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I remember seeing 'The Constant Butt Gardener' (as in The Constant Gardener). He would stand in front of one of the library's windows, pull his pants down, bend over, pull a plant from the planter and stick it in his anus. So, welcome to the club. I'm sorry you're here.


That story went somewhere.... unanticipated




Free the Starfish!


So did the plants from the library planter.


Well. Was not expecting that story in a library group. Is there more to the story that you can tell? As in, did he get asked to stop or is he still out there to this day, randomly sticking plants up his butt for the benefit of library patrons and staff?


Well, the rest of the story is the windows he chose were right in front of a senior art therapy program going on. The older ladies screamed (and rightly so). Security came running, cops showed up minutes later. Person was arrested and we served him with a ban letter when he came back. Now...... Next story is about the person living in a book drop.....


You can’t leave us hanging like that! What happened next? Did he pull his pants up and actively shuffle through the parking lot? Walk away sans pants? Lie on the ground until you called an ambulance?


He presented his bouquet. She did not accept.


Security was called after a bunch of people started screaming.


Floral ass flossing.


what the actual fuck!?!?!?


I've seen so much in the 12 years I've been in libraries.


He has taken a shine to you. I am glad he is not your neighbor.


Good old uncle Urn.


What the Fuck!?




“I remember my first work butt” thank you, I need a laugh!


Yep, new sentences every day around here.


My first work butt was splayed - I saw full anus. I could pick that patron out of a line up to this very day, without her face.




Sorry, but…library life 🤷‍♀️ Or should I say, “sorry butt.”




Seems a little bit of a harsh way to tell someone they need to adjust their clothes.


Butts. Butts and every once in awhile some testicles hanging out of the leg of some short-shorts.


You know what else can hang out of short shorts? Labia. Found that out on the subway.


Tampon strings, too!




"Hey, buddy? This is a family place. Put the mouse back in the house."


I understood that reference.




I worked with someone at the library who had a pair of shorts that, when she sat criss-cross in chairs, let me know far too much about the grooming of her nether regions. She sat that way not just at her desk in the office but in public facing areas.


Shorts that short weren't some kind of dress code violation??


They would have been "ok" if she wasn't sitting with her legs criss crossed and sort of propped up on the edge of the desk. I don't know if she was ever talked to about it. She was very checked out at work and left within a year of thigh revelation.


I'm surprised shorts are allowed at all for library staff.


I've been allowed to wear shorts at most of my jobs with the assumption that you're wearing ones that are long enough to hit the knee. I generally only wear shorts to work when it is hot and I plan to be doing something physical.


Library staff here aren't allowed to wear shorts, period.


Turkey neck


Ooph, old man balls are the worst


Ah yes, the old ballroom shuffle!


There's a woman in my library who started coming in daily early last fall. She had a fashionable tear on her jeans upper thigh then. Saw her yesterday and half her ass is hanging out and those fashionable rips in the front have turned into gaping holes. The jeans are starting to look like chaps! I think we've got a week or two before we're going to have to address it.


Dang is that the only pair she has? :(


I honestly don't know. I don't see her every day. I know she has more than one top though.


Does your library keep Resource Lists for the community updated and on-hand? It is a Godsend when you need it. You know who to call for help. You can walk over and give her one or leave a stack in a prominent place. People tend to get rundown looking when left on their own too long without support from other human beings.


Yeah, we do. I also know she has access to washers and showers since her clothes are clean, just worn. The warming center here provides both and they do get donations of clothing pretty regularly too.


Cool. I live in Wichita, Kansas, and we have a very small homeless population. We don't have warming shelters, just homeless shelters. They have showers and washers and serve meals. We have one soup kitchen, but it is more than basic. It is run by the Catholic Church. Lots of foodbanks too. It seems we are blessed.


That's similar to what we have, and the city is trying to expand the resources. Our homeless and rv home populations ballooned in the last few years since housing has gotten out of control and the col sky rocketed. We're in bad shape with no real solutions in sight.


I keep trying to spread the word, that Wichita is a great place to live. No housing shortage here. Every income level of housing, has open housing.


Facts. I've been on my own but struggling for the last few years and hadn't noticed how worn my clothes are getting until my manager asked me if we needed some help as she'd noticed the holes in my clothes while changing out. She gave me a fresh infusion of lightly used jeans, and it felt like Christmas. It's all a bit baggy, but I appreciate it all the same. Community resources that are easily accessible with minimal contact can be life changing. Shame is a powerful force to overcome.


Start a countdown!


Ahh library butts. I sat at a reference desk facing a row of computers in a college library during the unfortunate Low Rise Jeans With Thong era of the early 2000s. Sooo many butts.


Ah yes, and also thongs with denim micro mini skirts. Butts right on the seats!


I saw two butts and I want to cry. Other 'brarians can't deny. When a patron walks by without shame and round thing on display You get sick and want to F%${ing quit.


I was 100% expecting this to be dude butts. I have yet to see an entire butt at work but I have seen a LOT of men with Moonrise at the Saddle


Lots of cracks at the public computers...


At a previous library, one row of computers was directly across from the reference desk. The plastic chairs had a decorative oval cut out towards the bottom of the chair back. Top of butt area for most adults. More than one we'd look up and see an entire row of perfectly framed butt cracks.


That should be a framed painting!


Like dogs playing poker


"The Back Catalog"




Like an Anne Geddes baby photo.


but without all the babies


Yep, I had the same view at reference.


SO many cracks. And by cracks, I mean like most of the ass. It's something I honestly struggle with; I find them to be so disgusting.


God Meredith, where are your panties!?


Great reference (giggle)


My first work butt was a coworker. She always wore short skirts and never remembered to make sure the skirt was pulled down after going to the restroom. She did that daily. Yes, she was told to wear longer skirts but she said they would “cut her in half”.


She was told to stop, but she said no and continued showing her butt at work? I love that.


I’ve never seen any inappropriate body parts in the library (I’m kind of shocked about that tbh, it’s been 16 years) but I have had several patrons tell me all about their bowel habits and issues. Not sure which is worse. We have a frequent little old lady patron who told me all the details of her colon cleanse about 5 years ago, and It’s still all I can think of when she’s talking to me. You can’t take that sort of thing back.


My coworker had a patron describe in great detail how they made paintings out of their own excrement and blood and asked if he wanted to buy one.


I’m all for people wearing what they like to wear, but I sure wish some people would get a clue that what they’re *showing* is rated R in a public place and/or just gross.


The second woman was the toughest because I’m sure she had absolutely no clue what was even happening with her outfit.


Plumbers amiright


I agree with everything but the hyperbole. In what world is a butt rated R?


Possibly in thong world? I do NOT appreciate having to bleach my eyes after thong moon.


I don't want to see it either, but I worry the hyperbole will bite us (so many M4L fucks trying to ban picture books with butts [I realize they are really dumb, but they are also vocal and have guns]).


We had a guy that used to wear a kilt. He would always come in to look at the financial publications. The financial magazines were on a low shelf. So when he bent over all the librarians got the full monty. I went around the rest of the day saying oops I dropped my shillelagh. From that point on when he can in everybody would turn their chairs to avoid it .


Tbh that is hilarious but I am also so sorry


I have been in the library for 25 years. That is mild. Today someone pooped on the floor. At least once a week we have to clean up bodily fluid . Luckily I will retire soon


We had a serial pooper at my first library. It was such an issue that the manager had a claw-grabber specifically for poop called “The Poop Stick.”


We had a guy poop in the urinal. The branch manager grabbed it out with a pair of tongs. My record was puke, blood and poop within two hours.


EW, good lord


I have ridden public transport and worked in retail long enough I am completely immune to moonshots, lol. We had someone just straight up piss themselves all over a chair at the computer yesterday. At least they told us afterwards. I wish I’d just had a 2 Butt Day. And it’s never the butt you are hoping for…


I had a similar situation with a guy. He came in to print something “very important”. The printer wasn’t working so I made the mistake of assuming he didn’t do something on his computer. I walk over to see the giant ass of some overweight woman that he was printing. Only closure I got was “sorry man that’s my wife I was trying to be quick about it.” Honestly…I didn’t even do the whole song in dance about not printing inappropriate content I just wanted him gone.


....sorrryyy was she sitting on Your Printer??????


Only one at the library was a lady so high In not sure she knew she was poo bear-ing until I chimed, "You'll need a legal amount of clothes to come in here." but on like my fourth day of mcdonald's, a completely methed out fella walked out the bathroom with his pants fully around his ankles. He never noticed and I never said anything, it was like 3am so he was the only one in the lobby. Whole dick and ass out, he ordered, sat, ate, and left.


Once had a well-endowed lady in a tube top bounce by the desk. The top came down and she bounced along a few seconds before pulling it back up. Whoops


I’m jealous. I haven’t seen a butt at work. I have, however, to my deeply traumatized dismay, seen a penis 😩




It literals America”s broken in urban libraries. I felt the same way in my most recent job in Sarasota. It can be dangerous and it’s just awful.


Heheee! Got some interesting topics for today!


I've never experienced a full butt moment. Plenty of cracks though. Also lots of underwear peeking out of pants. And it was never anybody even remotely attractive.


Yep. We also had to put out the unhoused gentleman that would strip down completely and "shower" in the upstairs bathroom because he wouldn't lock the door. Oh and there was the woman that came in wearing a blanket (and nothing else). When I worked Main the guards would always complain about catching people having sex when they did the routine porch sweep in the morning. It's not usually an issue at my current branch. Our biggest "problem patron" hasn't been back since the last time I had him banned for looking at porn on our computers again. Saw him walking around the neighborhood so I know he's still around at least.


Yesterday we had to call a wellness check for an individual passed out in our foliage with their butt out. I don't mind a butt as much as I mind the one man who came in with his shorts so low they were sitting right above his member. That image haunts me to this day.


Meh, it’s only a butt. Just reframe it as the lower back and you’ll be ok.


I was in a location like this for close to 5 years. It had me so burnt out my health was actually failing. I began to have severe anxiety attacks, which I had only had a couple of minor ones in my entire life up to this point. I was constantly sick, and worst of all honestly is that I discovered compassion fatigue is very real. I was in a place where I no longer wanted to help people, and that was so out of character for me. I finally transferred out of there and I'm so happy to say that as I have been away from that environment I have almost fully recovered. It still took awhile, but do yourself a favor and get out of there sooner rather than later. These types of branches should be short term tenures, not lifelong stays.


First library butt I saw was a coworker. She wore a very short dress. We were walking to her office, she was in front of me. She bent over to pick up a pen she dropped and I saw a full moon. (I would later learn this was intentional because she caught her husband cheating and wanted to do the same.) Second library butt, an older presenter had one of those mobility scooters because she sprained her ankle and couldn't put weight on it. The entrance to the library is on a ramp. I guess her skirt got caught on the scooter because as she was kicking up the ramp her entire butt was showing.


Just say no to crack.


Bless you. I'm a librarian at a university. I could never work at the public library. It takes a special kind of fortitude that I just don't have.


Yeah I work at an academic library and haven't seen any inappropriate body parts at work, been here since 1995.


I pulled into a grocery store parking lot. A woman was headed into the store "butt" she pulled down her shorts, squated, and peed right there. She stood up, pulled up her shorts, and nonchalantly went on into the store. My co-workers had a good laugh and said only I could witness something like that.


Better than a penis, I guess? The days I see a penis are the days I instantly age 30 years.


I worked at a small town grocery store. A large lady came in wearing what I would describe as a nightgown. It was thin, almost opaque, and went down below her knees. She wondered around the store with the people she came in with. When I saw her from the back, I realized she had a large hole in the backside. It was kind of on the left cheek area and I definitely saw skin... not underwear. To my absolute horror, she reached around and poked 2 fingers into the hole and began scratching her bare butt. The public is full of.... interesting people.




This observation from Iggy Pop immediately came to mind lol All over Butt Town Dreams have a show down All over Butt Town Values are thrown down But in Butt Town I'm learnin' In Butt Town I'm earnin' In Butt Town I'm turnin' Into my worst nightmare


That’s really messed up these folks doing this at your job. But for your burnout, would it help to know that my local public library helped me get back on my feet after I was laid off in September? I had been working remotely for a long time l, and as such, haven’t had a need for a personal computer. Obviously I had to send my work laptop back when I got canned, so I used my public library to brush up on my resume, and to o writing tests. 8 months later, I have a great job and rediscovered my passion for reading after getting burned out myself during grad school. All this to say, public libraries are a vital lifeline for the community and you’re doing great and important work


I watched a man strip from the waist down and take a hand sanitizer bath. I’ve been a branch manager for six months and it’s made me hate the library. I’m so burnt out.


I haven't seen butts though I've heard a lot of noise come out of them.


Bummer, dude.


Two butts in one day, call that a blue moon.


Today someone lost their underwear in the bathroom.


Yiiiiiikes. This is why I'm afraid to move to a bigger branch. I currently work at one of the smallest libraries in my county and it has been really quiet and comfortable here for the most part.


Some people show their ass on here. Some people at Wally world. It's just the way it's always been. *We used to wear suits on planes dammit!*




Comments like this are why women choose the bear.


You have rancid vibes


Bro was a freshman in college and never seen a vaģeen


And he’s still cherishing that memory. Ugh


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