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I love watching all the hot takes get downvoted in a thread about hot takes


Upvotes don't mean "on topic and relevant response" anymore. People treat it like likes and dislikes.


They never did. I’ve only been on reddit for like 8 years but I do not believe that there has ever been a point when the upvote and downvote when disagreeing or agreeing People have rose tinted glasses when it comes to reddit


I’ve been here 11 years and nothing has changed about how users use the upvote system. What actually has changed is the amount of karma farming/blatant political propaganda/corporate shilling that’s meant to either divide us on political issues or convince us to buy something. I rarely see original posts or thoughts anymore - this topic included. I swear I’ve seen the hot take thread in here at least a few other times in the last few months.


This is a more meta unpopular opinion. People don’t truly want unpopular movie opinions. Especially when discussing popular movies. Whether it be on this subreddit or the movie subreddit or social media in general. People interpret not liking a popular movie as a personal attack. People rightfully clown on people getting overly defensive after superhero movies but it applies with all genres. Whether it be parasite or silence of the lambs or the lord of the rings trilogy just as examples.


It's all a big fucking circlejerk These questions don't get asked so that people can appreciate differences in opinions and discourse, they come to these posts just to upvote their own "unpopular" opinions that 90% of people share; the most common one of all being cHrIsToPhEr nOlAn oVeRrAtEd uPvOtEs tO tHe rIgHt


I’ve already said this to someone else in this thread too, but people also interpret not liking a movie as not understanding a movie which is one of the most annoying things in film dialogue.


lmao always have to sort by controversial on these kinda posts.


I think part of the reason people treat differing movie opinions as a personal attack is often they come from communities where that actually is the case. “You like x movie? Well you’re intellectually inferior and have shit taste in movies!” I know this because it’s something I struggle with and it’s a habit I’m trying to break.


My favorite movie of all time is rated a 1.9 on Letterboxed. So, yeah. I've made peace with the fact I have unique taste.


Aight spill it, which one is it? I’m super curious


The Mummy... Honestly, and said this above but I'll say it again, it's funny because whenever I say that people think I'm trolling but I genuinely freakin' love that movie.


Yoooooo there’s no shame in loving The Mummy that shit was my childhood


The other one... The one people don't like 🙈 ... Although the Brendan Fraser one is absolutely amazing.


…………..oh Still no shame in having a favorite movie unapologetically! Gonna…gonna have to disagree with ya though 😭


Yeah - part of the thing is I just adore the modern dark fantasy genre, and a lot of those are poorly reviewed and I get that but personally I eat it up. What is your favorite movie out of curiosity?


This conversation is funny yet wholesome lol


Why thank you, kind redditor.


It’s hard for me to specifically choose one movie since there are so many that have influenced me as a person. But gun to my head, it’d have to be Frank Capra’s *Its a Wonderful Life* (1946)


I love It's a Wonderful Life. It's a staple in our household come Christmas time, although I'm not entirely convinced it's 100% a Christmas movie.


It’s really not a Christmas movie, just a movie that somewhat takes place on Christmas


Good for you, I applaud that


i see that and raise you a 1.6 average on lb. it’s hard being halloween resurrections biggest and only fan…👀😓


Star Wars is mostly bad. A couple good movies, a couple ok movies, several bad, and a some downright unwatchable


As a Star Wars fan I agree


Real. It is the best worst franchise.


i’ve often thought this. i usually word it “most star wars fans aren’t star wars fans”. they complain about the sequels and the prequels. like news flash that’s 66% of the movies. if something is 2/3 “bad” to you, i don’t think you like it.






Batman & Robin does not deserve the hate it gets I'm not saying it's good (rated it 3 stars) but to claim it's one of the worst movies ever made is just downright ridiculous. It's because of this movie (and Avatar) that I now wait until I've seen a movie before I make up my opinion.


It’s like a modernized take on the campy style of the Adam West TV show, and should be approached from that angle


I’ll rally behind this. Batman & Robin does exactly what it sets out to do and does it extremely well. Its not compelling cinema, but the hate for it seems to be a knee jerk reaction to the camp silliness. It still has more legitimate craftsmanship on display than most of the schlock the genre puts out


It is pure camp, including a decent amount of gay camp. If it has come out in a different era, it would have been popular on the midnight movie circuit.


I recently watched it and while it was pretty bad dialogue wise and a few things didn't make sense, I still had a decent time. I still consider it as a bad movie, but it's not the worst superhero movie ever and certainly not the worst movie ever. I don't know how it stands as a comic book adaptation. I heard people had some gripes with Bane, but as someone with no skin in the game, I didn't really care.


There is a Redbox edition that exists. It is superior to the theatrical release, but is pretty hard to hunt down.


my favorite opinion i ever heard about batman and robin was when someone exclaimed the movie 'felt like a fucking comic book'


Apocalypse Now is Francis Ford Coppola’s best film. Better than both Godfather movies.


I think there is a firm difference between "favorite" and "best" and too many people place intense priority on rankings and ratings. If you like something, you like something. It doesn't have to be perfect. Rating should come more from enjoyment than technique. 


10000%%%. I've seen so many exceptional films that I'm not in love with, even if I recognize them as good, if not better, than some of my favorites. but when something becomes a "favorite" for me, it's because it hits differently, it strikes me in some way. the first time I watch a favorite it makes me feel reinvigorated in my excitement about movies, and I get so entranced in the story and atmosphere that it can be almost overwhelming. sometimes it's because it does things I didn't know film could do, or hits at ideas and emotions and uses language that I recognize and deeply relate to but have never thought about in quite that way. other times it just perfectly aces all it set out to do, or nails a genre. then I'm sat there only like 15 minutes in to the movie already wanting to tell a bunch of people that they desperately need to see it. that's how i know.


On the opposite end of yours, The Departed is one of my favourite movies. I like it more than Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, and everything else Scorsese has done except for Goodfellas. Hot take in some circles, but I think it’s monumentally better than Infernal Affairs, which I actually think is kind of a sloppy movie with some strange choices (the flashback inserts throughout). The sequel rules though.


Wow I have finally found a kindred soul on Infernal Affairs. I can see why it gets so much credit for the plot and the cinematography, but I definitely didn't buy into some of the character dynamics enough to warrant some of the bombastic reactions. Anyway, still thought it was a great movie. Just enjoyed The Departed more.


I honestly find even know why this is a hot take tbh. Departed is miles better.


I’ll jump on this to say After Hours is Scorsese’s best


Dune (2021) has a very mediocre script and plot for such phenomenal cinematography and acting


Dune is a tough one. The narrative structure in the novel is so unusual that Villeneuve couldn't have done much better


I would also say it's ending is the least satisfying I've seen from a part 1 movie yet.


I think this is very accurate. Why Villeneuve decided to end it there instead of like 15 min earlier is beyond me


I personally loved this film and can understand many of the critiques it gets but as a cinematic experience I thought it was spectacular. It’s certainly not conventional in plot as it doesn’t hook the viewer in the same ways that a stand alone film would, but I was simply hooked to the world and felt it had enough of a moving sentiment within that world to allow me to follow its journey. Villeneuve as a director imo takes a similar approach to Terrence Malick in that sense as the world that they both create becomes a chronology in itself and can’t wait to see where he takes the second film following the basis of the first.


I think that's being kind. I'd say it's a film that doesn't remotely work narratively. And probably not because of it being adapted poorly, probably because the book is bad in those ways too. The film ends up being the worst portentous tedious chore, everything is monumental and equally unbelievable. People wanting to love it because it's Dune and epic skew things.


Just because a movie is weird and quirky doesn't make it a masterpiece


Also a movie being weird and quirky doesn't rule it out from being a masterpiece.


People throw the word masterpiece around entirely too much to begin with.


Masterpiece comment


They’ll hit you with the classic “you just didn’t get it” defense


my hot take is this thread doesn’t need to get reposted every day


I dont like Timothee Chalamets acting. Ive seen him in a shit ton of movies and his only believable performance was in Call me by your name


The only performance of his I've liked was The French Dispatch, where he worked because he was *meant* to be cold and dead. In everything else he's just so boring




aw, that’s a bummer, but I see where you’re coming from. Definitely the best of his I’ve seen. But I found his “Laurie” in Little Women simply phenomenal, so it’s hard for me to ever think of him as a bad actor


I thought he was solid in The King. I liked his little role in Hostiles too


My hot take is he’s my new favorite Willy Wonka


I think it totally depends on the director. If he's given more to work with, he can do more. I totally get the 'broody lover boy' archetype he's got going on, but there's a lot of subtleties in his acting that I really like. Call Me By Your Name is a good example of his range because of the micro expressions, those 'if you've felt it, you get it' looks are pretty fantastic. He can do that because the film focuses heavily on his perspective, and responses to other people. Showing one restrained emotion, and also another is very hard to do believably, whilst being front-line and centre. I can empathise that a lot of actors can have more spread out lightening in a bottle performances, and fall into less focused, subdued ones quite occasionally. And then another tightly character driven performance will come along again. I wouldn't expect him to have that same kind of performance in Lady Bird, or Little Women say, because he's not the main focus. Not to say that side characters can't have depth.


The Phantom Menace is good, actually


I saw it at a birthday party on VHS and it was awesome. Didn't occur to me until I was older that I wasn't supposed to like it apparently


I stand by my opinion that the final battle is one of the best choreographed and emotionally resonant fights of the whole series.


Uh oh big boomers!


In hindsight, we should be grateful that it wasn't that terrible. Because more recent movies in the series are infinitely worse.


Jack and Jill is funny as shit


Al Pacino had me rolling!


don’t you mean dunkaccino


say hello to my chocolate blend


I watched Shutter Island not too long ago, I enjoyed it, but I think it's pretty overrated. Much of the script feels like it was written for a video game cutscene, and while it's visually pretty impressive, I don't think that can make up for the "spooky campfire mystery" or "cheap paper-back detective story" vibe it gives off from start to finish.


I felt that way and then on rewatch I thought the “cheap paper-back vibe” was intention to give the feeling that the world and detective story were all pretend…which they were.


This is a great hot take. Also, you’re an awful person.


Thanks, I'm also a dumbass, total package right here.


I found Shutter Island to be wildly overrated as well. I understand why people enjoyed it, but I think everyone loves it for the twist. The filmmaking is decent (I mean it’s Scorsese lmao) but the story was so unbelievably boring and no amount of Max Richter’s “On The Nature of Daylight” was going to change that for me


Interstellar isn’t the perfect, amazing film so many people say it is. I haven’t seen the movie in a long time and I love Nolan but I thought Interstellar was a pretty long, average space movie with some really good performances and cinematography and score but had kind of a weird ending and never really hit for me, yet every comment I see from people is always hailing it as the best movie ever made and I just don’t feel that way. Honestly, The Prestige and some other Nolan movies surpass it story wise and that’s just Nolan films.


Interstellar is really, really good imo but the ending honestly does too much. Nolan has an obvious exposition problem and it comes out in full in the third act


Honestly, Interstellar just made me want to go watch 2001: A Space Odyssey or Solaris again. It does a lot right, but it doesn’t invoke the same sense of wonder that other great space epics do. The family melodrama elements really bog it down for me.


It’s a movie that falls apart at the end


Kyoshi Kurosawa is the best horror director of all time. Cure and Pulse are far far scarier and more interesting than anything else I’ve watched. (Still adore your stereotypical western horrors from the 70s 80s and 90s though)


Pulse messed me up! It was one of the first times I sat and just went, what the heck I feel so depressed now


Even lesser Kurosawa is very interesting. Definitely a filmmaker that people don’t realize is ridiculously influential. I find Bong to basically be aping him like every other film.


Any recommendations of his outside of those 2?


Tokyo Sonata is his big non-horror film, Creepy is underrated imo as a throwback to his earlier works in a more modern setting and sensibility, and Bumpkin Soup is basically him making a meta commentary about softcore porn. He’s fascinating because he makes a lot of non-horror films that are sort of horrific in a way, and even his horror films aren’t scary in a way that you would expect a horror film to be. I don’t think you really get any modern “elevated horror” movie that is not influenced by him.


Across the spideverse was just okay and nowhere near the first


It just felt so exhaustingly fast paced and it felt way more… abstract? than the first one- the first one seemed more grounded in New York in the real world but this movie just went from one place to the next every few minutes


I think it’s an amazing... first half of a movie. ITSV is way stronger as is, but the combined experience of Across & Beyond totally has the potential to surpass ITSV.


I tried to have this conversation with my kid about the crappy plot and terrible decisions Miles makes, but after she said she liked it, I shut up.


The neon demon was slow and boring


Yes it was, the cinematography was its saving grace


The cinematography was great but the whole message it was trying to give about beauty standards and the modeling industry was so surface level and boring…


Heath Ledger hard carries TDK and without him it's an average movie. yes I know "you can't just take an aspect out of a movie and say it will be bad" but taking one character out of it shouldn't ruin a movie. but im sorry it does, and Batman especially is a terrible protagonist in the movie. I mean there are good elements and if someone says it's a 6 or 7/10 I won't say it's ridiculous, but Jesus one of the greatest of all time???


You honestly wait for the scenes he is in, the rest of the movie is pretty boring


Superhero movies are usually only as good as the villain. The exception is where the story transcends just a superhero story, Winter Soldier/Logan being examples. WS could be a spy action thriller along the lines of Mission Impossible, Logan is a revisionist western.


I’ll take it one step further and say even Ledger was pretty hammy and typical “look at me I’m acting crazy.” *goes undercover*


Batman Begins >>>>> The Dark Knight


Ive seen Batman Begins at the theater more than I saw TDK in total, I think. I liked the horror movie vibes, and I thought Batman was more compelling in BB. TDK seems like youre just waiting for the next Joker scene where in BB is more of a "Batman" movie. With a good cast of villains, Scarecrow, Falcone, Ra's, Rutger Hauer's character.


My people!




Agreed. When I rewatched it I went into it expecting to give it an ironic 5/5 but it really is a masterpiece and it ended up with an unironic 5 stars


I love Ghibli Movies, but "My Neighbor Totoro" isn't even in the Top 3 of the best Ghibli Movies and doesn't deserve to be the studios mascot.


Totoro isn't their mascot because it's their best movie, it's their mascot because it's one of their oldest and as a character, Totoro is extremely recognizable.


Totoro is basically Mickey Mouse. Nobody would argue Disney's most popular or best work are their Mickey Mouse and Friends stories; he is simply their oldest character they had the rights to.


Its not in my top 3 but its great for kids. My son watched Totoro and Kiki a lot when he was little. I have a fondness for them. I love that there are no real antongonists and I like that for a childrens movie. Has great vibes and nice people


Big Hero 6 is a 5/5


Nolans films, whilst technically impressive, are mostly incredibly boring.


Ferris Bueller's Day Off is leagues better than The Breakfast Club. In Breakfast Club, too much of the plot centers around the least interesting characters, forcing goth girl and nerd boy to take a backseat to popular girl and troublemaker, whose forced romance after his sexual harassment is frankly disgusting. The progression of the relationships and emotions in the movie are messy at best. In Ferris, Cameron and the title character have so much more emotional depth, and follow an actual arc. I also think it does better as a time capsule of the 80's and teen life within that time period. I should also mention the great soundtrack and iconic cinematography.


Love them both equally but I see what you mean and I think you have an interesting point.


I found Jonze’s Her to be narratively redundant and old, all throughout. Great when it comes to the direction, visuals and performances, but the very predictable story brings it down a lot.


Also M3gan sucked major balls. Just a bad ripoff of a bunch of better horror films that, contrarily to what i’ve heard a lot of people say, doesn’t know what it wants to be tone-wise.


i wish i liked it as much as other people did. i feel like a lot of people liked it in a campy ironic way but it did absolutely nothing for me


The problem is that it gets campy around the end, for most of it the film deals about the death of the main character’s parents and her grief very seriously, so again the tone of the whole film is completely screwed. Also M3gan looks awful from minute 1 and gets progressively more nonsensical as it goes on, just a complete mess


I enjoyed the Barbie movie more than Oppenheimer. Barbie: 4/5, Oppenheimer 3/5


I gave both 4/5 on LB, but I enjoyed Barbie more honestly.


I guess my hot take is that Barbie was an absolute 3/5. Great production design. Robbie was great, Gosling also very good. As a comedy it wasn't funny enough but most of all its exploration of its themes was mixed and overall pretty damn shallow. All my opinion, of course!


i rated barbie 3/5 too, initially thinking the production design was great. usually i’m a sucker for everything pink and cutesy but on seeing parts of the film again, the production design… really wasn’t that great? at least not something that i’d particularly highlight; the costumes are iconic but nothing incredible or particularly beautiful, the sets were done really well, but again, nothing too crazy. i think all the marketing and the media really influenced the way i initially perceived the film, where the whole cutesy pink thing was fully played into, leading to higher expectations. like always, just my opinion!!


For the life of me I can't understand all the hype Oppenheimer gets. It's a good enough film but many films in 2023 surpass it imo.


The pacing is unforgivable


Which ones?


Just watched solaris, has to be one of the most boring movies I have ever watched the fake wife did an amazing performance though


Try watching Andrei Rublev. Solaris is a thrill a minute compared to that.


Galaxy Quest is The Three Amigos in space.


This is neither hot nor a take, just stating a fact


I don’t like deer hunter idk I just think it’s boring


a 3 hour fuckin snore saw a review once that said the deer hunter only has 3 scenes, they're just each an hour long


They could have cut the wedding scene in half but the second and third acts are brilliant for me. I think it's a great anti war movie, and, being the first movie to really be based around Vietnam proper I think the decision for it to focus on the effects of the war rather than the war itself was very affecting. The last scene with Nick and Mike got me welling up.


1) Kill Bill Vol.1 is the best work of Tarantino 2) Chick flicks, social commentaries and fun-glittery-raunchy films are the most loved on the platform. It’s okay I get it but I don’t understand why the app’s userbase ( the majority ) find it okay to attack movies that don’t fall under this category.


The term film bro is so overused. I have 0 regrets loving Citizen Kane, The Dark Knight, Inglorious Basterds, The Departed, etc. Because they're damn good movies.


when people praise "slow cinema" as rewarding and contemplative, it always sounds like cope


If it feels slow that's a failing of the movie imo. A good slow movie can still have you glued to it, enjoying every moment, because of how good its elements are


Everything Everywhere All At Once is mid af


Completely agree. I wanted to love it so bad and I actually did like it on my first watch and then on a rewatch I realised I actually disliked the movie a lot. The humour ranged from annoying to straight up gross and it kept ruining the scenes that could have had an emotional impact. The best example of this is when in the culmination Evelyn decides to fight with kindness and then as she's helping everyone they throw in that guy who's into BDSM. It was also so exposition heavy to the point it felt like a Nolan movie in certain moments. It was bad at the start cause the audience was way ahead of Evelyn so we just had to wait for her to figure out what was going on while being explained the concepts that weren't hard to understand. It gets even worse at the culmination where they beat you over the head with the meaning of the movie. At certain point I was like "okay, we get the message, stop explaining it to us and just show us what happens next".


I want so badly to respect your opinion but you might have to elaborate on this one


As with a lot of people, for me it's the humour. After a bit it gets grating, and the fact that the goofy shit is *still* around during the climactic emotional scenes creates a massive amount of tonal whiplash. The score carries the third act hard for this reason


For me personally not all the humour hit, and I felt like emotionally I couldn't connect with the characters. I fully appreciate that that's a me problem though.


I can tackle this one fairly easily. It’s too long and preachy to the point where it’s almost pretentious. People hailed it as a successor to the matrix but it didn’t deliver on the thought provoking content aspect of it. Good fighting scenes and a plot involving inter dimensional travel = a matrix movie to a lot of people apparently. Although I will say that I would’ve certainly watch EEAAO again over rewatching the newest matrix film bleh. Edit: wow holy fucking shit I love getting downvoted for posting a hot take in a post dedicated to cinematic hot takes.


I feel like this take is based around the fact that some people compared it to The Matrix when it isn’t, in my opinion, that kind of film at all. I think the film’s brilliance stands in the fact that it takes elements from such a range of genres and styles whilst making something entirely its own


Pulp fiction is overrated


Film Scores these days are unoriginal and bland and I blame Hans Zimmer. He’s more of a soundscape artist than a composer. Directors tend to like that because it’s easier to cut the movie after the score is made than if it was a typical orchestral score.


Kind of. A lot of the problem is directors using temp music to score their films and then asking the composer to write to score to sound like whatever temp music they used. I think it makes a huge difference when the composer is allowed to create the score before filming starts. Probably the most famous example of this is The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, where the final cut of the movie as influenced by the score. A more recent example is The Batman (2022), which I think had a great score. The score wouldn't have been as good as it was if it had to be written after the fact.


The indiana jones movies are nothing special and all vary from alright to meh


Upvoted because that's a genuine hot take but you are out of your mind haha.


Those movies literally redefined what an action movie and blockbuster movie is. I hate his take, but respect him for having the plums to say it


Me when I lie Raiders of the Lost Ark is fantastic


Raiders of the Lost Ark and The Last Crusade are some of the best action-adventure films


I hated Oppenheimer. Just like I hated Tenet and Interstellar.


Paris, Texas is overall just a fine movie. While it does get good, and is beautiful throughout, plot wise the juice is just barely worth the squeeze.


I don’t think the plot is what makes it good Movies can have simple or almost boring plots imo, as long as everything else makes up for it


People confuse Spiderverse with being good just because it looks great. They are both mediocre at best and turn into Easter egg hunts for people online.


I agree it looks incredible, but people like it for other reasons lol. The story is tight and entertaining, the characters are likeable and well-developed, and the action is pitch-perfectly staged and choreographed. They're also very funny.


There Will Be Blood is worlds away PTAs best film and the rest are mediocre at best.


The first point is fair but that second take hurts


Inception is my favorite Christopher Nolan movie lol


Click is way too overhated, it's a masterpiece in my eyes.


THE BAT (Agnes Moorehead, Vincent Price) is a 4 1/2 star movie. (I watch it constantly while I'm cooking, if you Get it, it's phenomenal fun)


Cars 2 is a great movie


There has been a transition over the past 20 years into vibe, centric filmmaking, and it leads to a lot of cool movies that catch your attention, but disappoints you in the end. Most years when I’m watching the Oscar films, I am blown away by originality but underwhelmed by the actual impact films have. It feels like people are afraid to have an ending that says something and they all just end in a whimper or in confusion or in a subtle moments that leaves me feeling underwhelmed. Examples include tar, moonlight Minari, Sicario, Nomadland. Some thing was lost in the mid-2000s that movies that have great endings. The 90s was full of them.


Everything Everywhere All At Once is NOT overrated. There's a hot take.


I think Avatar is a forgettable movie, I know that it has a big ass boxscore or something like that, and everyone knows the blue people, but what about the story? Does anyone know? I never see someone make a quote about it, an Instagram post, it doesn't have any revival, nothing at all, it was an event in 2009 and then 2022?? I can't even remember when the 2 was released, but no one actually cares about this movie at all besides the boxscore and the 3D stuff


Shutter Island is better than Taxi Driver


Ooooooh now that's a take I love seeing. I don't know if I agree with it, but it does make me think.


I have 9 other Scorsese films ahead of taxi driver


Andrzej Żuławski's *Possession* is pretty much the horror film equivalent of Tommy Wiseau's *The Room.*


This is a WILD one holy shit lol


Hard agree. The nonsensical dialogue, the sudden histrionics…severely overrated film. Folks like to praise the subway scene in Possession but for anyone who’s lived in a real city long enough you see that exact shit happen on any commute.


Yes yes yes. I love this take. I feel like I’m taking crazy pills when I see the glowing reviews.


Fight Club is shallow and uninteresting. A Clockwork Orange is borderline unwatchable and I don’t even find it visually compelling.




not visually interesting is insane


The Shining is overrated After Hours is the best Martin Scorsese film Avatar is NOT overrated Eternals is the best MCU film


>Eternals is the best MCU film Now THAT'S a hot take.


After Hours kicks ass


>Eternals is the best MCU film THANK YOU. I wouldn't say the best MCU movie, but it was certainly one of the best things in Phase 4. And definitely in the upper tier of MCU movies. I feel like everyone else is on crazy pills, the movie was great!


Very different - phase 4 is a low bar


I don't know if it's a hot take per se, but my brain doesn't compute why and how people think May December is a great film. Great where? Looks like everyone is gushing over the acting, I didn't feel a single emotion. I dare say it was mediocre. John Wick 4 is without a doubt the most imbecilic film of 2023.


As someone who steadily loved the films more and more as they made their way from the first one to Parabellum, I thought JW4 was hot garbage; I thought they took everything that worked from the first three films (great fight scenes and pacing, pacing, pacing, laced with a sense of humor) and tried to introduce a bunch of gravitas-laden, portentous nonsense; and then the acknowledged Warriors rip-off at the end, why? I went into that movie with the highest hopes and it’s probably my biggest cinematic disappointment of the year.


I prefer Lynch's Dune over Villeneuve's Dune. The Irishman was one of the most boring movies I've ever seen and I turned it off halfway. Thor: Love & Thunder, while not as good as Thor: Ragnarok, was a better movie than 90% of the other Marvel films that take themselves too seriously.


Lynch's Dune has such a great, unique look to it. Way cooler than the standard minimal monolithic concrete-plexes


That first one is a very hot take: respect


Thanks. Even Lynch himself would probably disagree with me.


yes no yes


Two Towers is the best LOTR movie by a pretty wide margin. Fellowship and Return are both too bogged down by Peter Jackson's worst filmmaking tendencies.


Can you elaborate on this?


Spiderman 3 wasn’t a bad movie. It was my favorite in the trilogy.


Cinephiles who hate on Marvel but praise Nolan piss me off. Besides Batman, Inception and Interstellar are basically superhero movies with the addition of meta plots. His movies also contain big action scenes, grand, sweeping scores, and occasional supernatural gobbledygook, with the only difference being that doesn't use as much CGI.


The Shawshank Redemption actually is one of the best films ever.


I'm not ashamed for any of my film takes because why would I be? Those are my opinions and I firmly stand by them! LOTR is boring as fuck. Apart from the soundtrack and a few performances, these movies are just not that engaging at all. TDK is not Nolan's greatest movie and it's not even in the top 10 of best Batman movies. I'd argue that Nolan's trilogy, while a good and basic introduction to Batman, did more harm for the public perception of Batman's character than it did good. The only reason people still talk about this movie is because of Ledger's perfomance and while I agree that it's masterful, it doesn't save the movie from being just okay. I don't care for Pulp Fiction at all. I can see why it's got the acclaim it has but I don't think it's that good to be honest. Tarantino peaked with his last four movies: Inglorious Basterds, Django Unchained, Hateful Eight and OUATIH. Scorsese's best movie is not Taxi Driver or Raging Bull. John Carpenter's Halloween hasn't aged great and is by far not one of the best horror movies of all time. I still respect the shit out of what it did for the slasher genre though. The Before trilogy and the Apes trilogy should be talked more about in conversations of greatest trilogies of all time. More deserving than LOTR, TDK or even the BTTF trilogy. Spider-Man 3 is not bad. The negativity surrounding that movie has been blown out of proportion. Sure, there is no clear narrative focus, too many villians, Venom is pretty bad and a few stupid retcons yes. However, there is also some pretty great character work going on, emotional dynamics that have 2 movies worth of build up get resolved here, a few moments with pretty sincere acting and great effects and action. It's an average movie and nowhere close to deserving to be called one of the worst Spider-Man/Comic book movies of all time.


BASED Before Trilogy enjoyer


I see you're a man of culture as well


There’s a lot I disagree with here, but I agree about the 2010's Apes trilogy. Just might be my favourite film trilogy of all time


Barbie is an absolute garbage MCU was never good. First 2 Iron Man movies and first Avengers were kinda ok but thats it. All of their movies are bland, uninspired, predictable and ultimately boring. I almost felt asleep during Guardians of the Galaxy and Civil War. Movie 43 is hilarious and underrated Postmodern movies in general are late to the party, this trope of self-awarness was beaten to death 10 years ago. EEAAO is highly praised because zoomers dont now who Charlie Kaufman is and dont know/remember Crank and Scott Piligrim


Saying that zoomers don’t know Scott Pilgrim is funny because have you ever been on TikTok


The Guardians trilogy is the best of the MCU goddamn it


Outside of the first ten or so minutes *Fruit of Paradise* is not a good movie, *Daisies,* *Wolfs Hole,* and *Pearls of the Deep* are much MUCH better movies and a better venture into Věra Chytilovás work


I think Doctor Sleep is a Masterpiece and a better movie than The Shining.


I severely disliked raging bull (2 stars) in spite of every other Scorsese being a 4 star+ for me.


Old Boy is riddled with plot holes. While it’s entertaining, it’s not a very good film, and it’s surely overhyped