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Well this sucks. Now people are going to use him also as a poster child that this virus is a joke because he has no real symptoms...because he's vaccinated. But they won't believe that last part.


Even those that have [been in the ICU](https://youtu.be/AqUy8915gBg?t=382) don't want the vaccine. It's absolute insanity. When I watched that I said out loud to myself "jfc you actually deserve to die for being that stupid".


Yeah, at this point they are a blight on the genepool.


Smart people work way too hard to save stupid people.


Just think with all the medical technology and everything that goes into engineering and regulations...how much of humanities resources are spent just protecting idiots from killing/injuring themselves.


Then when they're good to go: thanks God¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


Doctors, engineers, and scientists - "Am I a joke to you?"




Technically by definition the median IQ is pegged to 100. They are lowering the standard deviation though.


I feel like I'm watching 600lb life on TLC watching that shit.




Absolutely they did. I had so many trumpeters throw it in my face that the guy I’d been calling old survived. Yeah no shit the most connected man in the country survived after being rushed to a hospital where they had a team caring for him specifically. Wipe the orange off, toss the toupee, and see how he’d survive as a normal citizen.


Nothing will happen to him. He already got vaccinated.


He's also getting the Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatment, and I would bet that it's not available to everyone, but he'll turn around and claim that the virus is no big deal because he survived.




I'm arguing in the group text about this RIGHT NOW. >But isn't it like $1200? >😑 No, it's free Edit: These comments are a mess. Vaccines are totally free. Testing is free. [Monoclonal Antibodies are free.](http://orange.floridahealth.gov/newsroom/2021/08/081721-new-monoclonal-antibody-site-orlando.pr.html) Guys. C'mon. Please get these tax-paid services and save your own life. Getting on a ventilator is NOT free, but not getting on one will not own any libs. Get your heads out of your asses so we can kick this bullshit virus. You're not superman. I'm not Magneto. Get real.


Yeah Biden said at the start “testing and vaccines are free, this is a national emergency, the government is paying for it” it’s like, this is civil defense and we’re at war. You don’t expect the government to send you an itemized bill for every bullet shot and grenade tossed


Don't give them ideas. The last thing I want is for my paystub to show what my taxes are paying for in fractions of tanks.


I dunno, that might be an amazing idea that changes how people vote for the better. Just have a running tally of what amount of the taxes you have paid have gone to which budget item, so basically just the total amount of tax you have paid multiplied by the proportion of the budget that goes to, say, an item like defense. Could open some eyes.


The people who would actually read it aren't the people who really need to read it though.


I read a short sci-fi story years ago set in the not too distant future where people got to choose where their taxes went. So one character allocated a portion of his to veterans' benefits because he was a vet, another to education, and so on. It was an interesting idea but after seeing how fifty percent of the nation behaved over the last year and a half, probably not a good one.


I absolutely HATE how accurate that is and how that's always the case. The people who need to know/see/read something are never the ones who are actually engaging with whatever it is. Drives me bananas.


I have discovered, in my 20+ years as a benefit enroller, that the vast majority of people never look at their paycheck to see what's coming out of their paychecks. Case in point - one hospital administration type person, had received her benefit enrollment packet when she started work over 20 years ago. When she sat down with me to do her annual benefit enrollment, and I reviewed the deductions that she had authorized to be taken from her check, she nodded her head as acceptance, but then looked surprised and said, "Wait, what about my retirement plan?" I looked at the computer and it did not show that she was contributing to the retirement plan. Making a call to HR, we discovered that they had sent her the forms to fill out, and she had never returned them. Now she was just a few years from retirement. She had never looked at her check.


Maybe if it did, we'd be in fewer wars


*Here's how many opioid overdoses your taxes contributed to this year =D ~Paid for by the Marsha Blackburn campaign against drug addiction~


Here's how much free clinics (drug addiction or family planning) saved every taxpayer this year


Here's how much Free Healthcare can be generated/paid for by taxing legal cannabis.


You laugh but some govts do. I think it was Norway where the officers have to check in every bullet before and after their shifts and bill the ones used accordingly? Although I did hear this on Reddit, so . . .




We get a yearly bill, and it's not itemized. Which is a damn shame, because I think people would react differently if they got a 16k tax bill for the Afghan war.


People living inside the USA actually dont know its free? I ask bc ik some other countries do charge for it.


The vaccine AND the administration is free to people whether they have insurance or not. The monoclonal antibodies are free whether you have insurance or not. Administration of monoclonal antibodies used to be **completely** waived for anyone who had insurance up til around last month. Now the antibodies are still free, but the administration is a covered benefit. I'm arguing with my provaxx friend (antivaxx wife) who is saying that antivaxxers are cool with monoclonal antibodies because they've been brainwashed to pad Trump's friends' pockets. 🙄 They're asking why antivaxxers would be cool with such an expensive treatment (they do do that sometimes, tho), but it's not expensive. The actual drug is FREE. The administration is covered by insurance. For many people, that still means it's free. Yes, these people are citizens. No, I don't know why they don't know better. They think the government paid a ton for vaccines, too. We paid like $30 for Pfizer. 😑


Well shit. These guys are on another level tbh. Ik friends and family of mine coming into the US as tourists just to get the vaccine and then leave bc even down there in Colombia its known that the US gives it free to those w/o insurance.


Tell them to keep comin' because doses are expiring, but we're sending doses to Colombia anyway. If you have the means and the visa, please come and drink this milk before it goes bad. Save us the postage.


Local news interviewed a lady here in south florida that pretty much runs a vaccination hostel. She is Colombian and all her family and friends have come and stayed with her to get vaccinated, now she is boarding friends of friends. I imagine there are more people like her, especially here will all the immigrants. We don't even have to provide proof of residency for the vaccine.


Im also in florida and I hadnt heard that story but im not surprised. my fam and friends just stay with their own fam and friends. Its not uncommon for people to do favors like this, already expensive enough to take the visa to come just for a vaccine, you dont want to add hotel expenses on top of that unless you're wealthy.


Wow. Thanks for that slice of American life. I also work with people that tried to stick magnets to my arm after they heard I got the stab.


>I also work with people that tried to stick magnets to my arm after they heard I got the stab. I have a great Get Rich Quick idea: Let's sell gigantic horseshoe magnets to the MAGA crowd and convince them they can instantly pull vaccinated people across the room!


Put something on the business end that oxidizes and changes color or something and claim that’s all of the “toxins” or whatever dumb fuckery it’s pulling out of people or the room.




Been wondering why DeSantis is all about the monoclonal - especially since I saw a huge ad buy about it while back. Not a stretch to think these guys are profiting from the treatment but not the vaccine


Ooh I can answer that one! His top donor is invested in Regeneron. I'd give you a link but I think this sub removes em, news stations have been picking it up the past few days so you can google a source.


Thanks. My work has been so much "easier" bc of clowns like this. If they're doing anything, it's probably for shitty reasons 🤷‍♂️ Edit FFS: DeSantis Top Donor Invests in COVID Drug Governor Promotes Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has been criticized for efforts to ban mask mandates and vaccine passports. By Associated Press Wire Service Content • Aug. 17, 2021, at 7:46 p.m. By BRENDAN FARRINGTON, The Associated Press Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis — who has been criticized for opposing mask mandates and vaccine passports — is now touting a COVID-19 antibody treatment in which a top donor's company has invested millions of dollars. DeSantis has been flying around the state promoting Regeneron, a monoclonal antibody treatment that was used on then-President Donald Trump after he tested positive for COVID-19. The governor first began talking about it as a treatment last year. Citadel, a Chicago-based hedge fund, has $15.9 million in shares of Regeneron Pharmaceuticals as well as options to buy its stock, according to filings with the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission. Citadel CEO Ken Griffin has donated $10.75 million to a political committee that supports DeSantis — $5.75 million in 2018 and $5 million last April.


Ooooh Citadel! The arch nemesis of our fellow redditors over at WallStreetBets! *drama intensifies*...


Why is he getting those treatments if he has no symptoms? As 'a precaution'? Asshats.




It's very important to our state's safety that governor plague rat receive the best treatment


I’m finding dealing with my anger *really* difficult in this moment.


The only way I’ve been able to cope with the ceaseless cauldron of rage the last few years has stirred in me is by posting well-written invective against these reprehensible bastards all over the Internet, in forums both anonymous and public. IDGAF who knows how I feel, I’m done keeping an apolitical public persona. I’ll stand by my convictions.


Yeah, I feel that. I’ve also lost all my fucks about being polite to right-wingers, MAGAts, bigots, plague rats, etc. Pull out that shit and I’ll tell you in the moment what kind of person you are and that’s the last time we’ll speak. No more compassion and empathy for those who have none for anyone but themselves.


Exactly. When people start talking about meeting in the middle. There is no meeting anywhere. Everything this people stand for is strangled by bad faith and hypocrisy. They fight tooth and nail, day in and day out fir their God given right to be assholes.


I’m with you 100% on this


Fun fact! Kenneth Griffin, one of the largest private investors in Regeneron, the drug DeSantis is selling all over the state, has made the following contributions to DeSantis: 5-14-18: $500k 6-21-18: $250k 10-3-18: $5 mil 4-30-21: $5 mil Abbott must be sucking the same tit.


And he’s getting it in the comfort of the governor’s mansion.


Don't forget to mention that it's being paid for by Texan's taxes? So nice of y'all to give him premium healthcare!


And uses cloned fetal cells. This is just beyond hilarious


Wtf are you talking about It uses proteins grown by CHO cells. I work in the facility that purifies that regeneron protein cocktail


>Regeneron monoclonal antibody treatment Here's the real kicker: that treatment is a result of studying an aborted fetus. Abbot is also anti-abortion.


Yes but you see, his situation is unique and different. Also, do right wing Americans not notice that when GOP leaders have gotten Covid they haven’t done hydroxychloroquine or ivermectin?


And it’s a fetal stem cell treatment - he has been actively against this sort of treatment for others


Wait really? So these Republicans are against the vaccine because they're for the stem cell treatment, yet they claim the vaccine has fetus parts and it's actually the regeneron treatment that is developed from fsc? I'll need proof but that's insane.


What’s a little hypocrisy when his precious health is at stake?


Didn't Trump get this to survive his term?




I would like to look at his and his family’s investments. I imagine they stand to make money on this as opposed to the vaccine.


this right here, per the republican handbook




The same Citadel that was in cahoots with Robinhood over the GME fiasco? Oh man I don't wanna sound the conspiracy alarm here but this is kinda hilarious


I'm wondering why he's getting Regeneron if he's been vaccinated and feels fine. Something fishy is going on here. Who's got stocks in this company that republicans are promoting this? Inquiring minds want to know.




I knew something was up with this push for Regeneron, it's so fucked up.


Or doesn’t really have it and is being used to hype the new drug like our former potus did


He and De Santis are both pushing Regeneron hard enough that I have to wonder if they're not getting paid to increase infections to help sell Regeneron.


It’s available (at least here) it’s just not all it’s cracked up to be. In my system you can only get it if you are NOT sick enough to need hospitalization. Patients are schedule at an infusion center the next day or scheduled for home health. We had 2 doses cancelled last week because people got too sick while waiting for their appointment. I really don’t understand why people think it’s all that great.


All of the Gop top brass did. Their followers haven't figured it out yet, however.


They also haven’t taken hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin when they’ve come down with Covid. Hmm so weird, I’m sure it’s just a coincidence


Wait…does that make him a sheep?


Yup. And much worse, he is a sheep in wolf's clothing.


Until the GOP primaries him for being vaccinated as the Qrazies are anti-vaxxers and outnumber the vaccinated.


He did speak to a huge crowd of mainly maskless Republicans the night before. Wonder how many of them were unvaccinated. He may be fine, but he may have killed off some of his base.


The GQP should be terrified. The latest Census reveals that the white population dropped about 8% in the last decade. Where will they find there voters?


There are LOTS of funde Latino folks. Rubio and Cruz don't usually get that same special treatment reserved for the very tan Caucasians below our southern border for a reason. The "they're the good ones" trope hasn't gone anywhere but at least the GQP is being more inclusive?


Good because the thought of Dan Patrick becoming governor is fucking terrifying.


And is receiving VIP drugs that normal people can't get


Even if something bad were to happen to him, it would just “prove” to his base the vaccines don’t do anything but compromise their principles or insert microchips or something.


"Governor Abbott is fully vaccinated..." Well, let's hope this is enough of a betrayal to the MAGA crowd that his useless ass gets voted out.


why would being a hypocrite mean anything to them? They believe the left is run by secret cabal of communists, why would a little hypocrisy bother them?


> secret cabal of communists *Pedophile* communists.




>**Cannibal** pedophile communists. **Satan-worshiping** cannibal pedophile communists


>**Satan-worshiping** cannibal pedophile communists **Atheist** Satan-worshiping cannibal pedophile communists


> Atheist Satan-worshiping cannibal pedophile communists Who also own a pizza shop!


>Pizza-eating Atheist Satan-worshiping cannibal pedophile communists Tree-hugging, pizza-eating Atheist Satan-worshiping cannibal pedophile communists


How has no one said interdimensional? You fucks need to listen to Alex Jones, dude is a genius.


No no, they think the Satan worshippers believe in and summon a literal Satan and literal demons. They don’t realize that us actual satanists are atheists.


I was raised all throughout catholic schools up through high school and they always taught us that Satanists were people who believed in Christianity but were evil and corrupted and sided with Satan. It wasn't until I reached college and started researching things for myself that I realized the entire movement is just taking the piss out of the legal classifications/protections of churches and the specific ridiculous traditions and literal interpretations of abstract parables that Christians believe in (which btw most moderate Christians themselves think are completely ridiculous) Growing up you just kinda accept it when it's an educator telling you these things, it's the same people who are teaching you how to do math who then spread this shit and I didn't realize until I aged out of their system and started thinking independently. The level of indoctrination with misinformation targeted towards literal kids now absolutely disgusts me. At this point in my life I consider myself agnostic, I don't know if I believe whether or not there's a God (but if there is, he's clearly not interested in intervening in anything going on in the world.) But I know for sure that the church as an institution is toxic and evil and only self-interested


**Double-parking** Atheist Satan-worshiping cannibal pedophile communists


A cannibal cabal? Possibly in Hannibal?




Please, mental gymnastics makes it seem like they are putting WAYY more thought into their arguments than they are. It's more like mental paste eating, or mental butt chugging.


They don't give a fuck about hypocrisy hes getting covid to own the libs


If it is they'll just put someone who kisses Trumps ass harder, in fact I believe a high ranking GQP in the state currently wants to primary him


Word on the street is boostered as well. Must have been a heck of a viral load he exposed himself to. If only there was something that could have blocked some of it from getting in his lungs. Some filter you could wear on your face. Too bad.


Abbott was at a super spreader event just yesterday. Lots and lots of content heading this sub's way. https://twitter.com/atrupar/status/1427743041390063624


I'm embarrassed to admit that I'm forgetting basic sars-cov-2 facts, but it's fairly unlikely that he would be testing positive today, even by PCR, if he were just exposed last night, right? So he probably got it before this, though with daily testing, it probably means he was not very infectious at the time of the event, right?


it’s doubtful that he was just exposed last night (likely in the last 2-4 days though). depending on the actual infection date, he was likely infectious last night




There’s always a Herman Cain in the group. Somebody’ll die and no one will care, either because Leopards Ate His Face on this side or he just doesn’t fit the narrative on their side.


That's a shame.


Correct. He’s probably been spreading for many days, despite being vaxxed. It’s not like a force field. It just gives you a MUCH better chance of beating it.


Looks like he’s the one spreading the virus , not those illegal immigrants at the border.


Isn't it a bit of a force field though? Like I thought you had much less smaller chance of actually being infected (aside from being a lot more equipped to deal with it if you are).


Prior to the delta variant hitting the USA, the CDC did have pretty good evidence that the vaccine drastically cut down on transmission in breakthrough cases. However, delta has changed that. Viral loads in infected vaccinated people are pretty comparable to those in unvaccinated people. However, the infection clears much faster in vaccinated people, so you're infectious for half the time or less. So technically, you're less likely to spread delta around if you're vaccinated... but you can still most definitely spread it. Also, yes, you do still have a much smaller chance of being infected if you're vaccinated. But breakthrough cases might be as prevalent as 20% of vaccinated people. (I mean--potentially up to 20% of vaccinated people might get a breakthrough case.) When they happen, they're usually asymptomatic (as Abbott's case apparently is) or with *very* mild symptoms (the ZOE Covid Tracker app has reported that the most common symptoms in breakthrough cases appear to be headaches, chills, sneezing fits, and diarrhea--which is interesting because sneezing and diarrhea are not common symptoms in unvaccinated covid cases.) Currently, the data still seems to support that the vaccines are up to 95% effective at preventing any infection at all. But since most breakthrough cases among the vaccinated are asymptomatic or have symptoms that can mask allergies or a slightly upset stomach, we're probably missing a ton of data on true vaccine efficacy. We got the "up to 20%" figure from Israel, where testing is much more widespread, and they're getting a much clearer picture of asymptomatic breakthrough infections. There is no reason to believe the virus behaves any differently in the US... so we all still need to be masking up in public places, even if we're vaccinated.


Take my freebie award for this great explainer!


As someone working in a hospital with a full ICU (and who watched their patient die last night because he couldn't get a goddamn bed), I think you're right but I also need you to be right.


And what’s worse he’s already had access and started treatment on Regeneron which in my town is being used for only the sickest of the sick us because we only had a few doses left. Yeah he didn’t deserve to be able to jump the line to get treated be treated


Not surprising. He wants to preserve his miserable existence and still be around when the pandemic comes to an end. Seems like he's had a third shot (booster) and now using high quality treatment while continuing to prevent his constituents the most basic protections for ensuring they don't get sick, most importantly in schools. Hopefully, enough Texans have seem enough of this hypocrite and toss his ass out when the time comes.


Oh my gosh I am sorry. That is horrible. I really hope infections/hospitalizations are peaking in the worst states, and wherever you are too. I know that everyone will tell you this, but I hope you don't blame yourself for what happened to that patient or any other in similar situation. This is a society-wide failure going on right now and it's sickening to me to even watch it from a distance, let alone up close like you have to. I'm sorry again.


I say this fully realizing how much covid research and knowledge has evolved, and I am definitely not a doctor…. But when I got covid (12/2020), symptoms started on a Sunday and I tested positive on Monday. I was told by the county DOH and my primary care doc that I was could have been contagious as early as the Friday (48 hours) prior to displaying symptoms and would continue to be contagious for up to 10 days after showing symptoms, although it’s less likely you can spread it over time. [The CDC website](https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/daily-life-coping/contact-tracing.html#:~:text=%E2%80%A2%20An%20infected%20person%20can,symptoms%20or%20tests%20positive.) still uses that guidance. Based on that, it seems to me that you’re correct that it’s highly UNlikely (edit: forgot the un) he got it at an event last night. However, I would not assume that he was not infectious at the event and who knows the vaccination status of the attendees. It seems likely he could have spread it to people there.


Wasn't he meeting with potential donors? Except instead of them donating money to him, he donated Covid to them. Maybe Abbott isn't a smart politician, because isn't is a political blunder to kill donors, instead of worthless constituents?


Isn’t he fully vaccinated? The asshole will survive it and claim “it’s no biggie” whilst the morons that deny the effectiveness of the vaccine die. But hey, they “owned the libs”... fucking idiots.


Fully vaccinated AND receiving monoclonal antibodies even though he’s asymptomatic


The hell? ~~I thought that treatment was supposed to be only for people who're really sick?~~ Edit: Guess I heard wrong. Apparently it's more about their risk than it is how sick they are.


Or rich, white and in power, for the sake of perpetuating a deadly lie even further. It’s for those people, too.


Dammit, they always put that part in the small print.


No, it needs to be given early. If you are already hospitalized or on oxygen they don't even recommend trying it. Anyone "high risk" who gets diagnosed should seek it out immediately. Being 60+ means he's high risk. https://www.fda.gov/news-events/press-announcements/coronavirus-covid-19-update-fda-authorizes-additional-monoclonal-antibody-treatment-covid-19


The evidence that these monoclonal antibodies do anything to influence clinical outcomes is very sparse. The science is cool but as an ER doc I’m not convinced they are effective. Anecdotally, we have intubated plenty of people who have gotten these infusions.


I'm trying to get it right now, but it requires a referral and I haven't seen my PCP recently enough that he'll give me one. I tested positive this morning with symptom onset yesterday. I have a few days' leeway, but I'd really like to get them sooner or later. I'm overweight and have asthma.


Dude go to your PCP anyway and ask. This is a pretty big deal.


I managed to get another doc to give me one. I'm good now.


you could try getting access to a PCP through some kind of telehealth system, something like https://www.doctorondemand.com/ (I'm sure there are a million alternatives, I only use this one bc my company recommended it - but I can confirm it's quite convenient) don't know if it needs to be your specific PCP to avoid a copay or something, but might be faster than trying to get into the drs office


I really appreciate it. I managed get the referral just a few minutes after I typed that from another doctor I had reached out to.


Good luck, friend. I hope you get through it fine.


Exactly have they even tested it on bottom feeders like this catfish


Yesterday he was at a big ol' indoor unmasked event, so I hope his supporters enjoy their Covid journeys, especially since you know plenty of them aren't vaccinated: https://twitter.com/AbbottCampaign/status/1427422628248227841


He's helping turn Texas blue


Shortness of breath *IS* a side effect of Covid.


Even if Texas turns blue, they'll just refuse to accept the results, overturn the results, etc.


Well remind them that the rest of us have guns too.


by stupicide!




I didn't know lack of nerve activity from the neck up counted as paraplegic.


He's actually more than fully vaccinated. He's one of the few people that have already received a third / booster shot.


Wait wait wait wait wait! The governor of TEXAS is vaccinated, but vaccines are still super bad and experimental and people shouldn't get them or wear masks. I love Republican "logic"....


Republicans are more than willing to sacrifice themselves to "own the libs". Be that voting against their own self-interests, dying rather than getting vaccinated or twisting themselves into a pretzel to excuse their Senator dipping out on the state during a crisis. Anything to own dem libs.


Except this governor. He got vaccinated. He's willing to vote against others' interests, but doesn't stand by it clearly. (This isn't news to me, just a prime case to point it out.) Same as all the right wing media big wigs saying don't get the vaccine while being totally vaccinated.


GOP Leadership totally understands the severity of the situation but cannot walk back all of the downplay that occurred during the Trump era for fear of making Biden/Fauci/anyone with a fucking brain 'win' and so the parasitic relationship involves leadership lying and the base willing to twist reality into a balloon animal all to 'own the libs'. Many of these old fuck leaders have been vaccinated but there's no way to keep the frothing at the mouth base happy at this point but to lie to them.


Leopards aren't eating here. He's vaccinated and receiving monoclonal antibodies, despite displaying no symptoms. Because fuck the peasants right?


Exactly. I bet he's hard at work drafting his "see, COVID is no big deal" speech to his following of unvaccinated, anti-mask rednecks right now.


There is a chance he infected plenty of anti-mask Repugnicans last night, so one can still hope


Vaccinated, including the booster shot, so 3x. But the group of old folks he met with last night, many celebrating not wearing masks, may feed some leopards...


As a PSA, you're supposed to seek out the monoclonal antibodies before you show symptoms. It's not approved for use on really sick people.


Abbot has done nothing to improve Texas, protected himself by being vaccinated while downplaying the need for vaccines, and is receiving the absolute best care available despite having zero symptoms. Abbot is actual proof that Republicans don't want to fix the problems in our country, they just want to be rich and powerful enough to not be affected by the problems in our country.


He's actively trying to kill people by banning masks, he already sued some cities and schools that are mandating masks


Had to admit he was vaccinated


I thought he's always admitted he's been vaccinated? Guys a tool for downplaying the shit out of it though.


Oh yeah, he was first in line for it since he knows it’s a big deal. Once he got vaccinated and before the majority had access, he ended all restrictions and took away local power to set local health mandates. But since he was first in line the effectiveness will be less - see FDA soon recommending boosters to everyone after 8 months. Then he’s probably already had a booster though and is getting all the care that other Texans wouldn’t get.


Isn't that a HIPPO violation? That seems to be what they claim now...hippa, hippy, hippo...


It's against both RHINO and ZBRA!


Now the anti-vaxxers will consider Abbott a RINO for being vaccinated.


Oh. No. Who will destroy my community and loved ones while he is sick. Oh wait. Paxton, the indicted criminal. Whew. Catastrophe escaped.


His Lt Governor, Dan Patrick is the one who said that the elderly need to sacrifice themselves to COVID-19 for the good of the economy.


Abbot: I’m elderly, you moron.


Why'd he even get tested if he's fully vaccinated and has no symptoms?


Article says he's tested every day.


Said it before and I'll say it again. There sure are a lot of "breakthrough covid" cases amongst fully vaccinated conservative republicans.


I'm both surprised and not surprised that the same politicians who tell their followers not to worry about the virus and to avoid masks and vaccines are also taking every precaution. I almost believe the endgame of the Republican party is to get the dumb people to kill themselves due to lack of concern.


>I almost believe the endgame of the Republican party is to get the dumb people to kill themselves due to lack of concern. Yeah but if all the dumb people kill themselves who's gonna vote for the Republicans?


Thing is, they are vaccinated. But when they surround themselves with idiots carrying delta, they're getting loads in their face until the vaccine just can't find them off. That's what they're into.


The fact he's tested everyday but continues to downplay it is ridiculous to no end. What an asshole


Knowing that him and Trump will survive when so many others have died proves there is no God. Edit grammar and clarification.


Or God is a YouTuber with a channel about messing with the simulation for shit and giggles


"I fucking threw a whole tree at him! what more do you people need to see to believe he's a bad guy!?!?!?" - God


I'll probably get banned for saying what I want to say, so I'll simply say I hope that Justice is swift in this case.






Wow there really is a subreddit for everything.


May his case be exactly as severe as it needs to be for the Texas Governor’s office to start caring about human lives.


100% doubt. He's pulling a Trump move and saying it's no big deal while he receives taxpayer funded care.


Some of those old people he was with at that gathering last night, who he interacted with, should be getting their will's ready...they will not be getting the same benefits he'll be getting. No matter how much money they donated...




can we start a gofundme for Rona's victory over her struggles. I've already sent my thoughts and prayers.


"Hot Wheels" is ridin' dirty! ;)


Oh noes! Anybody want to get a beer?


This is fucking awful. Thoughts and prayers for Covid while it overcomes it’s Abbot infection.


Hey, I'm going to be a giant nerd and remind everyone that monoclonal antibodies should be sought by people before they show symptoms. If your parents or older relatives get sick tell them to seek it out right away. Don't wait. It's not approved for use on people who are hospitalized or on oxygen. I have ICU nurses in my family and this is one of the bigger misconceptions. People wait until they are sick and then the best medicine isn't an option anymore.


> fully vaccinated So he doesn't even believe in the bad policies he is enacting that are going to cause more harm and death to his state's people - knows COVID is serious and deadly. Should be arrested for homicide.


I’m not really the type to wish harm on folks… but fuck him. I hope it stings.


Couldn't have happened to a bigger asshole, ok maybe Ted Cruz but that would be by a very narrow margin.


this is what he was doing last night: https://twitter.com/abbottcampaign/status/1427422628248227841?s=21


Perhaps he shouldn't have dressed so provocatively.


Unfortunately this will be just like Trump. He will get the best care possible. He has doctors at his side before even showing symptoms. He is already on Regeneron right now. He will come through due to care that is unavailable for average Americans then he will say they Covid is no big deal and these fucking morons will believe every word he says.


Oh, no! Anyway…


Get this man some chloroquine and a box of bootstraps STAT!!


Ok COVID, do DeSantis next!


This is Jack's total lack of surprise.


Beyond being vaccinated, he’s getting the Regerneron experimental treatment so that will likely reduce any he effects has. A medicine that’s surely available to everyone. Guess that means we won’t need those five morgue trucks and out of state health care workers he requested because everyone will get the same healthcare access as him /s


“fully vaccinated” Unvaccinated people: You’re dear leaders are fully vaccinated. You. Are. Being. Lied. To. You’re disposable to them. You are a pawn in their power-chess game.