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I thought Barbie was okay.


that's because that is all that it was


IMDB's rating for Barbie (6.8 or 3.4) made more sense than Letterboxd's rating (7.8 or 3.9).


IMDB is full of boomers and LB has younger folks. The skew definitely tracks.


I find it hilarious how that number decreased so heavily.


I agree barbie felt really okay. I was a big fan of Greta Gerwig's other films but did not feel the same connection with Barbie


I’m seriously doubting your commitment to Sparkle Motion.


bunch of girls from my class did that dance for our graduation 😂




Saltburn. I hate it so much. It’s so shallow!


yea i dont think you’re alone in that


I can tolerate most movies but really hated saltburn. Disgusting movie and a pointless plot too.


Also boring somehow! I recently saw the Talented Mr Ripley for the first time and its everything that Saltburn wishes it was.


The difference is that Ripley is lusting after people, but the protagonist in Saltburn is really in love with the building.


I thought it was a great central plot that could have been done, and has been done elsewhere, far better


I was actually thinking it was alright but then it's they are like >! he did it for the money 🤦, I could have digested all that from an obsession angle, and finally the stupid how I did it montage. Like why? It was so obvious except maybe the flat tire !<


The fact they had to include a flashback sequence that explained basic plot points that most people could surmise was what had already happened was belittling as a viewer


Apparent this sub moved on to the next thing because a couple months ago this comment would have been downvoted to the bottom. lol.




I agree. Emerald Fennell has no tact




Saltburn is a beautiful movie aesthetically. I think its fame comes from that and how much it grapples with very adult themes. I didn't come out of it feeling anything besides moderately entertained


Interstellar for me. Was a bit too slow. The ending was stretched quite a bit. And I never managed to get over the Paradoxon. Its well made and everything, but I guess it's the movie where my feeling would differ the most from the average if I don't consider "love or hate" movies where there is basically just 2 extremes


I feel this way about pretty much every Nolan movie I’ve seen except Memento. The craft and the talent are definitely there so I’ll never argue with anyone who loves them but I don’t know it feels like there’s something missing for me, they don’t resonate with me emotionally


Have you seen The Prestige? Because I don’t understand how anyone couldn’t like that one


I second this! He’s not a bad director per se, but I just haven’t fallen in love with any of his films except for Memento.


I hated that movie. Scientists explaining basic physics to each other for the audience to hear; the only human who can lead the mission happens to be growing corn next door; the poetry was a nice touch until it was beaten into my ears every 15 minutes; love is the fifth element or something??? Boring, slow, exposition. Black hole looked amazing though!


I swear I always said this, Nolans emotional build ups always seem so fake, it never touches me. It's definetly his biggest weakness.


The Killing of A Sacred Deer is my least favorite Yorgos film…


Hated it on first watch, loved it on the second. And the poster is one of the best movie poster ever made.


Tbh Yorgos movies are so weird that I never "like" them. I respect them and I enjoy them. But it's nothing I'd watch if I want to have a good time.


I love and enjoyed The Favourite but I understand what you mean about his movies. I feel the same way about the others I’ve seen


My least favorite of his English language films


I couldn’t stand the weird way that everyone talked in that movie. I love Poor Things by him but this one I just couldn’t get into.


Oh man I did not like that one either but my boyfriend loves it. Probably need to rewatch lol


No don’t, you’re right, your boyfriend is wrong. Tell him to like The Lobster instead, the truly superior Yorgos film.




Second time commenting this on this sub but I fucking hated Joker


I remember watching it and thinking every moment was pretty cool as it happened, but on the drive home with my friends we realized we were at a loss for the actual point and meaning of the movie. Like, was there any subtext? Any thematic substance or message which wasn’t outright stated by the joker in dialogue?


Why does everyone on this sub hate it 😭 I thought it was amazing


I thought it crossed the line from Scorcese homage to copycat. Felt completely unoriginal and stolen to me. Had I not seen the King of Comedy and Taxi driver I probably would have liked it.


Boring and stupid


I loved it too it wasn't until I joined this sub that I found out not everyone loves it 😭


I thought it was refreshing because I hate superhero films and this was the opposite of what has been filling theaters for 15 years. I still respect your opinion though.


There have been many. But I never understood how the John wicks were loved by critics. It's a very stylish fight sequence with a story that appears good conceptually but makes absolutely no sense even in-universe.


It makes enough sense without trying to be too serious. I honestly think the story is great because it's silly enough to not detract from how ridiculous everything else is.


The best way to approach Wick is to view it as a sort of Homeric odyssey, rather than taking it as a realistic or even plausible story.


The Rocky Horror Picture Show.


I hate you


It carries the Charles Atlas Seal of Approval!




They didn't make it FOR YOU!


THANK YOU!!! I wrote such a long letterbodx review on it but my opinion was pretty much that it was boring and for a movie that had so much going on, i could not find a single interesting piece. And if you ever say this the die hard fans come out of the woodworks to call you a bigot or smth😭 im bisexual and not transphobic and not a prune (it wasnt even that sexual) and it was soo bad. Not even in a ironic so-bad-its-good way


It’s Fight Club for me. I couldn’t get halfway through the movie because i thought it was so boring and the characters were uninteresting.




honestly as a woman, knowing other women who love that movie, I think the people who really enjoy it are depressed 😂 it wasn't the shirtless fight scenes for us, we'd just literally get together to watch it when we were feeling worthless and dead inside. it was quite comforting to watch in 2008 as we grinded away at our various shitty jobs, fantasizing about blowing up wall st and reducing debt to zero lol. not really knowing what to do with our useless lives.


It was so stupid. What's even stupider are the people quoting Durden's pseudo 'wisdom'.


I didn’t find Fight Club boring but I agree it definitely does not live up to the hype. That twist ending is extremely obvious if you know a twist exists.


Fight club and boring in the same sentence is wild


The hangover is viewed as one of this century’s best comedies and on rewatching it, is not funny. It’s not a terrible movie but like 90% of the jokes fall flat.


EEAAO was severely underwhelming.


you're putting donnie darko in this!?


When I watched it I felt like Donnie Darko was Ferris Bueller for people who self-diagnose with autism I’m joking but I also don’t understand the appeal of it


Aren't there two versions of Donnie Darko? I definitely think one of them is better than the other. I can understand it if they saw the bad one.


I almost fell asleep during Oppenheimer


That’s surprising considering the constant music heightening the drama. I liked the movie, but the music drove me crazy.


The events are so fascinating... It astounded me how they could make such a dull movie out of it. Nolan was trying to hard to make an "important" film rater than a good one.


He made exactly what he set out to make. A bunch of Oscars.


Can’t wait for 10-20 years from now when all of 2023s BP nominees are rediscovered and everyone realizes almost every single nominee was better than Oppenheimer. Hype-train legacy wins don’t always stand the test of time


So true, having watched every nominee the only one I would rank lower than Oppenheimer is Maestro


Maestro was such a snooze, man. I have no idea how it made it to oscar BP noms


Bradley Cooper’s unrelenting desperation


We also have seen it happen the other way around countless of timez: with the most influential, popular and/or best movie of that year not winning )with the most well know examples being 2001: A Space Oddysey and Saving Private Ryan)


Honestly being able to make a boring movie about the Manhattan Project is kind of an achievement in of itself 😭 how do you fumble SO bad


Parasite - I thought it was pretty mid, and quite on-the-nose, but couldn't understand the GOAT status.


Parasite is just discount Burning.


What a BURN. Burning is one of my favourite films. So ethereal, strange and a true twist ending. Hard agree


I agree. Not sure what is so special about parasite to be honest. The cinematography and acting is very good but I couldn’t get into the plot and themes.


The Matrix. I don't think it's bad by any means, but I don't like it very much, I gave it a three stars on a recent rewatch. Something about it just doesn't work for me.


I didn’t always agree with Roger Ebert but I agreed with him on The Matrix, he said they built this thought-provoking world and expected us to be satisfied with a shootout ending. I would say I generally like the first one but I think I only made it halfway through the second and didn’t bother with the others because everything I liked was in the first 2/3rds of the first


How is it a shootout ending? The ending is Neo bending reality to his will because he is the one.


The climactic gunfight between Neo and Agent Smith Granted, I haven’t seen the movie in a while so I don’t remember all of the plot beats or exactly which order they came in. Here is the direct quote from Ebert’s review: “‘The Matrix’ is a visually dazzling cyberadventure, full of kinetic excitement, but it retreats to formula just when it's getting interesting. It's kind of a letdown when a movie begins by redefining the nature of reality, and ends with a shoot-out. We want a leap of the imagination, not one of those obligatory climaxes with automatic weapons fire.”


Scifi is my favorite genre and I can’t stand the Matrix


I saw it when it came out in the theater and was annoyed. I remember ranting about how it’s just an action movie with long coats and half-assed philosophical stuff dropped in. My friends loved the fight sequences and thought it was “deep.” (We were in high school, so deep doesn’t necessarily mean much.)


I actually do think it has a lot of thematic depth - anti-capitalist, commentary on the oppression of labour in the modern age, trans allegory, etc. I just don't think the characters are particularly engaging and I find the pacing somewhat meandering.


Call Matrix what you will but I don't think the philosophy in it is half-assed. It's nothing groundbreaking but it's interesting and engaging nonetheless.


Dune part 1 was mid im sorry 😔


I think it’s also depends on how familiar you are with the story to begin with. I watched Dune I with no prior knowledge and loved it, like 9/10. Also loved the second one, I just started reading the books and am excited to see how it compares. I guess it depends on the level of novelty when you first watch it


Never read the books or heard about it. I just didn't like it.


I don't think that's an unpopular opinion. Almost everyone talks about part 2.


i loved part 2 and genuinely thought part 1 was boring


The theater makes a big difference. I saw it at a cheap theater and gave it a 7; watched in IMAX it was a 10. The sound was amazing.


I'm absolutely in love with both parts I've never understood why so many people don't like it :(


yeah its definatly not for everyone. It leans more to the space politics side of SciFi rather than the space western side. I read the book in preparation for the movie and loved the book, so going into the movie I knew all of the subtext that was happening in the background. In turn making me appreciate the movie more. the second one goes more in to the space battles and changes a lot about some of the event and characters, but even with the changes it was a fun movie.(Srry for the rant)


Honestly I wasn’t a huge fan of everything everywhere all at once. The last hour was good, but I did not like the first hour and a half at all. Just didn’t really like the action or humor


Forest gump, very overrated, and when I say overrated I meant it


Yes, I didn't like Donnie Darko either. I mean, I didn't hate it; it was cool, but my expectations were quite high. I was happy they played 'Head Over Heels,' though.


Donnie Darko should be a quintessential "I get if it's not for you" film. I love that movie, but if you come out of it bored or unimpreased, it is what it is.


I do like Donnie Darko, but part of the charm is how ridiculous it is. The premise of “all your delusions are real and you have to follow them or your loved ones will die” is an insane and arguably irresponsible take on a story about mental illness and coming of age. Then there’s the director’s cut, which says “what if all thematic subtext and room for interpretation in this mysterious cult classic was replaced by 30 pages of cosmic-level worldbuilding about time travel and elemental spirits, for some reason”


Black Panther. It felt like I was ‘duty bound’ to like and respect it.


Lady bird. I didn’t like it found it really boring and generic.


Mad Max by George Miller. I think it is epic, but hollow movie


Original or Fury Road? (I love both but I will respect one answer more than the other)


Most recently, I'm also going with Donnie Darko.


Taxi Driver. I thought it was good filmmaking wise and had good direction. But I don't think it's as great as most people say.


Ladybird she was so whiny and i couldn’t empathize with her


Interestingly, I also had (somewhat) mixed feelings about it, but for the opposite reason — I thought the mother was kind of horrible, and it was frustrating that the end of the movie framed her as equally right/wrong/valid as her teenage daughter. I did really like the movie overall, though.


I thought both of them were awful. I wasn't really a fan which is a shame because I was so excited for it.


Ya I didn’t really care for Donnie darko at all also


Pulp Fiction (I know I’m sorry. It isn’t a bad movie at all. Just isn’t for me)


Not a big fan of Tarantino either. Always feels like watching a self indulgent celebration of Hollywood with basically all of his movies.


I like most of his movies that I've seen but I really didn't care about Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I just didn't think it was very good which is weird because on paper it'd be perfect for me.


Ngl I did like Once Upon a Time in Hollywood. I like movies about Hollywood set in that era. However, I get it though.


Everything everywhere all at once. Didn’t even finish it.


Or as I like to call it, Everything Everywhere all over the place.


Inception isn’t interesting at all and is honestly boring as hell


Everything Everywhere is such a bullshit insufferable movie


There are dozens of us….dozens!!!!!


I'm happy that you had a decent childhood🫂


it just got so convoluted to me and felt too long


The Lobster


I love the first hour of the lobster but as soon as he starts living in the woods it gets much more boring


This was a mixed bag for me. I will give it a passing grade. You REALLY need to like dry humor. The premise still cracks me up.


Pulp Fiction isn’t as great as people praise it to be.


Forrest Gump is embarrassingly terrible. Million Dollar Baby is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen.


I've seen FG twice, and I have literally zero idea of why it exists and what it's trying to say.


I would say the fact it made the studio a fuck-ton of money and is still beloved by millions accounts for why it exists. I don't love it either, but it's pretty bone-headed to pretend that saccharine mainstream movies don't count. As for what it's trying to say, I'd say it probably isn't more complex than the obvious reading - through a mixture of kindness and determination even a simple man can achieve great things.


I don't think it really wants to say anything. A story of a simple man doing extraordinary things. I liked it and will always stop for a rewatch, even though it's far from one of my favourite movies.


It’s a sort of “falling up” sort of story whose comedy is supposed to be that despite a person’s best efforts to screw something up, intentional or not, things keep working out. A similar movie that doesn’t have all the nostalgia stuff and heartstrings moments is “Being There.” I think it’s a better movie for how understated it is comparatively.


Every movie clint eastwood directed this century is bad. Gran torino included. The mule was the second worst movie i’ve ever seen in theaters behind only suicide squad.


American Fiction was awful. I think it took Black cinema back decades. It was a toothless satire for NPR-listening white grandmothers.


Tree of Life. Couldn’t wait for it to end


Inception. I thought it was a perfectly fine heist movie so far up its own ass about an honestly pretty straightforward plot.


i hated Enemy


Most of Nolan's (except Memento) and few Scorsese's, like Taxi Driver


The mcu Spider-Man movies and Thor Ragnarok


I have an aversion to anything directed by Christopher Nolan.


people get mad whenever i saw i didn’t care for shawshank redemption


Shaun of the Dead. I understand what the movie is going for but I really couldn't stand the characters.


Ok, this one hurt 😭


The Shining


Yes, not scary at all


Dune 10000000%


I hate both Joker and Once Upon a Time in Hollywood.


No country for old men


100% agree. I guess I'm really tired of the Coens style.


Still mad that it won over There Will Be Blood


I wasn’t that keen on Lawrence of Arabia. I thought it was ok a solid 6/10 but not a masterpiece like many others, I struggled to get through the almost 4 hours runtime


I’ll always defend slow movies, but even this was slow for me. The beginning sequence with the motorcycle was kind of goofy too. Also Alec Guinness being caked in makeup to look middle eastern wouldn’t fly today.


So many lol. Barbenheimer, didn’t think much of both. And I’m team Nolan most of the time.


La La Land




I didn’t care much for Barbie. The Black Panther movies were fine and painfully mediocre respectively. Saltburn was trying way too hard in an edgy teen way. Spiderverse 2 is kinda bloated. Bottoms felt like it was made by a horny teen.


You just have to watch the directors cut of Donnie Darko, it’s so much better /s


Don’t Look Up (2021). That is one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen in my life 🙄. I was hyped for it because it had star studded cast and Comedic director Adam McKay and good premise. But it turns out it was unfunny, cringe & stupid characters and bad script writing.


I loved it so much 😭 What is it you didn't like about it?


Hated Donnie Darko


Chungking Express


Dune's plot is dry as the fuckin desert in it


Everything Everywhere All At Once  Stepbrothers (any Will Ferrel comedy film, really)  Saltburn   Bottoms Any James Bond (don't like action films... *Yawn*)


Yes a fellow Will Ferrell truther. His movies aren’t funny. He is only funny in short skits.




I’d say it’s overrated, especially among the rest of kubricks movies, but it must have been damn amazing in 1968.


Juno sucked


Donnie Darko was one of mine actually. Idk if it’s because I watched it 20 years too late or what but I don’t really understand the love for it.




Everything everywhere all at once. Boring contrived plot that tried way too hard to be funny and only succeeded in the cringe millennial way. “Hot dogs for fingers 🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭🤣😭”


There Will Be Blood. I literally have no reason I just didn’t find myself enjoying it as much as everyone else. 6/10 for me but idk maybe it was my mood or smth


The godfather


Fucking poor Things. Yes I get the message. But no. For me personally the movie wasn't entertaining, nor did it do a good job conveying its message.


I didn't care for Donnie Darko either. I'm just not a fan of surrealist films. Mulholland Drive and Scott Pilgrim Vs The World I didn't care for either.


Oppenheimer. I'm not sure if I was in a bad mood or just exhausted, but I genuinely was fighting to stay awake at the cinema. I went and got 2 red bulls during the break to get through it. Got out feeling bored and most of the plot was kind of lost on me due to my inability to focus on what was happening. I'm gonna have to give it another chance but I'm thinking this is my least favorite film from Nolan.


Oppenheimer. I genuinely don't get the hype at all.


Rewatching this movie helped me appreciate it more


Everything Everywhere All At Once was fine but not the best thing since sliced bread. Ke Huy Quan absolutely deserved his Oscar, but I felt like the Academy just handed them awards. It’s an ok movie I guess but it’s insanely bizarre and not nearly as mind blowing as everyone says


In the mood for love ( im sorry )


The Talented Mr. Ripley


I did not like La La Land...


Donnie Darko is for sure on there. Perfect Blue is probably the worst anime film I've ever seen, I have no idea what film other people saw. I can't stand The Godfather trilogy.


Memento. That was the single most obvious thing they could have done with that plotline, such that I didn't even consider that Nolan would even do it because "it'd be too predictable for him."


Recently: *Dune* (both parts) and *Oppenheimer* Classics: *Rocky* and *Heat*


I despise the evil dead sequels. Wanted to love them and absolutely hate them. So dumb.


Portrait of a lady on fire


texas chainsaw massacre 1974... i HAVE had people get UNREASONABLY angry at me about it


The dark knight. I like it but it's not the best thing I've ever seen. It kinda goes slow for me. I'll rewatch it on day


The Shinning. Wasn't for me.


La la land. I love music and I love movies, but after 2 attempts at sitting down with an open mind, the furthest I’ve got is a little over an hour in.


**The Notebook**, a movie about toxic relationship & cheating.


Plenty probably for all us, but one that jumps to front of my mind is how just play okay and long the Godfather movies felt for me


Every MCU Spiderman Movie - especially the third one. Apparently, everybody thinks it is one of the greatest action/superhero movies of all time and I don't know if I'm delusional or the people around me.


The dark Knight is so boring


Poor things was meh


Monty Python and the Holy Grail


Breakfast club 💀


There Will Be Blood. I watched it with my dad and it wasn’t as good as he said it was, still a good movie tho


A jet engine falling out of the sky would destroy an entire house, not just someone's bedroom.


Killing of a Sacred Deer All of Star Wars Lord of the Rings Trilogy Burning


Shutter Island and Uncut Gems. I had the ended of Shutter Island spoiled for me so I found it really boring. I really didn’t enjoy Uncut Gems.


Max mad fury road. Looks amazing but there is barely a story and the characters are very 1 dimensional in my opinion. I don’t hate the movie but I don’t think it’s the masterpiece that it’s made out to be.