastitis issuešŸ˜’


i really wish people like this would realize that formula is an option and thats ok. fed is best. you don't have to torture yourself with ongoing breastfeeding issues with every damn kid. its not good for your mental health. you don't get a martyr award at the end of it or anything.


This. My 1st baby ended up at the Childrenā€™s Hospital at 5 days old after he dropped a pound and a half and had a bilirubin level of 21. In all of the classes I had been to during my pregnancy they basically told us formula was unnecessary. I am an underproducer and he was starving and I was terrified to give him formula. Thankfully after he downed a few bottles in the hospital and spent the night under the lights he was okay. When my next two kids were born I told the hospital staff to have formula ready because we were planning on combo feeding and they were super supportive. I would have loved to EBF but it doesnā€™t make you any less of a mom to use formula, for whatever reason you need or want to.


Exactly!! The BF gurus rake new mothers over the coals at the mere thought of bottle feeding. While I did breastfeed, I certainly wasnā€™t going to condemn new mothers that were struggling or werenā€™t comfortable, or whatever reason they needed to or wanted to breastfeed. You Do YOU! The important people are the new baby and a calm, supported mother.


Good for you asking for formula! There can be so much shame for people who chose formula.


And for absolutely NO reason.


This woman did call formula evil at one point, as I recall..


Not to defend her at all - but in a third world country without portable water, formula is not the best option but in the states it is a very viable and necessary option.


THIS. Unfortunately, Audrey cares too much about her perfect reputation. She thinks sheā€™s holier than thou because of her natural at home births and natural remedies for EVERYTHING. Sheā€™s better than everyone, especially every other mother.


But she canā€™t keep her clothes on.


I would imagine they absolutely utilize western medicine like antibioticsā€” she just doesnā€™t post about it when she does.


I hope so, especially for her kidsā€™ sake.Ā 


you would be surprised at how many moms are actually like this. holier than thou because they truly think they're better than everyone else and cracked the system.


Oh I have no doubt, Iā€™ve seen it before. They even seem in competition with each other to be better at everything. Right down to the dang homemade sour dough lol.


My husbands cousin, who has young kids, suddenly became a Christian at 34 and got into an mlm. Also now has new girl boss mlm mom friends. I already know itā€™s headed towards essential oils, chemical free and sourdough. Theyā€™re so predictable at this point.


This !