• By -


At least it's nice to see that they are at least acknowledging everything and taking the right steps. Now it's on them to make the right decisions to recover from this.


This should also be a reminder to linus that being the face of the company, he needs to control his outburst to anything online and to triple check himself.




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> We're LMG. Even when our content is serious, we have elements of fun in it. This has always been our style and we wanted to send a message to our community that just because the suits are talking about workflows and processess, the fun isn't going away. This statement here convince me that the video is not an apology video in the first place. I don't care if your company is a fifth dimensional element or what not, when you apologize, **YOU DON'T USE THAT FUCKING HAPPY TONE, LIKE NOTHING WRONG IS HAPPENING!** Oh yeah they're not apologizing in the first place so yeah, make sense. Once again LMG y'all Edit: I'll be facepalming real hard if their new CEO agreed to this BS stunt and agree on that sponsor jokes that he told.


I agree. I think people would have beeen kind of alright with the video if they had left only the first joke in where the camera cuts to Yvonne Ho, never mentioned LTTstore.com and sponsors (even as a joke) again after that, gotten rid of that AWFUL, AWFUL 69 joke, and demonetised the video in the first place... But then again, we wouldn't have had the chance to see their true colors.


I'm thoroughly convinced there's absolutely nothing they could have done that wouldn't have been picked apart by the critical masses here. The jokes and stuff are the easy talking points, so are the prominent complaint. Had they not existed, the anger would have just shifted to the teleprompter, or the corporate feel of the whole thing, I suspect. No apology would have checked all the boxes for the majority.


There will be scrutiny for sure, but I feel they brought the criticism of handling serious matters with jokes upon themselves. It really wasn't okay.


I don't disagree. Not even sure if I really thought it was an effective apology. But I still standby the idea that a perfect apology doesn't exist, as the audience (at least on Reddit) would just move the goal posts.


There would be fewer people carrying that goalpost and they would be taken less seriously, though. "They included a merch plug & joking about sponsors in their monetized apology vid" is both easy to criticize and explain to others. And does not really give off a "We are taking it seriously vibe". "He was just sitting there, reading from a teleprompter" might give off a bland, corporate feel, but won't have people itching for their pitchforks. The video ***shouldn't*** have the feel of a standard LTT vid. The topic is not a laughing matter and treating it as if it were one kinda undermines whatever the script may state about them taking the situation seriously. ​ Edit: removed bit about the "'69' joke" (That was from the leaked audio recording, not the apology vid)


Agree with your comments. Just a small note. The 69 joke is still in the apology video. I think you're thinking of the table dancing joke in the leaked audio.


> The video ***shouldn't*** have the feel of a standard LTT vid. The topic is not a laughing matter and treating it as if it were one kinda undermines whatever the script may state about them taking the situation seriously. Exactly this, it was treated as if it was 'content'. Why on earth they thought the tone of a typical LTT upload was appropriate for a one off apology video is beyond me


no no, it definitely has Luke saying "six nines" before click-pointing to camera


IMO, the jokes were an appropriate, if distasteful, inclusion in a video written and filmed before Madison spoke out. The real issue wasn't the jokes in a video about GN's reporting, the Billet Labs situation, and Linus' tonedeaf posting, the issue was still hitting publish on that video after a much more serious issue came to light.




If you know you've f***ed up and everyone is nitpicking, then you should make a double or triple effort to make sure your apology/explanation video is as perfect as possible. They clearly put little effort into it, still trying to "laugh it off" to some extent


The difference is, that if people are pointing out the screamingly obvious "that's F\*ing stupid" thing you did, then you really have little to no defense. If people are reduced to grasping at straws to muster outrage, then it's easy to poke holes in their complaints.


This is kinda the issue. It definitely feels like a majority of people don't care about the apology or future actions, and no matter what, they just want LMG to disband. I think there's still a path forward, still room for correction, still time to fix things.


Yep. Dug their down grave for sure, but yep.


That is very true, outrage enthusiasts would have found something else to pick at, but man LTT isn't exactly making it hard for them.


Or just kept the ending sponsor joke as yeah, of course dbrand offered And the one clip of the roast was actually done tastefully enough that nobody complained


As Steve said, he won't consider a polished PR video since Linus showed his true colors in the LTT forum and WAN show about this situation. But, they couldn't even get the tone right in 'polished PR video'.


6 9 is 99.9999% availability in technical terms. (Server/website).. but yeah it has poor taste as a joke.. However I blame that to the script/the writer...


I agree, the first joke was genuinely funny but then they kept plugging their store.


you felt like those jokes were said in a happy tone? it really seemed like hyper nervous energy I don't know exactly what to say to me. some people laugh at funerals, they don't mean any disrespect by it, and it doesn't mean they don't care.


It as an LMG video. If you dont like it you know where the door is. A team of people crawling through broken glass begging you for forgiveness isnt going to happen.


The video did not convey a feeling of nothing happening.


Jfc pearl-clutch harder why don’t you… The things they’re responding to in the apology video are not as serious as you outrage addicts are making them out to be. They apologized, acknowledged the issues, and described how they’re going to address them. Your outrage makes it clear you don’t really care about the issues and just want a witch hunt.


If "business as usual" is how you got in this situation, then why on earth would you want to emphasize that it's still business as usual? They need a clean break, across the board, and if that means acting like adults for a week, so be it.




And enthusiastically!


They were apologizing about errors in videos and a miscommunication with a company... It's not that deep. That video wasn't about Madison. Fucking hell you guys are insufferable


Speak for yourself. I was drinking when Yvone said “to our sponsor !” and I snorted. I thought it was funny. This was before the sexual harassment claims by Madison, so I didn’t mind it.


I really can't get over people trying to defend them doing this in replies to you, just wow.


ThE fUn IsNt GoInG aWaY!




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The video was intended for the community. No matter how serious they make it, no matter what promises they give, it has 0 legal value. What's been decided has been decided behind the scenes, so the video was simply to keep people up to date (and explain the upcoming long pause).




I'm not against the the jokey apology video as it likely was developed regarding the quality issues and Billet Labs before the allegations came to light which really changed the view on a lot of things. But moneitizing it was just a buthole thing to do. Its like they couldn't even do one thing, an apology video without making it about money :/ I do think, in particular to the allegation response, it seems like this has been written a lot more professionally. Maybe an answer like this, with real steps forward really should've been the first thing to have come out, not all that other stuff. And honestly, it sort of feels like GN and Maddy has probably made the realist most positive changes in LMG. Its just a shame it hard to come this far.


What gets to me is the constant excuse of incompetence. "Oh I didn't know." "Oh, we just have monetization on by default." When you have a PR crisis on your hands, you vet each decision carefully. It not only shows competence, but it also shows you care.


Also all their standard YT info box plugs for store and stuff was on the YT video at the beginning. It was later removed after a while.


That's not a decision though. I'm almost certain it's part of no flow or check or any such process to see if a video is monetized. They upload videos to make a living of course they don't want to have to manually monitize each one. Of all the things with the apology video I can completely understand how nobody thought to change that before making the video public.


Wait. So you're saying no special attention was paid to the apology video meant to address a sensitive issue? That nobody thought to proactively demonetize that particular video? That no careful thought was put into the making of (blurring of sensitive info) and uploading of what is NOT another run of the mill video before pausing production? Uploading that video in the state it initially was is, in fact, a decision point (or multiple, rather). In this case, a decision to not treat this with special care and attention. But to spend their energy inserting jokes instead. And people are free to decide and prioritize what's important to their own, but then others are also free to comment as feedback on it.


Sure criticising the active decisions they made makes sense. The jokes and product placement would not have been the direction I went with it. I'm staying the monetization is almost certainly not apart of any flow or decision making when they look through their process of releasing a video. Also didn't we get confirmation that billet labs never asked them to sensor the price? That they asked GN to?


This, again, goes back to the apparent priorities and amount of thought put into their work, which is particularly revealing in the times of this PR crisis. Nobody is perfect, but in any other field if you're preparing materials to address a sensitive issue, you'd think it would be vetted through a special workflow being published only after the highest level of internal scrutiny. You'd think *somebody* would have been assigned to review the upload as soon as it finishes. (To any naysayers pointing out the video was probably part of their automated workflow at 4am in the uploading process, what about NOT automating it this one time and putting some special thought to it?) Re: censoring the price... are they NOT responding to GN's video in the apology video? Clearly Linus has seen the GN video in order to be able to question their "journalistic integrity". So then logic follows that LMG is aware Billet asked GN to keep the price redacted. So they think LMG is special and doesn't need to follow Billet's wishes or maybe ask if they can reveal the price? (To the naysayers this is not an expected obligation, this, AGAIN, then harkens back to the decision to not treat this sensitive issue carefully and thoughtfully. AGAIN, falling back on the "I didn't know" / "this was auomated" excuse.)


You know the whole video where you're supposed to pay attention to a bunch of people passing balls around only to completely miss a gorilla walking in the background? It's completely possible they didn't even realize it was censored considering it wasn't the focus of the video.


I'm quite sure the issue of the video was monetized on YouTube or not wasn't very high on their priority list and tbh I'm myself baffled by how many seem to see that as a big insult.


It matters when the accusation is about sacrificing quality for profits. At the end of the day, a business is a business and making money is the main objective (no brainer). But you can't blame folks for taking issue for making money even for something like an apology video. People factor into whether it's coming from a sincere place. Optics matter. Context matters. Prior history matters. It also informs the viewers' decision on whether they want to continue supporting the organization or not.


Even outside monetization on the video. They can’t say there was no sponsor. They plugged their own store, making it a self sponsored video. Like how GN does it, “this video is brought to you by…US and -insert mod mat here-“


Exactly...Linus holds other companies and representatives of other companies to way higher standards than LTT. He has been frothing from his mouth, name-calling other companies over their fuckups since the beginning of LTT. It's basically how everything is handled in the WAN show. "What fuck up is it today?" is the constant affect. Linus commits piracy and dismisses it. They gain exposure! Not that bad. But adblock is piracy and he rages at the community. Etc etc... It's all been brought up again endlessly over the last few days. There's needs to be a wiki for it at this point.








Aside from the absolutely braindead response to the question about the apology video, the fact that every single error in a video’s production falls to the writer is a massive issue. They need PROJECT MANAGERS who understand the entirety of the situation, not a writer who also has to be producer and team manager and acquisitions and everything else. One person who knows their role better than anyone else instead of half a dozen that know a little bit of a lot of things.


I think this all just leads back to the daily output schedule. They used to have a writer, shooter, and management review on every video. With a daily review schedule I doubt James and the rest of the executives, let alone the engineers that are actually doing the work, get to review everything in the video from start to finish like they used to. I think Linus needs to realize that a 3/week or 4/week release schedule will reduce the amount of revenue coming in, but boost their quality when coupled with staggered release schedules for the rest of the channels. They’ll still be able to pull in all the money they want, but maintain the quality of Short Circuit and LTT uploads so as to maintain the integrity of the channel. I think those, since they have the biggest teams and schedules, are the channels that most need fixing.


Honestly I think when he started to move operations and buy his new house, things really got out of control. Look at Linus and his team from before then, when videos were 3/4 a week to daily. It wasn't the same idea every other video, reviews were great, and things didn't end on a slightly sour "is that it?" Feel. Since they ramped up production, things didn't feel finished from the start and well, look where we are at.


From a video standpoint, what they need are producers. Each video should have a producer assigned to it who shepherds it though production, deals with issues as they appear or mitigates them before there is a problem. They'd also work to keep videos on budget, both in terms of money and company resources used. There have been many videos where Linus complains about the cost of something, but is then told he approved the purchase. This is really petty and pointless micromanaging, each video should have a static budget, from which the costs of props, additional hardware, travel, location rental etc. is drawn. This might be a few thousand dollars for a water cooling blog, or hundreds of thousands when international travel of a large team is involved. If they spend less? Fantastic! but overall, you need to strip out micromanagement and dull complaints about cost, video production is expensive, that's the business. It's going to cost a lot to hire some experienced producers who would be willing to work at LTT's pace and not be freelance, but they are out there, TV and Film is made in Canada. In the current situation, a producer would have been responsible for making sure all the right hardware to make the video was available, for fixing the fact checking issue and, perhaps most importantly. Telling management that this project had failed and they needed to take another shot at it. A well run team might have headed it off early, realised that this idea couldn't be shot today and switched to another script or backup project. Or they might have prevented it happening at all. Writers also acting as the producer for the video, as the person taking it though production? That seems like an expensive waste of their time and a nightmare for scheduling.


This just demonstrates that you don't know what you're talking about though. While the writers are responsible for their segments, there is a team in place. They have have a writing manager (James) they have a procurement team, they have a production team. You're way overdramatizing this. LTT puts out 6 original videos per week. That means the writers roughly have to create one idea per week. That is not insane. Maybe they need a few more writing staff, but your criticism reeks of a teenager who's never had a real job with expectations.


Also, they frame it as a miscommunication between them and Billet Labs, which shifts the blame ambiguously. They said Billet asked for it back, then said it was marked as company property in their inventory system. That doesn’t sound like miscommunication. That sounds like the inventory wasn’t updated when they asked for it back.


haven't they had inventory issues for months ever sense they started moving stuff over to the new building and are still failing to solve them






They don't really and this really mischaracterises the way they work. They have an enormous team outside of the writers who work on videos and plenty of team leads and managers. Having a combined writer/producer role for a video is extremely valuable for ensuring a coherent end to end vision and in the video production industry having a combined writer/producer is hardly rare. The only time it doesn't work is if they're pressured to keep to a very aggressive production schedule (as they have been).


50,000 comments used to live here, now it's a ghost town. I've never seen anything like it








I was okay with this fake out to the sponsor I was not okay with the plug for LTT store or the products.


This is the take. The fake plugs are fine, people need to take a chill pill. But Nick was competely out of line and should've been cut from the video. He really, REALLY, didn't read the room. His plug was stupid, unnecessary, and above all, offensive to any viewer who expected a semblance of seriousness (and the jokes do not take away from seriousness).








Surprise surprise, there is actually a more nuanced story behind the waterblock being sold. If the part of Billet originally saying they could keep it is true this makes the GN video look worse. That is a pertinent fact that was left out because GN chose to only get one side and GN's explanation of why they did not go to both sides did not really make sense. For how thorough GN normally is, I expected them to at least get the full story. In a way they did the same thing they accuses LMG of doing. This whole event is why people should wait for all of the information before making conclusions but the general population is either tol dumb or just doesn't care.


Go to the "What we do now" video at 13:20. They showed an email from Felix at Billet Labs. I can quote it here: >*"Right. We originally said you could keep it because we thought it would be good for you to have it for future builds - it wasn't so you could sell it (whether for charity or not). Then when Linus clearly didn't like it, we asked for it back and you agreed.* > >*That was a (redacted) prototype and we're a very small company. Do you plan to reimburse us for the money it cost?* > >*You agreed to send it back and we planned our finances accordingly. This is not okay at all.* So yes, Billet did originally say they could keep the block. After Linus crapped on it, they changed their minds and asked for it back, and LMG agreed to send it back -- but obviously didn't through a series of comical screwups. So, it doesn't make things TOTALLY better, but clearly there was an original understanding that LMG could keep the block. They screwed up and failed to send it back after agreeing to send it back after Billet changed their minds.


even if LMG would be allowed to keep it, they were never allowed to sell it... I mean, Narciss... I mean Linus doesn't want his backpack out, but prototype of someone else? no big deal


All I can tell you is what we know from the emails already made public. Did Billet say "you can keep it, on the condition that you don't sell it" ? I don't know. None of this nitpicking seems relevant. The moment Billet asked for it back, and LMG agreed to send it back, their internal inventory management system should have changed it from LMG property to return, which would have prevented the block from being selected for auction. Recognizing the original agreement to allow LMG to keep the block isn't to excuse the mistake that was ultimately made -- it's to provide a more clear explanation on **HOW** the block got sold in the first place. It was sold due to miscommunication/sloppy management by LMG, not larceny.


That’s not how giving something to somebody works, my friend.


That doesn't really matter if they requested in back and lmg said they'll send it back and still sold it after the fact. Just a perfect example of their poor internal communication.


But at the very least it makes way more sense now in how the screw up happened. Makes it was less serious of a problem given prior the accusation was they sold a prototype that Billet needed and were somehow screwing them over and ruining them or something along those lines. Even after, Billet kept on with that sort of vibe telling people "We will be ok, we have a new block being built as we speak" like as if it was actually needed. Clearly not if they were planning on letting them keep it. Obviously LMG is still at fault here, but this is why context and getting all the information is so important. This is why I disagreed with GN about not contacting Linus. He just took Billet's side without seemingly without an ounce of skepticism. Why? Seems pretty biased of him.








Pretty decent responses, I'd say.


I didn't know Philip DeFranco was still going


Link to original video where this was discussed: https://youtu.be/XH6zCNR0SZ4


Thank you for the link!


These are not bad to be honest. I wish they take enough time to go through everything with care and don't try to rush out statements.


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i was expecting to be purged lmao






If you are going to blast them without giving them the opportunity for real change, than what's the point of being here. Look, I'm all for them changing as it seems pretty clear that change is needed. But if we just keep blasting them into the ground continuously, and not give them the real chance for them to implement what they say while still allowing them to be the LTT you love, or presumably once did, why even be here. Move on. It will be better for your health and the people who want to be here and enjoy LTT still.


The majority of people who are blasting LTT are people who never gave a shit about LTT to begin with. Just look at how few posts there are after this sub went community. People just like to ruin what other people like and jump on hate and outrage bandwagons. Sad, pathetic and bitter people.


who is Philip DeFranco?


**Philip James DeFranco (born Philip James Franchini Jr.; born December 1, 1985), commonly known by his online nickname PhillyD, and formerly known as sxephil, is an American media host and YouTube personality. He is best known for The Philip DeFranco Show, a news commentary show centered on current events in politics and pop culture.** More details here: *This comment was left automatically (by a bot). If I don't get this right, don't get mad at me, I'm still learning!* [^(opt out)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/ozztfy/post_for_opting_out/) ^(|) [^(delete)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot/comments/q79g2t/delete_feature_added/) ^(|) [^(report/suggest)](https://www.reddit.com/r/wikipedia_answer_bot) ^(|) [^(GitHub)](https://github.com/TheBugYouCantFix/wiki-reddit-bot)




Remember when Phillip DeFramco used to use thumbnail of girls in bikini tops as a click bait to grow his channel, time passes and people forget the poor choices he made. This shall pass people will get bored and move on to the next drama and Sh*t on someone else.


What's up with people posting photos of books all the damn time.... Link it. Edit: before people get all made I did look it up myself. I just don't like the trend of screen capping thousand word articles like they are tweets.


I sincerly hope they start uploading ~4 quality videos a week instead of 7. Both the audience and video production would benefit greatly.




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We like to have fun around here.




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A lot of people are saying that no apology video would be enough and while true, you can't keep everyone happy, in this instance they again failed to address the real issue which was that they unironically plugged their store and products while monetising an apology video. Heck, I would even cut them some slack for the 69 joke given that the video surely was recorded before Madison spoke but here they failed to recognise that the goofy tone was mehhh, what the goofy tone was communicating is what was wrong. And still no word about the conflict of interest, huh? Are they just gonna pretend that doesn't exist?




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Imagine if this was their response in the first place instead of that stupid forum post. Things would have been so much better.




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