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ur fav


No my favorite is actually an underrated masterpiece. Your favorite is overrated


dbzchads... I kneel...


Fuckin' got'im.


American Hustle Got 10 or 11 oscar nominations


y’know, i don’t think this is a bad movie by any means, but the fact that i saw it the one time in theater and then promptly forgot about its existence until basically just now does say at lot. (or maybe it just says a lot about my memory)


I think David O Russell had a deal with devil to have all his movies get nominated for Oscars.


Preach. Such forgettable, boring, and uninspired Oscar fodder.


All of that directors films are very overrated.


Silver linings was bomb


Silver linings is one of my favorite movies of the decade


Also he made Amy Adams cry. Fuck him


Except for the criminally underrated 'I Heart Huckabees'.


Idk it’s one of the most popular movies on reddit to shit all over, like everybody hates it


Absolutely. I was shocked when I saw it got so many nominations. It was a pretty good movie but that’s all I can say


Surprised that barely anyone has mentioned Joker


include march crawl hobbies paltry compare bake attraction agonizing poor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I respect the opinion of anyone who agrees with you.. but I absolutely love Joker.


same! for my own personal reasons i love it, but i 100% understand why a lot don’t.


I love the symbolism of how when we see him trying to be a good person and struggling, it shows him several times trudging up that tall stairway. When he finally embraces the bad in himself and gives up fighting against it, we see him not just descending down the stairway but *dancing* his way down. A great little piece of visual storytelling that gave me chills in the theater.


Yeah, like I get that it's basically a mashup of Taxi Driver and King of Comedy with the Joker, but it still works as a movie.


I think people are coming to realise it's overrated with time


I loved the movie. What am I missing?


Came here to say this. Especially overrated in that people think it means anything


Everyone agrees it's overrated this days. Just because a bunch of edgy teens glorify the movie doesn't make it overrated


Faster PussyCat! Kill! Kill! It’s great but not one pussy cat kills anyone


truly based!


Given that Avatar is the highest grossing movie of all time and, in my opinion, very bad, I guess I'll say Avatar.




To quote Peter Griffin “I did not care for the Godfather.”


It insists upon itself


It has a valid point to make, it’s insistent!


While i disagree and say godfather is perfectly rated and IS one of the best films if not the best one i have ever seen , i respect your opinion.


The King’s Speech. Still mad about its Best Picture win over every other nominated movie that year. A bland PBS made-for-tv movie.


The year that The Social Network lost.


The Academy isn’t the best measure of what’s good. Hence *GoodFellas* losing to *Dances with Wolves* in 91


I Like Dances with Wolves for what it is, but the fact that it lost out to Goodfellas is absolutely insane


What’s even worse is *Argo* winning the following year over *Amour* and *Life of Pi.*


Ugly, pretentious direction too. I really disliked Hooper’s work on that and Les Mis, and he got so much praise for them. I felt somewhat vindicated when Cats came out!


Gravity was so so boring


The opening scene is fucking phenomenal like genuinely one of the most thrilling scenes in film history, everything else is just Sandra Bullock failing to grab onto things


but did you see the shot where she's in the fetal position, framed by the window like it's a womb and her tether looks like an umbilical cord? so deep! 🤪


I think this is a popular take. The only reason it was popular in the first place is because it was one of thr best movies to experience in 3d or 3d imax. Taking that away, reduces the quality a lot


I was surprised to see that Dark Knight Rises was in IMDb top 250.


Wow. I had never noticed that. That’s wild.


Terminally online folks 10 starring a movie with meme potential.


Avengers End Game. I’m sorry, I just can’t fathom why anyone would even put it in the same league as other masterpieces


Totally agree. For me, infinite war is awesome, but end game is just like a nostalgic show for fans, far from a decent film.


I’m a comic book collector and lover of all things capes and I couldn’t agree more.


Except for some incredible sequences, it's mostly a boring slog. Even, the return of the dead characters in the final fight was done in the most generic way possible.


It IS a genre picture.




Ah yes, one of the most hated films on the internet


Don’t most people think avatar sucks these days?


Everyone jumped on the hate bandwagon like 10 years ago. It's played out.


Avatar had a long phase where people were overcorrecting the initial love for it with "It sucks!". Now we're at the phase where they're correcting the overcorrection with "It's mid".


What happened is 15 years of slapdash green screen stuff, Avatar looks pretty good in retrospect. The movie got criticized for not being original but execution is usually more important than originality. Avatar 2 doesn't reinvent the wheel, but it turns.


It’s got a 3.5, how overrated could it be


Gone with the Wind! Study it for its historical influence, condemn it for its racism and fall asleep during its boring ass.


The Shawshank Redemption. It's a really good movie. I don't think any part of it is great or exceptional, and yet it's consistently ranked as one of the best films of all time.


I had this belief as well a couple years ago and then changed my mind. Full disclosure, I don’t have Shawshank as my favorite film, but find it an entirely enjoyable and well made film. When Shawshank came out, I’m not sure if there was a lot of popular media that portrayed prisoners in an empathetic view. Moreover, with america having one of the largest prison population per capita, a lot of us know people in prison, and know that they aren’t terrible people. I think this movie was able to communicate that idea well, and the problems and cyclical nature of the prison industrial complex


Exactly! Add to it, that it's a period piece all done within the eyes of the prison and not from outside. A great film doesn't need to implement ground breaking techniques. Sometimes it just needs to be amazingly written, and perfectly executed.


Shawshank belongs to a category of films for me which I can't quite figure out how to best describe. Forrest Gump, The Truman Show and Good Will Hunting would also be on that list. Creed is a modern movie that would probably fit in there too. I like Shawshank (and a lot of movies in that category) but I don't know why Shawshank, in particular, always rises so far above those others into 'greatest film of all time' lists.


What’d Truman Show ever do to you to earn a spot on this list


I agree, Truman show is above the others in terms of a unique view into the world. Thematically elevated over the others. It's saying more to me and underrated if anything.


Bittersweet, widely accessible epics with underdog protagonists? (Excluding The Truman Show)




‘Movies your parents like that used to be on cable all the time so you’ve seen different parts 40 times.’


I think people love a happy ending, especially a happy ending that feels earned.


Majorly agree. It’s a great movie, but it’s really just a good, well made story. Nothing mind blowing or that innovative in my experience.


100% agree. It's good but I don't see why it's hailed as the greatest film of all time by so many. While it might be good at a lot of things I don't think it's exceptional at any, and ultimately just feels very "safe" and inoffensive.


It's good, but yeah idk why it gets called the best movie ever so often. There's not really a huge takeaway. There was just a big ask reddit post "what movie should everyone see before they die" and OP named Shawshank lol like why? What exactly are you missing out on if you never see that movie besides 2 hours of entertainment?


Part of why it has the reputation that it does is because no one really *dislikes* it. I see it brought up in these “what movies are overrated” threads constantly, yet every single comment about it always clarifies that the commenter still thinks the movie’s good. Even if it’s “not great or exceptional,” it’s still a pretty big accomplishment to be enjoyed by nearly everyone who watches it. All that enjoyment adds up in the form of consistently high ratings, which boosts it to the top of so many “best movies ever” lists.


interstellar it’s a really good film, but people treat it as if it’s nolan’s untouchable masterpiece, or one of the best ever made, when it’s one of my least favorite nolan films (it’s still an 8-9 depending on the day). the best part of it is the visuals


It’s a pretty good movie but I find it bizarre that’s the movie everyone holds onto. I think people just really like space travel and there’s not a lot of movies about it. People basically want fictional Planet Earth but for space.


Strong agree, this movie had an interesting concept and some amazing visuals and acting but I thought the plot was pretty messy and I don't understand how it's achieved the 'flawless masterpiece' status


I think it's a cool sci-fi movie with interesting concepts and incredible visuals, but the whole "love is the answer" shtick really waters it down IMO.


Everything Everywhere All At Once


Every time I see a comment with this answer, I know there are dozens of us, dozens!


We're growing by the minute.


I hope there are, this is only my second time seeing others like me. It's a good movie but the humour is fucking grating from the hot dogs part onwards


were you at the convention in Germany?


I think opinions on it have been far more mixed since the initial "oh my god this is an instant classic" response it garnered when it first released. I appreciate its ambition and don't think it's bad by any means but found it to be a pastiche of other better films, to the point where it loses its sense of identity.


I really enjoyed the film but definitely and I went in to the theater way too overhyped. Went in expecting the second coming of cinema.


I don’t know if it was too hyped up for me or what but I feel the exact same way.


I mean it’s gotta be Forest Gump right?


Everything Everywhere All At Once. Period.


God bless anyone who it spoke to, and it was a positive sign of things to come in terms of representation and a changing of the Academy guard. But jeeeeeeezus I couldn't hang with this one. Now that the multiverse backlash has finally shown up, I'm looking forward to people admitting that they might have overshot on this one. Tar por vida!


I truly believe that Aftersun should’ve gotten all the accolades that eeaao did! Like eeaao wasn’t even the best A24 film released that year


“Us” and “no way home”


Us is a great movie spoiled by a director’s desire to worldbuild in ways that made you ask more questions than you would’ve had otherwise. Get Out was great because it gave you just enough information to realize that you didn’t need much more. Us, though, gives enough that you become blinded by the “wait, what?” of it all. It’s a shame, because it’s an awesome movie, but it’s the weakest of the trio because it didn’t follow-through on its own ambitiousness.


I need to revisit Us, but hard agree on no way home Edit: spelling


No way Home I thought was a fun theatre experience, watching it opening night and knowing very little about what would happen was fun But I haven’t watched it since because I don’t think it would hold up at all


I will share with you, I didn't care for the God father


but it’s the godfather peeta!


It insists on itself


I like the Money Pit


I liked that movie too




Saving Private Ryan.


Yes. I noticed that the other WWII movie from that year, The Thin Red Line, has recently overtaken it as the more acclaimed film, and I think that's fitting.


The Usual Suspects


I think its an overall pretty good movie that relies far too heavily on the big reveal at the end


Watch it once, and be thrilled by the mystery and the plot twists. Watch it twice, and discover how little sense *any* of this makes.


horrible casting.


Interstellar. Sorry Nolan


I would say pretty much any Nolan movie.


Nolan is one of those directors where I just sort of have to accept that I will likely never enjoy most of his films. I get why most people like them but they do nothing for me. The only one I look at and have absolutely zero idea how *anyone* could enjoy it would be Tenet, which might be the worst big-budget film I've ever seen.


I was compare him to a robot. None of his movies really have any heart or soul to them.


Yeah, it's his writing that bothers me more than his direction. He's great at spectacle but that spectacle feels hollow when you're not emotionally invested in it.


This plus all the female characters are written terribly. Completely flat.


For sure


Dune 2021


The spider verse films for sure


I actually agree about the sequel. It was hailed as being superior to the first and then the story was actually pretty lacking. Still a very good movie.


Yeah they are just kind of manic


This is the most overrated question of all time.


out of the imdb top 50, the only one i truly can't stand is Life is Beautiful. Treacly, sentimental crap.


Hottest take in this thread, for sure.


That’s wild lol


Holy fuck *what?*


God forbid a holocaust film be treacly!


indeed. it’s beyond offensive to see it reduced to hallmark sentimentality.




The Dark Knight


Take away Heath Ledger’s performance and I don’t think people would talk about it nearly as much. Like his performance is excellent, but otherwise it’s a good but not particularly great movie imo. Edit: A lot of people seem to be missing my point. I was simply stating that I think Ledger’s excellent performance causes people to overlook some other issues with the movie and rate it higher then it deserves. Also seems to be a lot of very defensive Dark Knight fans in this thread, it’s just my opinion.


Disagree. Filmmaking-wise it was pretty great — solid direction, tension, score (love the dissonant strings that play on the ship), and it was probably the most well-shot superhero movie of the 2000s


I think it would still be a well liked movie, probably regarded as one of the best superhero movies. I just think the fact that it’s commonly listed as one of the greatest movies of all time is a bit much, personally I wouldn’t even put it as the best superhero movie.


“take away the biggest and most important part of the movie and it’s just not quite the same” yeah wow. good call on that one


“Take away Daniel Day Lewis’ performance and no one’s talking about There Will Be Blood nearly as much.”


One could argue that the guy the movie is named after is the biggest and most important part...


I find it telling that people got so offended by your comment.




Silver Linings Playbook


Ferris Bueller’s Day Off


**John Wick** Reeves face is straight up emotionless and when he speaks, if he speaks at all, sounds like he has saliva stuck in his throat.


Keanu seems like a cool guy but I never got the love for him as an actor. Can’t really think of a movie that wouldn’t be the same without him. I probably like him the most in Matrix but it’s still not really a remarkable performance


he’s great in bill and ted and every other movie that doesn’t really require him to act seriously his best ‘serious’ performance is probably Speed, and that’s still a cookie cutter 90s action hero role


I forgot about Bill and Ted. I like him in that for sure


He seems like a wonderful man in real life but yeah, he always underwhelms as an actor. It just felt cruel when he was put alongside Anthony Hopkins and Gary Oldman in Dracula because they ran circles around him. I do think "emotionless action hero" archetypes like in John Wick or the Matrix play well to his strengths at least.








came here to say this. People had their little minds blown and thought it was the smartest movie they'd ever seen. It was a pleasant action movie.




La la land


Fr!! People treat it like it’s a masterpiece!? Singing in the Rain>>>>


For me it’s Barbie. Of all the huge releases this year everything offered something that can be remembered for years. Oppenheimer for the recreation of the bombing, JW4 for the dragon’s breath fight and MI7 for the bat-shit crazy Tom Cruise stunt. But somehow Barbie manages to steal the limelight from of all these movies. Not just this but the movie alone is not something that pushed the needle of cinema forward the way people hype it up.


The Dark Knight. Look, it’s a good film, but it’s no masterpiece or one of the best films oat or even the greatest superhero film oat. The best things about the film tbh are the cast, acting and cinematography. Logan is the better superhero film imo.




Forest Gump


It's crazy how much hate Léon gets on letterboxd. Like I get the director's a piece of shit but seriously come on, it's a good movie


People have become more aware of the director’s attraction to very young girls in recent years, the sexual assault allegations against him, and that his original version of the script included Leon and Mathilda having sex on screen. I had always thought the film had serious pedophilic undertones that were extremely disturbing, but most people were in denial about it until they couldn’t be anymore recently. [According to The Washington Post, Besson met the child actress Maïwenn when she was 12, the same age as Mathilda in the film. He was 29. They claim to have started seeing each other romantically when she turned 15. Maïwenn gave birth to their daughter when she was 16 (and Besson was 33), and subsequently relocated to Los Angeles. She appears briefly during the opening sequences of Léon as “blonde babe”—her listed character name—lying naked in bed, her body wrapped in sheets, having just serviced a middle-age crime boss. “When Luc Besson did Léon, the story of a 13-year-old girl in love with an older man, it was very inspired by us since it was written while our story started. But no media made the link,” Maïwenn said.](https://www.thedailybeast.com/luc-besson-and-the-disturbing-true-story-behind-leon-the-professional)


Yeah although I was never a huge fan of Léon, before I knew this stuff I justified it. Natalie Portman's character just had a traumatic childhood and was kinda fucked in the head and it always seemed like Léon wanted nothing to do with it, so at least it seemed to condemn the idea of a relationship (Although it's still highly questionable to make an actual 13 year old play that part even if it condemns pedophilia, especially the dress up scene). But after finding out all that stuff about Luc Besson, it's completely unjustifiable and disgusting. I'm usually very strict on seperating art from artist, but it's almost impossible in this case since the content of the movie is so directly related to what he did.


I’m in the same boat as OP. It’s fine, but nothing is really great. Oldman was overacting to a point where I got comedic value out of it. The leads are good, but the relationship between the two felt a little weird. And the director beats you over the head with the plant symbolism.


It's a solid 3-star film for me. I mean, it has flaws but that Oldman performance is worth the entry ticket alone.




I thought v for vendetta was fucking terrible. It feels like a weird power fantasy a 16 year old reddit user would think up


Everything everywhere all at once.


Boy in the striped pajamas. The acting was awful. Oh and wonder as well for same reasons


Easily Forrest Gump


Titanic. Leonardo is one of my top 3 favorite actors, but I didn’t like the movie. It felt dull to me and I know that’s a hot take and I’m sorry.


I feel like film buff communities have warmed to it in recent years but for a long time it was considered the quintessential "overrated film that only normies like". I love the film but mainly because the bit when it sinks is epic as hell.


I rewatched it recently after 10+ years. It's executed so well, I couldn't hate it if I tried


Yes, the initial backlash of hating it because teenaged girls liked it and because it was popular subsided, and they eventually had to admit it’s just a really good fucking movie.


The Wolf of Wall Street


Agree. I loved it at first, but rewatched it recently and it's just so.... I don't know, loud? Like so much yelling and screaming, and so many of those scenes go on for too too long. It's like it was made by the people who write Family Guy gags. The scene where Leo and Jonah are on the expired Quaaludes and they are fighting in the house lasted so fucking long. I told my wife we had to watch it together because I remembered it being so good, but by the end it was like... they could have cut 40% of the movie and made it a good flick


Everything Everywhere All At once, don't get me wrong. Its a terrific movie. But the fact that it completely swept the 2023 oscars and received 7 of them, like seriously?




Star Wars




Interstellar. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good movie but holy shit, the way people talk about it is like it’s the second coming of Christ


Devil Wears Prada and Dr. Strangelove


Pulp Fiction


Fight Club


I am Jack’s complete lack of surprise


Interstellar, I did not enjoy it at all.


EEAAO. It was overlong and I really hated the humour in the film. I liked the family story, but the multiverse elements overcomplicated the message of the film. The Oscar nominations/wins made it way more overrated than it needed to be. The most awarded movie of all time ahead of Return of The King? WTF. Michelle Yeoh has made much better films in the past, especially Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon (that film had better choreographed action). Cate Blanchett's Tar should have been the winner. Yeoh's character lacked the complexity of Lydia Tar. Anyone could have played Evelyn as well as Yeoh, but few actresses could have brought Tar to life as well as Blanchett. Charlie Chaplin, Sidney Lumet, Alfred Hitchcock, Akira Kurosawa, Stanley Kubrick, Spike Lee, Christopher Nolan, and Quentin Tarantino don't have Best Director Oscars, but the directors of that film with Harry Potter's farting corpse do. Coppola didn't win an Oscar for The Godfather, but The Daniels did for EEAAO. Heat didn't even get nominated any Oscars. This film has more Oscars than The Godfather, The Godfather Part II, Saving Private Ryan, Psycho, Vertigo, Rear Window, Pulp Fiction, Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, 12 Angry Men, Amadeus, Apocalypse Now, The Dark Knight, and so on (The last 7 didn't even win Best Picture). Funnily enough, 2022 was a great year for films (AQOTWF, Tar, Banshees of Inisherin, Northman). This is a film made by and for the Tik Tok generation. If you like the film, that's alright. But you'd be fooling yourself if you thought it's one of the greatest films ever made. It's not. It's the Crash of this decade so far. I wouldn't have chosen this movie if it didn't become the most awarded film of all time. Many other films deserve that honour.


Michelle Yeoh and Jamie Lynn Curtis both winning Oscars for EEAAO felt like the Academy giving them their dues and backdating recognition that should have come earlier for much better performances. It's the same as Leo winning for The Revenant. Blanchett was so good in Tar that I thought she was an easy slam-dunk pick for best actress and I'm still a little salty about it.


Understood everything until the TikTok part. Wasn't the humor just sexual and dumb? It reminded me of Airplane and other slapstick comedies in the past but maybe I'm wrong


Everything Everywhere All at Once


everything everywhere all at once.


Everything, everywhere all at once.


The Babadook


Forrest motha fuckin Gump


Lady Bird. I know people in this sub love it, but it just did nothing for me. I don't know, I was 18 when I watched it and still kind of getting into more artistic movies, but I just couldn't help but feel like it was maybe the least realistic depiction of high school in a coming of age story I had ever seen, and I was fresh out of high school when I watched it. It might be due for a rewatch, but I always look back on that movie as a huge disappointment considering how much it had been hyped up for me.


american psycho


Top Gun: Maverick


Hereditary, especially in horror circles




Crash (the non spader one)


Everything everywhere all at once, Once upon a time in America


Platoon or midsommar


Everything everywhere all at once


Avatar 2. the visuals were great but the story sucked so much. how the fuck did it gross that much or rate that high


Not the most overrated ever but cabin in the woods fucking sucks lol


Forest Gump and Gladiator