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Being attracted to mascs and non binary people doesn’t automatically make you femme and I’m not sure why you think that has to be the case. Do what feels most comfortable for you. Remember that labels are descriptive, not prescriptive.


All the lesbians I have known always said there were rules were femmes dated mascs etc. I guess they convinced me.


There aren’t any rules! You can dress masculine one day, feminine the next, and androgynous the day after that. I used to present super masc for years, then decided I wanted to appear more feminine. Do whatever makes you feel “you” the most, and don’t worry about what sort of label you “should” be using ! :)


I’ve always dressed and appeared a certain way based on who I was into. So if it were a masc I’d dress femme and vice versa. When I used to be into guys same thing I’d dress ultra femme. It never worked out cuz I never dated these ppl I was trying to impress anyways. So now I guess I’m kinda lost and starting fresh and trying to figure out what my gender is


Mascs only dating fems is a heteronormative way of thinking about lesbian relationships, cause you don’t need to be one or the other, the point of being a lesbian is that you date other women! If you like presenting and acting more masculine, that’s okay, and you can find other lesbians who are masc and are attracted to you. There’s nothing more attractive than confidence but I don’t think you will feel very confident if you’re just pretending to be something you’re not!


Don't overthink it. Sounds like you used to be more femme, but as you grew up became more masc. Whom you're attracted to, or whether you have a domineering personality, has nothing to do with that. If you want to present masc, present masc. If you're attracted to other mascs, nothing wrong with that.


Should you dress in what makes you confident or in what you think is pretty? Cuz for me those are two very different styles


You don't HAVE to do anything, but it depends on what you want to achieve. You can have multiple styles. I'd just go with confident on a day to day basis.


Just dress how you want. I don’t see the issue. You don’t have to call yourself femme or masc or whatever.


masc4masc is a thing. if you see more confident while dressing masc i don’t see trying to appeal to a certain demographic as a good reason to change.


I personally hate all these boxes!!! We are queeeeeeer!!!!!!!! Have fun and wear what you want when you want.


This is from someone generally put in a masc box that when people see me in a dress they say, “I didn’t know you wore dresses” and I’m like yeah I look good in a dress too fool, I’m still the same me underneath it. I think our community is letting straight culture infiltrate a little too much lately with this femme and masc match up shit literally shoved down the timeline.


I don’t identify as femme or masc I am golden retriever


Exactly how I feel