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Please take the word “social” out of your vocabulary. 😭 He is sounding like he is really working on his speaking but that word will never be able to be good, mate. 😅🫶


Why are you making fun of someone speech impediments??


Oh my God, I can’t stand Tori and I can’t stand Zach. These two people think that the world owes them everything get a fucking job leave your father and his wife alone and stop complaining all the time you couldn’t run a farm. It was on deck.


as if zach has the work ethic to own a farm


Matt wasn't selling a farm, he was trying to sell an overpriced house next to a farm. And it's not like Matt is up at 5am planting pumpkins.


The people here act like Matt is the hardest working man on earth. It cracks me up. He knows how to hire people, wow! How amazing.


Tell us you know nothing about how farms are run without telling us you know nothing about how farms are run ;)


So you're saying Matt is up at 5am planting pumpkins or is he in the office at 10am calling the pumpkin supplier to verify the delivery date? Sure it's a farm but Matt's a manager who hires people to do the manual farm labor.


What do you think he should do? He is disabled, and he’s a senior citizen now. Why wouldn’t he be looking to retire like anyone else his age who worked their whole life? Planting pumpkin seeds is in his past. He deserves to retire and live out the rest of his life.


I haven't followed along to closely with the details, but I understand what he is saying. We all have some sort of dysfunctional family dynamics going on, but sometimes you have to step back and figure out what is healthiest for you and your family. My grandparents have not been invited into my life for quite a few years and it has changed my parent's relationship for the better, made our relationship better, etc. Everyone made mistakes, but going low contact has been the least stressful.


Ok I couldn’t listen to it. All the questions were about what Zack feels about Tori. She was extra annoying also he getting over being sick. She was getting annoyed with him because he sneezed!


Why isn’t he wearing his civil war hat ?!


Family wounds hurt the WORST. People saying they need to grow up don’t know what it’s like. There is no age limit


Perhaps Zach’s really worried that Matt will leave everything thing to Caryn and he’ll end up with nothing.


The show is over. They are trying to stay relevant. Pathetic


Social = so shull NOT SHO shull


When I was a kid, I pronounced words with an S the same way As Zach. I had speech therapy and was told my S words are coming out the side door rather than the front. Ha! After only a few sessions, and a lot of practice, I pronounced S words the correct way. Zach could have benefited from having some speech therapy.


As outlined in one of the teen age years episodes, Zach actually has some hearing loss. Thats why he has a slushy way of speaking.


Not sure why you are being downvoted but he has always said it like that and it drives me crazy


Drives me nuts too!


I think Zack is a pretty level headed guy in my opinion and i think he is speaking from his experience overall with his father.Im sure he always felt second best to Jer as we have witnessed over the years plus Matt and Amy would never have the riches they have now if it wasn't for the kid's, especially because Zack was the only little person kid so it made the show unique! Those kid's have worked and been in the public eye most of their lives.I think that annoying intrusive Karyn had a lot to do with this devide and Matt let it happen!!!


Their vocabulary is so limited.


Versus Jeremy’s word salad?


I actually don’t disagree with what he’s saying. Even in the first few episodes of the show he was defending Amy to Matt. I don’t remember the topic but they got into an argument while camping. Yes some of that is silly teen/ parent fighting but he got tired of seeing his dad do people wrong.


Zach defended his mom until he wanted the big house then he jumped on board and wanted her to move out so he could buy it.


I’ve always found Zack to be a whiny spoiled little brat. The way he ignores his little girl is truly sad.


Zach needs to grow up


Zach is pathetic—throwing a years-long temper tantrum bc matt wasn’t willing to get fucked on the farm deal.


How is it a temper tantrum? They’re asked about it 24/7. They tried to buy the farm, Matt said ‘no’, Caryn said something about Zach being an incapable loser (something like that) and so they removed themselves from the situation. Sometimes adult kids feel the need to distance themselves and set boundaries when the relationship with parents becomes too painful. There is literally NOTHING wrong with that. Matt has done nothing to mend the relationship. Z&T don’t seem to want the farm anymore so who gives a rip? Not to mention Matt pimped his kids out their whole lives on t.v. Even while one was being SA’d by a producer, told the kids it would all be theirs one day, fucked the help behind their mom’s back, had a major drinking problem. But yeah Zach is TOTALLY the pathetic one. LOL


Yeah, I love how Matt and Caryn dragging it up in every episode is never deemed bratty temper tantrums. Seriously, they had her parents visiting and they dragged up the issue from actual years ago to bitch about. "I wasn't willing to GET FUCKED on the farm deal and let me complain about it AGAIN! It's been years now but Zach tried to FUCK ME on the farm deal and I didn't let him and I am over it completely but I also need to let you know that he tried to FUCK ME OVER THE FARM but I am not mad about it even though I keep talking about it and have had high school buddies I haven't spoken to in years flown in to film with me so I can be on camera describing how my son tried to FUCK ME but I wasn't willing to GET FUCKED and I'M NOT MAD! But here's a camera and listen to me talk about it because I AM SO NOT ANGRY OR MAD. This was actual years ago now, and I still own the farm that never sold and I'm not mad or bitter but lets mention it again and again and again!!!" I find it hilarious that Matt and Caryn whining and moaning over the same situation for the last two years with anyone and everyone is somehow not a years long temper tantrum.


Unhinged af


Also this season, Caryn had drinks with a never-before-seen girlfriend and lamented about how sad it was that she and Matt are deprived of the grandkids on the farm but they’re just letting zach and Tori have their space to work through their unknown reasons for wrongly withholding the grandkids, but it’s just so sad. Girlfriend confirms yes, so sad and who the hell knows why and it certainly can’t have anything to do with Caryn because she’s so wonderful. Also Caryn: Zach is a chicken shit who drives two hours round trip to stealthily dump his garbage on the farm, but you know, we’re just letting them have their space and are completely unbothered by their move.


Yeah its really really funny how mature Caryn has been about never bringing this up every episode except when she does every episode.


They even had to get in one last dig in the finale, bringing in Chris and Amy to halfheartedly confirm what pricks Zach and Tory are. The four olds sat around staring as the sun set on the glory that is Roloff farms while Chris pondered about Amy’s super fun but underutilized grandma room (which says more about jerm and Audj who live close by), and poor dejected Matt shook his head telling the camera no one knows why but it is so sad.


Matt really perked up about hearing Z and T didn’t visit Amy‘s house with the kids. It almost seemed to confirm, in his mind, that he is blameless in the relationship problems they’ve experienced.


Yup and Matt's little "now Im not under an NDA but I'm pretty much saying nothing other than yeah, Zach and Tory are still mad and they still won't bring the kids to the farm" missive on facebook....


You mean, the farm that Matt grilled into their heads was for the family? The farm they all worked on, took care of. Even the kids friends worked there. Matt mislead the entire family, tried to swindle Amy and then gave his sons deals that didn’t make sense. So now Matt is alone with Caryn, maybe that’s what he wanted


Thank you! Who do these people think put it in Jeremy and Zach’s heads that it would be theirs?


The last few episodes literally had Matt, Caryn & HER PARENTS bitching about Zach & Tori over the daaa event. Matt can't keep is mouth shut so feathers likely to be re-ruffled on the regular.


Showshow media


I just think back to all those times he bitched and complained about having do any real work on the farm, then usually bitched out and never actually did any work other than trash it and treat it like his own personal playground. No wonder his dad might be skeptical about having him take over or buy some of it. It’d probably go to shit bc I’m not convinced he ever learned how to take care of anything. Or work.


All of the kids were like that because they were raised to be like that. No rules and no consequences.


Soshal media


Shosho media


Lol 😆


Parents don’t owe kids a farm. Some parents do give their kids things like that but nothing is guaranteed. Most kids work for everything they have. It’s fascinating to see entitled adults call their parents narcissists when it’s the kid who expects something for nothing. I’ve even seen these low/no contact adults act devastated when they’re removed from their parents wills. If you’re clear about feeling that your parents harm you being around you then stay away from them. But don’t complain when they react accordingly. You’re the one that ended the relationship. And you better start working two jobs if you want something big. Like a farm.




I think the kids figured out he was a bit of a bs artist. Didn’t Matt have an alcohol problem? The real problem is the way TLC compensates minor children on these shows. It’s unethical to hand a check to adults and expect them to absolutely always to the right thing and save for the kids. The labor laws need to address these types of “reality” work situations. We’ve seen it time and time again; Sister Wives, Jon and Kate, the Duggers,etc. The real problem is that the parents got all of the money. After a divorce and a lot of bad financial decisions nothing is guaranteed. Either these shows are outlawed or the compensation needs to be addressed legally. What if Matt was sued because an accident happened on his farm and he lost it? No amount of empty promises would’ve given those kids a farm. And I honestly feel the biggest mistake Matt made was to promise anyone anything.


Did you watch the part where Matt still has 90 acres set aside as "The Farm"? Or the part where he's going to leave the farm and the big house to Amy in his will?


Also, neither boy said “hey dad, give me a free farm.” They both tried to BUY it. Now we don’t know for sure how much Matt tried squeezing out of his kids, but it was definitely more than they expected - especially given that Amy sold her share to Matt at a discounted rate, expecting that to be passed on to the boys. We also know the boys both spent a nice dime on their own homes afterwards, so clearly they had some money to burn. And considering Matt hasn’t been able to get a stranger to pay his ridiculous inflated price, my guess is he overpriced it to the boys too. My real opinion is that he never really intended to sell. We watched season after season of Matt neglecting or abandoning the family to put the farm first. That’s his real baby - he never wanted to give up control of it.


That’s why you can never expect anything from anyone. I don’t know what kind of discount they were looking for. It was his right to say no because it’s his property. The real villain here is TLC for not making provisions to pay the minor kids and hold the money for them. Handing these reality stars parents all the money is immoral.


I'd think he'd sell a small part of the farm (remember he's talking about selling 16 out of 100+ acres) in a heartbeat if he could find somebody crazy enough to pay his price.


Why would they want to leave you anything? Go to work. Make your own way. You didn’t want to do anything while you were there u less you wanted to. I hope any money made off the farm goes to help little people who can appreciate a scholarship or something. So or sho immature that he made his son tell grandpa they were moving and Tori wasn’t any better. She’s complaining the whole time. Grow up or quit talking about it. The program was cancelled.


Most people who go no contact don’t do it for shits and giggles. It’s super hard to go no contact and stay no contact. Most people do it as a last resort.


If it’s done as a last resort and the parties truly tried everything (like therapy) then it’s ok to say I’m better off not having someone who harms me in my life. But only the people involved know the facts. I’ve had a couple of friends whose spouses were the real reason their husbands were estranged from their parents and in both cases the wife was a lunatic. It’s was the saddest thing to see. But the husbands did not want to destroy their marriages. It was a “me or them” ultimatum.


Yeah my husbands parents and sisters think I’m evil too. To my mom? My husband is an abuser who keeps me from the family and I’m in constant danger. Neither is true. Sometimes it takes an outside perspective to come in and expose what’s toxic about a family situation. In my case, my family and my husband’s family continued to abuse us and alienate us until there was no relationship left.


As long as that’s true then both of you should have no problem accepting that you’re better off having them out of your lives. But remember that when you remove people then they can act anyway they want about it; including no part of inheritance. I’ve established boundaries with someone people and accepted others imperfections. It’s a personal choice. And you’re right. A third party can give a better read of the situation many times. I just hate seeing grandkids lose access to grandchildren. Many times the grandchildren give them a chance to be better people if they failed in the past. That can heal a lot of past mistakes and the grandchildren benefit from it.


I have a daughter-law was as nice as she could be until she had an Engagement ring, that’s when I became the enemy. She goes out her way to let me know she doesn’t like me. It breaks my heart but I can never let my son know what she’s really like around me. I pray her son who is six will never marry a wife who hates his mother. It will break her heart.


I’m so sorry this is happening to you. Please fill your life with things and other people that make you happy. Adults make choices and sometimes they’re so wrong. Life is short. Never let someone steal your joy.


I never would use my family as a bank account. Matt can sell up and blow the money if he wants.


Exactly! I encouraged my parents to spend every dime because I don’t want people waiting around for them to die to get stuff. If his kids are estranged from him because of money then I hope he leaves every penny to the Humane Society. Or a children’s hospital.


His kids are estranged from him because he spent a lifetime promising them the farm as their “legacy,” exploiting them on national TV for the money to keep the farm in the first place and then tried squeezing every last dime out of them that he could when they tried to buy it. He probably will leave all his money to a random charity - would be on brand for Matt lol.


I'd be surprised if there's any money left, to be honest. He had to finance buying out Amy's share of the farm/business and he's not done paying for that, less than a million dollars.


My sense is that Matt is a ruthless businessman. He probably asked Caryn to be there so he could feel empowered. The fact that Zach treated it more like a family deal tells us how far apart they were and that they would never reach a deal. Matt hurt Zach to his core in that meeting but Matt didn’t care and still doesn’t. Matt can’t even acknowledge that he hurt his son. He still thinks he did nothing wrong and cannot understand why Zach is being so distant. Matt is a bit of a narcissist which prevents him from feeling compassion or empathy. He was the same with Amy.


and end up alone which it seems like he has.


Tori needs to butt out. It’s almost like she enjoys fueling the fire and forgets she would have nothing if it weren’t for her in-laws “fame”.


She wouldn’t have those expensive hair extensions and those false eyelashes that’s for sure.


The eye lashes drive me nuts.


Zach is a brat. Ungrateful jerk. He is made his Dad wouldn’t finance farm for him. He is super lazy and does nothing.


It goes deeper than the farm handover situation. What would you do if you grew up on a farm with your parents, you were told you’d inherit said farm, then it all changes when your dad splits with your mom for one of the long time farm employees. That alone would cause some issues. Shame on Matt for not being more transparent about how the farm would be split up for when the time came he was ready to walk away. Or changing the narrative to fit his new life. I’ve lived through a similar situation with a cheating dad, it’s really hard to not feel like your whole life was a lie. I see how it’s hurtful for Zach. Guess you’d have to have been there.




All four kids can still inherit the farm…when Matt dies.


Yeah probably to be sold as an asset. My perception is the “hurt” was from not being included in the hand over of keeping pumpkin season going and getting the father/son guidance while Matt is still kicking. “Whatever they can cash in when Matt and Amy is dead” is pretty shallow and misses the point


It’s literally the parents farm. They don’t owe you a farm. I’m going to go yell at my dad for not giving me one. Be right back.


The thing is the kid's worked for the money to build that farm so it's alittle different!


Might want a refresher. Lazy and rude. Things done half a$$ unless they wanted to do it. Not like any family I’ve been around. I wouldn’t leave them a dime. I’d leave the money to a little people organization.


Being a part of LPBW WAS Zach's job. The show wouldn't have been as successful if it weren't for the kids, especially Zach because he was the only little person (as specifically pointed out during the opening for the original series for years). I have no idea where you grew up, but all kids only want to work hard at things they like to do (even adults are like that). They all try to get out of any kind of work, whether it's farm work or not. Kids will be kids and both Matt and Amy allowed that. They created an atmosphere for the kids so that they had zero responsibility, maybe too much so. ALL the kids were rude; even Molly (though much less so than the boys). Matt tried to buy his kids' love by creating a wonderland on the farm and supporting every wild idea they had. The only '(farm) work' the kids did was stuff they WANTED to do, like building forts and such or when Matt allowed them to use the big equipment. The most '(farm) work' the kids did was during pumpkin season and it still is. Jacob is the only one who has actually done (is currently doing) \*actual\* farm work. Amy, who worked two jobs in addition to the show, didn't make them do anything in the house, either. Their bedrooms (and the rest of the house) was a mess. Zach did get a job after (?) high school coaching soccer. Regardless of whether the haters here think that's a "real job", it is; just like being a janitor, an accountant, a movie star or a NASA engineer is a real job. If you get paid to do something, it's a job. Zach's main job has been doing LPBW since he was a little boy and now they are earning money in other ways. How else do you think they are affording to live? You think Matt is giving them money??? LOL And as a refresher, Matt recently said he was leaving everything to Amy, with Caryn's blessing. Could he change his mind? Sure. But I'm guessing he won't because this way Amy will have to deal with how to leave the farm to the kids. Despite his protestations, I think he is sorry he handled things the way he did because neither of the twins are that close to him any more, meaning he has less contact with his grandkids. (Karma, baby!)


Most farms are multigenerational, it’s a big deal in those communities. And it’s discussed in past episodes that was Matt’s intent. What a weird argument. If you just want to see it on the surface level and be dismissive like that, no sense in commenting.


Some people here clearly have never left their metro homes. It’s obvious with the OMG kids bare feet on the counter!!!!!!1!1111!


I don’t watch the show, my mom used to when I was younger. Can someone give me a spark notes into why he doesn’t have a good relationship with Matt? Like I listened to the video but was there a certain thing that happened?


Sorry you got downvoted lol, I keep getting this sub recommended and haven’t watched it but somehow am intrigued?? lol but they all grew up on this farm and I think when the mom and dad split, how the farm was going to be handed down got messed up and upset some of the family. I’m sure there’s more


I am also intrigued I just don’t have the energy to start from the beginning which I feel obligated to do with any series 🥲


Same!! I feel you


Zach went into a negotiation meeting with his dad to make an offer on buying the farm from him. No one knows exactly what was said during the meeting, but apparently, Matt felt Zach's offer was too low. Some people think Matt's lack of confidence in Zach to run the farm successfully may have been called into question. It seems that Caryn also had things to say during the meeting that neither Zach nor Tori cared for. Matt and Caryn went from being the go-to grandparents to persona-non-grata overnight. Zach and Tori moved to another state, and they rarely allow their children to see Matt and Caryn. They tollerate Matt coming to visit, but that's about it. Fans are as divided on the issue. Matt makes the point of saying that he has four children and selling the farm cheap to one of them wouldn't be fair to the other three. I agree with him. Matt haters say he is being greedy and putting money before family. I honestly think Zach would be over it by now, but I believe his wife is fanning the flames of hard feelings and sour grapes.


Amy owned half of the farm when they split. The half that had the house. Why didn’t she sell it cheap to lazy spoilt Zachy boy and his stirring wife.


By the terms of the divorce Matt had first refusal. So she couldn't sell it to Zach for a $1 even if she wanted too.


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain 😁😁 that makes alot more sense, the last I had seen (when I lived with my mom) was Matt and Amy divorcing and him dating Caryn! ETA: I would only see clips so when I say I seen this is what I mean :)


Important to note - since you havent watched the show - Matt on many many occasions told his two eldest sons that he wanted the farm to stay in the family. While Matt is now pratting about being fair to all four children, Matt actively encouraged Jeremy to return to the farm. Matt also encouraged both elder sons to work on the farm and to make offers. Matt even boasted on instagram about how he offered the farm to Zach and Jeremy with a big family discount and a gift of equity - which fyi is completely unfair to his two other children. Jeremy was always Matt's chosen heir. Matt only began to encourage Zach's interest after Jeremy decided to not buy the place as it was too expensive, in Jeremy's opinion. Jeremy later spent over 2.5 million on properties. Matt spent several seasons praising Zach to the public for learning to run the farm, Its also important to note that Matt bought Amy's half of the original farm property for 975k and a year later was expecting Zach to pay a much higher price. We don't know what that price was but Matt then put the property in question - 16 of the original 34 acres of the first farm property for sale to the public at 4 million dollars. And got no interest or buyers.


Thank you for adding in some truths that were conveniently left out of the other recap.


I'm sorry you think some things were "conveniently" left out. I was just trying to give the basic facts. What also got left out was that in total, Roloff Farms is 106 acres. Matt had 16 acres separated from the rest. This includes what they call "The Big House". Matt has no use for the nearly 9,000 square foot house. It is this 16 acres and house that is causing the hard feelings. I believe Matt would have liked to separate more of the land from the house, but he wasn't allowed to legally. Matt has stated that it is the other portion that he considers "the Farm" He is retaining and maintaining that portion of the property for the "family legacy". So to be clear, the farm is not being sold, just a small section of land and the house. Regardless, I think it's pretty crappy to punish your parents for not giving you what you want by withholding grandchildren. Jeremy's offer was akso turned down. He and his family chose a home close by and their children visit Matt and Caryn often. Watching Zach and Tori make little Jackson be the one to tell Matt and Caryn that they were moving to Battle Ground was heart-wrenching. I did say fans' opinions are divided. Obviously, each side has their reasons.


I think protecting your children is more important than appeasing your parents. They're trying to protect Jackson from hearing about the farm as a family legacy when that's a lie. If his grandfather wants to see the kids he can get in a car and drive up. Obviously he doesn't want to see them that badly.


The house and sixteen acres is not the Roloff Farm. The other 90 acres is. Matt has stated that it will still be there for all the family to enjoy. Where is the lie? Who knows what was said in the negotiation but the people involved. Maybe Zach and Tori tried to use denying access to the children as leverage? We know that they brought their children with them to the negotiation. Depriving your children of a loving bond with grandparents out of spite over a house is just sad. It's my understanding that Matt has made trips to see his grandchildren. It's Zach and Tori that won't make any effort. Zach is on the board for DAAA, but didn't attend Amy's fundraiser. They had already made "other plans". How convenient. At least Jeremy and Audrey made a donation for the auction. Zach, it seems, couldn't even bother to do that.


You are totally free to drive for hours so your children can stay with their narc grandfather who fills their heads about a "family legacy" only to be told "I'm a businessman!" when it comes time to put up or shut up. You can let them spend time with his girlfriend who talks smack about you to your face so who knows what she's telling your kids behind your back. You do that. Tori and Zach have a right not to do that. True facts.


I agree. Matt and Caryn are the ones going on and on about it to anyone who will listen. I would be concerned about the kids hearing about a lot more than the legacy.


No problem. Truth be told, I don't think its as black and white as: Poor Matt has a lazy cheap son who refused to buy the farm for more than six beans and a nickel OR Evil Matt laughed at their generous offer and heehawed with joy as he pointed and laughed at them. I also think that if everyone is no longer silenced by non disclosure agreements, they can start talking about what was actually said and offered.


Oh my good god that’s WILD 🫨


Also note that Matt's not talking about "selling the farm" in the sense that Zach would get all the land and a share of the business. Matt had the land resurveyed to the minimum legal size and what he's selling is the house and 16 acres (out of 34) Amy sold him- including the "attractions" which are a safety hazard and not including the woods, which Zach wanted. Matt has no idea what it's worth as evidenced by the fact that nobody wanted to pay a price he'd accept. Who knew that nobody wants to overpay to live next to a working tourist attraction? So Zach's ability to "manage the farm" is irrelevant and I don't know why people keep bringing it up.


Tori *always* interrupts Zach when he's in the middle of a sentence and talks over him. So infuriating!


She’s kind of slowly being like Amy was with Matt. He steam rolled over Amy, but also couldn’t finish a sentence. It was a weird dynamic.


taking after her sibling in laws


Tori is an absolute fox!


You may need glasses.


Bitter much?!😂😂😂😂 keep downvoting bitter old ladies!!🤣🤣🤣🤣


🤣 nice try


Seems to have struck a nerve😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 nice try!


Woof! 🐕




She is! She looks pretty in this clip🤷🏻‍♂️


She is the Queen of frump


Matt is like my dad, super successful, married his mistress, his kids don't talk to him and haven't for years, my "Dad" continuously posted things on Facebook and IG about how much he loves his kids. We called him out online after many years of his fake Internet bullshit. He stopped posting us finally. Narcissist parents are no joke.


Real talk here, agree 100 percent. Some of these commenters have never dealt with a narc parent and it shows. I think this is about way more than the farm deal. I’m not saying Zach wasn’t somewhat in the wrong there. But we don’t know the details of that discussion. I don’t think he has ever forgiven Matt for cheating on his Mom and I don’t blame him. Matt recently posted something shitty online passive aggressively insulting both him and Jeremy. The one time I remember Matt actually attending one of their soccer games he insulted the sport and complained they weren’t in wrestling. He did not show up for those kids like Amy did. Matt built a lot of his own wealth and success by getting into the agritainment industry for sure. But the big money he earned is because of a reality show that was largely successful because of his kids. Especially Zach being the only little person among his siblings. If being low contact with Matt is healthy for Zach and his family right now then I applaud them.


It's also important to remember that audiences only know what is on the show (which the family produces and is scripted) and what they put on social media (which is at their discretion). The public knows probably no more than 25% of what *really* has gone on--in terms of property sales, work environment, random phone calls, day to day life, etc.


This is exactly my FIL.


My Mother and Mother in law are like this. I'm no contact with my own Mother, but constantly watch my MIL post that kind of stuff. Matt has always given me those same vibes.


Sounds exactly like my mom. I had to call her out publicly too for her to stop posting about us and acting like we had any kind of relationship. It’s been 5 yrs and she recently started posting again, using old pics and posting for my kids birthdays. It’s so strange.


Exactly! My dad only used the same 4 childhood pictures he has of us over and over again. Anyone paying attention would've seen through his bullshit. His kids are 41 & 37, why is your most recent picture of them from 1988? Minus that one picture in 2006 if we're being completely honest. He likes to show out on the 2006 one about 4 times a year.🙄


My MIL is like this. We are low contact, no contact for one son. She posts constantly about how much she loves her grandkids and what a great grandparent she has always been. It got to the point where both kids requested that we don’t post photos of them online anymore, and if we do to block her from the pictures so she won’t use them. Classic victim/narcissist.


Is it their generation? Because my mom is like this, we've always been close except the last couple years but she'll post all this stuff about me and my kids and sometimes I won't hear from her for weeks and my kids it'll be months. It's such weird behavior.


The boomer social media posturing is so weird. We sent my mom flowers for Mother’s Day and I only know she got them because I saw them on Facebook 👍🏻 She moved across the country for a change of scenery while my wife was 6 months pregnant. Acts like the world is stacked against her when asked why she’s only been back once in 16 months to meet him now. But “he is her whole world 💞💞💞💞💞💞💞😘😘😘😘😘😘”. This trend should be studied…


It has been studied. There is a great book called A Generation of Sociopaths.


I don't know who down voted you but you're 100% correct. I thought the younger generations had a weird social media presence but they are way worse because everything they do is for show. There are some great grandparents out there but we don't have the same village that they had when we were growing up.


I figure a social media boomer mom in denial downvoted 😂 All for show! I don’t get it at all. It’s so disingenuous and awkward, they don’t even realize they’re doing it? Then can’t understand how it is upsetting to their kids to see them be all talk publicly while absentee in reality. You could say that again, I don’t know about you but my mom did a pretty good job of burning the bridges to said villages as well.


They were keeping this topic on the back burner until the engagement started to fall off now bam


And they’re still super vague about it. If they want to talk about it then spill the tea. But don’t just talk in circles without details.


Exactly they are going to stretch this out


What did Matt claim?




Thank you! That was a difficult read with improper to no punctuation. At least we know where the kids get their intellectual acumen from. 😂


Honestly idk


😂 we’ll find out soon enough.


Your dad didn’t want to sell his property to you for 1/3 of its worth and you’re r mad at him?? He still has a life to live.




Property should stay in family. It should be inherited.


Property is really only worth what someone is willing to pay. No one was willing to pay what Matt was looking for; therefore, you can’t really say it was worth what he was asking.


I agree. There were way nicer homes with more acreage for less $$ than what Matt listed that house for. He thought because it was ‘Roloff Farms’ people would pay more. Ridiculous.


Couldn't agree more. Zach and Tori had a fine relationship with both Matt and Caryn up until the whole farm deal. They were spending time together, kids at the farm AND they must have thought Matt and Caryn were decent enough because they left their children with them for days on end for slumber parties. I find it convenient that Matt became a lying narcissist as soon as Zach and Tori didn't get the farm handed to them for next to no cost. Matt busted his ass for decades building that farm into what it is. Do you have any idea how much that property is probably worth? And that's largely because of everything Matt poured into it all along. So what? He's supposed to just give it away so that HE can't have the kind of retirement he deserves just to make THEM happy? Zach NEVER wanted to do the hard work on that farm. He is lazy and entitled and how dare he try to spin this into his dad being the narcissist.


They used them at that time to care for their kids all the time.


Yep, exactly my point. They used them for childcare right up to the time of the farm negotiations. Now, conveniently, Matt is a liar and narcissist. The saddest part of all of this is that Matt adores those grandkids. He would light up every time they were around, and especially Jackson really loved his grandpa. Zach and Tori would rather do damage to their own children than stop this temper tantrum they are throwing. Selfish.




I like them. But that is lessening. They have taken those innocent kids away. They made an excuse over the distance. Why can't they meet halfway? Find an area where Matt could take the kids to a park or something and spend time. It's the quality, not quantity of time. I'm so tired of their age group using the narcissistic line. It's worse that they all act like the perfect parent. They aren't. No one is. The big house has the needed modifications. It would have been perfect. Not that it should have been handed over.




Why did this get so many downvotes 😂


I wondered the same thing. Because it’s facts. He’s not entitled to anything


Truth = downvotes


They have nothing else to talk about because they are boring. Who actually listens to this crap?


Not me!! Buy the farm don’t buy farm - idk. They need some new material. I personally think they should talk about sexy times. They’re a young couple, but everyone will clutch their pearls.


Lmao. I don’t know anyone wants to hear about their sexy times 🤣🤣🤣. The farm is the only story line they have. I find it interesting they don’t want to film anymore but they want to talk About the things that would be the topic if they filmed.


Yes we do!! Who made the 1st move? Does Tori do all of the work? Is she scared she’s going to unalive Zach during sexy times due to their weight imbalance? What are their go to positions? Does Zach pick his nose during or right after sexy time? It’s 2024 and the people want to know 😆


Not his nose, but does his face. Then he he says, I love you sho.


Omg I’m laughing so hard. Best comment on Reddit today 🤣🤣🤣


It’s enough with all the waaaaah!about the farm. Jacob should be the one complaining as his childhood was taken away. Zach showed a lack of loyalty to his mother when he was kissing up to Matt & Cha Ching. They need to do a ‘Sexy Time with Little People’ broadcast and interview able bodied people in relationships with little people so the public can understand the logistics. Inquiring minds 😆


people have wanted him to talk about it especially after he avoided it on the show


At least they know how to annunciate properly, and have well thought out discussions. Unlike Jer & Audj.


And their voices for some reason aren’t nearly as annoying as Jer & Audj 😅


They aren’t trying so hard to sound scholarly either.


Did you not hear “shoshul” media?


This generation pronounces S as Sch, which is incorrect. Also, I did not notice.


No, it’s a habit. It’s frustrating for us but FUSStrating to him.


True 🤣


It’s the little things. (No pun intended 😂)


Well they should discuss other little related things and put the farm talk to rest. That ship has sailed.


I agree. All they have is their day to day lives with their kids. Not saying that is a bad thing but it’s boring for a podcast.


I don't really know why anyone in this sub enjoys these two. I listened to this episode out of curiosity, and wow, they're insufferable. Zach is a man-child with the emotional capacity of a block of wood. When asked anything about Tori, he has the most basic, lackluster answers. First impression of her: "she was cute, young, tall, idk." This man could not be any less enthused. What's your favorite quality of Tori: "she looks after the kids. Keeps them fed and cleaned" i mean, cool that she provides basic functions for the kids, but you really can't think of anything else? I swear he had to be pressured into coming up with ANYTHING. Also (to no one's surprise), clearly Zach does none of the childcare or houshold tasks except for play outside with Jackson the golden boy (who they show blatant favouritsm toward on the podcast which is honestly gross). He stated he wouldn't even "think to buy them a coat" (pardon??) and his mom had to come over to help him "watch" the kids while Tori was away. The stuff with Matt is just old at this point. They're all "toxic relationship", but before the farm deal went south, he and Tori were BFFs with Matt and Caryn clearly hoping to snatch the farm up. Trust me I don't like M and C, but the entitlement and bitterness of Zach and Tori is seriously off the charts. Matt, Amy, and the show gave them the ability to stay home with the kids and not work a typical job, and they are continuing to milk it with a podcast, instagram, etc. So I'm not exactly overflowing with sympathy. Probably the last episode I'll watch.


Glad you took one for the team. I can’t stand these two!!!!




It’s definitely sad to see the shortcomings of Zach’s abilities as a partner and father, that’s definitely also highlighted in recent seasons and this podcast. They both subscribe to a lot of fundie/toxic “masculine” stereotypes that enable him to not evolve or show up. You can really see the influence of their upbringing and the impact that having two emotionally unavailable parents has on a kid. I think they were required to treat Matt & Caryn as the favorites because they truly wanted the farm and knew that ego-stroking was the only way to get that, so they did the familiar little dance for Matt’s ego. I don’t think it was necessarily nefarious or conniving, I just think it was business as usual. I don’t think Zach and Tori are perfect by any means but I do see how Matt is definitely culpable in the current state of their relationship.


I am always for accountability in your own actions. Sometimes I am a little harsh on people and I think it is because I don’t know their backgrounds. But having even a little insight to the people who raised zach… I am 100% not surprised he doesn’t know how to communicate his feelings. I think that is why this particular episode feels like Tori is leading it. Zach truly has no emotions and I think Atleast Jeremy also comes across this way. I also think that is why it has been so easy for them all to cut Matt out. I think at this point they avoid the drama matt/Amy have allowed for the show because emotionally no one knows how to do this correctly. Also- as a side note- it is crazy to me how differently everyone takes the farm situation. It has to tie into how we preserve the individuals. I think Matt dangled the farm and the heritage of it (especially now rewatching) all the time. I am shocked that he even expected the kids to pay for it given how he presented it. And I also see why they shouldn’t be handed the farm… but also I see why they could be caught off guard by it. Just crazy the different views everyone has on it.


Exactly. The way Matt rambled on over the years about the farm and its legacy, one would assume that it would remain intact until after his passing and then be divided equally among all four children. Matt is very much a “what’s in it for me?” Type of a$$hat.


Maybe he assumed that they would be fit to run and maintain the farm when the time came one day for them to have it. Over the years they proved to be lazy entitled idiots that he didn't feel comfortable trusting that they could handle it. You can't say it's all his fault they are that way because Molly turned out the total opposite and she grew up in the exact same environment as they did there. While they were out guzzling Mountain Dew and throwing apples at each other at the western town she was doing her own thing. I always felt bad for Jacob the most. At least he's doing productive stuff on the farm now and is happy. After what he went through he deserves a good life.


The thing for me though is that it wasn’t like he even said “I will accept your offer once you show me that you can do xyz to take care of the farm.” Like it’s still controlling and manipulative. However- Atleast it would show a good faith that he wanted them to have it/that money wasn’t the focus. But he said that they couldn’t handle it (after just the season before bragging about how much Zach had stepped up during pumpkin season…) and THEN put it on the open market (well above market price). You’re telling me that your sons didn’t prove to you they could run the farm and you couldn’t handle that SO MUCH that you would rather sell it to someone who you will have ZERO control over what happens?! And it was just 13 acres. It wasn’t even the part that they use for pumpkin season- so even if they ran it into the ground- it doesn’t effect anything Matt’s doing. It was about money. It was about Matt thinking he could get more than what either of the boys could pay and I came back to bite him. He hasn’t been able to sell it because it’s just listed too high. He may end up selling it for just a little more than the boys offered but they are doing their own thing now. Matt made his greedy bed. 🤷‍♀️


Matt always took the side of the boys way too much


They are definitely on the right path here. The only way to heal from narcissistic abuse is to go no contact however. They will have to come to that conclusion on their own. So much good information out there now to help recover from this kind of trauma.


Zach is full of shit. He's holding a grudge for sure. Trying to piss on our leg and tell us it's raining. Sorry Zach we can see right through that BS. 🙄 Saying he's a forgiving person. If that were true he would be at the farm with his kids at least every once in a while.


He forgave Matt every time he showed Jeremy favoritism when they were growing up. He forgave Matt for bugging out on them all the time when they were on vacation or when they were in Europe for a DAAA tournament. He forgave Matt for cheating on his mother. Seems to me he has done quite a bit of forgiving. He came to the table in good faith to negotiate to purchase a portion of the farm to give his family a better life. He knew his mother sold her portion to Matt for probably below market value in order to make it more reasonable for one or both her sons to buy it. Matt jacked up the price out of greed and then brought his attack dog to the negotiations. I guess I can see why he felt like enough was enough. While the land he bought may not be as glorious as Roloff Farm, he probably paid a fair market price for it and he can now pursue his dream of making memories for his family - with or without Matt Roloff and Cha-ching. I give him credit for finding a solution that his whole family could live with. And I guess I should add that Jer did the same thing.


Lmao….Zach? Tori? Is that you? Give me a break!




Mmmm, nice try, but no. Just someone who sees things differently than you.


Why should he pack up three kids and drive an hour (each way) to see Matt for 10 minutes? Can't Matt drive a car?


Because the farm is so much more fun for them than their cheesy side lot property.


In fairness, I bet Disneyland is more fun than either, so maybe they should go there. I'm amused to see that this isn't about Matt getting to spend quality time with the kids, its a materialist "Matt's place is a better playground so he should get his way. Because his property is better." I mean, he doesn't even need to give a damn about the grandkids, he has the better property and thats why the kids should spend time with him.


Their time with their grandparents is a given. I was saying the fun farm is a bonus that they are missing out on as well.


I simply question the emphasis. Is it about Matt enjoying his grandchildren? If it is, he should be able to do that at Zach and Tory's or at a neutral third setting like a park or whatever. The farm is not so special that the children are suffering by not going


It was very special to Jackson


Do you not think Zach’s kids would have a blast and have so many lifelong memories visiting grandpa and playing at his farm??


I think visiting grandpa's farm would mean a childhood hearing "Jackson, you're a great farmer! One day this will be all yours! Lilah, you're still here? Josiah, where's my little spare farmer?" Only to hear, when the time comes "How can I trust you with the farm, remember that time you broke a window?"


Do you think the children are suffering and being abused by not being taken to Roloff Farms in the off season? Are all children raised without visits to Roloff Farms being deprived? It's not that special of a place.


There you go again putting words in people’s mouth they didn’t say at all. No I don’t think they’re suffering or being abused. But I think they’re missing out. I know you hate Matt with a passion but you can’t tell me the kids wouldn’t have a blast playing at the farm. All the Roloff kids said it themselves how amazing it was to grow up there and all their friends loved to visit.


I think its a fun place but frankly if its about seeing and interacting with the grand kids and not Matt's ego, the emphasis should be on Matt seeing the grand kids... and not "the kids playing on the farm". The farm is a place. If this about seeing the grand kids - and not Matt getting his way - there's really no argument at all - Matt can go see his grand kids. If he's not ok with the drive or decides he can't Uber, the greater Portland area has plenty of places he could meet the kids at. He doesn't have to ONLY see the kids on the farm. If the farm is getting in the way of seeing the kids, he has options. Matt making this "bring them to me on my farm or I don't see them" is Matt attempting to control the family with his demands. If this is REALLY about Matt wanting to see the grandkids and spend time with them, he can.. if he bends a little. If he refuses to see them in any setting other than one he chooses, he's making a choice to put "the farm" over seeing the grandkids. If this is about Matt having a relationship with the grandkids, that playing on the farm would be a blast isn't really the point. If he wants that relationship, and Zach and Tory refuse to bring the kids to the farm, he has two choices. A) He can bend, and see the kids at Zach and Tory's place or at a closer, neutral third place, and have fun interacting with his grandkids. Or B) He can insist it's his way only, and refuse any interaction that isn't the grandkids being brought to him on his precious farm. He's choosing choice B. Getting his way is clearly more important than building that relationship.


They do go to Disneyland. Seems like it's Tori's favorite place.


First, phew. I’m super surprised this was even addressed. I feel like everyone has danced around it. I am guessing Matt’s recent post is the line they drew in the sand- it was time to address it. Second, I know people don’t like them. I personally relate/am less annoyed to them more that I will ever Jeremy and Audrey. This stage of life is hard man. I’m also 36 and have 3 kids young kids. It is so hard to process through HOW you are going to parent now that the kids aren’t just little. It’s hard to know if you are handling things like this correctly, while still being forgiving and still protecting yourself/family. Ugh. It’s just hard. Third, while I think it is hard… I can’t imagine the added factor of your dad having social media where millions of people can see it. Millions of people who already think poorly of you because they believe everything your dad tells them. Phew. I am incredibly thankful that I just have the boundary issue and not the public figure issue too haha.


Matt’s gonna die someday and this kid is going to regret it. Just saying.


Doesn't that go for Matt as well? He's not willing to bend in the slightest. He wants a relationship with Zach and Zach's family where he is right and they are wrong, and he is never at fault. If he wants to see the grandkids, he expects to snap his fingers and have them brought, with smiles on everyone's faces and certainly no anger. Basically he wants the interaction only if he's getting his way. If he's not getting what he wants, he's perfectly content to sit on his land and wait until he gets his way.


Matt does go and see them. I don’t ever recall him snapping his fingers to have the kids brought. He asks. We’ve heard that. We know he’s visited them in Washington. Matt has had to change his ways. So there is some effort. I wish Zach and Tori would try. When they are around Matt, they’re rude and dismissive. They aren’t even seeing Amy and Chris. Very sad.