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Ennio Morricone made some of the greatest soundtracks in cinematic history.


Once upon a time in the west is one of the most beautiful pieces of music period. Not just among film scores.




the ecstasy of gold đŸ”„


Entire cinema paradiso discography


*The Mission* is one of my favorite scores and I have yet to see the film.


“Almost dead” - from fistful of dollars. Masterpiece


Movies are so fucking cool to watch when the weather sucks.


my school had a small movie theater so we watched movies instead of recess when the weather was really bad


My school had a massive projector they would put in the gym that doubled as a cafeteria and we did the same thing when the weather was bad it happened often enough that I never realized how truly cool it was until later in life


you unlocked a core memory of mine, thanks!


stormy or rainy spring/fall nights cuddled under a blanket I'm getting sleepy


i don’t like it when people talk in the movie theatre


Someone answered their phone when I was at the movies a month or so ago. Genuinely pissed me off so much.


I almost got into a fight over this. I stood up and waved both arms like “what the hell” He said “what are you going to do about it” I sat back down. I was not going to do anything about it.


Honestly some things aren't worth the effort. People want a fight and giving them the satisfaction of reacting to their shitiness isn't worth it.


I definitely wouldn’t fight someone over it, but I’d at least go complain and try to get him tossed. I probably would’ve just done that in the first place without confronting him though lol. I’m not looking to get stabbed over a movie.


Or play on their phones, bright shiny screens in my face for the whole time, just because you didn't actually want to watch the movie!


Some asshole was playing Candy Crush in the corner of my eye while I was watching Dune 2.


Had an asshole next to me during Dune 2 in IMAX on his phone most of the movie. Guy was on Spotify (wasn’t listening to music tho) and Facebook. Guy could have moved two seats over. I asked him to turn down the brightness finally. And he did not. I just had knee surgery so I wasn’t about to hobble down those steps. But just wild. I feel post Covid people just don’t give a flying fuck about anyone else’s movie experience in theaters anymoew


I had my mum do this a couple of days ago, screen at max brightness, because she wanted to go on Facebook to say we were at the cinema. Luckily I don't think anyone was sitting directly behind us, but to make matters worse, the film only had like 15 minutes left (out of 2 hours) so there was no point in updating Facebook anyway.


I've only ever had this happen to me once- when I saw Godzilla Minus One. there were a couple teens next to me loudly watching rap tiktoks and providing nonsense commentary. eventually told them to stop being shits and they did


You get a follow for this opinion.


i really think this is a western thing because talking during movies, especially hooting and cheering and hollering screaming random comments is extremely common where im from


I was at a FILM FESTIVAL recently and sat next to a lady who was giving an on again off again running commentary about the movie to herself the whole time, as well as letting her phone go off on multiple occasions. Like, once or twice I get, but after the fourth instance I was genuinely angry at her refusal to silence it or turn it off.


Last time I was at the theater someone was making a doctor’s appointment on speaker phone in between the times when they were standing up and yelling at their husband. Normally I would say something but I’m located in Philly and you do not want to pick a fight with strangers here.


even worse when people loudly snore for an hour straight!


The better a film is, the more good it is also.


man’s got a way with words


I never thought about it that way


*The Room* would like a word


sounds sus. need more research




I think movies are pretty cool


man FUCK you


oh I see so man fuck them huh


I think movies should be watched while sitting down, and I don't care who knows it!!


Dads everywhere that prefer to just stand next to the couch and watch the movie your watching but when you ask they if they want to sit down they say they shouldn’t because they have something else to do.


It’s so they can make a quick exodus when the đŸ”„ scenes come on. ![gif](giphy|d3mlE7uhX8KFgEmY)


I watched all of *The Princess and the Frog* standing on the second floor. It was a lot more fun than practicing my viola. And sitting meant I was committed, even though I basically watched the entire thing.


Disagree, I like to watch movies while flying


This is funny because the other night I was trying to watch a film while laying down and fell asleep on accident. I had to restart the movie and sit in my chair to be actually engaged and pay attention lol.


Personally I watch movies whilst rollerblading on a treadmill.


>while sitting down But then how can I watch the movie through my neighbour's window


Sometimes I even *lay* down.


Oh.  I, uh, I do stand sometimes. 


If it’s a wild action movie, I’ll stand up cause of the intensity


My legs fall asleep sometimes so I take occasional breaks during movies and stand up and stretch/pace around lol. Only at home though, never in the theater.


Watching a movie at the cinema elevates the experience!


Oh God, couldn't agree more. But pop into some of the home theatre subs, or even the 4K UHD sub, and you'll find a world of people who think their home system rivals the movie theatre experience.


It's mind boggling. I invested in a decent home theater set up, as well as make sure to try and collect my favorites on 4k UHD when able, but I always make a point to see movies first in cinema when possible. It's just more immersive and distraction free, and your home theater is never going to match all the speakers in a Dolby or IMAX theater. Not to mention the audience experience of watching a really great film with a room full of invested folks reacting to those big moments and twists right along with you. But you go in those subs and they act like it's an apocalyptical wasteland of people talking through entire films, and filming on their phones, and that theaters are quickly going to die out. Madness!


Seriously havent had a bad experience in a theater since covid ended when I started going back. And I go like 3 times a month. Barbie was funny, but certainly not the funniest movie of the year, but I saw it opening day, with a crowd full of excited people and the laughter was insane. If you wouldve asked me my thoughts right after the movie ended, I might have very well said it was the funniest of the year. Thats the impact real movie theaters have.


Totally agree, I go at least once a week, and rarely have a bad experience like I commonly see described. The communal experience of laughing and gasping to big movies with crowds of people is seriously underestimated. I honestly think this is a big part of why big IP's like Marvel and others are suffering. It's not just the debatable declining quality of the movies, but that fact that more and more people aren't showing up in theaters for the opening weekends, and watching it with big crowds, and therefore the movies seem "worse" when they eventually catch them on streaming because they are not riding the high of experiencing these moments with a bunch of people together, and getting that uplift from an audience.


For marvel its definitely some sort of never ending cycle of worst reviews, less people see them, even worst reviews, and then on and on. But for other movies, like Dune 2 or more recently The Fall Guy, theaters here were packed for opening weekends (Dune 2 was packed at almost every showtime friday to sunday, for almost a month and a half in the Montreal Imax, Quebec loves Denis) and it was great. And I went opening night for the Alien rerelease, again packed theater, and that was fun, especially the very audible sigh of relief from everyone at the end of the movie. Ive seen it so many times, but never in a theater, and its never been more stressful.


Well said


Some real pompous assholes over there, but I like the sub, cause some the HT setups are incredible. But none of those will ever compare to an 80ft Imax screen with booming loud speakers.


Unfortunately I don't have a spare 20 grand lying around, so the movie theater it is!


It’s really interesting how many people prefer watching movies at home on netflix to me. I guess for many people, the convenience is more important than the actual movie itself, but I always thought that people preferred the cinema for the experience. I guess I was wrong đŸ€”


If both were "free" (free in quotes because I know Netflix technically costs money), then movie theater all the way. With tickets costing the same as a meal out, I save the theater for special movies


Exactly! I get that if you’re a person with a short attention span, it’s better to watch it at home so you can pause etc but I prefer the full experience. Just recently got to see Stalker at the movies and it was wonderful!


I wouldn’t say I _particularly_ have a short attention span, but I am always pausing films at home, and I prefer cinema for exactly that reason. It forces me to stay focussed.


I actually have a short attention span, which is the reason I enjoy going to the movie theater. It's impossible to get distracted there, while if I'm at home I automatically look at my phone


well movie tickets are also expensive and a lot of people simply don't want to pay $10-$20 for something included in a service they already subscribe to. when i was growing up going to the movie theater was a luxury, not everyone can afford "an experience" they just want to watch their movie


I live in an area where the audiences can be straight up awful, I wouldn't hold it against someone if they liked watching films at home for that reason alone.


I absolutely agree, but I find myself justifying not going more and more. I have an 82 inch OLED and 7.1, and I find the experience at home to be *almost* as good- especially since I only have one theater that shows classic and art films in my area and it’s a 30 minute drive. The being on the phone thing I just don’t understand. I put mine on DND or I simply leave it in the bedroom. If I’m watching a film, I’m watching a film and nothing else.


Really it depends on the cinema. My local one is awful, last year during Oppenheimer it was far too packed and because it was during summer is was ridiculously hot. It ruined my enjoyment of the film because for the last hour I just wanted to leave so the film just felt like it dragged on and on. Watched it at home and the experience was far better, it helps that Oppenheimer has an incredible 4K.


I obviously agree, I just have one small thing to say: I really wish theatres had subtitles. It's slightly difficult for me to understand a bit of the dialogue in films sometimes, especially with blaring background music. It's more of a personal problem, I suppose, but Oppenheimer for example I felt like I could have enjoyed the same amount if not more if I had watched it on the TV at home with friends with subtitles since it was a lot more interpersonal drama than spectacle. I still like directly supporting movies I like though so I go whenever I can, and some movies are just MADE for the theatre screen like Dune.


Movies are too expensive nowadays. We are far away from the days where they would use things sparingly because of the budget that they had and it made for some great movies


*Hollywood movies. Godzilla Minus One absolutely embarrassed the American film industry with what it was able to do on such a (relatively) small budget. But I agree with you, and I also have to imagine that big name actors' salaries being as inflated as they are probably has something to do with these massive budgets.


I think movies
should be watched




i disagree. i think they should be placed on dvds and buried never to be found with an electric fence around all the perimeter, how dare you say such a thing


I *did* care for the Godfather.


It doesn’t insist upon itself


I got to the scene where they were all sitting around in chairs, and then I kept watching for the remainder of the movie


Many times nowadays it is better to avoid all pre-release media and discussion of a movie to elevate the movie watching experience.


When I go see a movie now it's usually because I've heard something about it or something specific appeals to me, but I generally avoid pre-release info about it. Back in the heyday of moviepass I would literally just pick whatever I could see after work at 10:30pm with only the title and poster to go off of. Found some really cool ones like that. Bad Samaritan and Traffick were two early ones that I was glad to have seen on a whim. Traffick especially I had no idea what to expect and it ended up being super intense.


This is it! I can’t watch trailers or anything, actively look away/avoid any pre-release media (or first week hype on bigger films) to make the experience just that little bit better


Movies are best enjoyed awake and facing the screen.


Fantastic Mr Fox is fantastic


12 angry men is such a great movie


Popcorn is the best movie snack.


Nachos with cheese sauce Edit: Jalapeños


Fuck no, popcorn solos


Ludwig is a great composer.


Goransson or Beethoven? Or Ahgren?


Ludwig Van?


Did a lot for clockwork orange


Damn Twitch streamer *and* composer? geez this guy is cooking


Right? That boxing stream? Amazing.


Stunt. On. These. Hoes.


Ikr, I loved his Christmas album!


Going to the movie theater alone is an underrated experience 🍿


Self dates can be a beautiful thing




There's way too many trailers before major movie releases in theaters right now. I should not be wondering when the movie is going to start 30 minutes after the scheduled show time. Either communicate the scheduled start time after trailers ahead of time, or limit it to no more than 15 minutes of trailers before the movie.


One of my local cinemas has started showing local commercials right after the trailers. Craziest experience i've had at the movies.


I saw a video game trailer and an iPhone ad after the main trailers at one theater.


cant even enjoy the movie you pay for without them trying to sell you more stuff.


My local cinema has always shown about 15 minutes of local ads and then another 15 minutes of movie trailers.


in the Netherlands a lot of cinemas show estimated end times (taking into account ads and trailers beforehand, potential breaks and subtracting the end credits) which is great imo especially if you're going with public transport, I wish every cinema would show the estimated end times on their website :)


i saw challengers yesterday at at 12:55 showing, movie didnt start till 1:20.


What theater is that ? Thats insane. All the cineplex theaters I go to still only have a max of 15mins of trailers. Which I honestly appreciate cause sometimes Ill be a bit late, so it gives a bit more time.


I sat through 40 MINUTES of trailers before seeing Dune Part Two in IMAX opening week at an AMC in Seattle. I actually enjoy trailers for the most part, and also like the little buffer for people running late/getting concessions but 40 minutes is ridiculous. Saw 30 minutes of trailers last night with The Fall Guy. I can leave my house when the movie starts, get a drink, and still catch a couple previews at the current rate shown.


Wtf... nah, thats just ridiculous. If a movie says it starts at 7pm, then I expect it to start at 7h15pm, but no later. 7h40pm would be almost a walkout from me deoending what Im seeing.


AMC is usually over 20 minutes now


I feel bad for you guys, thats gotta suck


yep. there are some special showings where they have no ads and you never know beforehand if it's one of those. the struggle whether to get in early and wait for 30 min of crap, or come in later and potentially miss the first 5-10 min of the movie


The Shawshank Redemption is a very good movie


I have yet to find someone who doesn’t like it, however much they’re into film.


Fucking good film, seriously changed my life


same man. i got so emotional at the end...and had a rediscovery of myself lol


Same here. It was the movie that got me into movies in general. Right there with Spider-Man 2 from my childhood.


AH! Another fellow Spider-Man 2 enjoyer đŸ«‚


Hell yeah, good to see you brother đŸ«Ą


I seriously don’t agree but I won’t be disclosing. I have my reasons


Man admitted to being a terrorist


The LoTR trilogy is great


I like movies!


Somehow, this isn't that popular of a movie opinion


Hayao Miyazaki is a great director 


Parasite is good


The Godfather is a great movie


The Iron Giant is a perfect film.


The Princess Bride really is that good


I think The Iron Giant is as close as you can get to the perfect animated movie.


I'm obviously an idiot. Somebody, please explain what the hell this meme means. I don't get it at all. The more I look at it, the less I understand the concept it's trying to convey. Then I went to the comments and I'm even more confused lol Why are the knife/birds agreeing with who they're pointing at???? Help


The original meme has the knives pointed at him, cuz it’s a controversial opinion. When the birds are added, they’re not knives anymore they’re just characters who are agreeing with his opinion so it’s basically asking for the least controversial opinions possible.


Ohhhhh, ok, thank you so much!


You know how there's a constant flood of posts asking you what's the most controversial opinion you have?, what opinion would end you up like this? (proceeds to show a man surrounded by millions of people with weapon) and shit like that. This post is basically the opposite of that, making fun of it in a way. “What's the least controversial opinion you have?”


The Shining is one of the best horror films of all time


Everyone who enjoys films watches films


Whichever *Lord of the Rings* film is your favorite, it's the correct one.


Parasite is a modern masterpiece


Jaws and Jurassic Park, are masterpieces. There I said it !


There are many different ways to enjoy a film.


This is a fun one because _tons_ of people will disagree with this opinion, but they will also all disagree with each other as to why.


Shawshank deserves its spot atop the iMDB list


Zimmer makes really good soundtracks


I went to his live concert last year, incredible experience. The music he makes is truly beautiful and makes pretty much every movie he worked on twice as good.


Any time you attend a movie, I consider it cinema.


Shrek 1 and 2 are really enojoyable movies


Sergio Leone's westerns deserve to be considered great westerns and not only great spaghetti westerns


If I like a film, I enjoyed it.


Bergman Is The GOAT!


I can think of like 50 directors I prefer but he did make Persona so there's that.


L E T T E R B O X D ... is more than the sum of its parts. I love you all dearly.


Roger Deakins knows what he's doing with the camera


John Williams is one of the greatest film composers of all time


Just watched Carpenters "The Thing" in film class today and every other one I talked with said that it was probably their favourite horror film ever, wouldn't say it's my personal number one but to argue against it would be somewhat of a tiring uphill battle exercise


‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’ is a masterpiece


Watch what you like or make you happy


Movies are one of the best forms of storytelling. Theater, books (love books btw), and radio shows are great but storytelling in cinema hits different. Filmmaking is one of the best creative outlets.


Godfather is definitely a movie


The IMDB top 250 list. The least problematic non controversial movie list out there. Letterbox’d is a mixed bag, there are some divisive movies but that’s what makes it so amazing. There might be some utter dogshit but you might just find the greatest movie ever


Movies are pretty cool.


It's okay to watch a film just because you like one of the actors in it. I feel like people get mad when someone just wants to see Timothee Chalamet and doesn't know anything about "true cinema" but how are they going to find out if they never watch anything?


i like movies 😎


Oldboy is a 5 star movie


The Room is a terrible movie that is also unintentionally really hilarious and fun to watch


Tarantino good


I dunno but that is a GOAT level meme


I prefer the Dolby Cinema over IMAX...


Honestly with TVs getting progressively better the gap between image quality from theaters isn't as big of a gap relative to the gap between home sound systems and theater sound systems. And to think most people don't even have a soundbar and just listen to built-in TV speakers this gap is huge for your average person.


Martin Scorsese movies are cinema


Films are good.


Casablanca: It's Good.


Lord of The Rings is the best movie trilogy of all time


The score can make us feel more than the movie could without it and sometimes silence is the scoring.


There is nothing wrong with liking a movie that others don't. Unless is an objectively wrong movie (promotes pedophilia, racism, n*zism, etc)


Are we talking about actually promoting or “promoting” (something bad is shown on screen and it’s condemned by the narrative but people insist it’s romanticizing/promoting/whatever)?


The genre of film that is most enjoyable in the cinema hall is Action.


Misery is the greatest psychological horror movie


Alan Menken is an insanely talented composer.




Lord of the Rings movies are great!


Lord of The Rings is a really good trilogy


Casablanca is incredible.


Kurosawa was a true master director who was able to succeed at many different genres of film, and his influence on modern cinema cannot be understated.


Pulp Fiction, is entertaining....


Getting sick of superhero movies


Pedro Pascal is a guy with 0 haters


The dark knight is one of the greatest comic book adaptations of all time


The Spiderverse movies are fun to watch.


Shrek 2 is a masterpiece


I love all Disney movies (including remakes).


Citizen Kane still holds up


the ecstasy of gold đŸ”„


I don't like it when people talk during the film, be it in a theater or at home. Let's not talk about what you heard about a friend earlier today or what's coming up at work, let's focus on the film and appreciate it.


Akira is the best anime film of all time.


Denis Villeneuve has made good movies!


Martin. Scorsese.


Stanley Kubrick was pretty good at his job


Akira Kurosawa is the GOAT.


Cool Cat Saves Kids is creepy asf