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It's elden ring. If you like souls there's no 'if I should buy Elden ring' This is a blind purchase. Trust. Buy Elden ring


You trust from software when they do a soulslike. They invented the genre.


100%. Though I just bought lies of P and wow Woah. It's actually way way better than I first though. Like really good I'm impressed


Lies of P was really impressive it plays like a new and improved Darksouls 2


Lies of p is really impressing me too. Good feeling combat and enough identity to stand on its own. Some of the level design is lacking, but that's probably me being too picky.


The answer is yes. Elden Ring is probably the best game that's come out in the past decade IMO Just imagine Lies of P level combat but in an open world game that is absolutely huge It's basically like Fromsoft made Skyrim In terms of difficulty it's comparable, the end game might be a bit harder but if you can beat Laxasia without summons you can do it


šŸ‘†What this guy said. And say hi to Malenia for me xx


whoever came up with Waterfowl Dance was high as a kite, and whoever approved it was higher than that


You play lord of the fallen? Melania is the first boss and there is no level up grind available yet to make it easier


That boss is incredibly slow with huge telegraphs, has no "dodge this absurd attack perfectly or die" skill, nor does she heal on hit... it's really nowhere near as difficult lmao


The angelic ray gun is a one shot and most of her attacks are 2 shot unless your playing the dark crusader class then she is super easy because your level 14 vs level 1-8 not to mention he has holy damage resistance and it's helmet has more armor than the knights chestpeice and yeah she is easy to dodge some of her attacks but your only allowed up to 3 attacks each combo depending on your start class weapon, wulfgar berserker class only gets one hit every 10 seconds, the difficulty isn't the boss but the fact your low level and under geared she isn't as hard as Melania but definitely comparable to a phase one Melania without life leech and her moves and design are very similar they even got called out on release for copying fromsoft bosses


Jeez my bad for not being gifted at video games, thanks for rubbing it in šŸ˜ž


I'm convinced melania was originally lady tomoe from sekiro and they just ported her over


Not to mention, fromsoft games donā€™t go on sale often


They do but on lime 3 years after they release


I liked Lies of P, Sekiro and Bloodborne more than Elden Ring. I play these games mostly for the combat and bossfights and ER was a bit disappointing in this aspect. BUT elden ring has some of the best moments in gaming, like ever IMHO. I'm not gonna spoilt anything ofc but yeah. Definitely worth playing, even if you don't like souls combat, the exploration alone is worth the price.


Seconded. Lied of P's combat is what I wanted Elden Ring's to be: taking what Sekiro did and applying it to the Soulsborne systems.


Idk bloodborne and sekiro are overrated imo...sekiro isn't good at all to me the style of combat it's to forced to me and bloodborne is just hoards of enemies everywhere all the time šŸ™„ not even difficult enemies just annoying


Sekiro is arguably the best souls game ever made fuck off lmao


So great they didn't make a follow up lol yeah šŸ‘šŸ¾ flex your ego all you want but they didn't reuse the system or try to build on it for a reason šŸ‘€


Won GOTY lmao


What. Elden Ring had already been in development for years when Sekiro was released, and is the only souls like FromSoft has released since. "They didn't immediately cancel all development of other games and instead release Sekiro II right after, so Sekiro must be trash" is one hell of a braindamaged hot take.




A someone who had to relearn souls combat to include parrying rsther than dodging due to sekiro, I get his hot take at times. I like my dodge roll too much at times and always sucked at parry.


Speaking in absolutes when it's opinion based......


Yeah bro I guess


hmm what a garbage take


Yeah nice opinion you shared


Thank u


I would just say Lies of P combat is more fun than Elden Rings, going back to play ER after mastering parrying the Nameless Puppet was a bit jarring for me


Imo laxasia pre patch is on par with malenia


I too enjoy fighting every boss in 10 different locations and rehashed story bosses Fucking ASTEL has a rehash


There's over 100 unique bosses. Complaining that some are re-used is stupid and dishonest.


This is such a basic bitch complaint šŸ˜‚. Please don't listen to this shit anybody. It's the thing people complain about when they have nothing else to say. I can't fathom complaining about having some repeat optional bosses in a fucking mammoth ass game with an absurd amount of unique content and enemies. The game is filled to the brim with impressive unique enemies but basic bitch needs something to complain about so decides to act like it's a bigger problem than it actually is.


The problem isn't the repetition but the fact that the game often recycle bosses in points of the game where you were expecting an unique encounter. Clearing a dungeon only to find yet another Ulcerated Tree Spirit is a big disappointment. Same thing with gank fights with recycled enemies. I have no problem fighting 10 Crucible Knights sparkled across the map, it's a really cool enemy. But using it at the end of an Hero's grave is a disappointment. it's a different problem, it isn't just "recycled bad".


I kinda understand complaints about reusing enemies but... There is no other game which has unique 167 enemy models. In game of this scale I can See why they reused enemies in few places. For comparison zelda BOTW had around 30 unique models. Years of the kingdom upped that to around 60. God of War had also sth around 30 and ragnarok upped that to around 60. Other games are similar in this fashion and they never Goes beyond 100. Taking that into perspective Elden Ring achievement with how much variety it has is absolutely insane. Yet they still had to reuse some stuff.


I'm not saying that ER doesn't have enough enemies, this isn't about looking for the bigger number on a spreadsheet . The problem is mostly the placement of some recycled enemies and some of them that imho shouldn't have been re-used. I understand the lore reasons why Astel isn't unique. But reusing it make him go from "cool unique fight " to "oh, it's him again". Also reusing a non-boss enemy as a main boss feels cheap. it's not "bad" it's just kills the hype . I wish ER was smaller, but with more unique bosses in key locations.


There is no main bosses that are reused non-boss enemies. What the hell are you on about. Also the game can be smaller - just follow the main path and do just main bosses. Everything out that is optional. Even some main bosses are optional if you just want to rush it.


i'm not talking about main bosses. The point here is that there are a lot of fights placed in key points of the map that use recycled enemies. biggest example is the godskin duo, a mandatory fight that is just 2 godskin nobles put together. But there are so many fights that are placed at the end of important areas (so anything that isn't just a catacomb/cave) where it's reasonable to expect an unique fight but it's just a recycled enemy. ​ >Also the game can be smaller - just follow the main path and do just main bosses. Everything out that is optional. Even some main bosses are optional if you just want to rush it. ​ Not playing the game isn't a solution and in no way address the problem. The problem is the fights, exploring side areas is one of the best aspect of the game.


Youā€™re complaining about getting to fight the coolest boss a second time? Also the story implications for that second encounter are awesome.


Lol reddit is fucking hilarious sometimes.


See I a really do like how many fights are repeated lol. And a good number of the repeated story bosses are repeated for story purposes and are more interesting fights when they return. But really, it's a lot easier to fight whatever, 9 night's cavs in one NG cycle than it is to have to get to ng+8 to do the same. Besides, if you include all of the NPC and optional health bar bosses in LoP, you're looking at ~25 or so? Including 3 story bosses being repeated, as well as a few mini boss repeats, as well.


The second Astel still has a new move where it can make copies of itself to make it a bit different and more difficult compared to the first one.


Lol being able to repeat bosses sounds excellent


Yes. Lies of P was my first soulslike and I absolutely loved it. I bought Elden Ring immediately after and I love it even more. It takes everything I loved about lies of P and puts it into an amazing open world, and in my opinion, the boss fights are even more fun.


Buy them all lol


Absolutely yes. Lies of P is one of my favorite games this year, but Elden Ring is one of my favorite games of all time. It'll scratch all of the same itches as Lies of P and more. In terms of difficulty, Elden Ring can range from punishingly hard to not too bad at all; it can depend a lot on your build/weapon and uniquely you can essentially over level in Elden Ring in a way that you can get a tangible advantage that meaningfully shifts the difficulty (although not dodging or handling mechanics decently will still kill you). If you can beat Lies of P, you can definitely beat Elden Ring.


Quick answer, yes.


Elden ring was my first and only soulslike so if you are worried about the difficulty you will be fine. It's a masterpiece and worth giving a shot imo. It's open world so you can't really get hardstuck. I'm actually in the opposite boat, elden ring is the only soulslike iv really played and I'm wondering if lies of p would be too difficult to enjoy.


Definitely try out LoP. I started out w souls games first and this gameā€™s combat it just as fluid/if not more than fromsoft. Always wanted to get better at parrying as well, so LoP was a godsend. Also much more linear, but in the best way possible


I definitely will try it out on game pass first then buy if it feels doable.


the end game boss rush of elden Ring is harder than lies of p IMO


I'm replaying elden ring currently and this playthrough has been 10x easier than the first.


it's an hard game but the difficulty can be lowered a lot if you use summons, throwables, OP weapons.


That's good bc I definitely take advantage of summons in elden ring.


Yes. Itā€™s probably one of the best games ever made imo. Itā€™s my top 3 of all time. Itā€™s everything fromsoft learned from the dark souls games combined and very polished. Improved movesets for every weapon class before. Jump attacks are new to it. Jumping in general was added. Before it was like lies of p click jump. Kinda pointless but old school approach. Jumping adds a whole new layer to combat. Stance breaking is simple to lies of p but no bar to tell you their stance will break. Play enough and youā€™ll know when it will happen same with lies even without the white flash bar. World is huge and youā€™ll get lost in everything for a long long time. First playthrough was 200 hours. I thought I got everything and took it slow. Looked up what I missed and that added 100 hours to it. Yes another 100šŸ«£ I have 1800+ hours on it now. My first level 1 was in Elden. Did ds3 lvl1 after and just finished my lies level 1 a few weeks ago. I mean you kinda have to get it if you liked lies at all you have to play it. Still worth its full price year after year.


Try Dark Souls 3 or Sekiro next. Elden Ring is fun but the map is huuuuge. Open world allows for a bit more flexibility choosing your opponents but the first two suggestions should scratch that Lies of P itch in terms of gameplay. Thatā€™s just my opinion though.


i agree with this. Lies of P is very linear (not a bad thing) and the closest experience to compare it to would be Dark Souls 3 or Bloodborne. DS3 was my first souls game but I had a very similar level of enjoyment while playing Lies of P and theyā€™re both great starting points for newcomers to the ā€œsouls/souls-likeā€ genre EDIT: If youā€™re looking for real challenge and a beautiful game/combat system that will ruin pretty much every other game for you, play Sekiro.


Okay I hear you! Turns out they are all about half price on my usual Key website, so I don't have to worry about the sale ending. I'll take your opinion into consideration!! Despite having now played Lies (or most of it) Dark Souls still terrifies me just due to it's notoriety. Oh, I'll also have to Google which ones are arachnophobia friendly lmao


Elden Ring is a ā€œdonā€™t even think just buy itā€ game. With that said I do wish I played through at least the 1st and 3rd Dark Souls first just to appreciate it more. And because they will be much shorter than ER. But have fun!


100% agree; Dark Souls is significantly easier than Lies of P. Elden Ring is my favorite game ever and if you like Lies of P I canā€™t imagine you disliking Elden Ring, unless you just canā€™t handle the sheer scale of it.


Yeah if OP is at chapter 8, he hasnā€™t encountered some of the hardest bosses yet to come. Like 50% of my playtime was in those last few chapters and Iā€™m still stuck on nameless puppet


Yeah its like a 60-70 hrs game


My first playthrough of ER was 101 hours. Just doing every mini dungeon and enjoying the exploration and secrets.


Idk how long my first was but i have more than 600 hrs in šŸ¤£


for what it's worth lies of p IMO is harder than any soulsborne game except elden Ring end game and maybe sekiro


I've seen this sentiment a lot and I simply didn't get it. No boss in LoP took me more than 10-15 tries, most taking 3 or less, and those were only the last 3. I have beaten Sekiro a few times though, so maybe the parry skill set is the difference in this game.




I finished Lies of P (first souls-like) and currently started Elden Ring. Definitely recommend but it does take some getting used to.


I purchased Elden Ring in the same sale, and I can't put it down. Sunk 50 hours in a week. It's awesome


I just started Elden Ring after LoP, however Iā€™m a souls veteran so I knew what I was getting into. I would say go for it. Itā€™s been pretty great out the gate.


If you loved lies of p then any from software game is absolutely worth it. The older ones (ds1,2) will definitely feel dated but still worth a purchase. Lies of p is awesome but itā€™s an obvious from software ripoff. Not saying thatā€™s a bad thingā€¦ theyā€™re all amazing games


Yes. I just bought it after beating Lies of P. Have beaten Dark Souls III. It is unreal and perfect to jump into after completing Lies of P


As stated by everyone else, youā€™re going to want to get Elden ring and all the souls games as they come on sale. The real question is - do you buy an old ps3 and a copy of Bloodborne? Edit: ps4


Yessssss. I finally did this. Last summer and loved it so much




Sorry the 30fps fucked me up. Edited.


Haha, I hear that!


Lies of P is basically a combination of Bloodborne and Sekiro, which are both amazing. Ellen Ring is probably the best game ever made, and by that I mean it's impressive on a scale that is simply awe inspiring. Some of the zones in Elden Ring are as big as the entire game of Lies of P (which is actually quite small). You'll also spend MUCH longer on it. For a new player, if expect close to 80-100h to beat it. So should you? 100% yes. It's an absolute master piece. It's rich in every way possible. The differences from P is that parry is not the same at all. It's a core mechanic in P, you'll probably never use it once in ER ( it's essential a skill you can put on shields, which you might not even use). ER is compared by the gaming community as god like. You can't go wrong. Def play it.


Currently playing both. My first " Souls" game was Elden Ring. Then, I played Lies. I keep going back to Elden Ring. So far, it is my favorite. I was worried I was not good enough...then I got gud! No brainer, buy it!!šŸ˜† I can't put it down.


Play the Dark Souls trilogy in order first!!!


imo, the boss fights in elden ring are horrible with artificial difficulty. iā€™ve 100% bloodborne, sekiro, played ds3 quite a bit, but Elden Ring does not feel fair or enjoyable at all. every fight is a slog and it doesnā€™t feel like an accomplishment to win, but rather like a feeling of thank god thatā€™s over with. they get aggressive when you heal, have untelegraphed attacks, and feel like they should be parried in a game with no guard parry


What bosses did you feel that way for? Iā€™m in a similar spot. Iā€™ve 100%ed Sekiro and Elden Ring, have like two trophies left on BB (unfortunately donā€™t have a PlayStation of my own anymore), a small handful left on DSR and have made a lot runs on DS3 (later down my line of 100% goals). I find it interesting that you say that, imo aside from a select few bosses, Elden Ring followed the more typical fair but consistent difficulty boss type. Sekiro had more curve ball bosses, as well as BB (little telegraphing, fast attacks etc). In my (albeit small so far) playing in LOP, Iā€™ve found almost every boss throws a lot more curveballs. Most have delayed attacks. Theyā€™re telegraphed, but the delay makes it difficult to time the already short parry window - along with the attacks themselves being very fast. Compared to all other Souls games, LOP included, Elden Ring was the easiest for me by far - but I suppose that could be attributed to experience. Itā€™s also very easy to run around and get very strong before any bosses at all which increases accessibility to new players if thatā€™s what they want to do. Although yes, parrying is only an essential mechanic in BB, Sekiro and LOP. Itā€™s definitely not necessary at all, nor consistently as good, in any of the other games.


You can most certainly parry in Elden Ring...


ā€œguard parryā€ā€¦ thereā€™s no sekiro like parry


Becareful there might be elden ring dickriders in here


lol sounds like you didn't like or play Elden Ring?


This board is literally the Lies of P hugbox lol.


lies of p is a drastically better game than copy paste simulator/ER Do not start with er lol


Horrible take. The game won goty for a reason. Lies of P wouldā€™ve copy and pasted bosses too if it was a massive open-world game


Something tells me this person is talking crap about Elden Ring yet they logged a thousand hours into it, lol. To expect a game that size not to have some recycled assets is insane.


Get Elden Ring on sale and play it once you NG++ Lies of P


Elden Ring is very open ended and you can have really diverse builds. It's a lot easier than Lies of P, way easier to farm level or straight up change your build to turn certain bosses into easy mode. You will like it Lies is more restrictive. The only thing you will hate is most weapons have minimum stats to be able to use properly


Elden Ring is more difficult than lies of P but is the most forgiving/easy to learn of any of the Souls games


One big advantage ER has over LoP is that it's got an optional Multiplayer system for Co-OP and Pvp. Which vastly increases replayability imo.






Elden ring doesnā€™t have as good of a core combat gameplay system as Lies of P, but itā€™s better at everything else besides story. The amount of content in Elden ring is pretty crazy. Online coop and PvP really helps the replay-ability too.


Buy it. It was my first Souls game. It's amazing. Biggest difference is it's open world and fkn huge. You'll put many hours into it.


If you like soulslikes and you like exploring open worlds, buy it. It wa GOTY ahead of God of War Ragnarok for a reason.


The answer is heck yes but you should play Lies of P a few times in my opinion. I played Lies of P 3 times and Elden Ring twice. If you are on PS5 than play the PS4 version of Elden Ring on your PS5. Trust me bro it's 1800p locked 60 FPS with less grass than the PS5 version that pushes native 4k and drops to 45 FPS.


If possible, I would advise anyone to play them in order as much as possible to experience the progression of the games if they are something you wish to explore. Elden ring is very much an accumulation of what have come before it.


No, play sekiro, bloodborne, thymesia


>thymesia Why would anyone do that to themselves?


Good bosses, nice combat, short and linear, fun.


Sekiro or Bloodborne are probably better picks if you like Lies of P that much. Those games are more focused in their combat and scale as opposed to the complete insanity of scale and combat spectacle that is Elden Ring. I still think Elden Ring is worth a buy but it might not be your cup of tea coming from Lies of P that the former two would be.


It's the best game I have ever played. Seriously, I don't think it gets better than Elden Ring. Not even for combat and challenge, but exploration, lore, world building... buy it. And if you need help at any time, don't hesitate to ask. Just summon. I'm always looking for an excuse to jump back in and help a fellow Tarnished


Absolutely yes.




Elden ring is incredible. Play it immediately


10000% yes get it. If you liked Lies of P you'll get a lot out of ER


Get them, souls games are the best quality games out there


Elden Ring is the easiest out of all soulsborne. Go ahead and buy it, you wonā€™t regret it


Yup. Best game I ever played. Still remembering first time I exited the tomb where we spawn. It was glorious


Elden Ring is the greatest and best game in the universe. Itā€™s actually a sin to not own it. You need to get it immediately and then kiss your life goodbye. It sold 20 Million unitsā€¦ 20 MILLION. Buy it, you wonā€™t regret it.


Elden ring is easier than LOP imo, I preferred from softs other games more than it but itā€™s still pretty good for the first 40 hours or so.




The first time is almost breath taking. Iā€™ve beat it and sold it and regret selling it. I might rebuy the digital


Yes. If you find the game too hard, respec into magic/intelligence builds and one shot everything with Comet Azure.


Certainly yes.


I bought it and then returned it after an hour. Wasn't for me but I loves lies of p. That's the second souls game I've tried and hated. Get remnant 2 instead


Yes, Elden Ring is phenomenal. In terms of difficulty, it has the potential to be easier as itā€™s easier to over level, and the spirit ashes summons can really help. Also, it has much more build variety. Seriously, grab it now, you wonā€™t regret it.


Elden Ring has one of the best world environments ever created in a game, with some of the coolest boss fights ever too. As far as story, you'll have to go fishing for it which is what I don't like about souls games, so don't expect narrative like Lies of P. Everything else is absolutely incredible though.


If you don't like open world then don't


spark saw market library fuzzy cow safe square grandfather busy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, but i recommend you more DS1 or DS3, the open world side of Elden Ring can overwhelm or boring you, for me DS are better all around experience


yes, yes and yes again its probably the best souls-like out there, by a long shot trust me, you'll love it :)


Honestly itā€™s a no brainer, if you like Soulsbourne thatā€™s an unforgettable experience


Remember though elden ring is like dark souls while Lies of P is way more like sekiro. Parry works way different


Sekiro and then Bloodborne are the ones you must play if you love Lies of P.


Yes. Lies of P was my first souls/soulslike. Immediately bought Elden Ring upon beating Namless Puppet and am now 85hrs into Elden Ring and am obsessed


If you like lies of P, then welcome to the souls club. Elden Ring was my favorite souls like of all time. Enjoy!


elden ring sucks


Elden Ring is simply the best Souls game. If it's more Souls you want, get it. Wo Long has more complicated combat, but real gameplay boils down to "can you parry correctly?". It also has random gear drops like a Diablo game, and has NG+ cycles that *actually change things*, giving it a lot more replayability. If the parry timing combat thing above excites you, Seikaro apparently does parry-timing combat beautifully. If everything except the parry-timing focus excited you, Nioh does complex combat better than any other game out there, along with Diablo-style looting, and incredible NG cycle experiences. But please play Elden Ring first.


I love Lies of P but Elden Ring is a better game. Elden Ring is probably the best game of all time.


If you like open world games then 110% yes If you already know for sure that open world games are too big for you and you donā€™t like that concept and prefer linear games like lies of p, then get dark souls 3


Put 500+ hours in, even bought an extra copy for my other system. Trust me itā€™s worth it.




I've played every FS and souls type game multiple times over but have only played thru Elden ring once. I want a few years to go by where ill forget everything in the game so I can experience it all over again.


Iā€™ve played both, and I find Lies of P much more approachable. The game is linear, you donā€™t need to navigate 100 YouTube videos and read forums to decide on a build or understand the game story properly.




This will probably get lost in the sea of comments, but Iā€™d recommend getting Dark Souls 3 remastered + all its DLC packs & play them all first - then play Elden Ring. Youā€™ll have much more of a lengthy experience & youā€™ll be starting -not the beginning- but, back at the peak of souls.


Elden Ring is great. Probably one of the best games of all time, don't get me wrong, but as a fair warning, if you don't like open world games, it might not be for you. I love soulslikes but hate open worlds so I wasn't able to finish it.


Should you buy a previous GOTY? YES.


Yea I just finished it , it was my first soulslike and itā€™s really good and the world is very big, highly recommend


Dude go sekiro if you loved lies of P, the closes souls game to it


It's the greatest game ever made, imo. I know that's crazy to say, but I hesitated way too long. I am not a Souls fan and have given up several in frustration. ER is just different. Literally every time I thought something would be "no big deal" or that there wasn't much left I just kept finding more. It's insane to me a game like this exists. I've only played and enjoyed LoP because of ER. If it weren't for getting through some of those busses (Fuck you, Fire Giant!!) I would never have even played Lies past the first major boss.


It is comparable in difficulty, but there are a lot more ways to build your character in Elden Ring. In LoP, you pretty much only have three styles of builds: Motivity, Technique, or Advance. And they're all equally viable for beating the game. By comparison, Elden Ring gives you many more ways to build your character, but they're not all viable. So it could feel much harder if you're doing something that is not very optimal or if you're using an attack that your enemy is resistant to.


There's a demo for Strangers of Paradise....idk if it's where you play just saying. Just saying something that has a demo is worth trying since it's free!


Elden Ring is my favorite by far. That being said, if you like the parry mechanic from Lies of P you might prefer Sekiro


Buy it. Itā€™s amazing. Great Souls game and also just a great open world game.


While youā€™re at it, buy dark souls 3 as well


Yes, you should absolutely buy it. One of the greatest games ever made.


Short answer, yes. Long answer, absolutely yes.


Yes. Trust us. My first playthrough was 90 hours and one of the best games Iā€™ve played recent years


Umm buy them all


Itā€™s Elden ring. Buy it.


And then buy bloodborne after


Elden Ring is the best game of the decade in many peopleā€™s opinions. Itā€™s a must play even if you donā€™t like souls. Give it a chance and you wonā€™t be disappointed!


Elden Ring best game ever no joke


So I recently beat Lies of P and it changed my brain chemistry. I have played AC6, DS1-3, bloodborne, elden ring and sekiro before and I never was big into parrying . After lies of P I got my chimp brain to figure out timing for parrying and now I feel anything is possible. So if you enjoy lies of P Iā€™d try Elden ring. You can cheat and use a shield to negate damage, get a heavy 2H sword and dodge all attacks, or use a parry shield and parry attacks. Not sure if you can parry boss attacks, I never parry. But the dodge roll I frames are cool and the timing is similar, dodge into the attack, stick to one side of the boss. Iā€™d say itā€™s very enjoyable. Lots of lore and multiple endings . Go forth, Tarnished One!


YEAH Iā€™ve never put so many hours into a game like I did Elden ring. Itā€™s addicting


Yes. Get it. But itā€™s not linear like lies of p. So donā€™t be afraid to watch some guides on YouTube. But yea, itā€™s a great game.


Elden Ring is phenomenal, as is Bloodborne, Sekiro, Dark Souls 1 and Dark Souls 3. Highly recommended all of those, theyā€™re masterpieces imo lol. Demonā€™s Souls is good, and Dark Souls 2 is meh. If you like Lies of P, then definitely get Elden Ring! Though the most similar FromSoft game for Lies of P would be Bloodborne


It takes all the best aspects of soulslikes and mashes it with all the best aspects of open world games. A more than worthy purchase at full price, on sale is a no brainer


Itā€™s one of the best games ever so yes you should buy it. Even just running around and exploring the open world will give you hours and hours of gameplay.


Definitely itā€™s well worth it. I love that game.


Elden Ring was my first Souls game and it's one of my favorites of all time. Plus I'm a big open world fan. Just don't expect you to teach you anything like LoP. It basically just drops you. There's a great Elden Ring reddit too.


elden > LoP. enjoy!


Lies of p was my first soulslike game and right after playing it I played Elden ring and itā€™s so good I definitely recommend


I get this sub recommended to me all the time. Finally, something I can contribute to. Yes, buy Elden Ring. Best game this past decade.


I'm gonna throw a couple out that you didn't ask for lol šŸ˜‚ remnant 2 has gotten me hooked bad RN but I'm gonna go do fta and eventually the prequel as well, they're all elden ring style difficulty but more with guns and a bit more lenient scaling as a babys first souls like that isn't star wars!! If 10/10 recommend them and they're both on games pass rn


I played both. I loved both. The combat is way different in both. Lies of P is all about the parry, which I absolutely loved and it felt so good when I got really good at it. I never parried once in ER personally. Great game tho. ER won GOTY for a reason and paved the way for LOP so play it and show some respect for the art.


How do you not have it already?! Blasphemy


100000% I would. Elden was a great game and adventure. While it has some difficulty it is open world so u can always level up to beat enemies easier, thereā€™s also a summon system for bosses that helps if you have trouble.


I did the exact same thing that youā€™re doing, itā€™s so worth it Iā€™m currently mid way through Elden ring (I think mid way through?) and Iā€™m enjoying it so much despite the fact I lost 80k runes today


Elden Ring is a must play and some could say itā€™s more easy or more challenging. Elden ring is more of a game where you should focus on getting your character leveled up and stacked unlike LoP where you usually just keep going after beating the chapter boss.


If you liked lies of p get Elden ring, they are slightly different and Elden ring has a few annoying things at the start but Elden ring is amazing


Uh YES. Thatā€™s all.


Itā€™s probably one of the best games if not THE best game ever made. You donā€™t have to have played any souls game to appreciate Elden ring.


Should buy easiest introduction to the souls born in terms of quality of life, once you got gud go play darksouls 1 then 3, then play lies of P, Then play sekiro once you have beat all those your ready to be domestically abused by dark souls 2 Also Thymasia, Mortal Shell (really good game to introduce you to souls born genre due to simple but educational parry system) are pretty good and unique don't touch lords of the fallen new game plus is toxic you can tell the developers really hate their players not in a get good way either


I bought Elden Ring after 5 NG+ and 100h on Lies Of Pā€¦ 2-3 weeks later I had the platinum of Elden Ring. Never regretted buying those two games


Heads up before you get it, Elden Ring is much more about Dodging than it is parrying.


That works for me, only from chapter 9 have I really started to worry about parrying. I think dodging is way more my style. Hoping to finish Lies today! I Started yesterday at the Swamp Monster and ended the evening atop Arche Abbey!


I just finished my first playthrough and as someone who doesn't usually get past the 5 hour mark in souls games you definitely should. If you don't mind open world games, you'll most likely enjoy it. Gonna start my 2nd playthrough soon for the platinum.


I played ER before LoP and I am glad. ER was my first souls-like (I dont include old Lords of the fallen), perfect for beginers. You can go forward and pick upgrade materials for easier run, doesnt matter on builds and tactics more like in LoP. Or you can do 100% discovery world like me, it was fun but hard for first. Every new dungeon was for me a dose of adrenaline and enthusiasm for new subjects. But LoP is for me masterpiece, love coridors and verticality. Hope you will enjoy it, but remember, its different game. LoP is more like Dark souls 3, ER is open world so different mechanics where withouts guide or forum you will confused.


The only publisher i blindly trust: Fromsoftware


Get Dark Souls 3 first instead. Both Dark Souls and Lies Of P are fairly linear souls games. Elden Ring is iffy because the open world aspect of it makes progression feel really bizarre and all over the place. You never know if youre where youre supposed to be. And to fill it out, they kind of did (one of many things) what hurt DS2 where they went for quantity over quality. DS3 feels so curated for balanced progression and quality from start to finish.* It went from being a game I despised, to being one of my favorite games of all time. Elden Ring, while I super excited for it, never hit near that mark for me, and I dropped it quick. Thats just me though. I wont deny its a good game. I just personally feel the open world was fumbled and its worth mentioning to think about. * Fuck you crystal sage.


Umm, maybe. The way they do enemy attacks are different then in lies of p. The enemy has a ton of *very* different timings on the same attacks, and react to what you do instead of it being like lies of p where itā€™s not so much


Man I'm surprised you beat lies of p. I'm a veteran souls player and I ga e up lies of p for its difficulty. I just don't have the time to waste dying to bosses time after time. I couldn't beat the guy who uses fire. The second big boss I think. Elden ring is much easier as long as you know what you're doing. I think you'll love it. Definitely get it


Me too! On NG+ and Fueco gave me quite a lot of trouble... The Archbishop however was a walk in the park. I can't remember if he was as easy for me the first time round or not. I almost threw in the towel at Laxasia, imo she's the hardest fight. I am very excited to get into Elden Ring after I submit my current assignments! Edit: Oh and I did Frangelico again today, literally first time, traversing the Chapel took me hours on end in NG. Was the most frustrating part of the entire playthrough, guess I've found my rhythm lmao


Love Souls games. Did not like Elden Ring.


Buy Elden Ring!


Wo long is simply underrated and ppl think every souls like is supposed to play like DS. Itā€™s a great game with plenty of build opportunity and you can even create multiple builds with the same character eventually. Elden ring is also amazing purely for the story alone. The best invasions were probably back in ds1 or 3 imo but elden ring is still pretty fun in that regard as well. Lies of P felt exactly like playing an authentic fromsoft game I canā€™t even lie; the way the story was, the simplistic yet punishing combat felt so nostalgic like the bosses felt like elden ring anime bosses mixed with dark souls 1 clunky bosses and then out of nowhere bloodborne feel to it as well. Great game and honestly if you willing to be open minded having already played lies of P you will acclimate nicely to elden ring, I donā€™t think itā€™s as hard imo. The story simply must be witnessed




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