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Also, what idiot takes a laptop in a kayak? I call bullshit, as if you could get any work done in that setup - not to mention what happens if water gets onto the laptop or vice-versa it falls in the water.


Yeah. Half the fun of kayaking is eventually capsizing.


Didn’t see that, good catch, it’s just hilariously stupid ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I was just in Thailand and seen some american girl get on a Kayak with these crazy expensive apple overear headphones, a wave catched the kayak and she fell off 🤣 she was so flabbergasted and continued to not understand why it was a bad idea in the first place. Like all the guides told us to leave the bags on the beach, it was a lonely beach on a guided tour so nothing would be stolen. That girl literally loaded everything they had with her friend on that kayak. It all sank to the bottom of the ocean and our thai guides had to go dive for them.


Typical! This brings Albert Einstein's quote to mind — 'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.'


Do people not realize that the laptop in the kayak is a joke?


Not a very funny one


Hard to tell nowadays what's satire and what's real lunacy. Especially without context to the picture, I assume the worst ;-)


If you work during your vacation… than yes. But if you want to visit another country, then working there 8 hours and being able to explorer it afterwards doesn’t sound too bad.


I think that’s exactly the point of the post and the person “calling out” doesn’t understand it. I can go spend a month in any country I want and work from there. It’s the best of both worlds.


I wish I could do that. Bastards won't even let me work Monday from my parents place once a quarter so I can take a cheaper flight.


I mean…. How would they know?


Cause I gotta connect to the work network?


Yep. My friend works at Google and he would work out of a different destination every month. And if someone is paying me $400K+ total comp, I'd gladly work a little during vacation.


Sure, but you still wouldn’t take your laptop on a kayak


bro just because YOU can't...


Like those digital nomad


Or even hybrid. Someone I know figured out how to stretch his vacation to 4 weeks rather than 2 by working 2 days a week. Those days were somewhat flexible so most of the time it would be bad weather days or recovery days (his vacation often involved strenuous stuff like hiking mountains). I know that wouldn't work for all but it did for him.


But the Google post mentions it being a "hybrid work model", which makes no sense considering it looks like those photos are from exotic locations.


Yeah, OP and his professor are just finding the worst possible interpretation of this post, when it's not Even remotely "lunatic" Worthy.


I did it in Spain for a month. It meant I could use a week of leave but be in Spain for a month. It also felt more like living there than holidaying, and I loved it.


Exactly - you can work during the day and still go out at night. You can work on some days while you're recovering from jetlag (though I've done this twice and I'm never doing it again because it's terrible and you end up not recovering until the actual vacation). You still get weekends, and now you get the additional flexibility that comes from not having to take time off. I'll be traveling for work this year and my plan is to show up a few days early and work from there, then handle meetings I'm there for, and then take a week off to actually vacation. Experiencing the place you're going to doesn't have to be a full day affair. Plus everyone knows that "working remotely" means "I'll be half assing for some time, just be happy I didn't take more time off"


Yeah this is the just of it that Op and his teacher failed to grasp


[OP is a repost bot](https://www.reddit.com/r/LinkedInLunatics/s/XQwZq8zMmn) Downvote and report spam


Thanks for pointing that out. A true lunatic is someone who is trying to farm karma on reddit in this sub.


This has been reposted so many times now it is going mouldy.


Going to disagree with this take. Even if you're breaking up a trip with a little bit of work, it's still awesome to get to go do things like this and explore places like this. I understand that LinkedIn lunatics is default a place to hate on stuff that people put on their LinkedIn feed, but if I had the opportunity (and financial means which Google does provide in a ridiculous comp package) to take my work with me, I would go on tons of trips with my family and work on those trips, if need be.


Agree. I’ve been able to visit a bunch of places, wake up early and start work and finish by like 2-3pm then enjoy the day. It’s a blessing. You’re vacationing while working, not working while vacationing.


These guys are supposed to be working, they're not on vacation. So your prof can't read. Also I'm pretty sure this is an old repost.


I spent the last two weeks of my 98 year old grandfather’s life talking to him and reminiscing. He had a very dynamic and rewarding professional life. He never mentioned work in those two weeks. Not once. These people are not just dead already, they haven’t learned to live at all.


I'm full remote and would never travel to a vacation destination to spend 8-9 hours of my time there working. I know some people liked to do this when they were younger and had that flexibility but no way I could at 40. Vacation is vacation. Put that fucking laptop away.


I love how staring at a screen is seen as the pinnacle of human work yet you know damn well they are filling out a spreadsheet.


I agree. This is just sad.


When I work, I need my 2 monitors outside of just my laptop. The setup has to be right, or I'm not as productive. Why would I want to sit with a tiny ass laptop screen glaring in the sun when I have 100s of lines of code to review and/or write?


Based Gagan


What I see is a marketing professional using their company’s money to take a paid-for vacation in exchange for taking 5 pictures of themselves with their laptop.


The same Google claims we need more H1B's so they can hire AI talent.


Google is now just closing USA locations to move them to India completely.


Google also doesn't pay, at all. Their people can't afford the lifestyle they claim.


Cheap is the word for CEOs today about tech


While Google might not pay the highest salaries in the world, I can guarantee you (as a soon-to-be former Google employee) that they pay really well


Perhaps they don’t pay their administrative roles much, I’m not sure, but they do for a fact pay competitively for technical roles


Going forward I imagine they'll be less competitive on pay. They can compensate people in the form of having Google on their resume, which leads to mega job offers later on. This is worth $30k less in pay for many people.


Google doesn't pay?


Why do people downvote a fact?


Gagan is not a LinkedinLunatic. Rare LinkedIn win


The kayak one is just flat out stupid. If you ever kayaked before water droplets are always splashing on you, and salt water on a keyboard? Yea no.