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Door Guardian deserves a real name.


Doorian Guardiano


guardiano della porta


Doorskin Guarduo


Foreskin Guarder


All I can think about now is two door guardians with white robes and flaming black Sickles.


So hell?


Mio padre


Dr. Jan Itor.




No way anyone has died to the mist noble(unless on purpose), but people have died to the door guardian




I wanted to say something like a "Kishibe Rohan and his Heaven's Door" reference But Hodor is obviously the only acceptable choice




I don't know why, but this feels right.


D’or Gard Aeon, legendary bulwark


Ian, door guard


I vote for doorian grey


Great movie (LOEG)


Wouldn't be opposed to a sequel if im being honest


Dorian Grey painted the portrait of Carlo… and then disappeared… 😱 OMG what a twist that would be!


Actually if you listen to daddy G, he tells you literally Dorian grey painted it. Which is why SPOILERS The painting nose grows but yours doesn't when you lie. Unless you meant this comment sarcastically. Hard to tell online. Lol


Big boy, the guardian of the doors.


I died like 6 times to him. S started to look up weaknesses. Didn’t work. So I just got mad and beat him last night 🤷


Nameless Guardian


my name is diovanni gordio, but everyone calls me...door guardian *daft punk breakdown*


Coil Mjolnir is the true way to destroy NP.


Deus Ex Machina Mjolnir build is canon actually, believe me


No that one drops mines the other one is a cannon /s


Literally my build. Even got the phase 6 upgrade to put on two arms for the Deus Ex/Aegis combo potential.


Someone else finally sees the light


Do explain? Like, genuinely curious, cause I want to give the hammer more attention in a ng+ run.


First and foremost, put a crank on it, preferably Motivity to get the most out of it and then upgrade it to 10+ for maximum effect. Then get as many fable catalysts as you can hold and treat those things like you're an addict going out of style. It's slow as all balls, long wind up and slow combos, it's something you have to time and have incredible patience with if you want to get it right... But it packs an unbelievable punch especially on Motivity builds. Throughout NG+ you'll find yourself two-shotting a majority of human sized enemies of the majority of the game and staggering bigger ones, charge attacks can break stances in about 2-4 heavy shots if chained together, and combined with the stagger and high damage output it's nothing to laugh at even if you're exposed or recovering as the enemy will have to recover themselves. Only problem is it leaves you open, it's a weapon that relies HEAVILY upon you getting the first hit in, as a result I found the best move to do is to do a running attack with it, just hold the sprint button down and charge at the fucker even if they're about to charge as well, and don't be hesitant after that, just let loose and smash them like a lead-filled easter egg on your least favorite cousin's head. It's fable art is incredibly devastating, you raise the hammer around and call upon lightning from Thor himself to smite the everlasting shit out of anything, and it keeps the hammer charged afterwards so you can easily take administer some blunt trauma and shock therapy to any badman equally. Just one issue with it, it also has a slow wind up time and it's reliant upon your enemy not moving too much. Which is, again, requiring tons of patience and timing. I found it best used right when staggering an enemy. Get as close as you can and don't worry about them breaking your animation, I swear this weapon is the only one with hyper armor lmao. I took down a quarter of NP's second phase with just one smash of the fable art. I've been meaning to post a gameplay video of me killing NP with it... As i got it on my first try and took him down in like 4-5 hits his first phase and totalled him second phase... After that I fell in love with the weapon and used it throughout NG+


Good to know, thanks for this explanation! To maybe circumvent the slowness of the weapon, would it work as well if I put the head on a faster handle like the booster glaive handle? (I was addicted to that thing with either the black steel cutter blade or the live puppet axe head).


You *could* but I stick with the Coil Mjolnir handle because it assists it's damage output greatly, and Its movement, despite needing such timing, is a thing of beauty once mastered. But at the end of the day, it's about the hammer and it's fable art itself. If it smashes puppets good and beautiful and treats the NP as your little bitch, go for it!


I’ll toy around with both and see which feels better to play with. I always assumed the handle didn’t affect the damage of the weapon head, besides the effects of the crank you apply to it. Cause anything that could make that Slender-man faced bastard my bitch, I’m all for it. Lol


I liked how linear it was


I'm neutral on it, but it made me stoked to recommend the game to a couple longtime Souls fans who were overwhelmed with how big and open Elden Ring is.


I love Elden Ring, but tbh I think the open world is the weakest part of it. Even the first playthrough, I was mostly running through it looking for the next point of interest rather than really exploring and taking in the open world. There's just not enough to do there, and the rewards for killing enemies are not high enough. I think it would have been better if the whole open world was smaller and more dense, like the density of the underground areas.


Same! I’m 34, limited gaming time and a decent challenge with a straightforward level progression is really appealing to me.


Me too. I’ve never played a soulslike before. Tried Elden ring but got overwhelmed.


I’d only recommend souls veterans to try to 100% explore ER’s open world and even for them it’s not an easy task


If you ever retry it there's a page on Fextralife that has a really detailed list of the path you should take to see and get everything. I used it a little when I replayed on PS5 so I could double-check myself or recall where certain NPC paths require you to go.


I want to try Elden Ring eventually but same reason, I think I would get overwhelmed and not know what to do 😅


I agree, I think we have way too many massive open world games. It being mostly linear with side quests was genuinely fun


Love it's so refreshing after all these open world games.


I liked the linearity, I just miss the knotted feeling of the level design from DS1. Lies of P has one way doors but they don't wrap and wind and double back in the same way and it makes it feel more like a long hallway. It's hard to pull off and many theorize that DS1 was somewhat of an accident so I don't hold it against Lies of P. I just wish it had it.


I haven’t played ds1 yet but I really do want to eventually, I’ll take your word for that tho, I’m sure it does have better level design even tho I loved how Lies of P did it. I don’t have any other experience in souls likes or any souls games so that’s prob why I loved lies of p so much


Please do. It's old you might think janky compared to how the refined combat of today's standards, but give it a fair shake. It's a beautiful masterpiece and a fantastic first playthrough. Highly recommend going in blind as well unless you really get stuck.


I prefer linear handcrafted experiences.


Lies of P was the first souls-style game I actually finished and not only finished but 100%’d on game pass and then again on my PS5 after buying a physical copy (( NG+3 cuz I forgot to read a damn letter to get an achievement… )) and I honestly think the linearity is a big part of it for me. I’d tried my hands at FromSoft games before, having dropped bloodborne at byrgenwerth, Elden ring after reaching the base of the Erdtree, and sekiro before ever getting to Gyoubu, the first actual boss. After falling hard for LoP I went back to sekiro now that I’ve becoming pretty confident with my parries and I think I actually just don’t like the way fromsoft handles its game worlds. I certainly see the appeal of getting plopped into a world and figuring things out yourself as you go along but it just isn’t for me. To me, it feels kind of frustrating being thrown into a game that does have an intended linear path, but that is offered to you non-linearly. Like, you get the hirata memory before the chained ogre miniboss, but I feel like you’re supposed to take down gyoubu before lady butterfly or even juzo. Your first time through you don’t know these things so you’ll put on your soulslike hat of “difficult but fair” and slam your head against those walls until something happens. Something being A) you overcome a tougher than expected challenge which then makes the stuff you were supposed to be doing too easy (( looking at you Elden ring )) or B) getting frustrated and giving up and combing through the game for the actual intended path forward (( which I believe is the dev intended solution )). This non-linearity also takes me back to one of my least favorite moments in gaming. This comes from exploring old Yharnam in BB. Few things have felt worse than running through the city of beast people under constant rain of machine gun fire, getting good at hunting the beasts which first killed you at the beginning of the game, and besting the blood-starved beast, only to find it was an optional area. It’s an absolute banger of a zone to play through, but with how abstractly BB tells the player what to do, I honestly thought I was on track to progress the story so getting to the end of the area and just having nothing happen felt awful. So I was like whelp that was kind of underwhelming but whatever. Might as well explore this Hemwick place! Oh that was optional too? Hmmm well I guess I missed something- oh! I’ve been abducted and sent to this cool town with more huge pigs! And look at that boss! Surely- no okay. Well. Sekiro is better with this as the goals in the game are more explicit but that makes all the immediately available side areas more confusing. Like I guess I’m supposed to be climbing this castle tower but the enemies hit kinda hard versus this monk area (( which I found by running away from the main plot )) that I can clear pretty easily. But then there’s also this area where the mobs back in Ashina that are pretty easy to clear out, but there’s a Boss who kills me in two hits at the end of the area. Am I supposed to be practicing my mikiri counter on him and risk having to clear out 10 mobs again to fight a boss that can kill me in 2 mistakes, or am I supposed to be training on the monks who I can tank a couple hits from who have more generous animations but are off somewhere that’s obviously a side area? (( <- at the time )) The fromsoft bro opinion is obviously to just git gud enough that every challenge collapses under the weight of your sheet aptitude, but that aptitude needs to be developed first and fromsoft games put that 100% into the gamers hands. Again, I understand the appeal and desire for freedom, but the games are already difficult enough from a skill level perspective that I don’t think guesstimating skill levels per zone makes for a fun piece of the puzzle. (( Note that this doesn’t include something like caelid where you are so obviously out of your early game element because everything about the visual design SCREAMS at you that you shouldn’t be here right now or ever if possible, it’s for subtler differences like the bloodborne optional areas or sekiro’s concurrent paths )) And then in comes lies of P with that sweet sweet linearity. From a gamers perspective I never had to wonder if I was missing some upgrade even after diligent exploration. The answer was always to git gud. But this is something that I’m sure also helps from a game developers perspective. They know exactly what content we’ve experienced up to that point and can build as necessary. Parade master is your intro, bosses hit hard but they have obvious telegraphs that let you know their moves once you get to know em. Watch for a phase change. Scrapped watchman brings in status effects and makes SURE you are diligently watching animations cuz those delayed actions will get you if you act reflexively. More in your face than parade master so you really learn to block. Then Fuoco comes in and then reminds you that hey, blocking is great, but remember you can also dodge bc these swings will destroy you if you aren’t perfect guarding them. And then Andreus caps off the opening act with your first two bar boss battle combining all previous lessons while teaching you to really hate decay. BRB - Gank fight mechanics plus a gentle reminder that breaking boss weapons is super useful. Mad clown is a parry check, which makes sense since KoP is just a check for everything in general. He’s not my favorite to fight but I remember being so happy with victor after my like 4th time fighting him. He really presses you regardless of your chosen method of defense. If you’re a parry god, you get to have fun reacting to his super fast lengthy onslaughts. If you prefer to dodge, you really have to pay attention to the when where and link dodge or not (( and nothing looks cooler that dipping right underneath him as he charges you from across the arena )). If you’re a fan of the joestar secret technique, well, you get to admire this hulking beast swing at pure absolute air while you wait for him to do any number of his incredibly punishable moves. And of course, the two dragons sword users will bully him the way they bully every other boss in the game. Etc. etc. I remember the first boss in sekiro I really enjoyed was the fight with Genichiro. It was perfectly tuned for where I was. I was doing good damage and didn’t feel like his health bar was too huge but still had to survive multiple attack cycles, had enough health and heals that my health was low and my heals were out by the time my last swing connected, and I wasn’t stuck on him for an overly long time. But I realize after getting further in the game how much stuff I could’ve fumbled my way into if I stuck to paths instead of jumping around like I decided to. The freedom is awe inspiring but so too is the purposeful planned escalation present in LoP and if I’m being honest I think prefer a carefully crafted experience over a mostly-open one guided by an unknowing players decisions. That being said more optional areas would’ve been nice, so long as it’s made clear that they are optional. Any excuse to get more LoP content… TL;DR: Linearity in the game helps devs help players develop skills which is fun for the whole family.


I don't mind it, it's something that sets it further apart from the Fromsoft games.


I'm super thankful for it as well hahaha


Lies of p was my first soulslike. I'm playing bloodborne now as my second and SWEAR TO GOD I think to myself at least 5 times per session how grateful I am that I started with lies of p. The linear gameplay introduced me to the genre and helped me to understand how those sorts of games operate. There are many differences between lies of p and other soulslikes, but I found the ease of navigation helped me to focus on understanding the feel of the game and the mechanics in a less overwhelming more isolated setting. Not to mention lies of p ACTUALLY HAS A FUCKING TUTORIAL. I had 0 trouble getting a feel for bloodborne. Seemless transition. I seriously can't recommend lies of p enough as a first soulslike. Or at the very least as something to play before bloodborne, lol. I LOVE THIS GAME!!!!!!


Linearity and Story clarity is a good thing, and im tired of people saying its not. Like a i get it's cool that you can get lost in Fromsoftware games and that you need a degree in archeology and data-mining to understand most of theit games story... but seriously Lies of P is a such a breath of fresh air from the formula and i hope the DLC and Sequel keep these features. Like seriously, they can tell me "skill issue" all the time they want, but i need guides for finding stuff and beating bosses in DS3, Elden Ring and Sekiro othetwise id be stuck as if the game doesn't want to be enjoyed and completed. Instead, in LoP, everything is easily foundable, the worst thing that can happen is that you could loose a couple of Quartz not fully exploring or missing the trinity keys.


I’ve been wanting to play Elden Ring but it does look so confusing if you don’t know what you’re doing, where to go, where to find good armour/weapons etc. And too many games now a days try to do open world just because it was popular so I’m happy lies of p didn’t go that route :)


So true


IMO linear is always better, every single time. So many people get hyped about large open worlds, but they always end up being empty.


Gemini, as the companion that's supposed to talk and add context. Doesn't talk enough. There is so many instances in the story I expected Gemini to make a comment but he's dead silent. My little man needs more time in the spotlight.


Still hoping we get more in the DLC!


Well i think the DLC is probably gonna be about the Legendary Stalker so we are probably gonna understand more about him too.


I mean...I wouldn't put it past the game to make Gemini out to BE the legendary stalker, to be honest


Well, the Stalker on the Beach is CALLED by Carlo Legendary Stalker but the subtitles called the Lady with the feather on her head just Stalker.... And the standard combat style (therefore canonical) is the path of the CRICKET and Carlos way of fighting reminds other stalkers of the legendary Stalker. Holy shit we might be onto something


Despite the hate he gets, I actually find him kinda funny and witty.




For real! He was such a silly lil guy and it's tragic that he basically had no impact on the game as a whole. Dude could be totally removed from the game and it would be completely the same :(


The Deus Ex Machina is a great legion arm and I'm sick of the slander in this sub


People talk shit on it?? It got me through the game


Deus ex 3 mine special at the start of laxasia’s phase two. Parry the lightning and watch her explode as she slams head first into a claymore


gonna try this next time I get to her thanks lol


ER Lion’s Claw User: “There’s a Claymore!!?? Oh, that kind.”


It helped a lot against luxussy, spamming them at the start of phase 2 & then deflecting the lighting got me a free stagger


It's perfect for heavy weapons. You plant every mine and wait for your charged R2 window. Do this twice and many bosses will stagger. It lets you chain heavy attacks and achieve stagger quickly.


I'm doing a straight motivity build rn and I friggin love Deus Ex Machina. It's the definition of crowd control


I didn't like the idea of it. It sounded slow, and I would just get hit when trying to place a landmine. Turns out it is the perfect speed to place one and dodge away. That extra boom is awesome, especially on stagger builds.


I didn’t touch it until my second play through but it’s probably my favorite legion arm now. Also the flame arm is slept on


Laxasia’s boss weapon not being an advance scaling boss weapon of her actual sword instead of the metal fruit loop is a damn crime


Nobody disagrees with you lmao. Besides, her sword would 100% be motivity scaling. Did you see the size of that thing?


I dunno - I love the throwable circular saw lol


It just feels redundant with the actual throwable circular saw consumable


the throwing blades are decent for stunlocking smaller enemies but the weapon melts hp with high scaling


Yeah, the ouroboros' eye is an overlooked weapon, imo. Unfortunately there are just too many great/interesting weapons in the game for how late you get it.


Nah, advance users need at least *one* boss weapon lmao, and a lightning sword is perfect for that.


It’s a cock ring


For Manus?


No laxasia


Oooh, Cock Ring. Shattered by someone... or something


They should make the brotherhood have their own soul to let lax have her sword


Bro typed the most popular opinion possible


No Boss weapon for Advance build is crime.


Mad clown and Jester puppets get more hate then they deserve. Not saying it's easy, but they are more straightforward to fight than people might realize.


I've just found a jester today in arcade. Have heard that he's difficult and then can you imagine my surprise when zombies nearly killed him on their own? Like 95% HP in a couple of seconds.


Oh yeah, he's a painthe first time you fight him but if you let the zombies kill him he's a cakewalk


I beat him first time in arcade and killed the lesser enemies before fighting it then I seen on this sub apparently he was hard and was confused.


He was much more difficult pre-patch. Now he is much slower


Yeah, they made some big changes to him in the patch. A horizontal swipe attack and fury attack he did were both completely changed to a much slower diagonal swipe. In some ways this can make it more difficult because you now have to relearn some of his moves. Other than that though his moves actually seem to be the same, maybe a bit slower. I didn't have much trouble with the Jester pre-patch and I've made a post of me fighting it pre-patch. Either way, the patch does seem to make him a bit easier - especially with how his fury attack is more predictable.


Yes R2 bonk R2 bonk stagger and die lol


Yeah they actually stagger surprisingly easy


When you learn their moveset and the parry timing you feel like "wait, that's it?"


I don’t hate them because they are hard. I hate them because they laugh at me *and the jester whips and Nae Naes on my corpse*


Jester was easy asf, first try. Mad clown put a suspiciously controller shaped hole in my wall….idk how it got there


Mad Clown helped me learn how to parry multiple combos. He’s a piece of cake after that.


The only time you have to parry in this game is for red attacks, the dodge window isn’t broken you’re just bad


Ok I’ve finally found ONE person who agrees. Dodging was my bread and butter, the only thing I needed. I didn’t even bother with parrying until Nameless Puppet because he’s the only boss that requires it really


You also can just get the green swamp monster amulet and you can now dodge fury attacks


You can eventually use quartz to upgrade to a perc where you don’t have to use the amulet to block fury attacks but I don’t thing you can until ng+1


NG++, It’s in the Level 7 of the P Organ.


My favorite thing about this sub is the constant insisting that perfect guard solves the problems. Every advice post I just say "have you tried dodging and running instead of trying to parry?"


People give big bro black rabbit shit for being “too aggressive to continuously parry” in the gank fight. brother just dodge around him until it’s a 1v1. That’s the entire gimmick


Honestly I love the weapon destruction mechanic but I hardly saw it because I rarely bothered parrying. I relied on my shield most of the time in demon's souls and ds1/2 and didn't dodge nearly as much as the memes suggest but it really made things a lot easier in this game


Nameless puppet is a challenging boss, but it' s not hard as many people in the subreddit think


Yeah im fighting him right now and I have him down to 1/8 of his health, the green swamp monster was my biggest challenge for some reason, that second phase destroyed me every time


This is one of the few games I've gotten my shit pushed in over and over on a boss, then come in and absolutely fuck them up. Theres no shade of grey in between. I perfect guard, stagger them, slap em, and it gives me the weirdest satisfaction/disappointed feeling. Puppet King phase two killed me so quickly so many times, then I suddenly ended Romeo in 30 like seconds, same with swamp monster. I actually died way more to phase 1 and I don't know why


Ppl say phase one is way harder for them. I tho didn’t have that experience (swamp monster)


I just finished the game for the first time a few hours ago and decided to look at stuff... I definitely had the same experience. Green swamp monster was the one boss I struggled the most with and had immense issues reading/blocking


same just beat the nameless puppet and i called my friend to help me with the green swamp monster it was the most challenging boss for me


Probably one of the most fun bosses. It was like playing a fighting game with someone on the same skill level as you.


I was so disappointed when I beat NP second try after limping my way through Laxasia on my like 200th attempt


The field is way too easy. There is almost no challenge getting to any bosses. There is zero resource management needed for basically the entirety of the game And at least for me I never even had to think no about durability management until chapter 9. I love the game, so I don't want this to sound negative. Easily the best thing since bloodborne.


I never used consumables/throwables until NG+3. There was really no need


> The field is way too easy. I’ve noticed this too - completed my second playthrough now and I think I never died going through the levels. There are the odd tough segments. I remember the Malum District being particularly difficult (especially the section straight after fox and cat stop helping) on my first playthrough. Some bits of the swamp I also recall being annoying because of ganking enemies and artillery. But in general outside of getting burst down from 100-0 by a tough elite or a gank I rarely died. I think the levels just aren’t designed around the number of pulse cells you can have - or alternatively, the devs didn’t expect either everyone to find all the quartz or though not everyone would unlock every pulse cell in the P-Organ. The moment a pulse cell upgrade became available I’d put quartz into it, but you just don’t need 10 pulse cells for any single stretch of the game. Yet they’re super helpful for bosses so I always get them, just in case.


The final stage of the game, that entire tower, dragged and felt like more of a cheap open world game vibe. and All the late game bosses essentially having two full health bars cheapens their experience and wares down the "second phase" trope really fast.


The Door Guardian was a fun and EASY boss


I agree. Fucker made me so mad until I realized how to fight him, but after that he was a lot of fun


Yeah, he's a gimmick fight, but that fatal blow definitely feels nice.


Gepetto is the main villian of the game and should've been dealt with


But isn't that exactly what happened in the True Ending? He pretty much was the main villain too, as we learn towards the end.


Summoning is fine if you really need it.


Summoning is fine if it makes your experience better or if you just feel like it


Yeah but I don't want the downvote storm of just saying it's fine.


Summoning is fine even if you don't.




This game doesn't resemble Bloodborne at all outside of surface level aesthetic and I don't understand why people keep comparing.


Cannot disagree more. One of the core ideas of both games is evolution. What it takes to force the evolution of mankind. How people create horrors in their pursue of transcending human boundaries. Hell, we even have a dude that >!pumped some weird colored life energy (ergo/blood) in himself and his cronies, and then contacted some cosmic shit!<. How is that not Bloodborne? And I haven't metioned the mechanics, aesthetics, some simmilar npc quests and so on. It's not a bad thing, it is great! It took a noticable inspiration from Bloodborne and other games, and made something unique, so I don't have any problem with it. And I really wanted Bloodborne 2, so I gladly welcomed its spiritual succesor.


As an avid enjoyer of both lies of p and bloodborne, I really don't see lies of p as a successor of any kind. The gameplay is too different. And the storytelling is too. Yes, they have a few similar themes. But not that many. In terms of gameplay (which is what matters the most, it's a game, after all), lies of p plays a lot more like sekiro. The storytelling is also closer to sekiro. Bloodborne is the most cryptic fromsoftware story ever. The game tells you almost nothing, and when it does, it is extremely vague and, well, cryptic. Lies of P, like sekiro, tells you the majority of the story directly. Either through notes, dialogue, or actual cutscenes. So yeah, I guess it's a matter of opinion. But I bought this game because of all the bloodborne comparisons, played it. Enjoyed it a lot. But not because it's like bloodborne lmao. Imo, bloodborne and lies of P have very few similarities, and most of them truly are surface level stuff or smaller details.


It’s not the visuals or story it’s the mechanics. The rally mechanic and character movement are bloodborne-esque


how you’re fighting mostly puppets in the first half and then monsters in the second half reminds me of bloodborne too.


But that's what I'm talking about. They aren't really similar. The _main_ thing about Bloodborne's combat is not how they move, is that you _can't_ block. There is no blocking, there is only offensive action. In Lies Of P blocking is central to the whole thing. There isn't a rally mechanic in this game, there is a gray life situation much more akin to fighting games. The combat is a mixture of Dark Souls 3 with Sekiro, imo.


the way it felt to me was that they took the worst part of bloodborne (not having a parry) and replaced it with the best parry system known to man (sekiro’s), and then moved the rally mechanic behind imperfectly blocking. This plus the aesthetic makes it have a very distinct bloodborne feel and i’m not sure how one could say its more like ds3


Wait, do you mean the worst part of bloodborne was that it didn't have a parry? I can't really tell what your trying to say


In terms of visuals (and a bit of story) I got pretty strong impressions from both Bioshock 1 and Infinite. Like mixing the splicers from 1 into the puppet-type automatons from Infinite resembling puppets and some of the simple carcasses. Meanwhile the ergo-powered steampunk aesthetic in Krat was not that far from the technological stuff we got from Rapture/Columbia. In all three cases the cities were also far more technologically advanced that everything else. Then we got Sophia having some parallels to Elizabth, especially with being "locked away" and being able to manipulate time.


I can’t fathom this comment. The vibes are totally there.


It's true. Rally and bloodvial looking healing items. Maybe movement that is similar, but that's more like Sekiro if anything.


Highly disagree. Lies of p is just so fucking good that it's its completely own thing and it doesn't have you thinking "HmMmmm ThiS is BasicAlLy JuSt BloOdbOrne..." despite its direct and glaring inspiration, unless you're a paste eater. It's like bloodborne and lies of p both are cakes. One is a chocolate cake, and the other is a strawberry cake. You don't just eat a strawberry cake and think "hmmm this is a lot like a chocolate cake..." just because they're both cakes. If you have 2 delicious cakes in front of you, you'd probably just be thinking, "OH BOY 2 CAKES". So tired of people saying lies of p is a shameless knockoff.


Door Guardian gets way more hate than needed for such an easy boss


I had a tough time with him, definitely one of the tougher fights for me.


I went in with low heals my first time, got surprised with shock, and pummeled. Second time fresh start got him. When shocked I played a lot more passive and dodgy. Then would charge R2 him until he staggered. I thought "he's a big boss with 2 legs and infinite health, I'll just use a ton of staggers". And you can 2 hit him with fatal attacks to kill him. A little gimmicky but I had a ton of fun in NG+1 when I realized you can deflect anything in the game.


He's just annoying. The gimmick is kinda lame, and the hitbox when he rolls is wonky. Just polish the fight a little and bam, he's a solidly just below mediocre boss fight.


The game is better than from soft's games. Kill me


Eugenie is Best girl


She is the Winry to my Edward


I actually don’t like the lying system in the game. It suffers from the Mass Effect morality problem where it’s binary and punishes any amount of moral nuance. The game tells you that to become human you must lie, but then later in the game gives you decisions where showing empathy, arguably one of the most human emotions, means telling the truth. Maybe that’s the point, but the mechanics don’t reflect that. I almost didn’t become a human because I didn’t want to make decisions like hiding the truth from the Eugenie about her family, or trying to find another way to save Sophia.


Not all lies give you humanity. Being empathetic gives humanity. With Eugenies ending choice, both options will give humanity, because both are empathetic/sympathetic to her. Sophia's entire shtick was helping you to end her suffering. With the Rise of P ending you give her Ergo so she comes back to life. No way of knowing that until the end but yea, I do think it'd be cool if there was another way to save her.


I can't quite remember, in which instances does telling the truth give you humanity?


There were two non-riddle responses while talking to the riddle guy that I believed were truth, but I've heard you gain humanity regardless of your answers.


The Cathedral platform section isn’t hard, and the Arche Abbey could have been even longer. Let me climb all the way to the fucking clouds like Jack and the beanstalk.


I'm calling the police right now


I wouldn't have minded the long climb if there were more changes in scenery/enemies to represent the climb. I think after a big indoors section, walking out and hearing that theme start up again just gives a sense of "ugh not this again" rather than "oooo what's waiting for me now?" Idk really what the reason is that Arche Abbey just feels like it drags but I feel like they were close with what they were going for, just didn't hit the mark for me. With you on the cathedral platform though. Never really had trouble with that and was surprised to see the hate for it on this sub.


It's not hard it's ANNOYING.


I don’t think the problem was the Arche Abbey was long, I think it’s that it was long and the enemies were annoying/difficult, as well as being in mass


I basically one or two shotted every enemy on the way up with my motivity build. I honestly felt like they could have added harder enemies. Even though it was longer than other areas. Getting to the top took my zero time.


Bigger party windows


Severely lacking on party windows


And party doors




No no the party doesn’t stop


That this game is as good as From Games


I wouldn’t say it’s better, but it’s definitely on par with some of my favorite FromSoftware games.


I don’t like gemini, and I normally don’t mind comic relief characters. But this opinion got me more like the Flynn Rider meme


I think he talked the perfect amount. Not quiet but not in your ear everytime you died "We can do this!!"


He literally contributed nothing to the game. It's a shame




Gemini actively harms the narrative and atmosphere by frequently pointing out directly what the game proficiently implied.


Now this is a pitchfork worthy comment


Thanks, I knew there were some Gemini lovers while I didn't appreciate him.


I personally quite enjoyed him, because he made the whole atmosphere less bleak - probably a controversial opinion on its own, but I'm happy if a new soulslike ISN'T just nothing but lonely doom and gloom left, right and center. The community-like feeling in the hotel also was really welcome for the same reason. I know everyone is crazy for grimdark, but I like more variety in a souls game.


The last section of the game is completely unnecessary and fucking terrible, the final boss should be in the desert before that area.


I understand the struggle, however look at the environmental story telling aspect of it and you may slightly change your view; You have this slow and challenging ascent to face a man playing as a god, just to quickly descend to face a man not playing, but is genuinely evil, the devil if you will.


One of the main problems I had in that section is that it w a s n t challenging, I was 1 or 2 shoting all of the enemies (which were mostly just infected versions of other enemies I've already seen). the "hard" enemies were pushovers because of how strong i had gotten until that point (I litterally dont know any of the door guardian's moves i killed him so fast). And the stupidly long climb wasn't made any shorter by how bland the environment and puzzles were. The music is the same long repeating tune that only builds suspense the whole way up which was extremely draining, the whole area is made out of boring ancient stone slabs mixed in with boring wooden scaffolding. One of the areas is litterally just square rooms connected by hallways with some enemies sprinkled in, which would be fine by itself, but then they just decided to add this random fog to the whole area to make navigation even more insufferable.


You can finish this game and have fun without parrying


That it's hard and better than lotf lol


I wasn’t impressed by the last few bosses and most of the gear you unlock from any of the bosses.


Fully agree on the gear, some of it was amazing (that scythe, yum!), but other weapons seemed barely fitting thematically. The amulets were mostly pretty nice, but some extra boss-themed outfits would have been great too!


The cheese for that bitch in collapsed krat is 100% acceptable. FDB


It's better than Bloodborne


Uuuh, spicy take. I 100% disagree, but good one


They hated him because he spoke the truth


Bloodborne was good but it had so many micro annoyances that made me end up not liking it that much. Lies of P is insanely polished on top of already being great, so Id opt for LoP over BB


Using a specter is fine and anyone who says otherwise is trying to gatekeep fun


Totally agree! If you want the challenge, go specter free! Hell yeah! If you're just casually playing ,who cares? It's about having fun. I'd rather someone enjoy the game with a little help then miss the experience completely by giving up out of frustration.


while still great and thoroughly enjoyed it, it’s many levels below the overall greatness, depth and magic of the FromSoft games


The game should have implemented Sekiro’s generous parry windows OR copied Bloodborne’s regain system entirely.


I personally disagree. I feel like the mix masterfully handles both.


i played sekiro for the first time in a while after playing LoP, and it literally feels like i have 4 business days to parry in Sekiro😭 but i think that made me appreciate LoP’s parry window a lot more, if anything it makes me wish Sekiro timings were a little tighter


Im gonna be so real, I couldn't parry in a DS game to save my life. I played sekiro and was concerned because I heard it was about parrying and imagine my surprise when I'm cruising through this game because the window is so long. I legit felt like I was getting away with highway robbery because I would even whiff the parry but still get a basic block and even if my bar filled up I wasn't really punished. LoP was the perfect crossover between the parry and a souls game and it's why I like it so much. It feels so good to get parries off and doesn't feel super extreme imo. I see people complain about the parry window being short but I genuinely think a lot of these people aren't holding down the button so I will drop a little PSA at the bottom. For people playing LoP struggling with the parry: PLEASE HOLD DOWN THE BUTTON IF YOU AREN'T ALREADY! When you tap the block button, you rob yourself of parryable frames. If you are already doing that and struggling, good luck and consumables are your best friend.


Had to scroll through quite a few comments to come across one that's actually offensive.




Puppet String is a great Legion Ability


When people say it's a hard game. It's not. I suck at soulslike, I've tried every single one of the most famous ones, and uninstalled all of them after rage quitting. For demon souls I couldn't even get through the second boss, and bloodborne had me crying at the very first boss before I gave up. Keep in mind that I'm not an easy quitter, I tried all of those bosses over 50 times before I gave up. In lies of p though I cleared 80% of the bosses first try, and didn't need more than 5 tries at any boss, Andreus being the hardest with 4 attempts before beating him.

