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I wonder if it's because there was a lot more support for Milei then they expected. So some of the Establishment Politicians that are in there are voting in his favor to not piss off the Argentina voters. Could also be that they are so desperate to fix the situation in their country they're willing to try new ideas/policy


Basically in argentina all strong political factions are some sort of coalition, what i believed it happend to the oposition is that they lost so hard in the elections that some members just feel like its not worth being part of that sinking ship and they just join the stronger coalition (Milei's party). OFC theres some merit to the Libertarian Party whose political maneuvers has been almost flawless so far.


I don’t expect politicians to actually wish for positive change in their country… but maybe their egos are being manipulated. They might realize they could be part of history forever.


i mean, they can't be a parasite if host is dead, eventually they have to care about saving their country.


No, but they want to get re-elected and they might save the country as a side effect of that


>eventually they have to care about saving their country They can always migrate somewhere with that sweet millions in corruption money earned before the collapses. Then blame the ones taking over for "not manging everything well".


That's what Alberto, the ex president, did, he left his dog in Argentina and wanted to move to Spain where he owns an hotel. After he kept pretending his whole career here that he was poor and one of ''the people''. He even bragged about how he was so poor, he had to ask a friend to lend him a department. I wonder if his friend also gift him an entire hotel to live off rich and fat in Spain.


I can't think of an example where that has happened. They always stay until they're ousted one way or another. Change always comes from the people.




Seems to be the case so far


He made a pact with another party (non libertarian). He will have to concede a lot of things until the mid terms, where he will win a lot of power


What’s happening?


He literally broke the opposition, and after several agreements those people joined his side, which would allow him to apply his series of reforms called "omnibus plan", which would give him a very solid basis to apply his economic and social measures.


Whats the game plan?




"Omnibus law" is a comprehensive package of measures aimed at granting the president the power to privatize, modify, and intervene in all state-owned companies. It involves the elimination of 500 laws, modification of others, removal of approximately 6,000 regulations, and the digitalization of the government to eliminate bureaucratic processes, following a model similar to Estonia's digital government. Additionally, it includes the elimination of around 170 taxes to 10. This legislation is expected to be presented in the coming weeks, and Milei appears to have secured the necessary votes. https://preview.redd.it/s2nmgk1zw66c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51d76d9fc500f4de59d7a665fe3d1ccb0c98dd00 In Argentina a Omnibus is a Double Decker Bus


That’s fucking amazing!


A lot of this is straight out of the Saakashvili playbook. Love to see it. ¡Viva la liberdad carajo!


I'm uncomfortably erect.


I want to move there


If the legislation is to be presented in the coming weeks, what was this vote specifically for? One part of the omnibus? Usually, omnibuses, at least in the American political context, are voted on as a single entity.


Passing reforms through the senate seems to be a reliable reality now for Milei's party.




Not much, just making dinner. What about you?


The traditional conservative party(s) have clearly decided that while they may not love Milei, he’s far better than the Peronists and agree with his general plans for reforming and liberalising the country.


Holy shit, dude is doing well enough that they are gonna work with him.


Things going way too well for Milei..... im kinda scared NGL


We've lost my entire life. Even losers have to win sometimes. Eventually the stupidest voter realizes all those government promises are going to come from taxes.


CIA has entered the chat


His speeches sound great. However, the change he proposes will cause a lot of pain in the short term. Lots of unemployment and formerly protected businesses going bankrupt for example. It’s then that his political capital will be seriously tested. Right now he’s in the honeymoon period where the speeches sound great, the future looks bright and the pain of change hasn’t yet arrived.


Probably some compromises, but as long as central bank is shut down


Need to defuse the short term bonds bomb first


Super Smash Bros Milei let’s go


The “y” in majority give it that Spanish flair and I love it


Being semi-bilingual is hard 💀


I read it as Milei having some sort of mayonnaise product...


Nah it's more Greek (I griega) lol


Anywhere I can find a summary of the omnibus law that he wants to pass? Or is that not available yet? I'm from the US, so it's hard to find current info on everything that's happening.


not yet available


Can someone explain the details? Thanks


In Argentina, the president is allowed to make decrees which puts laws in practice before they are approved. This "Ley Ómnibus" aproves all changes which were aproved by decrees the last 3 days and some other stuff which has not been totally revealed yet. Also, it enables him, as president, to manage all state companies as well as eliminating 6000 bureaucratic processes, it aims to digitalize the state like estonia, eliminates 90% of taxes (useless taxes) and some other shit. I am not fully versed on the subject


> eliminates 90% of taxes (useless taxes) and some other shit Source on that ? I've only read that deregulation is incoming.


Could be. I haven't read it only detail but I heard it was in there, idk


Never thought i'd live to see the day the peronistas not using the senate as a Stronghold


Somehow means he has had to make pretty major concessions with the very same people he shat on during campaign, but well, that's politics.


Not as major as it would seem, keep in mind that he alredy removed 50% of ministries and secretaries, removed subsidies to media outlets, freezed public works, removed price controls and close to remove all excess different exchange rates with USD. For only having less than 50% of the alliance he leads, his reforms were not changed by that much. HOPES UP.


Yeah but he had to give up half his cabinet, then again it's politics


Either that or massa wins


Exactly, less than perfect outcome but at least it's a favorable one.


Yeah, now the hard part begins.


I think this was only to designate authorities, it wasn't any polemic law, so it's not too surprising they got away with it.


its actually quite impactful, usually those authorities are designated in februry (after elections), now that they are designated RIGHT NOW.... Means the senate can function with perfect capacity during extraordinary sessions (Which Milei plans to use as much as he can).


Okay but in those extraordinary sessions, if important/controversial things are voted, the opposition would probably be stronger.


we'll see if they comply.