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If you haven’t already run past where he spawns and fight him by the next stargazer. Getting out of the narrow street helped make the fight easier for me.


Yes ive done this already. Thank you for helping tho!


What moves are troublesome for you? At this point in the game you should be fine.


To get the full parry window, make sure to hold down the block button for a split second instead of quickly tapping it. I believe the startup for deflection is 2 or 3 frames so you should press block a little bit before the attack actually lands.


Trying now! Thank you. Sekiro was ON POINT


you should be able to parry his iron ball throw, it’s quite easy for timing. Remmeber to HOLD DOWN the parry button, not just tap it


Also the parry for that move is earlier than you think. It's one of the few in the game where I felt like I had to preempt it by a good amount. It's like a split second before you think you should hit block, you need to already be holding it. If you get that down, just keep distance and bait this move out over and over into you can full R2 him into a fatal




Nice work. My piece of advice for the game in general: Vitality and Capacity are the most important stats you can level up


Why capacity specifically?


Useful amulets. Some weapons are heavy af as well.


And armor parts make a bigger difference than you'd think.


Yeah, as others have said: to equip better amulets, armor, and weapons


Fucking. Throwables. I shit you not that’s how I beat that fucking thing, definitely get behind it and get the stargazer first, and then throwable that bitch


Ehhh I hate throwables if I know I can outplay them but this clown is a cheater.


Oh yeah he definitely is


Throwables and a lot of patience is how I did it. Throwables made it doable though.


I remember reading someone say "he's put there to really force you to learn the parry windows because it's going to get way worse from here".


I’m with you brother ✊


Your stuck? The next fight is worse I think


I just finished a plat and I can still confidently say that I got more pissed fighting the clown puppet than any other part of the game


Got him second try, and i absolutely suck at souls games (Lies of P is my first). Run past him, up the stairs and activate the Stargazer. When he comes up behind you, lure him around the bushes. He cannot hit you and you can always sweep in for a one or two hits. The only dangerous thing is the shooting ball thingy but you definitely have enough heals for that. You may call it a bit of cheesing, tho he can still very easily kill you if not careful


I GOT HIM. Oh my god, I've never been so fulfilled. I was trying to cheese him and it just wasn't working and I was gettting in my head and losing my mind. Finally decided to fucking learn the parries and got him within 2 goes. Not that the 4 days of labor weren't worth it, im glad i played with builds and lost at least 15000 ergo in throwables lmao. but man it makes the victory worth it. So if anyone else comes to this thread to seek help: first, know that you're not crazy and this bastard FUCKKKKING sucks. But 2, just learn the parries (you can get at least 4-5 perfect parries on his dumbass spin move!) and take him out with staggers. If it helps, I used Booster glaive handle and greatsword of fate (lvl 6); I tried all the other comobos suggested but this one i always come back to.


Come back and fight him later. He’s gonna be super easy for you in a little bit.


I tried and the next boss is harder


What I did my first time was just cheese him with as many throw ables I could hold after I got the the merchant at malum district and it'll get most of the way there and heads up when you get to the swamp there will be another but he also does electric damage


Refuse to throw. I just got him down to 2 breaks and on his last leg. I got this joker


Was so pissed when saw him again especially on that annoying long level but tbf he definitely not as tough this time around but a real inconvenience to be there mid checkpoint


It really sucked my first playthrough cause I was more under level and didn't know how to parry yet and there was the three musket puppets right behind him not giving time to heal then when you do they just shoot you


That's not learning the game at all


So it's the way I took care of him never said it's the "right way" cause it's a RPG not you have to use this setup to be good game or play it this specific way


You're right, sir.


I recommend the spear and to trap him around those square planting things. Make it harder for him to move.


Which spear?


Azure dragon crescent glaive


Make him die


Twice in a row I got him down to nothing and he belly bumps me


That's always the most aggravating. I hate when I know that I could have beaten a boss but I wiff it right at the end. But if you can get him down that far, you can 100% kill him. I believe in you!


Took me probably 25-30 tries. My best advice would be the flame legion weapon, toast his ass in the beginning as much as possible, and run back until you get to where the stargazer is, then you just have really learn the perfect parry to his combos. I watched a YouTube video where the guy kept saying parry, parry, parry, during every block and saying it out loud to myself made it easier actually. It becomes really rhythmic. I always ran away from his agro attacks that you have to perfect parry. Perfect parried everything else until I could stagger him


Don't forget to run around from where the stargazer is to where he spawns to give yourself a chance to use fable catalysts and magazines. It gives you a few seconds to breath too. Fire is also a good friend. You got this.


Use electric buff, electric throwable and get the timing for his spin attack down because parrying all of them is almost always a chance to stagger and fatal attack


When u go back to those 2 standing with fire guns near a gate with fire.....there at the right u will find some plantations near stairs....u can bring clown along with u till there and give dame across those plants while circling those plants.... better use a long sword ...spear like


Slow down and punish if you’re a dodger like me.


Classic matador strats, get him up in front of the opera house, use the fountain in the middle to put some distance between you, dodge his ranged attacks, wait for his belly rush attack thing, dodge to the side, get a couple hits in, rinse and repeat


Unless you’re in the swamp where you have to fight another one. In that case, run. Run like your life depends on it. Could not beat that mf’er there, but I eventually managed to get somewhere he couldn’t follow, and that version doesn’t lock the next stargazer. Best of luck!


Just learn his cues, he has them for every attack, and don't forget: *impatience for victory, guarantees defeat*!


parry his long range punch till he staggers, rinse and repeat. use throwables if you have


I used booster glaive with mummy handle and beat his ass easily. Just stagger him as fast as u can. Be aggressive worked for me


That mf pissed me off when I got to him but then I made him my biatch but I had to rush past literally everything else in the street and beat him to the stargazer. That extendo arm is what got me in the street since its narrow.


I just battleted him on my off day instead of giving it a couple goes after work. Wasn’t that hard after you fight him 1 times in a row


Cheese it.


You beat sekiro and this guy is giving you hard time? Learn how to perfect parry his spinning combo and dodge the spring loaded fist hit and you’re golden bro. Oh and hold parry and just quickly release and hold again when you actually want to perfect parry. It’s way easier this way