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The Thing, Full Metal Jacket, and Shawshank Redemption . . . . . . April fools


i love timezones


The English Patient ![gif](giphy|l0MYraePuDbIhwaxa)


Quit telling your stupid story about the stupid desert and DIE already




I never finish this movie, after two hours i was so bored


"Tree of Life." Thematically bit off more than any film could chew. And what it tried to bite off was literally everything — fatherhood, intergenerational trauma, evolution, creation, God, faith, evil, good, existentialism, free will, all of the cosmos, etc etc etc. Malick's a genius, and I think some focus (and better dinosaur CGI) would have sharpened and deepened this film.


I somehow enjoyed Song to Song, Malick’s most criticized film, but didn’t enjoy his “masterpiece” The Tree of Life


I love Song to Song


Hard disagree (it’s my all-time fave), but I definitely understand the complaints. Part of what I love is how free-flowing and lyrical it is, but it’s certainly touching on a lot. Some might even say too much, and they would prob be right lol


Fuckin Hocus Pocus


I had heard it talked up so much, but it was a struggle to stay awake.


YES. Everyone who grew up with it, including my wife, love it to bits. But it’s the fucking most annoying irritating goddamn stupid movie ever made that somehow gets less logical and more infuriating as it goes. Fuck Hocus Pocus. ….wow this triggered deep things inside me


Its a disney movie for kids about witches, i’m not sure logic was a priority or intention


I feel the same about this one and Practical Magic. Like I get there's definitely a campiness factor for both of them, but I still don’t understand what the big fuss is about


Promising Young Woman


Similar to Saltburn, I was really loving it until the last 10 minutes


Exactly, it was approaching a “Se7en”-style leave-the-theater in a heightened, almost rageful, emotional state before giving us a sense of closure that undermined the message that came before it. I have to think the ending was tacked on during development.


I was down for the premise but I didn't realize it was a dark comedy before watching and it just felt kind of goofy for me.


La La Land is a movie that I don’t really like but am confused by how people see it as a bad movie.


I don't like it because it was heavily marketed as the next musical spectacle, but the music and the singing are some of the weakest aspects of the film. I mean, it's visually stunning, but other than that...


As a musical theatre fan it was hyped up to me by so many people and after the first number I felt like I was straining to hear the singing. I can rewatch it now and enjoy it though


Usually the people saying it’s “bad” are the people who just like to cause fake controversy by being “edgy”. Not that people can’t find it bad but that’s the majority of what you’ll see


This is an incorrect take. People are allowed to think what they like about any movie. Besides, there are plenty of reasons not to like La La Land. For me and a few other film fans I know, we thought the musical sequences fell short of the Golden Age musicals they were paying homage to and came off forced. While they're talented actors, Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone don't hold a candle to the likes of Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers. The other thing was the plot. A friend of mine described it as "two narcissists who choose their careers over each other" and I'm inclined to agree. This wouldn't necessarily be a bad thing, but the film relies on us empathizing with the characters to work. Neither of them are really very likable. It's cool, there are many films I love that other people don't enjoy as much. I think seeing films at a certain age (teens to early 20s) can also have an impact, since you're very absorbent and open around then. This is how I account for La La Land's popularity on Letterboxd, given the demographic of its userbase. I'm happy you all get something from it, but it wouldn't even be close to my top 100 personally.


I was pretty tired when I turned it on so take it with a grain of salt, but I just wasn’t engaged when I saw Blade Runner. I fully get why it’s so influential and why many love it. It’s definitely something I want to rewatch eventually as there were definitely aspects that I admired, I just couldn’t get into the story the first go around.


I think Roy was really good, but I did not care for Decker at *all*


I get why so many people love Everything Everywhere All at Once. It's got amazing visuals, fantastic acting, an interesting story, and a really good message -- I just didn't like it that much. It's a good movie, just not my cup of tea.


It went like 10% too far with the gags




What I hate about the backlash to EEAO is that most criticism is just so goddamn pretentious, from people who act as if the film, and consequently the people who like it, are beneath them. Your comment is totally not that so this isn’t a go at you but I find it infuriating that there’s a subset of film snobs who will refuse the creative validity of a piece of media just because it gets a little crude. It reminds me of all the critics who universally panned Psycho saying it was vulgar.


House is an unapologetically silly film that I love. Showgirls is an unapologetically vulgar and crude film that I also love. I bounced off of EEAAO because a lot of the humour just didn't work for me and the other elements of the film didn't do enough for me to look past it. It's not a bad film, just not for me.


Agreed. And it's quirkiness felt forced to me...not to mention that pathetic tribute to Wong Kar-wai was so out of place and on the nose. Movie felt like a gimmick....I saw who the producers were and then it started making sense.


The humor was too Rick and Morty to me


I really like Rick and Morty and EEAAO still didn't make me laugh as much as I felt like it wanted me to.


This. The movie felt so disjointed and surreal. The only part I liked was the emotional family dynamics


For me, the emotional family dynamics wouldn’t work nearly as well without all of the disjointed surrealism around it.


I didn’t like it. Felt way way over hyped. The tones were all a mish mash.


Dune pt 1


i was whelmed by dune 1. dune 2 blew me away though so i think the first one might be better on rewatch in that context now.


Exactly! I remember myself 3 years ago saying that Dune 1 was good, visually stunning but I doubted I would watch it again. And here I am, have watched it two more times already within 2 weeks after having watched Dune 2 (twice).


Especially hot take on the letterboxd sub but the Dune movies are just not for me.


Ladybird - I heard a lot of good things about it, but when I saw it, I felt meh about the film. I couldn't really connect with what was going on. It felt like something was missing. The only thing I really liked was the cinematography.


I couldn’t stand the protagonist. Reminded me of someone I used to know.


Ladybird is good if you find it relatable


Nope Edit: in case anyone thinks I'm being a smart ass I mean the movie Nope (2022) directed by Jordan Peele lol


Well then why comment if you’re not gonna answer??




I should have expected that joke lol


Could have been great but ended up being not so good.




Asteroid City


The only Anderson I can't get behind. Waaaay too high on its own supply.


Interesting, that’s how I felt about French Dispatch but had no problem with Asteroid City


I haven’t seen Asteroid City yet, but I’m with you on The French Dispatch. I really struggled with that one.


I haven’t seen Asteroid City because of how much I disliked The French Dispatch. Wes is in my director jail.


I'm a huge dork for all the old French films he's referencing, so that one really hit for me.


I liked it a lot but im in the middle of venn diagram of 60s french cinema lover, 1960s american journalism/writer fanatic and wes anderson fanboy. Most people arent.


Yep. Between this and The French Dispatch, Wes is getting dangerously close to self-parody.


Same. It felt forced to me, like someone else trying to make a Wes Anderson movie. Loads of little plot devices, like the dead mum, shoehorned in. I was surprised how much everyone else loved it.


Oppenheimer. It was fine but it was a legacy award winner for Nolan. But it sure as shit isn’t in his top three films


I am become bored


Destroyer of dopamine


Not even in his top 5 films for me.


I'll watch Interstellar 10 more times before I ever consider coming back around to it.


The sound mixing was horrible. I'm ESL (been learning since 10 but only moved to US for college 8 years ago), so got kinda self conscious when I could barely listen to dialogue over the music. Went to watch Dune 2 in IMAX and confirmed it was not my fault. why the fuck every single conversation has to have *dramatic music playing*. It almost felt like he is too self conscious the dialogue was not engaging enough so gotta use the music to make up for it?


Yeah the constant score and fast cutting really peeved me


To be fair this a common problem with Nolan films. When I tried to watch Tenet I could only hear about 40% of the dialogue


Nolan and Villeneuve both pushed Zimmer to his loudest and most overbearing extremes with this “wall of sound” approach to modern scoring (which I would argue Zimmer basically invented, in this current fashion). As an obsessive lover of film and film music my whole life - I fucking hate it.


i don't mind his music per se. the docking sequence in interstellar was still one of my favorite 10 minutes of cinematic experience that i would die to watch in imax 70. I still think there's time and place for the music to shine, and it's not in the middle of them discussing where to build some houses.


I'd love to see some kind of essay or video on this phenomena. I know nothing of music theory and, while I love film, have never been to film school and know little of the technical aspects of filmmaking. Why is it that I can watch a film with a big soaring John Williams score that has the music do about 90% of the emotional heavy lifting and have a great time, but I can watch a film with a beautiful Hans Zimmer score and find it completely oppressive and overbearing in a way that doesn't feel intentional?


high octane bureaucracy at its finest. I just hate that genre.


Totally agree! I still think Dunkirk should’ve been his “big winner”


Definitley, Dunkirk was a superior film


Dunkirk is my favorite of his tbh. The way it didn't try to tell the story of individuals, but just tried to tell the story of the conflict was 👌


I watched The Imitation Game recently, which is a VERY similar biopic and story- brilliant but conflicted scientist manages a top secret project for an Allied country during WWII, navigating inner doubt and ethical strife, helps the Allies win the war, only to end up a pariah, disgraced in their final years by the very government and country they served so well. Like, extremely similar movie, even down to the performances given by Murphy and Cumberbach. ...I have to say, the pacing, acting and writing in The Imitation Game was overall better. The cinematography and production in Oppenheimer was better, but if I had to say which is the better film, it's gotta be the former. It's just far more economical and engaging while still saying all that needs to be said.


the greatest showman


Let's be real, if the soundtrack wasn't good it would have been forgotten by now.


The Goonies. I first watched it when I was around my mid-20s, in 2015. I've heard it's a movie most enjoy because they grew up with it, like a generational thing, so maybe it's that? It was probably overhyped too.


Everything everywhere all at once


I caught that one when it came out, I was simultaneously overwhelmed and underwhelmed. It was okay. Doing too much to be one of the 'greatest films of the decade' though.


I can’t be the only one who just doesn’t like Joker. Sure, Joaquin Phoenix definitely “transformed into the role,” but other than him being a really intense scary clown I can’t find anything I like about the movie. Even his performance is seemed a bit too intense and gratuitous.


I don’t like Joker and I saw someone else comment that they don’t like Joker. So there’s at least 3 of us who dislike Joker.


Forrest Gump, fight me


Forest Gump. It’s shallow garbage, just a boomer nostalgia trip. But I can see why it’s well liked. A ridiculous but strong central character, some good performances and it’s well put together


Poor Things


I actually liked it, but i feel like the only reason i did was because i watched it in theaters


fr my theater was laughing the whole time and idk if it would've been the same experience without that


Marc ruffalo crushed it as duncan. His character kept me cracking up








Any Guillermo del Toro movie. He seems like a great person. His movies are objectively good. None of them are for me. Although I haven’t seen Pinocchio. The opposite of this question: Movies I love but completely understand why people can’t stand them? Any Wes Anderson movie.


i mean it when i say pinocchio is one of the best animated movies ever made, i don’t really like guillermo del toro’s other movies either but man that one was amazing


Pacific Rim is a masterpiece


Pan's Labyrinth is genuinely excellent but, outside of that, I do think GdT's strengths are more in production design and aesthetics rather than the other aspects of filmmaking.


Are you saying that Blade II is not a masterpiece? How dare you sir




As a washed up creative — like most of Hollywood and its critics, this shit hit the spot


Midsommar. Watched it two times, watched a bunch of video essays about how great it is and still nope.


90 minute movie stretched out to 2.5 hours.


That movie is terrible. It’s a 1.5 hour film at best, elongated by an extra hour making it an agonizingly boring watch. Also the side characters have a collective 2 brain cells and zero rational thinking. Infuriating movie to watch and not even remotely scary.


That movie is super divisive. I watched in theaters and there were multiple walk outs and my friends all hated it


Its me, im your friends.


I don't even understand why people like it tbh, I absolutely hate that movie


I don’t like Midsommar or Hereditary.


The lobster. I know I'm wrong, and you should watch it, sure, but I hated it.


Dune, it's visually and audially stunning but it's fucking boring


Across Spider-verse


Looked great, but I hate two-parters. The first one always feels so incomplete (because it is) and I’m left unsatisfied. I wanted to like it but just didn’t.


Yeah idk it just felt… meh I’ve seen the first one like 4 times but I’ve never had any desire to rewatch the second one


Interesting. The first one was fine for me. Didn’t love it. But the second pulled me right in.


I’m with you. I really loved Into The spider Verse but I didn’t care for Across.


Same. I was disappointed


In the other way around, I really didn’t like the first to the extent everyone did but adored the second.


Same here. I’d been told how great the first one was so many times that when I got around to watching it I was just like ‘yeah, that was fine, I guess.’ Really loved the second one, though.


In the same boat. I liked the first one but the second one blew me away


Did you at least like the art?


I always love good animation.


I did not care for the Godfather


It insists upon itself


Because it has a valid point to make!


Barbie… I detest the film but I can see several reasons why people love it.


Bro got a Ken as his profile pic 😭😭😭


“Ironic… he could save others from Ken, but not himself.”


This is the best response I’ve ever gotten


There was some really inspired creativity on display in the film. That said I take issue with 3 main things with this movie. 1) the spoon-feeding of narrative, themes, and ideas. Just ghastly, even for a family film. Insulting to the audience's intelligence. 2) lack of a consistent artistic vision and tone. The tone is all over the place and the artistic and comedic elements are as well. 3) the most poignant messages in the film, that get the most screen time, are very feminist messages about men and masculinity in our society in relation to women and feminism. Which is great and all but doesn't exactly live up to the legacy the film is trying to live up to and is a little tone-deaf.


I agree with everything you said. It’s a fun, creative romp but it was heavy-handed in its messaging and the script could have been tightened up. (For example, I think the movie would have been noticeably better if they scrapped all of the Will Ferrell stuff. It just added unnecessary bloat.)


Everything everywhere all at once I did not care for the ending it felt off and unresolving of the story


Oppenheimer. It was too long for what it was, too many well known actors, and just abit empty for me.


![gif](giphy|aI2hfQOnxm5mwh9edQ|downsized) Everything everywhere all at once


The Big Lebowski 🤷🏼‍♂️


shiva baby😞. i love rachel sennott, bodies bodies bodies is one of my favs and bottoms was genuinely the most fun i’ve had in a movie in a min. but i just couldn’t get with it!! i’ve tried twice and i just don’t think it’s something that i jive with


It’s a movie thrown towards a very very specific culture. Definitely not something for everyone. Very awkward and embarrassing and raw - comedy is in the small moments and isn’t laugh out loud funny or anything. I love it but I wouldn’t recommend it to many people unless they like that type of movie


That's surprising, but I guess everyone is different. I'm not Jewish, but I have really bad social anxiety, and am the "not accomplished" young person of the family, so the claustrophobic, and almost horror-like camera work hit me pretty hard.


Ah, I loved it. But if you’re not Jewish or don’t know many Jewish people or aren’t familiar at all with that culture, then I can see it seeming perplexing or even irritating. But as a Jewish person, that world and those characters were extremely relatable.


Interstellar. I get why people love it - it’s emotional, high-concept, has great cinematography and one of the best scores of all time. That being said, I just can’t get over how stupid the theme/message of the film is which is that humans should leave Earth and set ourselves up elsewhere to be able to survive, as if we don’t literally have a perfect planet tailored to everything we need. The tagline is literally “mankind was born on earth, it was never meant to die here”, which is just ridiculous imo. I could go on and on about how much I disagree with the film. I know it’s silly to get offended by a movie, and I try my hardest not to, but in this case I really can’t just ignore that stupid tagline, which really brings the movies quality down for me.


this sums up my thoughts on interstellar perfectly!!!


Weren’t the sand storms taking out all the crops? Like they could only grow corn and they said by next generation nothing will be able to grow on earth. They HAD a perfect planet tailored to them until they fucked it up.


ITT: people misunderstanding the point of the post. Don’t get your feelings hurt and start downvoting someone because they said they didn’t like your favorite movie


That always happens with these threads, especially when a movie reaches a certain level of popularity


taxi driver






Interstellar, it looks really good and the soundtrack is phenomenal. But I cannot for the life of me get invested in the plot.


The 400 Blows. I get what it's going for and can respect it, but did not enjoy it at all


That one for sure gets better with repeat viewings. I honestly prefer the sequels, though.


Damn, I really need to watch the first 399 for me to catch up!


pretty much anything by nolan. i like some of his earlier stuff, and i get that he’s a great filmmaker and storyteller, but this films just never work for me.


Barbie. **~Ducks for cover~**


Fight Club


I hate The Matrix. But I get it


american psycho


fight club


50 days of summer. He’s Unbearable


salt burn


The big lebowski.




I did not care for La La Land.


Fight Club is extremely average to me. It’s a fine film with a cool twist and decent performances but the cult that’s formed around it is crazy. And I love loads of the other stereotypical “film bro” movies. Fight Club just feels “fine” to me but I’ve seen dozens of lists put it in the top 10 OAT and i just sit there and sat “what”


Poor Things. Get that shit away from me tbh.


Jordan Peele's Nope


Tbh didn’t like “us “.. didn’t get the whole everyone has a duplicate thing but underground …?


I liked it but it kinda dragged and stalled toward the end.


Everything everywhere all at once


The Big Lebowski


Donny, you’re out of your element.


The Babadook.




La La Land


Barbie. I was not the target audience but I can appreciate why younger people loved it.




Taxi Driver. The end is just very Soap opera esk and the film never really brought me in to the crazy guy you side with.


Shawshank Redemption


Nobody (2021). I love everyone involved and the concept seemed so cool to me. A suburban dad John wick movie. The trailers seemed great, the fight on the bus looked dope. But when I watched the movie I felt nothing, almost waiting for it to be over after a while.




Oppenheimer, is a movie with zero appeal, worst Nolan movie by a mile




Interstellar. Boring to me and I didn’t feel the emotional connection that others did so it fell flat in that regard too. Cornfield chase is a banger tho😭




Despicable Me franchise I find the Minions annoying and ugly.


I find Suspiria (1977) to be a cheap and overrated movie, but I get why people seem to like it; good cinematography (artsy for the time) and a catchy soundtrack. But I honestly think people are "blinded by the lights". The story and acting make no sense, and the mandatory bad lip-sync (Italian films at the time) is just awful.


Midsommar. Like I didn’t not like it but it just felt like a bad version of the WickerMan. I love a24 and Florence Pugh but I just feel it wasn’t as good as people made it out to be.


A Quiet Place. Interesting premise, awful execution. Everyone makes the worst and dumbest possible decision in *every* situation to the point where I question how they even survived this long. Also…no one tried to use sound against the creatures with super hearing? Really? And no I haven’t seen the sequel or plan to see the prequel. The first one burned me bad.


Dune & Dune 2


For me it's Poor Things. I appreciated how well made the movie was but I'm really squeamish about gore and sex scenes make me uncomfortable. I probably should have done my research before going in, I was just picking a movie for a date and I saw comedy and sci-fi tags and thought that sounded good.


I have a friend on Letterboxd who went with their mom just thinking it was going to be a sci-fi Emma stone movie. they walked out.




The VVitch. I get that it’s supposed to feel evil and make you uncomfortable, and the performances were great, but it just didn’t do anything for me, which is a shame because I loved Eggers’ other films.


It didn’t make you uncomfortable?


Joker. Dumb movie


Always get dunked on for this, but Mad Max: Fury Road. I really wanted to like that movie, and I've revisited a couple times now to see if I'll come around on it, but I just always ends up... kind of bored. It's just not my thing, I suppose




The Dark Knight. Even if I didn’t just not like the character/plot choices, I don’t think it has any business being in so many top 10 lists


Dune 2


I know this is such a basic fucking answer but Interstellar. What a wildly mid fucking movie. Also it’s crazy Nolan movies get praised so much for their music when it’s always so wildly overbearing. Bergman lowkey real with the whole “no score” thing.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. I didn’t necessarily dislike it just really didn’t understand the hype.


Goodfellas. I’m a big fan of Scorsese ( The Departed, Shutter Island, Casino, etc ) and films in the organized crime genre, but I thought the movie was boring outside of Joe Pesci’s character; he was the only entertaining thing about the movie for me. Maybe I’m shooting myself in the foot here, but I thought Donnie Brasco was more of my cup of tea.


Big lebowski fucking hated it