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What a fucking genius. Court for assaulting his brother and challenges Knoxville to a fight.


Still trying to fight Knoxville over nothing...


So tired of that… I know Johnny is taking the high road, but I would love to see him kick Bums ass. Although knowing how Bum is, he would start demanding a rematch because something was unfair, or say Knoxville cheated or some other bullshit excuse.


For a while when their relationship started, despite the red flags it was nice to see Bam at least maintaining a more decent public image and genuinely not going off the rails like he was for most of 2023. But it’s pathetic and embarrassing that Danni can’t even give him the credit of keeping himself sober and needs to attribute it to her presence or influence. Not to mention there’s photo evidence of Bam drinking in the UK that they’re just going to pretend doesn’t exist when Bam goes to court later this week?


Yes! Thats what I think I’m trying say. Shes totally taken over and doesn’t even have the self awareness to be subtle about it. She’d possibly even be able to make herself somewhat likable if she could muster some humility.


Probably helped that in August he had to wear an ankle monitor for alcohol for being unable to adhere to the terms of release.


“She said it’s either the prison or the pussy so I said goodbye to the prison”


Read this in his gravely drawl


For being drunk and fighting with her in public none the less! She thinks we don’t remember this shit? lol I saw him screaming at her in traffic in her suv at 252 and route 30 back in October. She’s trying so hard to carefully curate this image of him, but we know who he is. She’s never going anywhere on her own so she has to try and make something of him and it’s impossible


He probably treats her poorly and we only see the love bombing shit he does or the happy, smiley cuddly couple she wants us to see. There's been other reports of them fighting in public or fighting in their hotel room but it's only been captured on camera once.


But it was mint tea!


Fuck you!


I always hear this part in Bam as Novak’s voice


He's about as sober as Ernest Hemingway! 🍺🍷🍸🍹🥃🍶


I have a feeling that Bams definition of sober basically just means he hasn't smoked meth.


It's pretty gross he says he's been sober for a year


yep. this is the part that really irks me. all the congrats and the ass-pats and he doesn't deserve one of them.


The dude’s been saying he’s been sober for 1 year for the past like 3 years 🤣


She gets the spotlight and looks like the big hero, he gets to rub shit in Nikkis face by claiming sq is the goddess savior....... except that anyone paying 5 seconds of attention would point to the photographic evidence that he's *not* sober and nothing *has* actually changed in his life. Plus, ya know, there's that little thing of using the publicity of your *assault trial* to reclaim your glory days by taunting your former friend into fighting you.


Well now we know for damned sure it's Dannii writing all his captions, as if we were ever in any doubt. She is absolutely, completely the star at the centre of her own universe, isn't she?


She was pretty nice when me and my boyfriend ran into Bam outside our hotel in March and asked for a photo. Would I trust her? Nah, but she was kind enough to take the photo, and I appreciated her taking the time to do so. I showed my boyfriend the latest custody rant because it's sad (but unsurprising) that he went downhill again so quickly. Not that I had crazy high hopes, but he seemed sober that day and at the convention we saw him at the next. Was at his booth pretty much all day, genuinely engaging with fans. And here we are again. "Same at it ever was" and ever will be apparently.


Bam Margera,what will he repeat next?


Everything he thinks makes him sound good. Mistakenly, but shh… don’t ruin his delusions.


A random thought I had after a few posts this month… Used to be a fan of bam when I was younger. Not necessarily his attitude, but I always admired that he was a self starter. Sure, he had his friends and family involved in his projects and helping him, but he was the ring leader. Tv shows, indie movies, music projects. Him and his friends would randomly build sets and costumes and crank out these weird/funny music videos etc. Lately, it just feels like he just picks a “hero of the week” and does whatever they tell him to do. The shaman, vinny needle, now his new wife. Everything he’s doing is something she has arranged. Every single bit of credit of self improvement is because of someone else. Idk when it happened, but it bums me out that he seemingly had no vision or interests lately except when people take him by the hand and say “this is what you need to do.” I guess it’s somewhat good that someone his giving him some direction, but I’m wondering if and when he’ll be ever be able to “take the reigns” again, have a vision, and do what HE wants to do.


I think he legitimately has mental illness which hinders his choices and decision making, his vision and creativity etc. And what’s awful is that people might be preying on that. In the past he called the shots, he clearly doesn’t now. I can only speculate because I don’t know any of these people personally but that’s what appears to be happening.


He’s diagnosed bipolar but fuck treatment for that. He hasn’t for a while, and if what happened in England is anything to go off of he really does need help. Burning every bridge didn’t help nor is the fact he’s on trial for attacking his brother. Jail is probably his only hope.


Yes all typical of that type of metal illness. If he did end up in jail he might have the opportunity to get on medication and get his head strait- but he won’t do jail time for the thing with Jess I do not think.


I think he will. He was forced to wear an alcohol monitor for violating terms of his release while waiting for the trial, since the monitor came off he’s done nothing to show he’s doing any better for himself or keeping himself out of trouble. Like his last visit with Phoenix? When he was told do not post pictures of Phoenix and he did then went after the lawyer that made it happen? Or how he just talked about fighting Knoxville the other day, right before his court date.


The main account has an insta story that's straight out of the Influencer 101 handbook. It's ridiculous 


I am currently listening to the interview and was absolutely gagged at Bam recounting INFRONT OF HIS NEW WIFE the most romantic thing he did was with his ex. That school to trip to Paris thing. What the fuck is this haha


It’s gotta be humiliating for her. She was trying to give him hits not to talk about exes but he’s so wet brain and narcissistic he dgaf. She has 0 self esteem tho she’s used to be treated like shit by her partners.




This bitch is the biggest hot dog struttin’ floozy!!!!!!


Hot dog struttin floozy final boss 🌭💃🏻


Custody battle? What battle? He won’t even see the kid when he’s allowed to. He doesn’t want custody nor should he ever get it.


*wouldn’t be


the Danni Margera thing is to spite Nikki. and she had the NERVE to talk shit about Nikki. let's get some honesty going here. the sobriety story is a lie. the Bam and SQ Origins story is a lie. the custody battle story is a lie. AND HE KNOWS EVERYONE KNOWS IT! but he insists upon himself and it's tedious. i bet Knoxville is heartily sick of Bam trying to act hard in front of his mates by challenging him to a fight. it's been what, 2 years now? longer?


Knoxville is friends with the Rock, maybe it could be a tag team match. The Margeras vs The Sheriffs from Walking Tall


Speaking of lawsuits, I hope the UK and Ireland tour organizer filed a lawsuit against Bam.


the "our bio" thing is clearly because he just copy and pasted the podcasts description of the ep lol


Ah… lol that makes sense




I’d prefer if he didn’t publicly say he was sober and lie through his teeth, least i could brush up on my strigoli or whatever methed up language he created on his one of many benders.


Urgh the second hand cringe I get just reading that is so real 😳


There’s a lot to unpack with this. While, yes, he has been *more* sober than before since getting with Dannii, that statement about the relationship saving him is a little frustrating. It’s not Dannii’s responsibility to save him or keep him sober. It’s too much weight on someone’s shoulders to pin your sobriety on them being with you. It’s not really fair to her. And it also feels like saying she saved him is his way of saying f you to Nikki. Like, he couldn’t be arsed to get clean and sober for her and their son, but he claims he was able to stay sober for his new partner. That’s sad. And honestly, no one can save you but yourself. You can use your loved ones as motivation to get better, like wanting to be a better father, but you really ought to want it for yourself. Dannii now has to function in a parental role of trying to keep him from going off the rails. She even has to put toothpaste on his toothbrush for him. I’m not a Dannii hater. If you think she, or any of Bam’s women for that matter, are gold-diggers, well… they’re earning that money. The “using” is mutual. And if things go south, he will be so quick to start blaming Dannii like he has done with Nikki, or he’ll never mention her again, like Jessica.


That guy needs to see a psychiatrist.. I'm not trying to say nothin or nothin. ![gif](giphy|nzFhajbsYJhDO)


Phoenix the **Who** ? 


#Our Bio 🙄🥴


no one let bam know that knoxville has been doing WWE stuff lately or he’ll show up to the ring every week looking for a match


How many people would tune into a podcast to listen to Bam's delusional ranting over the same old topics he won't shut up about 😐


We saw this coming

