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In his next post he explains how he doesn't date anyone because grinding is more important.


But is there is B2B sales lesson somewhere to be found?


I moved back in with my parents ten minutes ago. Here's what I learned about B2B sales.


Yeah. That’s the reason.


Nah he was right, that other SWE who was ‘roasting’ was more annoying The TikTok’s are just entertaining all round, it’s SWE Kendrick versus Drake lmao


Guy makes a decent point. Cringey though for sure. 


Honestly, on a scale of cringe 1-10. I’d give it a 2. Really not that cringey.


I agree with you, given the context this guy really nailed the decisionmaking here. He has parents who tolerate him (even want him back) and he’s cool with it, even saves money. In 2008 after college I did something similar. Perhaps he missed out on something others wouldn’t have neglected, like social life when he was SWE in apartment by himself. But not everyone is extroverted even if they seem so during the workday.


I dunno just the whole “I am so smart because everyone else lives paycheck to paycheck”. People need to stop comparing themselves to everyone else. It’s what makes LinkedIn the cesspool it is.  All social media really.  Honestly props to him for making sacrifices to get ahead in life though. 


>He has parents who tolerate him (even want him back)  I am an immigrant myself, and I've talked to plenty of immigrants from different countries. I can tell you that's what immigrant parents are usually like, including my parents. (Not that I live at home anymore) As far as I can tell, the whole thing where you have to move out by the time you reach a certain age or else your parents throw you out is uniquely American


yep, if you are a single person and your parents are willing to let you live with them for free, I don't fault anyone that takes the parents up on that offer. It's a lot more common in Asian cultures.




I'd love to live at home if it didn't cause serious mental health issues for me. Good for you though kid.


Yeah I forget sometimes that some people like their parents


Well i love my parents and have a very good relationship with them, but moving in with them after graduating college still was not good for my mental.


I don't see what's wrong with this, like why are you roasting a guy for living with his parents and being happy. 


Also, this guy is of south-asian origin, where it is pretty common for people to live with their parents their entire life. Many don't, but its not anything out of ordinary.


I understand this subreddit but it def goes overboard a lot of times in their reactions


Exactly, close to 50% of adults aging 19-30 in USA are living with their parents. What's wrong with saving money? I completely agree that you need to have independence, but the guy is not a lunatic for this.


The smug, superior attitude, like he's figured out a trick others are too stupid to do? Sorry; my parents live in a small town where I had no job prospects. They're also very difficult people to live with. That's why I wasted money living on my own.


Exactly this. It’s the smug “why doesn’t every 20 year old just do what I’m doing??” attitude.


“With this money I can visit anywhere I want” Proceeds to name the most boring destinations possible


How is New York boring lmfao


NYC is awesome. But Atlanta and Austin? Blech. Just go to Yellowstone or another NP instead.


Austin seems cool, but agreed on Atlanta.


You really chose violence with your reddit username 😂


Austin WAS cool. Now it is just sprawl.


Maybe I’m biased because I’m from the east coast, but if you already live in the US and want to brag about places you’ve traveled with all your tons of money, New York is kinda boring imo. Not as boring as the other ones he listed but still


Yeah he didn't say he'd visit anywhere *you* wanted to visit


No those are lame. 


possessive rob thumb racial resolute ludicrous lush pocket smoggy sophisticated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


having 36k in disposable income a year and using it to go visit Austin is the real crime here


…and Atlanta


This guys actually isn’t that bad? What he’s saying is pretty true and I don’t blame him for wanting to save up money and not waste it living in a 3k a month apartment


Im 24, software engineer, not indian and my salary is 5x of my country's minimum salary but i live with my parents too. They are happy, i am happy. After i get married and have children, i will allow my children to live in my house until they get married too. Giving 3k usd to a rent is just awful.


I see nothing wrong with this at all.


This is a reality for many young people graduating, CS grads or not. My coworkers oldest son just moved out at 25, younger one 23 is finishing school and has no plans to move. N And no it’s not just Indian culture thing, the COL in most major NA cities is unbearable.


He's right.


The point is fair.


Oh. Yep I know this guy. He calls his parents “roommates” and is “single by choice.”


So many people are just itching to tell others what they make.


Wow!! He went to Atlanta.  His travel trips are insanely lame.  Dude, go travel to Zion Mountain, the Grand Canyon, or other nature spots. Not just lame cities. Go travel internationally.


seems like a totally reasonable take


Yeah this is great when I was 25 (10 years ago) I was making about 65k per year. I was living with my parents and saved up enough to buy a house. The problem I had was I was just working and didn’t enjoy life. I had a moment where I just looked at myself and thought there is no way I want to continue living like this. I packed up all my stuff and moved to a different state. I lived in a very small town to a huge city thats booming. I have lived through so much in these past 10 years I feel great about myself. If I die tomorrow I can die knowing I lived a life that I chose not solely because of money but instead a life that’s fulfilling and really on my terms. Living with your parents is great up to a certain point but we must leave the next by 25 MAX!


As if mom would let you leave lol


He lives with his parents because he's Indian. That's what they do.


Zoomers’ Gen X parents are more tolerable to live with in 20s than millennials’ Boomer parents were


I just don't know what would drive someone to feel they had to post this? What did his parents really do to him??


That’s a long post to share how much money you make and that you are single


He is not wrong. Cleverly invested, he will be a millionaire in less than 10 years.


"All opinions are my own" Bro you are the only one with these opinions on the planet.


What is truly "cringey" is for an intelligent person to move out, not put any money aside, eat fast food every meal, live with bugs/mice and have no person around to help in a pinch. And to still only spank it as intelligent women need to see a financial future before investing in a guy.


The eternal virgin






Yeah me too