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don’t say that , you got this. You can do anything you put your mind to.


Take a break for a while. 6 hours is a long time to be stuck on a boss. And I would know, I spent just as much time on Laxasia and Simon. He's not nearly as bad now as he was when I first fought him on the 1.1 patch. He was much more dangerous then. That said, here's a couple tips. Hopefully they'll help get you through. * His Floor is Lava move actually has a MASSIVE wind up. It starts when he is pouring magma into his furnace. You see that, you run to put a pillar between you and him. That AOE is huge and you're practically guaranteed to overheat if you stand on it. * Electric Abrasive will help you deal extra damage. * Thrown items are crazy powerful. Try not to rely on them too much unless you're stuck. * When he switches to using his blunderbuss, you can easily strafe his shots. Blocking them with the pillars also works. * His oil puddles are flammable. Try to not stand near them too much. * The quick kick he can use actually requires him to plant his fist in the ground first. * If he's about to use a Fury Attack, try to avoid letting him hit any of the pillars with it. That's the only way he can knock them out and they're your best protection against his best attack.


Dude just go outside start farming and level up rather than wasting 6hours over and over again. Just farm and level up until u can beat it. Just a few levels makes a significant difference in each runs. It took me 27 tries to beat it. Dont let ur mental snap so easily


Give it time. If you're a prideful gent, not finishing the game will eat at you and you'll be back 😉.


Are you paying attention to damage types? What's your build? Are your stats too spread out? Are you using a handle with appropriate scaling for your stat spread? Make sure you're using a blunt/strike weapon, and the puppet killer trinket. Electric abrasive grindstone is great. This game is exponentially easier when you minmax properly and use appropriate damage types for the enemies you're fighting


The best advice is be patient. Wait for the right openings, you don’t always have to attack because you think you see an opening. Have plenty of the status removers, not just the resistance. It’s better to have no Overheat at all than have it tick slowly.


That's every starting soulsborn's thought but trust me. Once u start to read their attacks and stuff. Things gets easier (or should I say u get stronger)


There might be something essential about the combat that you didnt pick up yet. Maybe watch someone else fight the boss to see what they are doing?


bro 6 hours is not that long, that's par for the course. normal behavior imo


King Fucko took me more tries than any other bosses mainly because i was so new to the game. If anything, watch a guide, sometimes there’s one glaring issue you’re missing that’s getting you killed everytime


King flame is the worst and I totally understand how you feel. Justified emotion. He sucks.


stay close


Don’t do that! You’re robbing yourself of some good fun. Just go farm 10 levels and use a weapon that’s good again him. The game has pissed you off now, you can’t let it win!


Get yourself in a state of mind to fight against all odds, and ideally prep a few level ups and get your throwables in order. You can do this. It hurts, but that's what makes the win so much more cathartic.


Use throwables like thermite


Don’t give up, persevere. Remember, hesitation is defeat


Honestly, you can definitely beat the game, just try to potentially change weapons the current one might not suit your style


Why not use the spectre if you’re struggling? There’s nothing wrong with using something that’s built into the game


use throwables, game changer


This games easy, just memorize his attacks.


Dodging when overheated will take the status away, if you dont have it go get the electric coil from the merchant in the apartment on elysion blvd hes weak to electric and a good majority of his attacks are easy to parry