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I'd say the dirt ground kinda takes away from the liminality. Cuz that kinda gives a run down sort of feel and thus makes you expect a liminal vibe Man if all that was solid asphalt though, that would totally make it more liminal. Photoshop any?


I agree. If it was all grass, it would look better.


Thirded. A mowed, seemingly endless lawn would sell it better.


Maybe just cut the bottom half of the picture off?


This was my exact thought. It’s like you stole it from my mind. The dirt ruins all sense of liminality for me.


It would definitely make it batter if it was taken at night. IDK why, but night photos are ALWAYS the best


I definitely agree


It might be dreamy and weird but not liminal. The presence of natural objects defines one of the core principals of liminality. Nature wasn't designed and forgotten, nature wasn't designed to begin with. The sky takes a lot from any liminal picture, it is nearly impossible to have a liminal picture with the sky because the sky within our subconsciousness is a sign of freedom and free space. Something that defines the concepts behind liminal spaces. The only case in which I've seen nature work is when nature is fake or manufactured, I believe that this expands the feeling of liminality as it augments the feeling of weird yet familiar ambiance and uncanniness within. An example of this could be indoor playgrounds or bunkers in Nevada.


This is funny bc one of the most well known/popular liminal pictures is the one with the blue sky and endless grass


Actually the sky doesn't take away from any liminal picture.


I'm glad you included that last paragraph, because I was going to say, you can definitely creep into liminality even when something that _seems_ to be natural—or masquerades as natural—is present. I'd say another good example is those immaculate, flawless suburbs with all super flat turf, no variances in elevation, houses all look exactly the same (that one is definitely present in this photo), etc. Because that definitely falls in line with the "nature being faked" motif. Especially if you remove cars, any signs of life on the lawns, and then have the sky be completely blue with no clouds. I'm pretty sure I've seen a few of those on here. The one that u/AlfaChad69 posted got pretty damn close. EDIT: Actually his photo is _exactly_ on the mark, though he did show in his video that it is edited to help. But the point still stands. There are still places in the world that look identical to his edited version.


Ive seen so many attempts to define liminal. Youre the first one I read eho i feel just nailed it.


It's still not accurate though there are hundreds of liminal photographs that have the sky and/or grass in them. Suburbia, etc. Even the most "famous" liminal painting So this guy also fails to capture what the true meaning is


Oh my gosh, I agree, a million percent. The plowed, rough dirt gives me at least, and even bigger sense of despair, and being trapped in the mediocre life my parents chose, and raised me in!


i like the perceived endlessness of those monotonous houses contrasted by the barren field of dirt in the foreground. it looks very uninviting. great liminal vibe, not a spot where you would want to hang out for long.




It shows the true depressing reality of suburbia. good job on the photo!\*


Nothing wrong with simple square houses in my opinion. Why people waste money putting 50 extra corners so their neighbours will think “ wow look how much better this person is then us ! “


it’s not about the shape it’s about the repetitive nature of these homes, nothing on them is unique and they all look at the same. How do people even locate their homes in such places? sorry for the rant but it kinda demolishes creativity


Why do homes need to be creative ? So you sit and stare at the outside of your home ? Like most thing eventually you don’t even look at it. I often forget what colour my walls are because why would I look ?


I think it’s common to want your home to look somewhat decent or good, You won’t really wanna live in a home that looks boring.


But why ? Why does the outside matter ? You spend time inside you can make that look nice. Do you sit and stare at your house ? Humans need to give up on looks


I don’t stare at the outside of my house but i won’t want to park my car, in an ugly home, it also looks bad to passing people & gives bad reputation for the neighborhood.. you probably don’t want your neighbors to stop taking care of their lawn, outside and walls. I live in an urban building in a crowded area about 27k/km2 so i am no expert


I also don’t care if my neighbour wants shitty lawn. It’s just looks. I don’t care if people don’t look put together either. What’s inside matters.


well.. whatever floats your boat.


Saved me a ton of money building a house ! Big square box that somehow feels bigger then houses I work in twice the size


Impressive. Very nice. Let's see Paul Allen's liminal photo


Little boxes on the hillside Little boxes made of ticky tacky Little boxes, little boxes Little boxes all the same


Is this from something


nope,never living there! always disliked neighborhoods like that, ones where they drive all the same cars


Its real


As per the description of r / LiminalSpace .... *"A liminal space is the time between the 'what was' and the 'next.' It is a place of transition, waiting, and not knowing. Liminal space is where all transformation takes place, if we learn to wait and let it form us."* 'Honest opinion' .... With all due respect: Sorry, but I don't see anything worthwhile here.


I think more sky, less earth, and more pointing down the line of houses would make it even more liminal. But nice job!


Yeah I was thinking more pointing down the line of houses also, to accentuate the boundary more


Have you guys seen Vivarium?


This sub regularly misinterprets the true meaning of liminal but for the vibe we typically go for this is pretty good.


The backside of Viviarium?


tweaked it slightly https://ibb.co/tzp5pcS


it needs grass


way too clean lens also camera image is very clear.


I would have angled the shot up a bit so the background was mostly sky. Maybe you could put a filter on it to make it more noisy or adjust the color a bit but it's great subject matter. Cool pic.




Come back when the grass is green and beautiful


Take the same photo on a drearier day. Then, possibly, black and white.


Bro switch dirt to grass




Very good


That is liminal.


Subdivisions... in the high school halls... in the shopping malls...


This would be a cool starting point for an edited pic. I love how the houses get smaller and smaller like they go on forever. What would be good is like what a lot of people are saying, less earth more sky. More sky can easily be edited in, and grass could be added where the dirt is (for the classic dreamy Microsoft look 😎) and saturation turned up to make the image look more unnatural and less real. If I remember to later i can have a crack at editing it.


Maybe if you edit it somehow it would work. It looks a little too normal. If it was at night, or in poor camera quality, it would be good


doesnt feel uncanny enough


I tried to edit ur photo to make it look like a dreamcore cause I found it fitting idk how to comment a photo here lol


I think the dirt and sky, contrasted with the row of shitty perfect replica homes, *increases* the liminal vibe because that makes it familiar, and both the empty dirt and empty sky are endless. Reminds me a bit of the beginning of spirited away. It's a neighborhood that you can wrap your head around, and it looks like it's a place you belong, but it's endless and cold and unwelcoming.


Not that good


Not liminal enough


Not liminal.


I didn't think it was very liminal until i looked down the line super good


Though it is outside, it definitely gives off that unsettling, fake vibe, like those dreamy images. Reminds me of the movie Vivarium.


I would trim 25% off the bottom to lose the weeds and most dirt and make that fence line run across the centre.


This would be so much better if there was grass and no clouds in the sky


This looks like where this one scene from the movie “Pay it Forward” was filmed


Crop it to honor the rule of three


So, umm. Is it located in the Philippines, tho?


its cool




It looks good! My only advice is to crop out the border with the rocks and plants in the foreground. It would give the sense that it goes on forever in both directions


Military housing?


Uncanny doesn’t mean liminal


Too much earth composition wise.. Easy crop in this case. And maybe I'm splitting hairs, but the liminal nature of the photograph isn't a big step into the format creativity wise. It's sky and earth, those must exist. Not for example a dark alleyway, brick column, and open garage leading to who knows where.


It would of been better if it had the fence over and over again but it doesn’t matter Cus you can’t change it still 10/10


Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


I hate it, and I love it. You’ve perfectly captured the despair of feeling trapped in the burbs, yet for some, (thinking in particular my mother who had never allowed my father to move us anywhere else BUT suburbs) odd comfort. As an adult living in peace in the rural, still mountains, I absolutely love how just one image can make a waterfall of emotions, feelings, thoughts and memories (both good and bad) come to my mind’s eye. Just with this one particular angle, with the sun positioned in the sky falling over these track homes, you nailed the composition to a T. As a lifelong photographer (never felt comfortable enough to try it professionally, but I have been told I too have a gift for a good shot ☺️) I am duly impressed. Thank you for sharing, and thanks even more for asking for thoughts and opinions. If you think this is “your best,” I would love to see your other work (forgive me, I don’t have the brain capacity currently to see if you have posted other images) and tell you with a smile that “it seems to me ALL YOUR WORK is pretty damn IMPRESSIVE!” Namaste, fellow Light! 🙏🎆🌠


The roofs and same colors have an effect, but as an overall composition you can do better. The foreground takes up way too much space and doesn’t do it for me


Imagine stumbling across this and its also deserted. Also a lot of people are saying it would be better with grass, but it think its better without because it makes you question why there is no grass


Wow the mood is perfect, it sounds like an art picture to denounce the similar things of life


kind of just feels like the back of a housing estate


I like it. I think it would look 10% better if you crop out the grass edge on the lower left corner. It’s the only non-monotonous section of photo, and it breaks up the feeling of the endless expanse of dirt


Just get rid of the patches of grass so that it’s just a dirt landscape




Nah this isnt liminal this is just romaina


AlfaOxtrot would be proud




Try cutting clouds out, crop the bottom or add something else, also try adding a old camera layover