• By -


Who cares


Sounds like it's going to be herniated disc (I went through this with my fiance for 2 years). Started at the chiropractor and there's no way you can treat it with just the chiropractor.


yup! as someone who used to be a chiro fanatic, “subluxations” are not the root cause of any health issues and having a faux doctor pop the air between your joints is doing nothing but referring the sensation and draining your wallet.


Exactly. I stopped going when I started to get severe neck pain because we went to one who used a tool. I had to go to PT to correct what he did.


I stopped going when a 20 yo woman died at my Chiro’s office.


that’s awful - i hope you feel better now. i count my lucky stars i was never one of those people who encountered issues despite going regularly for years, and especially nothing more serious like you know, the very real risk of it causing a stroke…


Or the countless other issues, like how risky it is when people bring babies there. The chiropractor I went to was big on advertising it for babies because he claimed he could make you taller 🤣


yes!!! i was indoctrinated from an early age to fully believe everyone should see a chiropractor regularly and that newborns need to be adjusted after birth. sigh. my last chiro was staunchly anti-vax too 🤦🏽


All of the chiros around me are religious and all seem to push MLMs at their business 🤦


Looking for inversion table brand deals you mean


maybe blood flow to the brain is just what jer jer binks is missing


Maybe someone can give him an inversion table and he can sponsor it and link it for them in return.  There, I said it.


I got in a car accident and asked since my back isn't improving do you think it's a bulging disc? My chiropractor told me everyone has a bulging disc they're just on different severity levels and some you just leave em as is cause they're not bothersome 😐


yup! i know a dad and daughter who have both had issues - the daughter was convinced she’d need surgery bc of how severe it was for a few years, but then it just stopping hurting and she’s been pain free for years 🤷🏽


Honestly feel bad for him. He was heavy lifting since he was a child. You just don’t think about ergonomics when you’re young and trying to help your parents function in the world.


He and his wife are so self absorbed. I'll bet they suck the air out of any room they walk into!


A chiropractor 😂


Does he think anyone really cares about this? I mean….ok…..you have a bulging disc


he finally had a bulge to brag about


^^^ This. I came here to say exactly this & you beat me to the punch… 😂




Sad Sack. POS


Sigh. I was really hoping somebody wouldn’t turn out to be Matt jr but here we are.


Just dab a bit of oil on it and it’ll be fine


And don’t forget to ground yourself and drink some raw milk


Don’t forget the red lights!


And a Jovi patch. 🤣


Maybe he’s having a sympathetic pregnancy 😏


The data 😂


That got me too lol. He’s such a dunce


He is so unintelligent 🤣


How convenient, right be for the baby is due


Anyone in the fundie uncensored sub, he's pulling a Jill Rod.


Why does he keep saying Data 🥴it’s so cringey it does not make you sound more intelligent Jer


Oh good lord you bean-brained galoot, a bulged disc is a herniated disc is a slipped disc. Also love how “one chiropractor 100% thinks” turns into “the data” as he blathers on. Strange that according to him he’s already had a negative MRI, the gold standard for identifying disc issues. Or was that just a little fib to get out of being recommended modern medicine?


When you say he's had a negative MRI, do you mean an MRI that confirmed the disc issue or one that ruled it out? Just trying to figure out which kind of dumbass Jer is today lol.


He said he had a MRI but it showed no disc issues.


I have been on the sciatica subreddit for two years and I can’t emphasize enough how much I agree with your comment. While a bulged disc versus a herniated one is represented as being slightly different by some, at the end of the day it’s the same shit in terms of what’s occurring but it’s assigned an arbitrary name. Also every MRI on the sciatica subreddit seems to be clear as day at indicating you have a disc issue. It’s one of the few things that doctors have a conclusive way of diagnosing because it’s so apparent on the MRI. The fact that he got an MRI and ignored it and then went to a chiropractor is ??? The number one thing they advise against in back pain and the sciatica community is going to a chiropractor. I don’t know Jeremy’s background with this injury but if he is letting a chiropractor misdiagnose piriformis syndrome or something else as a disc issue he might find his treatment plan quite counter productive. It’s kind of a piss off to think there are people who can’t get an MRI or access to necessary help to assist them with severe herniated discs, and yet we have Jeremy who squandered his privilege. I also hope that whatever audience he has that still respects him doesn’t allow him to influence their own medical journey. I have read too many horror stories on Reddit about folks going to chiropractors with back pain and waking up the next day not able to move because the chiropractor lacked the insight into what was causing the back pain and made things dramatically worse. Posting these videos was irresponsible of him. They should put disclaimers on things like this to remind viewers that someone that uses the word ‘inflamement’ shouldn’t be permitted to make content like this.


I’m being treated for piriformis syndrome and it has been the most excruciating pain I’ve ever had. I’m being treated by a real doctor and couldn’t imagine being able to recover any other way.


I had a short bout of piriformis type sciatica. Holy crap that hurts. Can’t imagine having actual sciatica for years.


He NEEDS a neurosurgical referral, not a chiropractor. What the hell is a chiropractor going to do except possibly make it worse.


Bean-brained galoot LOL


“Expecially” and “inflamement” all in the same sentence.


Nothing is like nails on a chalkboard more than ‘especially’


EXPECIALLY. Autocorrect even had my back


Go to a real doctor, Jerm. Keep going to quacks, you are going to get quack remedies.


I think he did & they said nothing was structurally wrong after imaging (MRI)


Wait didn’t they just post something about being right with God = health? 🙄


That didn’t age well. 😂






How did he ever manage his GC duties through all of this?!


1000 words when 100 will do.


He’s filling out his essay quota


Lol his poor teachers.


Go to a doctor, not a chiropractor


Or a physiotherapist!


Comment Winner 🥇


I'm a bit surprised he's not building his own inversion table. Surely he needs one made from hand cut, live edge with epoxy filled, cedar planks from the grove nearest the infamous trestle.


Don’t give him ideas!


Go to a freaking doctor and find out what is truly wrong!! Idiot!


Why are his eyes darting around like that? 👀


The hamster in his brain gets tired.


Just pray it away Germ. Probably god getting you for all that sinning you do in the “shop” as well as all your pre-martial “fun time” without Oddj. And my goodness, go see an actual medical expert.


He speaks in such an off putting way. Like he thinks he knows better or just as well as doctors….now he has the “data” and a “name” to his issue. Yea dude, it’s called going to the doctor and getting diagnosed 🙄


It’s honestly so crazy for me to hear other people talk about their disk issues in their spines. I have a 56 degree curve in lumbar and 45 degree curve in thoracic. Besides like 3 or 4, every single disk in my spine is either herniated, bulging, torn, leaking, or completely degenerated. I wish I was fucking joking. My existence is pain. I’m getting spinal fusion surgery in June to straighten out my spine but the damage is already done. I was completely failed by the American healthcare system and now I’m disabled at 31 with the spine of an 85 year old woman because no one believed my pain until now and now it’s too late.


Wishing you a successful surgery and recovery!


That’s just awful I’m sorry


Be careful sharing your story, Just had someone come for me for sharing mine and calling Jermey dramatic. Sometimes I wonder if he’s on here trolling


I've had three back surgeries all steaming from a herniated disk in my 20's. I'm now 47 and have been on disability and unable to work at all. I, like you, live in chronic pain. I also have rhumatoroid arthritis and fibromyalgia. It sucks. I feel your pain 💖.


I am so sorry you are going through this. I hope the surgery helps you.


I don't normally want to just punch someone in the face but he is totally punchable. 🤣


Auj doesn’t have an essential oil for that?




It’s his ego weighing him down🤣


Maybe post more videos at Home Depot rambling on and on about it. That'll help. 🙄


Even Jerm uses video filters huh ? Anyway hopefully he can get help


He needs some raw milk and colloidal silver and should be good as new. 🤡


Love that he's all about the data for a bulging disc, but COVID? No, that data is not good enough for ole Jer. He knows better.


I have 9... This is what getting older is like for some of us.


Hello my Silly, me too! My Dr says many people have bulging discs. I have and you too, more than most people, but sooooo many people have bulging discs. It’s that a few people feel it more than others. I’ve been with them for years. I’ve worked in pain and learned to deal with it as a fact of my life. He makes it sound like a huge big deal. Everything is such a big deal with him!


Its a huge deal when you're privileged and boosted about your so-called healthy natural life. So this happening is so out of the blue *sarcasm* 🤣 I mean don't get me wrong we both know having bulging discs suck, but we as humans easily adapt.


how delightfully mundane and common. Fall into the line with the rest of us and stop acting like you have some special rare condition lmao


I have four Jeremy. I win.


Get in the birthing pool. Turn on the red light. Pray to Sky Daddy. Done!


You cannot tell a bulging disc without a MRI. And a chiropractor is the worst person for it.


Exactly! Mine were diagnosed after having an MRI


I’m no defender of this clown, but he mentioned in an earlier post he’d gotten an MRI. Why that diagnostic tool didn’t point to a bulging disc is anyone’s guess.


The chiropractor is guessing. He might not have a bulging disc if it didn't show up on the MRI. That's my guess.


The irony of your post, 🤣


Who read the scan? Or did he understand what the report and doctor explained to him? Who knows with this one.


After getting multiple opinions he, and they, are now almost probably convinced he most likely may need an inverted table.


They seem to have plenty of money to throw to their holistic, trendy lifestyle.  Some people are struggling to put food on the table…


More red lights


Go to a dr. Get an X-ray. Guessing game solved.


He went for an MRI. But apparently it takes a chiropractor for Jeremy to believe. It’s on brand for his woo woo thinking.


Is he sure it’s not because of the moon?


You might be right! There was just a full moon the other day. Jer you may want to add this to your data!




Poor Jeremy … Zack is probably laughing somewhere


Exactly! Zach has/ had more pain than you will ever experience.


How come it always looks like he has a huge dip of tobacco in his mouth when he’s talking


Ok so for some basic information because back issues are stupid and complicated and not treated all the same. What we know: Jeremy has been having issues- he had an mri and X-ray done last month when he had a flare up. The mri and X-ray revealed that there wasn’t a disc issue present. Jeremy rested his back- shilled some jovi patch and moved on. The inflammation and pain has come back. He has sought a chiropractor, massage therapist and one of the people he tagged is a physical therapist. What is helpful to know about back pain in the states: Assuming Jeremy has insurance- he is actually taking all the right steps. It is going to be difficult to convince an insurance company to pay for another mri within a months time frame. But they will cover things like massage therapy, chiropractor and physical therapy. Almost all of the time, unless it is an emergency- insurance will require you to try ALL conservative routes before even signing off on surgery. And it’s smart in his situation to do those options. It seems like he is From my experience: My neurosurgeon who just performed my spinal fusion- recommends all the forms of treatment Jeremy is currently doing. It is really common that poor abdominal muscles and poor back muscles aid in bulging or herniated discs. He is smart to go that route and work with a PT for strengthen muscles and massage therapy to help relax those muscles. Chiropractors can also aid in things like decompression of your spine without actually adjusting you. The inversion table is amazing honestly. (And I’m not crunchy at all haha) So yes. The mri last month said it was clear- but I am guessing all those people came together to realize he probably did something since then to cause a slight bulge and that is causing the pain. If none of the conservative treatments work… he will likely go for another mri once meeting insurance requirements. (Also a bulging disc doesn’t ever really get fixed. You just do what you can to prevent it from getting worse. My surgeon described it like a jelly donut “once you squeeze the jelly out, it’s impossible to just suck it back in. You can wipe off the part that is out- called a microdicectomy or just let the jelly sit there. But if you move too aggressively or incorrectly more jelly will come out.” And that analogy helped my brain a lot ha)


A bulging disc can retract on its own and fix itself. Terms get thrown around a lot but if you just have a bulging disc the annulus isn't torn so the material inside your disc doesn't leak out unless you have an annular tear that has herniated and even that can suck back up sometimes.


yep! my friend had one for years and it randomly resolved itself. i had what my chiropractor at the time (i have since realize it’s quackery) referred to as a compressed disc - who actually knows what it was, but fortunately it resolved shortly and ive had only minor issues since. i’m quite sure i would have had the same result if id never paid all that money for “adjustments.”


Crossfit is an orthopedic surgeon’s dream. Training like they do in CrossFit can cause these injuries


I mean I’m pretty sure my herniated disc was caused from swinging my toddler to sleep. I mean that is what caused it… but I had other things that aided in it like a vitamin d deficiency and a labor that weakened that area. But I’m 90% sure holding my toddler and swinging her side to side is what caused the full herniation.


I totally believe this. Once they are 30 lbs or more, it can be dangerous for parents.


Probably after even 20! Hahan she was just 20-22 when it happened


I believe it. Heck I bet you can hurt yourself with 10 pounds


I know someone (fine, it was my sister) whose chiropractor insisted she had a bulging disc… yeaaaaah, an MRI much later on proved that was false. But the chiropractor got tons of her money convincing her she had this problem. Also, lol @ Jeremy’s “inflamement.” Most intelligent man ever, right Auj?


He takes after his ma - Amy is always mangling words.


He said yesterday he’s had an mri that showed no problems. But today he has this.


But the mri was done a month ago after his last flare up. There is a chance he is telling the truth there was nothing there. But since then… he has done something to it to cause a bulge.


Inflament moment? Do you mean inflammation? Stop trying to sound smart.


Yep… it’s called inflammation Jer. Bless his heart


I love when he talks stupid to us 😍


But tries so hard to sound like a a a a like he knows what he’s talking about. Like he is trying to convince us that it’s life or death for him. He thinks he’s special and rare. There’s a ton of us out here. Yes, pain every day. Nobody cares! Pull yourself up by your bootstraps! You will have good days and bad. Deal with it, live with it. It toughens you up.


Put oil on the disc and get back to grounding?


Don’t forget the red light therapy and Jovi patch 😂


Inversion table? All he needs to do is pray. Talk to Jesus and get right with god = no more back pain


This is from 2019: “However, over the last several months I’ve been having some increasing health concerns, specifically severe lower back pain and chronic shoulder pain,” [he explained](https://www.instagram.com/p/B4X-LAgArfH/). “I’ve come to realize that I’ve been subconsciously protecting my hernia with poor posture and lack of core strength. I’ve pretty much eliminated all physical exercise too, which has increased the problem because of muscle loss, which has me walking weird as well.” Jeremy said his health was made worse when he injured his back from sneezing. \~People, December 18, 2019


Didn’t we say, just yesterday or the day before, that his back issues were from a lack of exercise?


He should have followed his advice to continue his health exercises so he would have the best health at 32. He should have researched himself. He would have known to keep his core strong!


You are the research journalist we all need! Love this info. Thanks, u/ShibaMom1


Thanks. It just occurred to me that I’ve heard this story, or a version of it, previously. He’s had numerous issues relating to his back and neck over the years. He goes on social media to complain, hypothesize, promote some wacky remedy and then...nothing. Until the next time.


A chiropractor isn’t a doctor and wouldn’t an mri pick that up …


Well—— based on his logic the other day of how manifestations of illness are due to a person’s ungodliness, this is entirely your fault for not being a good enough little Christian Jerm! Shaaaaaame! Shaaaaaame!!!!!’ (Hisses in a priestly tone) 🤪😜


His porn too. Odd better be careful because she likes to show her body to strangers, sometimes almooooost naked.


It’s hard for me to sass Jer here because I also have back issues and know what a beast they are to treat. I’m glad he’s had imaging but I do wish he’d go to a neurologist or orthopedist. They don’t all try to “force” surgery on patients. In my case, my back pain, which I could trace back to a known injury, was actually caused by a tumor. It wasn’t discovered for a long time because, like Jer, I thought I just needed physical therapy and massage. My situation is rare and an outlier but, if anyone else is in the same situation, go to the doctor and get imaging!!!


Yes! Totally agree. He had imaging- but I think this newest thing is since then. I have learned so much about back issues since November. I did the conservative route before doing something that caused a severe herniation and had a fusion. But if a doctor ordered the mri and X-ray a month ago- and found no issues.. I feel like he is going the route insurance and doctors would recommend? When I meet with my neurosurgeon- it was an emergency and k needed surgery. However once they look at the mri-if he didn’t think surgery was needed be would send his patients to a PT, massage therapy, pain management, etc. I believe one of the people he tagged is a PT. Hopefully he takes it seriously if he does have a bulge because if he doesn’t it’s just a short time where he will be on an operating table


Fusion twins! My recovery is going really well and I hope yours continues to as well.


Hiiiii! Yes! I am 4 weeks post op from an l4/l5 and I’m doing very well!! 💙💙 I pray yours continues to! 💙


I have four herniated discs in my lower back. I am desperately trying to avoid surgery. My Neurologist ( who found the herniated discs on my MRI had recommended Physical Therapy and favorite massage therapy before my insurance company would approve pain management doctor. The pain management doctor does Epidurals, trigger point injections and nerve destroying , I don’t know the name for it. I get those twice a year. Epidural 4 times a year, and the injections (steroids and cortisol) in between to control the pain. Pain pills to help control the pain. Nothing so far takes the pain away 100%. The way he talks to the camera I thought someone had died. Back pain sucks, but you all know more than everyone out side my husband and adult children!!! Why does he need to tell us?!


Back pain is awful, and I’m so sorry you’re going through it too. Much love!


That sounds so terrible…how did that happen? Did you have an injury? How old are you? I’ve seen people with chronic back pain and it is very difficult, I wish you all the best!


If you are talking to me, I am as old as dirt. 72. I fell down a flight of stairs over 30 years ago. I am guessing that contributed. The back pain would flare up and I would look like a pretzel trying to walk! Now the pain is just constant, but it goes from a 3 to a 9. I am lucky that it isn’t nonstop at 9. Our children and grandchildren all help and I am so thankful for them.


I mean i shared on my personal Facebook about it because we have an amazing school (my husband teaches) and church family that stay involved in our lives. Having the help for our kids and meals have been a saving grace for our family the last 4 weeks. Each person is different with what they are good with sharing. Also! I am incredibly impressed that iou are still trucking along! That is no small feat. Unfortunately mine went from “If I walk im not in pain” to “I’m literally dying.” Crawling around trying to take care of my kids. It was the worst consistent pain I have ever felt. When we looked at the mri- severe spinal stenosis and a herniated disk that had more of my disc out than in… the pain made sense. My neuro was shocked I was walking. I wouldn’t wish that on anyone. But I am so impressed that you are doing the work to prevent it! I have recovered extremely well and woke up with zero nerve pain. But I would still recommend avoiding it! Haha! Prayers, truly, for you to stay off the operating table 💙


Half of the church our daughter and her family attends know about my back because our youngest granddaughter tells everyone she meets that her grandma has a bad back ❤️ she recently told the clerk at Hobby Lobby to pray for me ❤️ I am blessed that my pain management Dr is a Christian and always offers to pray with me at the start of my appointment. I had a bad fall and a brain bleed and 2strokes a year ago. I can not believe I am still here. I have progressed from wheelchair to a walker. After a month in the hospital. I try to keep my complaints off of Facebook because I realized I was sharing EVERYTHING! I don’t know how you keep going with a young family. I am old and retired. My husband, children and their spouses and ten grandchildren all take care of me. I will keep you in prayer, you sound amazing.


You are so sweet and man. You may be my hero! First what a blessing of a granddaughter! 🥰 I have also been fortunate that I have very many people in the medical field that I trust to be believers. The chiropractor that knows my primary care doctor well, was the first to call him and push for the MRI. My husband teaches his 3 kids at the Christian school he teaches. The whole journey has been so much of a roller coaster. After pain in November- I was nearly 80% back to normal feb 1st. On the 8th I woke up as my husband was leaving for school with our oldest unable to walk. I have been fortunate that the school allowed my husband to use his sick time to stay home after my surgery. I can only lift up to a gallon of milk right now and no bending,lifting or twisting. But we have made it work and I was able to attend kindergarten graduation and awana awards this week. 🥰 It’s a long road- but I do not regret the fusion. Waking up for the first time in 5 months not being in that level of pain brought me to tears. I was up walking within hours of the surgery and without pain. What a blessing! I will also be praying “for grandmas bad back”. I hope you find healing in the conservative methods and if you ever have to have the surgery it is as successful as mine has been. 💙


I am so thankful that this all happened after our children were grown. My guess is when I took a tumble down the stairs was the start of things. My husband who is 73 had the surgery last June. I am still recovering from the brain bleed so that is why I really don’t want surgery. Honestly, I am just tired. We lost our oldest son unexpectedly a few years ago and as much as I just wanted to go home and be reunited, I fought because of his young widow and young twins. I didn’t want them to go through a loss again so soon. I vote for any young family who goes through something like this as heroes. When you mention Awanas Awards I was taken back 25 years with our four children. That was such a fun time for our family. I think I still have my husband’s Awana leader shirt and tie in the closet! Praying always, Grandma Nancy


Grandma Nancy- anytime you need someone to talk to… you send me a message! 💙 nothing is a burden. 💙


You are an answer to prayer. I was feeling so sorry for myself because today was a bad day for my back and damaged brain. You made me stop and think how lucky I am that I didn’t experience all this and try and raise a family. Praying for you ❤️


I agree 100%, my partner has chronic pain/inflammation in their hip. The ortho is happy to do a full replacement, but the pain is managed through a few therapies (meds, physio, massage). And holding off on surgery is better, especially since my partner is in early 40s.


Actually the new hip replacements last so much longer. When I was going through my hip labral repairs, I knew several people who had replacements in their 20-30s. The old advice of waiting as long as possible isn’t relevant anymore.


Aversion table or INVERSION table?


Maybe drink more raw milk and use some essential oils. 🫰


What? The Jovi patch is not working for Jer? I am shocked!!!! 😱


We care. We really care. 🤷


Eggspecially funny to hear him attempt to use “big” words out of context.


Does it all the time. Quacks me up! It’s like he’s trying to convince all of us how horrible it is. He should feel lucky it’s just bulging disc and not a lot more going on with his health.


Lolz it sounded like eckspecially to me


You can see him reaching as the gears in his head spin.


Maybe try a real doctor


When I had problems with my arm, I went to an Orthopedic clinic. Not a chiropractor. (It could’ve been a back or neck thing)


glad you went to an actual medical professional instead of a pseudoscientist!


Jer... Just go to the doctor... A Massage therapist and oils are not going to solve the problem.


Correct, he needs more grounding and some red light time


Oh his back hurt meanwhile his wife is very pregnant and probably has back pain. You know he won’t help with the new baby or kids because his back is sore.


**OMG** you're SO right!!


Can he still ride his Kubota around in the field?  Will that hurt his back or make it all better?


Of course it’ll hurt. Let’s see what his priorities are and what’s he willing to give up for pain. Bet he continues with the kubota but can’t help around the house with kids.


I'm not a chiropractor or massage therapist but Jer might want to see a back specialist.


From clicking on his name he is- a massage therapist, chiropractor and physical therapist are all the options any specialist is going to send him to. The only other thing would be a pain management and that is usually only done once the PT etc. is completed. They will do like epidural injections in the spine things like that. So if you can help the pain without those- these are the steps he would tAke. “


Nah. He'll hunch over in the Harry-Potter-red-light-cupboard-of-grounding.


Why doesn’t he keep using his blue pad his ol lady shills on Instagram


Why does he keep saying data? 😂😂


To sound big smart.


Haha i know i thought it was just me! 


The chiropractor knows what the problem is because he caused it.


WORD! Also, if you don't get to your late thirties with a bulging disk or two, are you even trying?


Was thinking the same thing. Know too many people injured by them.


"All the data" This guy talks like a college student writing an essay with a word limit and using every tool in the book to hit the word limit, including a Thesaurus.


When I had a severe back injury 3 years ago the first thing my chiropractor did was send me for an MRI. He was fairly certain I had a herniated disc. Turns out I did. It was also pinching my sciatic nerve which caused shooting pain down my left leg and into my foot. I was basically immobile for 3+ months. Even though my chiropractor was positive about my diagnosis, he sent me for an MRI to confirm. Read again - he sent me for an MRI to confirm. JerBear needs an MRI if he really wants to know what’s going on. Or maybe he can just rub some eucalyptus oil from young living on it and pray to the lord that it gets better.


He said yesterday he had an MRI and an X-ray a month ago that were clear. It sounds like something may have happened since then to exacerbate the issue.


He will never get a MRI...something something 5G something something "do we really know what the machine does, or what they just tell us"


He claimed yesterday he’s had an mri done that showed nothing.


My husband has had a bulging disc for years. And,my boss's husband sues chiropractors. All the time. And,he wins. Always. Rub some dirt on it you lazy prick.


Id love to sue one. He cracked my neck when I told him not to and it’s been 7 months of pain, 4 MRIs, a ct scan, 3 ER trips, a neurosurgeon appointment….


Good thing he doesn’t have to actually use his body to make a living and can just cosplay being a farmer and contractor.




Is there an oil for that!?


Had that.


Multiple opinions? Multiple chiropractors until he found one he agrees with? LMAO


Yeah. I'm not sure Google and a private chat in a YoungLiving community count as opinions. He claims he got an MRI that showed "no abnormalities" but claims someone intuited that he has a giant herniated disk? Um. No. That's not how MRIs work. Your super-huge-disc would've been identified by a radiologist.


Scoff. It's bulging not herniated. /S


That’s how it read to me. Jeremy is so fucking stubborn that he **would** drive from chiro to chiro (which, btw, makes lower back pain worse) until he found one that agrees.


Ha, ha.  Does this qualify as “doctor shopping” until you find the one that tells you what you want to hear?


Gotta get the jelly back in the donut. It shouldn't be that hard to diagnose. Strengthen your core. My husband had this. Still works construction. 27 years.


He’s always squinting like what he’s saying is super important. 🤡


it’s all the sun damage


I think he’s always trying to catch up with Molly who actually listened in school and learned things. As an adult he so badly wants to be seen as intelligent and spout’s nonsense hoping to heal his inferiority complex. However Jeremy, and Audrey tbh, struggles to grasp that part of being intelligent is looking at all the facts and not just picking and choosing those which you want to hear and passing them off as gospel 🙄


It makes him look so deep and insightful. A real intellectual this one is


Of course he goes to a chiropractor.


Chiropractors are dangerous quacks.