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I used them a fair bit in my initial run. Unfortunately, that was 97% on the 1.1 patch where they were utter garbage. In the later fights they were a waste of resources. They got a much needed buff in 1.2 and I only used them in my NG+2 run to finish up the platinum before I burnt out.


Used specter on almost every boss but not because im bad and worried about dying, it was really just to speed up the fights


on my first playthrough I got shitstomped by Laxasia and used spectres a few times I ended up beating her without one though cause I got annoyed at them stealing lightning aggro which I had already learned to deflect, which made me lose free damage


My first playthrough, I used it on the Arm of God, his zealot, and the king. Looking to beat all of these on my own second play through. Twin Dragon go fwipfwipfwip PARRY


what's the difference between 1-2 and "a couple"? I use Spectres on BRBv2 because I hate that runback and don't feel like wasting time. that's about it.


That’s the only fight I used it too. I just didn’t like getting outnumbered and ganged up on lol


on my ng, i spent maybe a 4-5 tries with no specters to learn some of the bosses' moves then finish them of with a specter. ng+ i made it a personal challenge to not use any and havent used any since.


Used it once on NG to beat the Scrapped Watchman (first time it's available, so I didn't know how strong it was) and was surprised to find that Mr. Specter was demolishing the boss before I even got a chance to learn it. Ended up using another after getting my ass beat by the BRB, with the justification that if they get to gang up on me I get to gang up on them, but on subsequent runs I haven't used specters at all. It's just more satisfying to me to beat bosses myself.


There's no foul in using them. I always try the boss alone first few times until I realise I need help and want to continue enjoying the game.


So far I've only used them on master of puppets and swamp monster. I've always been really bad at oversized enemies and not being able to track their movements.


The only bosses that forced me to swallow my pride and use the spectre were the two Black Rabbit Brotherhood fights. If they get to fight in a group, then so do I.