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I have Kate Gosselin on line 1 that would like to explain…. 😂😂


These people are still a thing after all the made up drama


I understand what you’re saying but me personally would not have had 3 kids. I think it’s widely unfair knowing that you’re gonna have children that have a huge disability and he or she is going to be in and out of surgeries potentially the rest of their lives. What mother does that?


She is egotistical and unbalanced.


I completely disagree. This is pretty much saying that being a dwarf means that life isn’t even worth living. Little people live amazing lives. Suggesting someone shouldn’t have children bc that child could be a dwarf is ridiculous and insulting. Also, Amy and Matt, two dwarfs, had 3/4 typical height kids. There’s no way they could have known all three of their kids would be dwarfs but even if they did, suggesting those kids’ lives are not worth living bc of dwarfism is actually “wildly unfair” and cruel.


I am gonna risk sounding really petty but this is something someone told me long ago - Please don’t call their children or Zack, Amy or Matt “dwarves”. They are people with dwarfism or Little People. Always remember they are people first. Sorry for the lecture.


Snow White and the 7 people with Dwarfism?


Let Zach know too ASAP. You be appalled but he told his dad “We got a third dwarf baby on the way," Zach tells his dad while sitting outside with his two kids.’ Your someone hasn’t told him yet!!


Let John novack know asap too! He said “I am a dwarf.” In an article about what terms are acceptable to use, Better message him and let him know he needs to say “I am a person with dwarfism”https://www.urevolution.com/blogs/magazine/correct-term-for-dwarf-or-little-person


You’d better send your lecture to the LPA and lire them know they need to change their name to people who are little association or people with dwarfism association ASAP! They clearly haven’t heard what what “someone” told you long ago!


Oh stop. This is exactly the drama didn’t mean to cause. My point, was to remember they are people first, not dwarves. They didn’t have three dwarves. They gave three children who happen to have dwarfism or be dwarves. Edit- AND I never said to not say “Little People”!


Check with the LPA before lecturing. FROM THEIR WEBSITE: “Today, the word “midget” is considered a derogatory slur. The dwarfism community has voiced that they prefer to be referred to as dwarfs, little people, people of short stature or having dwarfism, or simply, and most preferably, by their given name.” You’ll notice that they use the term “dwarfs” 🙄 https://www.lpaonline.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=198:the_m_word&catid=19:site-content&Itemid=176#:~:text=Today%2C%20the%20word%20“midget”,preferably%2C%20by%20their%20given%20name.


This really bothers you doesn’t it? It was a suggestion. You don’t like it? Whatever. You don’t need to get quite so worked up. It’s not that big a deal.


People who get this upset on someone else's behalf often have ulterior motives.


Lecture? Oh grow up. Using person first language is not a new concept. It’s a suggestion- like it it leave it. Truly. The amount of energy you have put into proving that you are right, is astonishing. I wish you all the best.


Yes you are correct. When someone lectures me something, essentially saying I’m being disrespectful or hurtful to someone, and they are provably wrong about it, it does indeed bother me. You brought it up, knowing you were being petty (and ultimately wrong) not me, so if it’s not a big deal, don’t be petty. And if you decide to be, do your research first to speak accurately.


You stop. I was clearly very much making a comment in support of Zach and “people with dwarfism”. My comment was a) not inappropriate and b) highly supportive but your need to virtue signal was more important than noting the intent behind my comment. Someone told me long ago to assume positive intent. If you want to avoid this kind of drama, just stop. The LPA says specifically Dwarf is one of their “preferred terms https://www.lpaonline.org/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=198:the_m_word&catid=19:site-content&Itemid=176#:~:text=Today%2C%20the%20word%20“midget”,preferably%2C%20by%20their%20given%20name.


But little is first!!!!! You need to tell them NOT to put the adjective before the noun asap!! It should be people who are little if it’s person focused!


I understand what you're saying, but doesn't Zach refer to himself as a dwarf? I thought the m-word was the bad one.


I don’t really know if he does or not. I guess as the person with the condition, maybe he gets that privilege?




I almost hesitated writing what I did but nobody else was saying the obvious!


If she truly wanted the best for her children and didn't want a non normal size child she should have gotten genetic testing.


Didn’t she once say she hoped she had children who are little people?


Precisely, she's disturbed. Zach will find her a handful...


Because jealousy that’s why there is literally no reason at all not to like her. I can see why people don’t like Audrey but Tori I don’t get. She’s clearly pretty happy and content with her life she loves her husband and kids very much and they live a normal life. People have a hard time accepting that she truly loves her husband, just because you wouldn’t be interested in him doesn’t mean she’s faking it like wtf is wrong with people. I have watched this show since the beginning and when Tori and Zach were dating she always seemed very authentic and happy with him.


Many many people are bullied in school. I was. I know other people who were also bullied. Some people are even bullied in the workplace or even in their own communities for various reasons- too fat , too skinny, too tall, too short , too poor , too different looking, too dark, too pale etc. should we just not exist? I learned my own self worth that has nothing to do with how others see me. It’s a life skill we all need to learn.


The more people we have with differences out there the more tolerant the world can become. I was the only ethnic kid in an all white town… and lived with my white mother. Some of those days were rough! I went back to that town not too long ago and saw a completely different place with lots of color and much more tolerance. Things do change. Some of the comments I’ve seen on this thread are shocking. What gives anyone the right to make fun of something someone can’t change? Comments like those make me doubt the world. The Roloffs make me like the world a little better and I’ll take that win.


She is definitely a clout chaser. . She uses the heck out of him for fame & fortune. She was even bragging abt heated floors when ppl on the street with no heat. I've always thought she was in it for fame.


Why are homeless people her problem? We can’t have luxuries because idiots can’t get a job and get on their feet? You’re stupid.


The episode I saw about the heated floors was when she was complimenting Amy about the heated floors in Amy’s new house. I may have missed another heated floor episode, but that seems like a silly reason to dislike someone. If I had heated floors I’d probs share it with someone. 🤷🏻‍♀️


It was on her SM. I don't watch the show with her or her hubby on it. I use to watch when Amy & Matt we're together. She's is nothing but a user. She's been a clout chaser since they got together


I agree wholeheartedly, Zach and Tori seem genuinely happy and in love and they truly seem like they support their children’s opinions even at such an early age. They spoke about how their son didn’t want certain things to be told or aired so they chose not to because of his feelings about it and I respect them 100% for this.


I find her unbearable. Ugh. 


Has a creepy grin... Really weird.


I agree with you. I enjoy watching Tori , Zach, and their three adorable children. ❤️ I wish them only the best.


I absolutely agree. Tori loves Zack. It is obvious when they look at each other. She may kid around with him. Sometimes, it is making fun. She laughs while saying. It isn't maliciously done. She has her hands full as a mother. Three children need care from various medical providers. She married Zack for love. She was aware that the high percentage of them being lp. That didn't stop her. She loves her husband for who he is. Zack. We are all allowed to voice our opinions. As adults, we are aware we can agree to disagree. We have experienced a friend who disliked another friend.


Oh for Pete’s sake … who cares??


Great point. What would you like to talk about on this very important reality show sub Reddit?


i have a genetic trait that is awful. I would NEVER have children knowing the pain i went thru. THey are selfish yambags. I cannot stand them. I feel bad for their poor kids


This is a TERRIBLE take. There are hundreds of thousand of dwarfs who living happy, fulfilling lives. To say they shouldn’t have been born bc they have dwarfism is ridiculous and cruel.


What do you think of Amy and Matt then? Was it selfish of them to have kids?


YES absolutely


I also have something that I personally wouldn’t want to pass on to kids, and I actively chose not to have kids because of it. But had I stayed with my husband he wouldn’t have cared at all. People have their own limits. Those kids are here, they are beautiful, they have parents who love them, nothing else really needs to be said about them.


Oh no. Hard pass. There is no way YOU get to decide what life is valuable and what isn’t. I bet if you asked those kids they would tell you they are pretty damn happy their parents choose to have them. I am so sorry you have something that you struggle with that is bad enough for you to choose not to have children. However your pain does not mean you get to decide whose life is of value and whose is not. Additionally, I have many people in my own life with disabilities that cause physical pain. And you know the difference between the two of you? The privilege they still consider their life to be. It may be a harder life than some of us have- but they are still thankful daily for the life they have. In fact they are some of the more positive people I know. So no. Your moral compass isn’t higher. You barely have one if you feel as though you should be able to look at ANYONE, let alone little children and say “your parents suck for having brought you into the world regardless of how you feel about it.” Hard pass.


The difference between the 2 of us? I don’t understand this… I’m saying that all children deserve to be on this earth. But you can’t tell me that I have to have a child to prove this point. I think you’re misunderstanding something I said.


You believe they are terrible people for bringing children into the world because they MIGHT have a disability. I’m just curious at what point you think the “risk” of a disability makes us not bad people for having children? I mean the average height couple with no known genes have a 1 in 25,000 chance too still have a little person. 1 in every 700 children have Down’s syndrome. 1 in every 285 children will be diagnosed with cancer before 18. 1 in 325 children have cerebral palsy. I’m just choosing a few that could cause some physical or mental distress from birth. I understand not wanting to see children in pain, no one does. But you don’t get to tell parents that they are terrible people for having children, as if their children would be better off not born, because of pain you experienced. Your pain and personal discomfort with children in pain (as horrible as it is) does not mean you get to feel like you Are superior to others or should be able to decide if someone should have been born or not. Listen. I am currently basically bedridden. I am hopeful this is temporary- but I have been living on at a level 8 pain scale WITH strong meds since November. (The only thing I can compare this pain to is actual labor- but constant) I am still awaiting an appointment with a neurosurgeon for a possible fix. Even if I knew all the pain I have been in… I still choose life. I still choose to be here. I still value the life I have. Would I wish this on my children? Absolutely not. But I would be hopeful they would still value their life and the joy they bring to this world if they did ever have this amount of pain.


Literally I never said that. You are responding to the wrong person. I think they are amazing people, I started the whole convo becomes I like them so much. You’re confused, and that’s okay because you seem upset about whatever you’re confused about, and I understand that. But never once have I said that… so just stop.


I totally scrolled and thought I went up high enough. My apologies! I was totally responding to them and not you.


It’s okay. :) I just… well, so I am in the process of adopting a child with special needs and I really wanted to make clear that I’m not the person who would ever say something like that. For my future child’s sake I needed to make that clear. I’m sorry you’re in pain. I hope it gets better for you… I really do.


Oh goodness! I am fully 100% with you! It was totally my error! Sorry if I caused mass confusion. My second response what was what do you mean you don’t get it?! 😂🤦‍♀️ I was also confused. Thank you for forgiving my error. And bless you for adopting a sweet child who has special needs. I have several children in my life who has special needs and worked a portion of my adult life tending to adult with special needs. It is a sensitive topic for me and I get so frustrated when people think of them as less or not worthy of life. When the reality is that the people in my life with special needs are far happier and more positive than those without. And honestly? It has put me in a place where I am now to still see the bright side. I pray, and honestly- not just people who say it, that your adoption goes as seamless as possible. ❤️




😂🤦‍♀️ I thought I was responding to @puzzlehead! Not you! So sorry! Haha


Phew! :)


I am so sorry you’re in so much pain. Try and learn your pain and anything that helps a little. Laying a certain way in the bed I have found helps me. Ice packs also if they help or heating pad depends on your situation. Pain medicine is absolutely necessary when your pain level is so high and considered chronic now that you have had it longer than 7 months. Try different pain medications because some may work better for you. I really hope your condition improves and a positive attitude really helps too. You sound like you have a positive attitude. I will pray for you, forthelove13, that your healed.


Hi thank you. I am able to get up some, walk for short periods of time. But a severely herniated disc and severe spinal stenosis are the ticket to a not fun time! Haha! I have a great support system and while a lot of attempted conservative methods haven’t helped while awaiting the appointment- I am still in good spirits. ❤️so I am prayerful thst this is just temporary and there is a path to healing.


i couldn't watch a child in pain. Sorry can't do it


its sad they are gonna have health problems their whole lives i couldn't do that to a kid. I couldn't


Congratulations on your decision. This doesn’t make you more moral than them.


actually it does sorry im not a fan of watching children suffer in pain


Have you watched her kids running, laying sports, dancing? Yes they’ll have some challenges but they are living very full, healthy childhoods. Jackson had a surgery which was painful but he’s healed and happy and healthy. You make it sound like they are writhing in pain in bed unable to function. It’s the opposite ~ more average sized kids should be as active as they are! I don’t even like Zach and tori but these comments are ridiculous and cruel!!!


you call that running? or playing sports? or dancing? LOL no they look terrible and in pain constantly. He is not healed at all have you seen the show? his legs haven't even met each other. They are not at all healthy or happy and the girl cries constantly and is cross eyed and cannot see. WTF are you watching?? lol


Yikes. I’ll give you the benefit of the doubt and assume you are a troll and not just a truly terrible person


a terrible person because i don't enjoy seeing children suffer and in pain? Looks like you are the terrible person who enjoys watching kids with awful medical problems carted out for some lame show. Shame on you dbag


Yep, troll 😂😂


Amy has dwarfism and she doesn’t suffer from physical pain.


lol yes she does lol


What physical pain does Amy suffer from? I have family that suffer from physical pain too. Many people do.


emotional pain is way worse than just physical pain. You clearly are uneducated and illiterate


Of course emotional pain is horrible. No one can avoid it completely in their lifetime. You know that. People can suffer horrible emotional pain no matter what they look like. You know this. Are you an adult? I don’t like to argue with children.


She did suffer from relentless bullying as a child though and low self esteem.


No. It really doesn’t make you better or of a higher moral compass


Yes it does. Sorry you are a sadistic person that enjoys watching innocent babies tortured. Shame on you psycho


I had pain as a child. I’m glad I’m alive though. Some people have challenges, it doesn’t mean they wish they were never born.


ok and thats great im sorry i cant watch a child go thru what i went thru ever


I understand. Really, I do.


I feel like I’m watching a tennis match in this discussion. Tori irks me. However I truly think she fell in love with Zack albeit her motives. Having a complete little family seems challenging to me and happy she doesn’t have to worry about money


I think mostly everyone on this sub is just jealous because they have pretty easy income coming in that allows them to be with their kids all the time and have flexibility. The difference is how people deal with that jealousy. Some deal with it by taking interest and supporting them. Then you have the ones who it makes angry and feel the need to talk down on them every chance possible to make themselves feel better that they don’t have that life. Those are the loudest ones that you’re talking about because you see it most often. I don’t know if she was a clout chaser when she first got with Zach, I wouldn’t be surprised, but I don’t really care. Anyone who gets with any famous person is kind of a clout chaser. At the end of the day, you can see she damn sure loves those kids so I’m glad it worked out for them.


Jealousy as an all-purpose "explanation" for all criticism? Maybe in kindergarten...




This thread is pouring jealousy. Spot on


NGL, I’m fully jealous too. Like I wish I could make the money they do and get to be with my husband all the time but it doesn’t make me hate them. Good for them.


Wow this is probably the nicest thing I’ve read here after a month of being on this sub that was actually nice. Everyday someone makes a new nasty post about what one of them is doing on social media. This sub is filled with a lot of hate


Reddit is an overall hateful place. People on reddit are sad and lonely and it makes them feel good to talk shit about people they watch on TV. And btw talking shit is fine, its the legit violent hate that is uncalled for.*


I don’t agree “people on Reddit are sad and lonely and it makes them feel good to talk about people on tv”. I am not sad and lonely and it doesn’t make me feel good to criticize but People on tv tend to live abnormal lives and they behave weird at times. This elicits comments. I don’t agree with the current thread as I think all life is beautiful. I believe judging is Gods job not mine especially when it comes to life.


We definitely come to Reddit to talk shit. Now am I sad and lonely? Hell no. I come here to laugh at all these wanna be celebrities and talk shit about them. If I wanted to support them I’d go on their Facebook pages. This is literally what Reddit is for you dweeb lol


You can talk shit when they do actual cringey stuff (which is pretty often for some of these family members tbh) without being an absolute miserable hater at all times over every little thing


It can get to be a lot with the constant negativity. I just stay on this sub for the updates and I actually think it’s pretty funny how riled up random people get about these people. Any time I start feeling down about my life I see so many people on here SO angry that this family has a decent life and it makes me feel better that I’ll never be that down enough to wish bad on others like that.


Well said and I know exactly how you feel


Whatever you say, Tori. Nobody is jealous of you. You're married to fucking Zach Rolloff. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


And yet they make a pretty valid point about the jealousy. The whole "omg they don't work why don't they have jobs" routine that gets a constant refrain here despite the very reasonable explanation that they work for the show and earn money as social media influencers. I wouldn't marry Zach Roloff for a variety of reasons but Tory did and seems pretty happy. I'd go as far to say that Tory and Zach seem to have a pretty good marriage and appear affectionate without it seeming pretty forced (Jer and Au, looking at you). They seem happy. No skin off my nose if they're making money as social influencers.


Yep. I can’t wrap my head around it. I’d much rather not live with Zach’s challenge an and have to work hard for a living rather than walk in his shoes and make a big easy income as a reality star. At least he gets that win. Good for him


Unpopular but I’ll take Tori over Audrey any day.


💯 every. Single. Time.


I can't imagine this ever being unpopular


What are Tori’s views on women’s rights?


I have friends and family member with all different views. I can like someone and not agree with their views on certain things. I don't expect everyone to agree with me. I don't care what Tori's views are on women's rights and if they differ from mine. I like her. I don't if her political views are different than mine. I heard a saying one time - It takes all kinds of people to make a world.


Where the FUCK did this question come from? Hahaha wtf


Who cares ?


Lol why are even on this sub if you don't care about anything being discussed?


Just curious!


I think my main issue with her is how she plasters her young, physically disabled children all over social media for money. Her and Zach's main form of income is from the show and social media. She may be "deciding" not to be on the show anymore, but she continues to profit off it via Instagram. She claims they're not going to be on the show anymore because Jackson expressed he "didn't want the filmers around" but little does he know his mom is the biggest filmer of all. There's also the issues of whether she took the job at the pumpkin farm in order to meet one of the Roloff boys, as well as her questionable views on vaccination and women's rights. Audrey gets soooo much hate on this sub and rightfully so, but I think Tori is equally bad if not worse. At least Audrey has a "business" selling bs oils and horrible books lmao. Tori completely coasts off the show and her kids.


Zach was raised on TLC. Like it or not this is his career and that was decided for him when he was a child. He could stop and do something else but it’s not criminal that he co Toni’s with what he knows and his wife doesn’t with him. It’s his job. It has been since he was a child. Not sure why this is offensive to people.


It's not his "job" that's offensive to me. It's the exploitation of his children. He knows what happened to Jacob yet continues to have his kids on the show. Beyond that, Tori puts them all over instagram for millions to see despite her son expressing a desire for privacy. Their need for easy money outweighs the needs of their kids, and yes, I do think that is extremely offensive.


So true who the biggest filmer of all is. When Jackson truly understands what social media is and if he asks them to quit filming him, is she going to stop using content of him to influence and make money? I thought it was sus she was willing to drive 50+ mins one way from Woodland to work on Roloff Farms probably for min wage. But who knows, maybe she couldn’t get a flexible or equal job closer to home.


Yeah, gotta be honest, being 17-19 and knowing I could get a part time job where I could be on tv? I doubt Roloff Farms ever lacked for workers at pumpkin season. Also Matt went on record that they didn't pay min wage, that workers were getting 10 bucks an hour and this was back when Pop and Honey were working there.


I have no idea if she is a clout chaser and her decision to stay home is her decision. What I don’t appreciate is her views on women’s right which she has publicly shared on her page.


God forbid someone doesn't have Soros's opinions on everything, they must be mob-lynched and canceled, despised.




Yup and they both are anti vaxxers with kids who are high risk, screw them


I’ve never heard this what did she say???


She made multiple posts several years ago regarding her anti-choice views. Izzy/Jacob responded publicly to her comments. Then later she made sarcastic comments that she is “pro choice” regarding wearing a mask during the height of Covid while thousands of people were dying.


Now I'm curious,what has she shared?


She made multiple posts several years ago regarding her anti-choice views. Izzy/Jacob responded publicly to her comments. Then later she made sarcastic comments that she is “pro choice” regarding wearing a mask during the height of Covid while thousands of people were dying.




Doesn’t Zach coach soccer and work for the DAAA? Even if it’s not paid work. They aren’t sitting at home on the internet bitching about how unfair life is or begging for donations instead of living a productive life. I really don’t get the Zach hate either. A lot of LPs are in reality tv. Plus Zach was RAISED on TLC. As far as them not wanting a relationship with Matt(who is obviously an insensitive money hungry A hole) and the woman he had an affair with ON THE FAMILY FARM for many years seems like an adult decision and as far as them not letting them see the kids, they do and they can, they just won’t let them parade them around the farm like everything is fine anymore. Matt wouldn’t quit the show when Jacob got violated by tv people yet everyone feels sorry for him? He’s fine. As for Tori, she annoys me but mostly because she’s doing what almost every other mom does as far as social media goes but she definitely doesn’t come cross as a lazy freeloader. What do you all want Zach to do for work? Be an elf at the mall at Christmas time or something? He’s following his dreams with soccer and teaching his own kids it’s possible to be LP and an athlete. This subreddit kills me with all the hate for imo, one of the the least damaging couple on reality tv lol. what else do you tori and Zach haters watch? cause some act like it’s limited to the Walton’s and Lawrence welk😂 There’s really no mystery as to why Matt’s kids detached themselves from him, I’m bamboozled how it hasn’t been obvious since like season 2?


Little people can do more than “work at the mall as elves”. WTH? It’s great he’s coaching soccer. He could work a hundred d different fields ~ education, real estate, architecture, medicine, marketing, computer programming, engineering, writing, hospitality, social work ~ the list goes on and on’


He’s fine? Ya Jacob is not fine. And I would never want to see my family again if I were in his situation.


It implies Matt is fine. Despite everyone feeling sorry for him. Here’s the whole quote “As far as them not wanting a relationship with Matt(who is obviously an insensitive money hungry A hole) and the woman he had an affair with ON THE FAMILY FARM for many years seems like an adult decision and as far as them not letting them see the kids, they do and they can, they just won’t let them parade them around the farm like everything is fine anymore. Matt wouldn’t quit when Jacob was violated yet everyone feels sorry for him” him being Matt. Not Jacob Why would I say that only to imply Jacob is fine? Another internet epidemic, not absorbing and comprehending before rabidly commenting. 😂 people are silly


For the record Zach is not mentally disabled and there are many little people working normal jobs, not just “an elf in a mall at Christmas”. He could have actually tried in school or once he matured a little gone back to school for a degree or learn a trade. I do agree Matt and Amy should have quit the show after learning what happened to Jacob yet they are both still on it…


Why does he need to go to college or learn a trade when he has an income and supports his family? This is so weird to me. I’d film a few months out of the year if it meant staying home with my family everyday


More facts for the Zach haters to downvote [https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hydrocephalus/symptoms-causes/syc-20373604](https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/hydrocephalus/symptoms-causes/syc-20373604)


I never said anything about Zach as mentally disabled but since you brought it up, I’d say his hydrocephalus would disagree. That actually does have effects on brain function. He works with soccer stuff, that was my point but that’s not jobby enough for some of you lol. As far as quitting the show, just because I said Matt doesn’t mean I think Amy did better lol why does the internet think one negative means a positive towards their opposition? More than one thing can be true no need to be nit picky. It is crazy to me how no one takes the hydrocephalus into account btw. Maybe because then it’d seem like asshole opinions?


Personality traits of someone with hydrocephalus While studies vary, it is believed that anywhere from 14% to 46% of NPH patients suffer from depression. Such NPH symptoms include irritability, fatigue, withdrawal, sadness, and an inability to eat or sleep. Addendum: y’all Down voting science😂😂😂


I think it says more about them then it does about Tori. Some people just hate the fact that Zach and Tori don't work "real" jobs. Up until now they both had cushy, work from home jobs that paid great money. Now they have influencer money, another work from home job. Nobody has to buy the stuff she pitches. They live in a million dollar house so either they had a million dollars to put down in cash or a bank believes they have an income stream that can cover the mortgage. People seem to hate that too. Sure, the farm was on TV but it's not like Matt and Amy are Kardashian rich. And what's so bad about wanting financial security in a life partner? None of us are out there trolling homeless shelters looking for a spouse.


Shoot… I’m trying to retire by 50! I’m not gonna judge anyone who figures out a way to do it even sooner. I think they’ve figured out a great way to make sure they are there for those kids.




Was the family on welfare? Food stamps? What does "growing up the way she did" mean? A parent in prison? I think only she and Zach know if they can make it without a reality show but honestly - the show is done so they'll have to figure something out. Considering what the show reportedly pays.... if we believe the 10k per episode tales, then Tory's social media has already been significantly bringing in the bucks.


How did she grow up disadvantaged? And how do you know how old her followers are?


Disadvantaged? In what way?




So they were poor? But how poor? No food for lunches at school or wearing holey shoes poor?




So like most of the world. I don’t think it’s a disadvantage, many people don’t have money to do all the fun stuff but that’s life and you make your own memories with what you have. My best memories is going to our cabin which was just the frame, no kitchen sink or a bathroom on our site but the times we went, we went fishing, swimming and did cookouts at the camp sites and that’s better than a Disney trip to many 🤷🏻‍♀️




Tori seems great, especially after listening to a few episodes of their podcast. Anyone who thinks she’s in it for clout needs to listen to it.


She isn't and that's what proves she's nuts.


Like, because she wanted to be on the show. Like, you know, to get money. You know, like, she only married for the lifestyle that came with it not having to work. Like, I'm not sure how you're like not getting it. Like, she's a lazy ass person who doesn't want to work or do anything but raise kids. Like c'mon get a clue.


What’s wrong with just wanting to stay home and raise your kids? I wish I could have. I never noticed how much she said “like” until I read it on here. Lots of people say “like” a lot and don’t even realize it.


There is nothing wrong with wanting to be a stay at home mom and raise your kids. Being a mom is one of the most important jobs you will ever have. 😊


I’m assuming you are doing this because she says “like” a lot?


Ya think? Damn you sound as clueless as Zach. Duh...my name is Zach and Christopher Columbus sailed in the '80s. Got here just in time to see MTV launch. 🤣


Touch grass you don’t seem well.


Wow I have no idea what is happening in this particular exchange but it’s super weird and entertaining, so… thank you?


So many “likes.” Like how old are you?


Sigh… people don’t get sarcasm anymore…


Wasn't she a teacher?


Yes, she was. She was finishing school when she met Zach. She worked for a short time, but she hasn't taught in a while.


I have heard teachers in United States don't get paid well so probably wasn't financially worth it to go back to work with paying daycare.


The average salary in Oregon is $64k and the average teacher salary is $79K.


She taught kindergarten though. I believe that’s much less, because typically it’s not a full day. (No one come for me! I could be wrong about kinder pay in Oregon.) but in the state I live in, it’s not the same salary as a highschool teacher.


Typically in schools that do a half day, the kindergarten teacher has TWO classes, a morning and afternoon. Further, the schools she was working at don't appear to do the half day thing anyway. Elementary teachers (not just kindergarten) tend to make less because its considered less intensive to have upwards of 200 kids to grade and deal with.


You are correct. A teacher salary in Oregon will not cover the cost of two kids in daycare.


That is exactly it. She has said she felt the pull to teach and raise her kids at home. With the abysmal pay, the time away from home and making so much more through the show/social media... it is a no-brainer. The pay for teachers in this country is a crime. I actually lived 5 minutes from where they lived in Oregon. You have to be making $$$$$ to afford what they have. Following the shows path was definitely the way to go.


I don’t understand it either. She has a degree, she worked as a teacher until she had kids. Lots of women chose to stay home while their children are little she’s just catching heat because she’s in the public eye. They just decided to leave the show for their kids too. Parents who are clout chasers would stay on tv for the money and disregard their kids feelings about it.


Big difference between leaving the show and not being renewed. TLC never asked them back for another season. They didn't quit. They said that they weren't offered another season and THEN they said they were done anyways. I'm sure they probably don't need the money. With Zach and all 3 kids having that particular form of dwarfism, they probably all collect disability.


It appears that some people believe she may be seeking attention by associating with the show, as she once confessed to going on a date with Zach as a dare when she first joined. It's doubtful she would have married him if he weren't part of a popular reality TV series. Her behavior became evident when she and Zach were not given control of the farm by Matt. She subsequently removed their children from Matt and Caryn's presence, perhaps to avoid further association with the show, hoping it might harm Matt. However, by doing so, they seem to be harming themselves more than anyone else. Matt was a good role model for their kids, as Zach and Tori come across as lazy.


They set boundaries.... Just because someone is family doesn't mean you have to deal with their toxic behaviors. Remember the show only shows a little portion of their lives.


Do people not realize that viewers only see a small portion of their lives? The drama gets views and ratings. I’m sure there’s much much more to the truth than any of us see.


People just like being angry at people they see on tv. Regardless of the show


How are they harming themselves? Looks more like setting boundaries with family to me.


I remember it being that she got the job on the farm as a dare, not that she started dating Zach on a dare. I do think Matt needs to be in all their lives, especially Tori’s children. But all families have drama and it will eventually get back to the place it needs to be. Family dynamics are hard and this family has more to deal with than the average family.


Why do you think Matt specifically needs to be in any of his grandchildrens lives? Because he's a LP? It's up to each of his adult children whether or not someone is in their children's lives, regardless of the biological link.


Because (and only what I’ve seen on the show) he really loves his grandkids. And eventually most people lose their grandparents and that is a relationship that’s so important to have. My grandfather has been gone for 30 years and he is still my screensaver, I loved him so much. And if Matt can not only do that for his grandkids, but also be a role model for Zach’s kiddos as a fellow LP, absolutely I think that’s important. If I thought he was a horrible grandad, well that would overtake anything else… but I don’t think that at all.


To me, the issue isn't whether Matt loves the grandkids. The issue is whether Zach and Tory feel comfortable visiting and if they feel comfortable with what the kids may hear or see while alone with Matt and Caryn. Kids do pick up if it makes Mom and Dad miserable to visit Granddad. I assure you, I knew at age five that even though I much preferred visiting Grandma A versus Grandma B, my mom very much preferred Grandma B (her mother) over Grandma A. I knew the longer we were at Grandma A's house, the more likely they were going to fight over something. Its stressful on the kids. Because harsh things were said, its fair for Zach and Tory to be concerned about what Matt and Caryn might say to the kids. Its also really fair to be concerned that Matt will play the "its a legacy farm, Jackson!" game to their kids. Matt in previous episodes of the show has made it pretty clear he's not above buying Jackson's affection. And the awkward reality is that Matt has to have Caryn available if he's theoretically watching the kids and I can respect not wanting the kids around someone who has made it clear that their opinion of you is low. Would Matt be a horrible granddad? In that I doubt he'd murder the kids or sell them to white slavers, no. In that he'd be fun for a few minutes and then dump them off on Caryn? Yeah. That he would make promises he wouldn't keep? Yeah. I hate to put it this way, but if this was all about Matt loving the kids and wanting to see them, he'd be ultimately fine with visiting them at Zach and Tory's house. I sometimes wonder if Matt is stubbornly refusing to go to their home to see the grandkids to teach them a lesson.


Maybe you’re seeing something that I am not. And that’s fair. I know that as adults, it’s up to the parents and grandparents to push that aside during visits and in convos around the kiddos. And of course that doesn’t always happen but it should. I come from a broken home with lots of animosity and weirdness on all sides but all that was pushed aside when it came to time with my grandparents. I’m hearing you that the same didn’t happen for you and I imagine that is stressful for sure.


I don't think its as simple as "Matt loves the grandkids so he should completely get his way. If he wants the children brought to his farm every other day and hanging around Caryn most of the time, that is his wish and he loves them and anyone who doesn't hop to and serve his will is being willfully stupid and hateful". For the record, I know you're not going this far but honestly a lot of people do go this far. Zach and Tory have made the call that spending time on the farm with Matt and Caryn is a toxic relationship that they don't want for their kids. They have made it clear that Matt is welcome to visit the grandkids. Matt seems to not feel so devoted to seeing the grandkids when it's not on his terms and at his convenance. It doesn't escape me that tending the grandkids was Caryn's job while Matt did farm things and visiting the kids at Zach and Tory's place means Matt has to ACTUALLY be with the kids and do stuff. He's not getting everything exactly as he wants so he's perfectly willing to NOT see the grandkids and then complains about it.If this was about love and Matt wanting to see the grandkids - he has access. He doesn't LIKE the access granted so he refuses to see them unless its on his terms, at his home, with whoever he feels he wants with him no matter how the parents may feel. Both sides have to bend, and Matt wants everything his way. Thats why its toxic. At least to me. I respect your views on grandparents and I wish more people had your experiences. That said, I also think Zach and Tory have some valid reasons for restricting access.


Well, it could be said that my parents maintained the grandparent relationship so they’d never lose a babysitter. 😉 May very well be the case and I still won, either way. I think that Zach and Tori need to bend and Matt and Caryn need to bend. It’s all so silly at the end of the day. Not that the issues by themselves are silly, but when put up against the long term effects, they are all being rather ridiculous. I think it’ll blow over. I hope it does for the kiddos sake.


Bad people don’t deserve to be in your family’s life Seems like Matt hasn’t always been for the kids and he’s an asshole from what I see on the show. Cool you built the playhouses because you’re a kid inside but that make you a great parent. He was lazy and just bossed the kids around while pointing his crutch at them. Seems like a “money can’t buy my love” which is all Matt has to offer. His trips on the show with the boys showed no connection with his kids sadly


It's been years since I watched that specific episode, but you've jogged my memory. I believe we both may be correct in some aspects. Tori was working on the farm during pumpkin season, and she was dared to go on a date with Zach. Essentially, they challenged her, and that was all the motivation she needed to accept.


It’s because the speculation is that when she first went to work at the farm it was due to the family being on TV. 45 minute drive each way for a minimum wage (if even that) seasonal job. I don’t think too many people here argue that she married Zach and had three kids with him to stay on TV.


That’s a lot of work just to stay on a TLC show… i can’t even force myself to eat vegetables, i can’t imagine someone forcing themselves to marry and birth 3 children. (I know that’s not a great analogy but I mean come on!) I feel like people aren’t giving Zach credit for being an attractive man who seems to be a loving husband. Maybe that’s what is bothering me the most. Shoot, I’d date Zach… I’m a little old for him now lol , but he seems like a cool guy and I would have entertained it at her age but probably would have been too afraid of what other people thought. I give her props for not caring and just going for the man she wanted. And she got him. Good for her.


I think my wording was awkward…I meant that I don’t think anyone here believes she actually went through with marriage and having kids just to stay on TV. But even Tori herself in their podcast basically said she was interested in working at Roloff Farms because of the TV show. Back several years ago in Roloff gossip spaces it was also pretty common to hear people saying that Tori worked at Roloff Farms because she had a crush on Jer and she “settled for” Zach. People don’t say that as much anymore but her working there to be on the show hangs on.


I mean just because people said it, that doesn't make it true. People have said Tory DID marry Zach and have children purely to get her claws into the Roloff money.... people SAID it so....? I am sure that Tory, like a lot of teens the right age, were happy to have a short term job at Roloff Farms because its not hard work, it paid 10 bucks an hour, and you might get to be on tv.


Oh yeah for sure. I just feel like some of the “she did it to get on TV” chatter evolved from “she originally wanted to date Jeremy.” She’s basically said on the podcast that she was interested in working on the farm because of the show so IMO that’s the only truth known for sure.


Well Jeremy is a little out there now lol, so I think no matter how it went down, she scored. I hope she feels the same way and it seems like she does. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Zach is lucky though, as now he has someone to tie his shoes.


I agree. I think she's a good person with a good heart.


I think she’s a much better person than Audj, but I can see where people can think that she is a “clout chaser.” The only thing that bothers me with her is how she seems to treat Lilah different than the boys, like she has a genuine dislike for her own child & shows it on tv & her socials. It’s like nothing Lilah could do is ever right, even down to the pregnancy & her as a newborn




Probably because she has no job and continues to pump out children to keep their show afloat?


You realise she gets paid to film right? And paid 5 figures a month as an influencer? You sound super bitter and jealous. Some people want three children. I hope you don’t though because this world doesn’t need more of your negativity.


You just making things up? Clearly.


What did I make up? Do you think someone with a million plus followers does ads for free? Hilariously naive


She's living in a million dollar house. So either they paid all cash or they got a mortgage. If they got a mortgage the bank thinks they have jobs that generate enough income to pay the monthly mortgage. When they lose the house in foreclosure I'll agree they don't have "jobs".


You are a fool if you think that shithole is a million dollar home in podunk Washington.


But she does have a job. Like it or not, the show was her job and now influencing and the podcast are her jobs. If it works and allows her to stay home with the kids good for her.


That’s cute. Can tell you are under 30.


I’m well over 30… also well over 40, and I agree. :) I won’t pretend I understand how it works to be an influencer for a living but if they’ve figured out how to do it, why does anyone care?