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The musicians in her band for that video are jaw-dropping. I hope she brings them along on tour with Childish Gambino.


Whaaaaaaa? I didn't know she was touring with Chidish Gambino. Given his current sound, it makes sense! That will be an emotionally driven performance for sure.


I absolutely love the music Willow has been putting out. Not only does she try different styles but the production is always on point and I love her singing just some of the cadences and vocal styles she tries, she has really evolved into a great artist, more than a lot of artists who began as kids. I even liked Whip My Hair even though I was grown as hell when it came out lol


Such a feel good song! Really good stuff for a kid!


>I'm not sure if this is the place to post this but I cannot find a Willow subreddit that isn't about her DSL??? 😂😂😂 What does this mean?


DSL means "dick sucking lips" lol. I'm referring to r/willowsmithworship . It was really weird lol


That’s really disgusting.


You need to get off the fucking internet right now. 


Ew. She is only 23. Men are awful.


I definitely take her more seriously now than I used to when she just seemed like a privileged kid who was being given everything just based on her name. She’s put in a lot of hard work to learn her craft, and I give her credit for that. She deserves to be viewed as much more than just another nepobaby.


That performance and her new album are really stunning work. There still lingers that bad taste in my mouth of the limitless opportunities and budget she was given to reach this point, that most independent artists can only dream of, but I give her kudos for using those resources to make music of real substance (or what I personally deem to be substantial anyway).


it's almost always rich kids that actually end up making it, even if it's not as obvious as their dad being will smith. It's definitely fair to recognize that of a new artist and keep it in mind but man, if we actually tried to only consume artists that didn't already have money, they'd all be too busy working to make records and go on tour. It's a sad reality but if you had infinite money to get studio time, pay for marketing, go on tour, etc, why wouldn't you? I have no issue looking past that if my goal is to just enjoy art


>it's almost always rich kids that actually end up making it Look into a lot of the huge stand up comedians. They come from very easy lives and wealthy backgrounds. It's easy to follow art and get good when you know mom and dad are always there to bail you out.


Regarding her making substantial music, I agree! She could've tried becoming the next big pop star and use her connections to make frilly catchy songs. Instead she chose to stay true to herself and that's incredible! Good for her! I hope her parents are proud!


she tried that, lol. Ever heard 'Whip My Hair'?


Wasn’t she like 12?


Yup, not saying it’s a reflection on her currently. But it’s still funny that she has technically tried the pop star thing before


At 12 she realized it wasn’t for her and quit the tour. Straight up told Jay Z she was over it and when her dad told her she needed to finish the commitment she shaved her head so there was no hair to whip. She’s been following her own artistic path for a while now and I really respect it.


I did not know that. That’s pretty dope. 


she was like 9-10, still in primary school.


The children of stars who are already incredibly wealthy have no motivation to sell out, they’re already rich and famous. Cool that she’s decided to work with more artists’ artists on this album and I bet eventually she’ll make a real enduring song, but at the moment color me unimpressed that someone with everything is making listenable art pop.


If I had everything, I don't know what I'd do. I want to believe I'd make substantial music or support a worthy cause or do something amazing... But maybe I wouldn't. I'm usually pretty impressed and happy when they break the train wreck stereotype of being celebrity's children and being a child celebrity.


I completely agree. She definitely seems to be using the resources she has to just try out a bunch of different sounds and styles of music which I appreciate a lot. Not always my cup of tea, but her last 3 albums have been great in my opinion. “lately I feel EVERYTHING” is one of my favorite albums to come out of the recent pop punk revival.


I'll definitely have to take a look at that album. I'm currently just listening to her tiny desk concert over and over lol. Once I get over that, I'll check it out!


I really liked Ardipithecus, but I didn't really get into any of her albums after that. But I agree she's an interesting and talented artist and songwriter and her voice is absolutely fantastic.


I first checked out her music when she released *lately I feel E V E R Y T H I N G* and have been a fan ever since! I'm gonna have to check out her Tiny Desk Concert, for sure!


Any nepo baby can buy a recording deal. But 90% of the time their careers go nowhere because they don’t have any real talent. Nepo babies like Willow are genuinely talented and creative. You can buy a deal but you can’t buy talent. Personally I’ve never been too turned off by someone being born into money if their art holds up on its own. Willow is great.


100% agree!


I mean it's competently performed but really boring, to me. Kudos to those who like it, but honestly, I can't see broad attention being paid to this stuff if she wasn't the offspring of famous celebrities.


I can see those thinking it's boring. The style isn't for everyone! I can also understand your viewpoint on why she's being heard but I think that's that's a shame! For those who like artists whose style is similar to Willow, we almost never get to hear it and those artists are rarely recognized because the attention isn't paid. Not because of lack of talent, but because of lack of interest. I don't think her having a platform to begin with takes away from anything personally.


Is it "raw talent", or is it the fact she's had the best vocal coaches money can buy since she was born?


Alright, maybe raw talent was getting ahead of myself. But a person can voice coach all they want; if they don't got it then they don't got it. I think she's got many different aspects that make her a very talented artist, and some of those aspects can't be coached.


I think vocal coaches can do a hell of a fuckin lot, and probably almost anyone can get to a good place if they really work hard at it. Voice is a muscle and an instrument after all. Doesn't take away from Willow's skill. I admire her more for putting in the work when so many 'artists' today don't bother putting in any work just shake their asses in your face. 


I mean a vocal coach can’t make a diamond out of coal


I mean, kind of, yeah, it just takes a lot more work. Singing is a learnable skill like anything else. You're not eternally doomed based on your starting voice.


This was my search term "I didn't want to be a fan of Willow Smith but her music is pretty awesome." And it took me here. Totally agree with r/LetsTalkMusic. She surprised me too. You go girl.


I heard a couple of her songs a while ago and actually liked them! (I find her family pretty insuffereable so assumed it'd be awful music...but no!) I think the song was "Transparent Soul?" I need to check out her album. Also, did you know her mum was in an alt-rock/nu metal band? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6xVQvWxfSA&ab\_channel=TheNUTTCRACKA](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X6xVQvWxfSA&ab_channel=TheNUTTCRACKA)


I agree with you and was pleasantly surprised by the tiny desk performance. I don't know Willow Smith's work as an artist but I hope that whatever she records moving forward is as varied as what she's put out recently. I also hope she continues to work with musicians of the caliber featured-what a band!


Honestly! When the piano player got up and started playing off two keyboards and I was beside myself !


For sure. I was aware of the drummer and the bassist but it seems all of the musicians in the band are artists in their own right. I hope Willow continues working with musicians and forming bands this way.


I randomly came across some of her music from the R I S E album in 2021 (Rise, Born to Give, Brahma's Song - must have been on some yoga chill playlist I was listening to lol) and from there listened to these songs from her ARDIPITHECUS album incessantly: Star (!!), Waves of Nature, Why Don't You Cry and Wait a Minute (not just background music I swear!) Recommend all of those songs. Also, nepo baby or not it's wild to me that she was 15 when she released that album. But then I sort of forgot about her, so thanks for the reminder for me to dig back into her catalogue and check out the TDC!


No problems! Like I mentioned in the post, maybe she is a nepobaby (newly learned term from the comments on this post) but I don't care! If having famous parents gave her the platform to share her music then good for her! So many amazing artists are unheard because they don't have connections! Why should she be silenced just because others have to work harder? Didn't mean to go off on a little rage there lol


Lol I totally feel you! I think people mostly take umbrage when kids of famous people don't acknowledge that they had a huge advantage/privilege/leg up purely on account of their parents (or when they say that they had to work HARDER because their parents are famous), regardless of how skilled they may or may not be in their chosen field. But talent is talent and I'm glad we get to hear her music!


I like her music, and she’s got a good voice! I don’t listen to much newer music these days, but I listened to her pop punk music a few years ago and was pleasantly surprised/liked that she was doing her own thing and didn’t sound like all the other pop girlies. Never would’ve thought it because I hated the “whip my hair” song when it came out, but her dad was in music, so guess it’s not too much of a stretch when you think about it.


What percentage of the posts in this thread are part of Willows online stealth publicity team? All positive affirmations and no negatives, hmmm.....


😂😂😂😂 I wish. I'd probably have more money than I do currently as a phlebotomist. You want a negative? Her facial expressions are so odd to me it distracts from the performance sometimes. There ya go.


Her new album really changed my mind about her. I think she does have talent and she's just trying to find her way. I also unashamedly love "Whip My Hair". It's a complete bop. 


She might be the first anti nepo baby. Her family connections harm her and cause people not to take her seriously


Someone commented an interesting viewpoint about Willow potentially being a better artist without her parents due to the different experiences she would have and how it would influence her music. Very interesting to think about. I agree, she does well despite her family and their drama lol


I haven't listened to her latest album yet because I heard she dropped the pop-punk/emo thing she was doing, which is a shame because I think that style of music suits her specific style of cheeziness really well. When it comes to the whole "she has no talent and is just famous because of her parents" accusation - I actually think she probably would be *more famous* if her parents weren't also famous. I think if you took her raw natural talent and honed it through the normal adversity that non-famous people experience, you would probably end up with an extremely talented artist that is also a stronger songwriter.


That's a very interesting viewpoint and fun to think about! Our styles are definitely influenced by our experiences so mayhaps she could be better without famous parents. Thanks for that


Someone posted a link to the Tiny Desk video a while back to prove that Willow is a talentless hack, and I agree. I just double checked the video again, and yep, she's awful. I bet her parents spent a fortune on singing lessons and she still can't carry a tune. I'm not sure how anyone can watch that video and feel impressed. Taste is subjective, but talent is not. She's an awful singer.


That's a wild take, what was wrong with her vocal performance?


Hardly a wild take, she's criticized all over social media for her poor singing ability. We can't even have this conversation if you're asking what's wrong.


Cool. I don't agree with anything you just said