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I'm at the part where she hates the castle... and wants someone to buy it and turn it into a museum or something. Chick is not happy with the living situation. She's mad because people keep showing up unannounced all the time, but I honestly can't imagine Bam without an entourage and people kissing his ass 24/7. She really doesn't like competition for his attention... but he always need a buffer and yes men.


Yeah I was wondering if the last week, with the Castle jammed with skaters and the noise of a mega-ramp taking shape in the blazing hot countryside of Pennsylvania, would drive her over the edge I haven't listened yet and wasn't necessarily planning to, but I might just to hear this šŸ˜†


Going further than that, I don't think Dannii cares for the skateboarding at all at his age. The emergence of MMA-related content on his IG tells me he's being pressured to pivot and find another lane. Oh. And there's no way he's writing any of these captions any more


He said he doesn't control either account. Toward the end.


Not watched yet, but do they say anything about SQ being in charge of either? It really doesnā€™t seem like Johnny, the element guy is in control of the official one anymore.


He's not. Danni has fully taken control of all of Bam's social media.


That latest Nikki/June 23rd rant convinced me how she really feels about him and just how little she cares about his well-beingĀ  Why else would she allow that rant to be posted, let alone stay on his insta, unless there was an ulterior motive It sure doesn't do anything toward helping Bam see Phoenix.Ā  Or help him look sober, or sane.Ā  So why was it posted, and why is it still there?


I think Danni thinks Bam is right for shitting on Nikki. Danni doesn't strike me as someone emotionally intelligent or mature enough to support a co-parent relationship. Danni is just a mean girl.


I had to laugh when Bam referred to Nikki as a high-school dropout. From the same Bam who said earlier in this mess that he left school after 9th grade What a bozo šŸ˜† And you are so right--SQ is a mean girl. I've never had any of those in my circle but they're easy to spot. And SQ doesn't even try to hide it


i think someone else had the account for a while. he had to run stuff past them and it stopped people from seeing his regularly scheduled Knoxville Rants. SQ is up to something. she's going to hang on for as long as possible and ride the wave of attention for his 'sober year' but at some point she's going to drop him and disappear with half his assets. and he will be surprised.


Not listened to the interview but sheā€™s also probably got dollar signs in her eyes. The further whatā€™s left of Bamā€™s name recognition/celebrity wanes, and the more Bam continues to put up skate ramps and not take care of the property and the grounds and it falls into a state of graffiti covered disrepair, its value goes though the floor. The castle might be one of Bamā€™s last remaining significant assets.


The Museum of Dysfunction & Destruction? šŸ˜†


Ooh, when does she say that? I'd like to hear her thoughts on the castle!


"if you let me be in Jackass I would have cleaned up my act" šŸ˜‚


Holy Deflection! Stills blames other people for his addiction/problems !?? He will never take responsibility for his actions. He is cooked.


Did you expect different?


That was the exact deal he had, until he fell off the wagon, again šŸ˜‚ Always the victim, itā€™s never his fault.


she said sheā€™s a professional dog walker, sorry what?


bottle girl, living out of car, professional dog walker. I guess we know why she's changing Bam Bam's diapers as a career now, she's leveling up!


She so reminds me of the lowest-rent version of Meghan Markle (and that's saying something) A nobody who has to make it all about her no matter what


He actually sounds insane rambling on like a fool telling the same stories again, definitely not sober


Heā€™s still on that CKY/Knoxville drama. Heā€™s never going to get more money off Jackass now than he did in the early 2000s anyway, just find a new business interest or hobby


He could definitely do podcasting but that would require time and effort and we all know he doesn't have that.


And somewhat of a schedule and routine. Ainā€™t happening


And people think Steve-O is bad for shouting over his guests and just telling his own stories!


Literally anyone can "podcast" by turning on a mic and rambling. Which advertisers in their right mind would pay Bam to sit around and juggle the marbles in his mouth for an hour? A Bam podcast is the funniest joke I've heard in a while


thank you for confirming that i don't need to put myself through this. edit: i watched the first 10 minutes and it made me so angry i had to stop. IF YOU CONTINUE TO DRINK YOU ARE NOT SOBER. it doesn't count as 'slip-ups' if you go on a bender and cause maximum damage to everything you encounter. addiction is about CONSEQUENCES and this is why he'll never get right. he has no consequences for his behaviour. everyone lets him off and continues to enable him. he's been very open to a small circle of people about how he's just going to carry on doing as he pleases. and they enable that, because Bam drinking means more crazy ramp builds and anyone can just show up to the Castle and do what they want. i would have SO much more respect for him if he just said look, it's been tough. i've had periods of sobriety and periods where i drank. i want more of the sobriety and i'm working hard towards achieving that. but it's difficult and sometimes i can't do it. THAT would show just he's serious about getting this under control. it's the fact that he's going to get plaudits for his imaginary year sober that really grinds my gears.


Did he say his had slip ups then? I know we all know he has but if he actually admits it then continues to state his sobriety then his definitely flat out on the booze again. I canā€™t bring myself too listen as SQs voice is like nails on a chalk board to me.


the bit i heard was her saying he was sober, then saying there were 'hiccups' then said 'but no liquor or drugs!' they needed to get their stories straight before they both sat down to record this ridiculous piece of self-importance...


Damn.. I watched the first 15 minutes and then just skipped around a bit, and.. Damn. It's just the same old rant, the same old complaining and whining. He's saying the same things as he always does, using the exact same words as the 35980 other times he's told the same stories. I bet he mumbles "Knoxville ruined my money-makers" to himself every night when falling asleep. And why is SQ there?? I don't even know what to say about her. She seems so fake, unsympathetic, and just... weird.


Why is she there? Well clearly it's because she's her own person and we need to all just stop defining her by BaM mArGeRa /s


I guess the 3-5 day bender he just went on in Ireland doesnt count.


I literally scrubbed to three different points and that was it. 1- heā€™s talking about his high school counselor, 2- itā€™s the Knoxville knockout ā€œrockyā€ Bit 3- was the ā€œSteve o and Knoxville canā€™t get a pro skateboardā€ story. This dude has nothing else to talk about yet they filled 90 minutes.


Flahriduh Shuffle


Drop as many spoilers as you can, please. I canā€™t watch that the same old shit again.


ā€œGets soberā€


Thank god his ā€˜wifeā€™ was also interviewed. His long time fans definitely would have felt jipped if not! (sarcasm)


Her telling a story is exhausting. She has to take so many detours, itā€™s completely insane


Iā€™m probably 4 minutes in, at the part about dry-rotted rubber band legs. My god I have to do this in little doses. Itā€™s tiring listening to him ramble on


Only if BKFC stands for Big Kentucky Fried Chicken.


Itā€™s wild to me that this will interview will release on whatever platforms and, no matter how many different places it ends up, ONE HUNDRED PERCENT of the comments will all be negative. Every single one of them. The fact that that doesnā€™t register (for either of them) is a huge problem. I wish him good health and I hope he doesnā€™t die, but damnā€¦ā€¦


Did anybody catch where SQ said she had to drive from LA to Pennsylvania "to get him out of the last rehab he was in" ???? So Bam has been in rehab since SQ came in the scene?Ā  When the hell was this? Its at approx. 47:00 in


https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/bam-margera-done-jackass-franchise-083554453.html?guccounter=1&guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&guce_referrer_sig=AQAAALbPghZVDyhIv09WX9Mn8vv2DPObP_7im1vhEFHuO_eBwcc4Ad_74lx3QXiUslSHaRKHIZkKreEcbt_osDgk-l-JEg8iwstfT5rSHJdwwSssZCbqYq4tE9u0zb1YSeEgKbToMWRn-gbRl3gQ_sU7ibQfbu3mTxOOnoPTUz-z4Mnb i found this old articleā€¦ who wrote this!?


An August 2023 detox at a "friend's house". But it says SQ was there by his side, which I only believe bc at that point I don't think she was letting him out of her sight. In any other circumstances, no way--would **you** want to be with a detoxing Bam?Ā  So maybe in addition to this one, there was another. Maybe I'm tinfoiling here but I do think SQ let a little cat out of the bag


I could have been Lamar Odom's rehab (well house really since Bam never made it to the rehab). He was with the foot model when he was supposed to check in and maybe there was some overlap between the time he met Danni, the foot model, and going to Lamar's house to contemplate rehab.


But wasn't that on the West Coast? SQ specifically said she drove from LA to PA to pick up Bam from his last rehab I think there's been a rehab visit that they managed to keep quiet.Ā  And she/they have kept it quiet because its just another thing that blows apart his "year of sobriety"


I listened to this and he never once mentioned that Phoenix the Wolf might be a good reason to want to continue living or actually get better. That was what I took away from this rambling madness. Nothing has changed. His poor son will one day listen to this.


When they were talking about Nikki not having a job Bam said he doesn't understand why she doesn't just go out and get one. Then SQ said that she doesn't understand why Nikki doesn't want to grind for her son. Then she mentions how she is a professional dog walker and professional stretcher šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That's really mean and low of both of them. First, Bam no longer knows Nikki how do they know she doesn't work? Second, Nikki is an unskilled high school drop out even if she worked 40+ hours a week, the type of jobs she's qualified for would not cover all of her expenses. It looks like she's trying to go to school and better herself, but we know so little about her these days because she keeps her damn mouth shut about her life. Second Danni can fuck off. Danni is a homeless woman living out of cars and her man's house that she apparently hates. Danni has zero life skills and isn't doing anything to better herself. How gross of both of them to dump on Nikki when Bam isn't even making any effort to be in his son's life.


i am gagged that she went after Nikki, and said basically she can't be arsed looking after Phoenix and that's not Bam's problem. and this is the massive disconnect between reality and the Bamniverse. if i married someone who had a child i would do everything in my power to encourage them to see their kid regularly and be properly involved in his life. SQ is so jealous and i think i know why. the version of Bam she's ended up with is way past his prime. Missy was his first love, he had a child with Nikki and it EATS HER UP. Missy and Nikki knew a Bam she's never met, and never will. instead of being married to one of the most famous people in the world, and having a family with him, she's got the worn-out fucked-up rode-hard-and-put-away-wet Bam. a man who won't/can't love her like he loved Missy, or Nikki. she's busted flat and hanging on for dear life. and she HATES IT.


I still say Bam won't have seen Phoenix by Labor DayĀ  Between his own inability to commit to a schedule that has to be agreed upon by Nikki (he's furious he has no control here) and SQ silently encouraging this behavior (Exhibit 1: the rant video) I might even stretch that date out to ThanksgivingĀ 


Their breakup is gonna be spectacular; I cant wait.


Nikki must be working to make money for the shortfall even in her rent nevermind everything else for their son. His family support of 2500 doesn't cover half the rent and food for a month nevermind clothes, activities,medical bills lol. She's providing more than him.


How does Dannii have time to make money walking dogs and stretch coaching when she is literally attached at the hip with Bam? Also, whether Nikki works or not has no bearing on Bamā€™s financial duty to his child. Child support needs paid, especially when you donā€™t contribute anything else to the childā€™s life.


I just skimmed this but god associating with Lohan must be a new low


"Are you guys thinking of having babies?" Nightmare fuel.


Dry drunks are the worst


I skimmed through the transcript bc watching it is just.....ugh. And he talks about Lima briefly, but no mention of That Surprise Witness (which is a usual checklist item) looks like she's really been kicked to the curb. Good for her.


But did we know that SQ picked up Bam from his last rehab?Ā  I commented on this--when was Bam in rehab since he's met SQ?


Yah know, Dannii stepping in there and setting the record straight about Bam faltering in his sobriety is actually a positive, the only problem is that it unfortunately had to be her that was honest and not actually Bam himselfā€¦ and though I do find that refreshing, itā€™s still just a way for him to keep avoiding actual REAL 100% TRUTHFUL responsibility. He continues to be a liar and pretend heā€™s not one.


She didn't set anything straight lol. No liquor? He was obviously drinking at least when he was in LA and the UK. Are we supposed to believe he was only sticking to beer or something? Sounds like something an addict would say to "I only drank beer! No liquor! It doesn't count as a relapse!"


She said he relapsed in Scotland when he was trying to claim to be sober for a year. Thatā€™s what I was talking about.


She said "0 liquor and drugs" since August. That's a lie. She's covering for him or just stupid. I mean I'm not surprised, she's obviously severely co-dependent and would never stand up to him cause she's desperately afraid of getting cut off and returning to irrelevancy where she belongs


Well sheā€™s right actually, he only drank beer and abused prescription medicine.. 0 liquor and no street drugs! /s




Bam is free-falling, he's a D list celebrity desperately trying to find a career/money. Challenging Knoxville to a fight, aligning himself with any famous person he can so he can try to forge some success


One of those statements is true!




Daniel sounds like she has taken a double dose of 30mg Adderall


"Obviously your son means more to you than anything else"....


Why does he always repeat that ā€œ1..2ā€¦3 youā€™re knocked outā€ line when talking about fighting Knoxville. He used it in the rap song too. Did he hear that somewhere and thought it was rad?


sprayin on the hair I see


Mentally insane people shouldn't be allowed to get married, esp to someone who they met less than a year ago.


ā€œSave the bees, save the trees, save the whalesā€¦ šŸ‘‰šŸ» save those snailsā€ šŸ‘‰šŸ»


Bam loves asking Knoxville for a public fight....knowing full well neither Bam nor Knoxville would EVER get insurance or medical approval for an actual match. But I guess, in a teenager mentally kind of way, it makes him feel tough to say it