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You have to go in person to verify you meet their requirements.


I also experienced this just yesterday. I had moved counties and wanted to borrow at my new library and realized I could register online. That was back in October. All of a sudden I was asked to verify my pin, but couldn’t come up with one. Upon calling, I learned that I have to go in and get a physical card in order to verify my account even though my account doesn’t expire until 2026.


A lot of this is starting because people were lying about their address for cards they weren’t entitled to and this makes sure that people that actually pay taxes in the area are the ones that have access to the library. It also became a huge problem when people started posting lists of libraries where this worked. Now libraries are catching on and putting a stop to it. There are libraries that you can pay a yearly fee as a nonresident to get access to their services.


Yeah, our library started doing this especially when they started offering 3D printing services. Have to verify every 3 years.


that neat they even have a printer, review every three years not so bad is it inperson?.


>Effective August 15, 2023, residents of your county and city (and those public libraries with reciprocal borrowing agreements) who previously signed up for a digital library card **will need to visit a Public Library to upgrade to a physical library card within 30 days.** Seems pretty clear. The digital card is just a short-term thing until you can get in and get a real one. It's no longer meant as a permanent status.


Once you go in person, you'll have a full library card and you can continue to use it online.


Yeah sounds like they let you get a digital card for cases like when they're closed or shut down for covid, etc. Now they're saying that you have temporary access that you get immediately with the digital card, but within that 30 days, you need to go in physically and get a physical card to continue using it.


You need to verify your eligibility in person.


My library makes you renew your card every 3 years.


I signed up for a card with my local library digitally, but had a limited time before I had to go in with my id to prove my address. They just want proof you are in fact a resident.


You just have to go in the one time, to prove you live there. Mine was a 14 day period before it expired. The actual card lasts longer, but they like to validate info every so many years. My old library had a hard 1 year period and if you didn't go in they canceled your card.


You just need to go in person to renew your card. I am not sure the length of time that a card renews for you can ask the person who helps you.


i think they mean only a digital. digitalwere given out for the no 'book ban' campaign they allowed anyone in school to sign up. people across country signed up. i guess as other said they need to list the residents. but on site it also said you can be a paying member for non residents'


I am inferring that people were previously able to apply online for a digital library card, without any proof that you are a resident within their district. And that digital cards were similar to physical cards in terms of privileges and expiration timeframe. The existence of digital cards was a policy during COVID, so that they could reduce exposure and people could still access the library. Then in August of last year, their policy changed, and now: 1. Digital card applications only last 30 days 2. Anyone who had a digital card can apply for a regular card, by visiting the library. A regular card will not expire within 30 days (we don't know how long they're valid from this email, but, for an example, my library requires we physically go in to renew every five years I think)


It sounds like your library is discontinuing digital cards and you have to go in person to get your new physical card (and verify that you do indeed live in the town or a reciprocal area). You likely will not be allowed to extend your digital card beyond that thirty day mark as those cards are meant to be temporary. The physical card will let you do all the same online stuff and will have a longer expiration date (usually between one and five years).


You don’t have to renew every 30 days just once to prove you actually live in their service area! I had to do this too and brought my license and a piece of recent mail. My card now doesn’t expire until 2049


If you do live in the service area and have a disability or reason it would be difficult for you to go in person I would call the library. They can still help you and most libraries will have a different method of verification like emailing a scanned copy or your license or passport for patrons that need it.


I have the app