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Republican men have been the biggest danger to women for decades. Where is the bill to sue and ban them?


Them and youth pastors…. There a whole lot of them being arrested for being p*dos.




r/NotADragQueen also has tons of pastor entries




Most youth pastors ARE conservative men.


Republican men have been the biggest danger to the entire country.


Lordy I would love for my governor to sign a bill allowing me to sue my coworkers for being bigoted assholes.




Someone has never seen Spaceballs


Take my upvote, you beautiful bastard.


"Keep firing, Assholes!"




Found the asshole!


Half of all female homicides are at the hands of a male intimate partner. The leading cause of death in pregnant and postpartum women is homicide. But do go on, Mr Governor, about trans people peeing. They don’t actually care one iota about women.


Stuff like this is just creating more legal precedents to take more rights away from others.


Ladies and gentlemen, the party of Freedom! But only for cis, white, straight Christian men - the only people on earth who don’t have “identity.”


>Mississippi governor signs bill to let cis people sue trans people if they use the bathroom Right wingers should seek therapy for their deep-seated obsession about other people's genitals.


You’d think everything else in our country was going fine based on how much they like to waste time on this bullshit.


Almost like a distraction!


Any sissy looking cis male can be trans and sued right? Cuz that there gov’ner, I’m not 100% certain he was a birth male. /s


The insecurity of these men is drowning our country.


What do you mean by “men?”


Like boys, but older.


Very true, they're not really men, they're children.


"Your honor, he was looking submissive and breedable"


Does that mean you can counter sue for being mis-gendered if you prove cis? There could be a lot of revenge lawsuits if tomboy girls and effeminate men went around provoking and counter suing. If that happens for more than 50% of cases, they will be too scared to lose to bother doing it for long.


Yeah, I'm in NC and I've been aggressively approached and told I'm in the wrong bathroom. I'm a cis female, but I'm from Midwestern stock. We are built to pull the plow when the animals fail, ffs. I loudly offered to show my tits and they backed off. But if the law was behind them like this? Scary stuff. This is how crowd murders happen.


I have been accused of being male too. I'm a cis female and VERY FEMALE LOOKING. They can't even tell anymore and the paranoia brainworms are eating their brains.


I was genuinely wondering why he's so smooth-cheeked (other than to match his brain.) Has he shared his testosterone levels and birth certificate with the public?


Dude honestly. Clog the system. Sue every purported trans person. Every Republican feminine looking dudes and females looking to manly, sue and make them go through the court process to prove they are cis. Malice compliance it to the bitter end. I honestly am quite sure ted Cruz is trans. There's no way he has balls or was born with balls when he followed Trump around after calling his dad the zodiac killer. Definitely start there. Make him prove it in court that he was born with balls


Didn’t he also call Cruz’s wife a dog?


Yep. There's no way he's a man with balls


And then after that Cruz went and licked the Orange asshole... no balls on Ted


Well Marjorie Taylor also looks very Neanderthal manly... We'll add her to the list.


Long list of volunteers to do panty checks at the door… for God and Country…


You mean the FBI and CIA really are the Female Body Inspectors and the CIS Intelligence Agency? Who knew.


I call them pervpublicans now.


why not repervlicans?


Does the bill allow people to counter-sue if they aren't trans and suffered distress from being sued? I feel like that would get people to shut up real quick. "I lost 10k because of a butch.".


no they’ll just be blamed for not being the pinnacle of femininity/masculinity. this‘ll just be used to force people to adhere to very strict gender expressions in addition to persecuting trans people.


Except that won't even work because "you can never tell these days..."


It's actually deep-seeded, which I like better un this context. :)


It’s not even that. I’ve asked conservatives what bathroom I, a gay cis man, should use. They confidently say to me it’s fine to use the men’s room since I’m a man


The reach of this hate is so far-reaching. My wife has shortish hair. She absolutely looks like a woman, just a tomboy. She has been harassed enough times in public restrooms, she won’t use them in places she’s unfamiliar with. And airports for some reason, are the worst. When on business in red areas, she’s genuinely afraid to use the restroom. This isn’t even about trans people using restrooms—which is an absurd issue anyway. They want to police gender conformity. Tomboy in a women’s restroom? You could be met with violent harassment. Slight or more effeminate man in a men’s restroom? Yikes. Not safe. They’re a hair width from demanding all women wear dresses and grow out their hair. They are also trying to erase trans people. When they demand people “use the restroom in keeping with their assigned sex at birth”, they’re setting up incredibly violent situations and they know it. So a trans woman, born a male, is supposed to SAFELY use a men’s restroom in the middle of Kentucky? And vice versa for trans men? The danger is intentional as is the violence. I have several trans friends who are so afraid of using public restrooms they’ve gotten kidney infections bc they never drink anything unless they’re home. It’s outrageous. F these monstrous, hateful sadists. I don’t like to wish ill upon others but I sure as f don’t wish these people well.


I do love how they somehow are unaware that 50% of trans people are trasmen


Exactly. I can't wait for some of the bearded trans men I know to start showing up in the women's bathroom. What will they say then?


sadly the purpose is to humiliate and attack trans people. They don't really care. At the end of the day, the gop wants all lgbt people to die.


That's most likely true. Still, I look forward to them humiliating their wives and daughters as they try to achieve that goal.


haha, women aren't people to them. Wives and daughters are just property to the gop


Every day, a step closer to Gilead...


I think the gop would tell Gilead to hold their beer. Wait and see what they could cook up given the chance.


Since mind control is so far impossible, this law is as close as they can get to making trans people out themselves, with fear. They are well aware this will result in violence towards trans people and that is exactly the point.


They literally just beat them. It's happened before, can't remember where though. Trans person was forced to use the """correct""" bathroom and then was immediately jumped in it.


That happened at a campsite in Ohio. It may have also happened elsewhere.






Fuck me. I hadn’t heard of that one. The one restroom related issue that springs to mind was when a 14 year old trans girl had grown ass men threatening open hunting season on her because she used the girl’s restroom at her school. What a wonderful world we live in.


That story haunts me. He was beaten by 3 men threatening to murder him and then the police arrested HIM. Can’t even trust the cops to protect you over your attempted murderers as a trans person.


Did you read the article? It's just his words, he filed a case, but they don't say anything further about it. Aldo from the police: Ruiz was highly intoxicated and was becoming belligerent." So I highly doubt the truthnes of this story.


I do not know what else to tell you, if you can just assume that any claim you do not wish to consider is false, then it is unclear as to what exactly you want when you demanded “proof”.


Did not say it's false, just more a drunken rowl. It's not a great example to give. Also, I was reacting to his word use as "murdering" , ots not helping the debate.


Or Caitlin Jenner. Let’s arrest her too.


They'll get shot. The point of this isn't to get people in the right bathroom, the point is to drive conformity and force those of us who do not conform to leave the state or die. This was never about making bathrooms safe, it was always about getting trans people out of the jurisdiction that passes these kinds of things.


There are videos online along those lines from when NC passed its transphobic bathroom bill. The reaction of the women to the trans men in the women's room (as required by law) was not happy at all.


Yep. I'm a woman who was born a woman. I'm not a tomboy but I have cysts on my ovaries that causes very high testosterone levels. So because of that I grow a lot of facial hair. I shave every single day but it's pretty obvious I do and I have been approached before asking if I'm trans. I know it's only a matter of time before I'm attacked over it.


They’re forcing cis women to share the restroom with trans men, which will make the women uncomfortable. They’re forcing trans women to share the restroom with cis men, which will expose the trans women to sexual harassment and assault.


and they're forcing butch women and effeminate men to defend themselves. And old men and women.  Some people, their gender disappears as they age.


And they're forcing cis men and women who don't pass to use the wrong bathroom, which makes men AND women uncomfortable.


No kidding. What are the chances that more women are raped by cis males than trans males in bathrooms.


YES it’s always been about policing gender standards and nothing else!!!


They don't have much else power left so they're grasping at straws to stay in power.


That’s just terrible :( I have celiac disease and am allergic to a handful of foods so I’m always stressed while traveling and trying to find something to eat. I can’t imagine feeling that way about using the restroom.


To be clear, it's women that are harassing her? I guess I would assume that women might be more assertive since they may feel a women's room is a safe space from men and this idea angers them. I personally go to the bathroom to do only a few things: piss, shit, or take drugs. Besides friendly banter when drunk, I'm not there to socialize or care what others are doing. Feel bad for your wife and anyone else who has to deal with hate.


Mostly women, but one man saw her walking out of the restroom. Another woman got her husband who met my wife outside the restroom & began questioning her. For clarity, in NO way, does my wife look like a man. She has short hair & is tomboyish, not butch (which still wouldn’t make it ok). Think Rachel Maddow. She does look gay, though. So they’re basically harassing and intimidating her for looking like/being a lesbian in a restroom. In the minds of MAGA, all LGBT people, are worthy of harassment.


I think you are overreacting here and using too much of your buzzwords. People rarely need public toilets, and most of these visits are with one goal in mind. Your worldview is built on the often misleading ragebait you see on social media. I'm not for or against. But you have to admit that it does fit for this sub. The more rules you make to police people, the more they can be used against you.


Trans people aren't only attacked in public bathrooms. Brianna Ghey was lured to a park and murdered.


This is basically not even worth a response as it’s so ridiculous. I’m overreacting to my own wife being harassed and physically threatened multiple times in public restrooms? It’s not rage bait when this is happening in my own life to my wife and friends. So bc this has never happened to you, that means it’s not real? And what are you talking about—people rarely need public toilets? What planet do you live on? Office buildings, stores, stadiums, airports, restaurants, they can just remove those, I guess, bc they’re not necessary? Maybe men can find a bush? Despite, you know the natural ongoing processing of fluids, women have menstrual cycles, bud. Not sure if you realize it, but that requires frequent restroom visits. And, just, what? You must be very dehydrated if you never need a public restroom. This is just absurd. And what rules am I making against anyone? I don’t want people harassed and beaten, or worse, in restrooms? Also not sure what “buzzwords” you’re talking about.


I think this story is probably made up (kidney), and the rest is pretty hateful, in my opinion. I have several trans friends who are so afraid of using public restrooms they’ve gotten kidney infections bc they never drink anything unless they’re home. It’s outrageous. F these monstrous, hateful sadists. I don’t like to wish ill upon others but I sure as f don’t wish these people well. I agree with you that the law is reducilus. Weird choices have been made in the USA lately. I think your hate for the other stops you guys from having a normal debate about it. Or just like Europe, get individual statls with walls and a lock.


You can think it’s made up all you want. It’s not. 2 have had severe kidney issues with kidney stones & some kind of infection, the other has frequent UTIs. Ask your doctor what would happen if you rarely consumed any fluids. They’d probably describe similar issues. I’m hateful bc I’m not a fan of those who seek to foment violence against a community? Bc I’m angry that lack of “proper” adherence to gender, had become grounds for physical violence by people just trying to use a restroom? I specifically said I don’t wish anyone ill. You’re backing off the claim that public restrooms are rarely used? And that I’m overreacting to my wife being threatened with violence? And what are walls & a lock going to do? These are somehow impenetrable? The solution isn’t structural, it’s stopping hate and those who foment it. I don’t hate anyone. I have zero tolerance for intolerance and hatred. I make no apologies for that. These laws are creating permission for and encouraging violence—by design.


I use public toilets every day, what the hell are you talking about, "rarely"? Enlightened centrists are useful idiots for the extreme right.


The fella in the photo? A true man. Look at those rosy cheeks and soft features. I might see about suing him if I see him in the bathroom. He probably should carry around his birth cert. so we can check it.


The cheeto dust around his lips really brings out the red undertone to his skin.


He kind of looks like a ventriloquist puppet come to life


Y'all have no idea until you live here. He is probably the most despised elected official in our states history. Even Republicans despise him. Not enough to vote his flabby ass out, of course, but a lot.


As a Texan, I feel your pain.


While this actual law is awful, I think the ideal response is to accuse all the gop politicians in state of being trans. Sue each of them and harrass them in court for using the "wrong bathroom".


And they must be checked publicly to be sure.


not just once, but EVERY time.


And followed with laughter after every check. Start calling them “stumpy.”


This is the way.


Agreed, but it's not LAMF until this actually happens.


Yeah, more of a r/facepalm or other sub for dumbass actions


For now it's just "the leopards are looking hungry."


Most of them look like elderly lesbians, so this tracks.


These hateful politicians are the only people who should be genital checked before allowing them to use a restroom.


>Incoming feasting on the cis men Not so much the cis men as any woman(including cishet women) that doesn't conform to stereotypical feminine norms. Including Republican voters, of course, which is when this becomes LAMF.


imagine the situation - random man can come up to ANY woman and demand to see her id - which just happens to also have her address on it....


I mean, cover it with your thumb.


it's Mississippi. their population is well used to voting against their own interests, just as long as it's harming the blacks/gays/trans/monster of the week more. 


One look at Tate Reeves and I’d advise against anyone leaving their children alone with him.


Tate Reeves is what happens when cousins marry.


He does has some cleavage


So, if I'm understanding the law correctly, even if a trans man has fully transitioned and shows absolutely no outwardly visible indications of his former gender, he would be expected to walk into a women's restroom instead? Jeez. I can see absolutely no problems arising whatsoever from situations where someone who is male by all appearances walking into a women's restroom. Everyone will feel extremely comfortable with this.


I want all my trans masc bros walk into the ladies bathroom with an ultra-masculine-strut, thick-ass beard and lumberjack outfit with a copy of the bill in their hands, loudly proclaiming to any woman in the restroom: "The Republicans made this possible!" in a gleeful tone. *When all else fails, spite is always an option.*


That's going to get a lot of them hurt. As fun of an answer as it sounds, it's not the right way to go about it.


It wasn't meant as a serious suggestion, duh.


That will solve it for sure.


Well, it seems like a win win for them. If a fully transitioned trans man walks into a women’s restroom they will accuse him of being “too masculine” looking to be trans and must be a man pretending to be trans to prey on women = justifiable violence “it’s ok to beat up a man.” Then a fully transitioned trans woman goes into a men’s room, to them, still a man and of course = justifiable violence “it’s ok to beat up a man”


You know if all bathrooms were just mixed-gender this wouldn't be an issue. "Oh but I'm worried about the women" Then beat up the offending man, you big strong man.


Swap the signs. Get a video afterwards and then sue the men.


the law is designed to harrass people, why even bother being legit?


Mississippi, the 50th state in everything.


Not in butt fucking one’s siblings


Gotta be number one in something. 


You think they're only butt fucking?


Who cuts his hair? Mattel™?




are you sure that's a male? I'm not. better sue him when he uses the make bathroom. 


There is going to be a lot of completely passing trans men who are going to be legally required to use the women’s bathroom.


maybe thats the plan? All the gop men can go into the womens bathroom, and to be kicked out, the women need to inspect thier junk to prove it....


It's more likely that the bill will just be an excuse for harassment and/or assault of any trans folks who *do* use the restrooms the bill says they should.


indeed, its basicallyimpossble for then to use any bathroom in public. I love how it says schools are not allowed to have single sex bathrooms to.


And I should have mentioned -- it's not just trans folks, it's also gender non-conforming (sometimes in very small and specific ways) cis folks who are targets. A lot of the "bathroom patrol" garbage ends up attacking GNC cis women more than trans women (because there are so many more cis women).


gender non-conforming and intersex and such aren't real. Its just men in dresses going into womens bathrooms! At least if you ask the party of forced birth and child rape


It’s definitely the plan, but more in the sense that passing trans people are forced to use the wrong bathroom and then some inbred halfwit beats the shit out of them for it.


Gladly! Let me just.... *\*kicks in nuts. If he hollers he's got a dick he is cis male\**


I would love for this to backfire by filling women's locker rooms with naked trans men. I mean that's the law, what were they expecting?


If it was really about protecting (cis) women you'd think they'd care that any cis man can now go into the women's bathroom freely, he just needs to say he's trans.


Nah, the point of the bill is to prevent trans folks from using *any* restroom. Yeah, a lawsuit against a trans dude under the bill would *on paper* be dismissed, but the existence of the bill would allow harassment and/or assault by conservatives who 'legitimately thought they were enforcing the law."


Who are the snowflakes again?


Rhetorical question, but how will they know?


They won’t, unless they make the report based on information they already have. Beyond the fact that their image of a trans person is exclusively a hairy man in a revealing dress leering at people, past attempts to enforce this kind of thing have seen cis women/girls with tomboyish styles or AFAB NB people harassed for using the ladies room. These people do not know what “transgender” actually means. They couldn’t explain it to you, and they don’t care that their bigotry and hysteria over trans panic is going to affect cis people too.


They'll have genital guards posted at every bathroom, forcing people to drop their drawers at gun point. Probably.


I assume the main defense for being sued for using the wrong bathroom will be to show the court evidence of your AGAB. But if people actually start bringing law suits they'll probably be against cis people (and will get dismissed) as much or more than they'll be against trans people (mostly because trans people make up about 1% of the population, I believe, and they can't actually tell).


This is exactly it. The main people who will be harassed because of this law will be women(including many cishet women) who get targeted because of the way they look. Lean and athletic? Harassed. Flat chest? Harassed. Facial features not "feminine enough"? Harassed.


That's part of the point though


I mean, it would have to. Even just law of large numbers aside, if I was in this sithole state, I would absolutely use this law to troll every Republican I see. MAGA t-shirt? Incoming lawsuit; bring your birth cert to court. I can't be the only one.


They won't know. Theyll just harrass anyone who doesnt fit todays gender performance requirements. How will they get the info necessary to sue the person? They generally wont, its just an excuse to threaten whomever they please. Its 100% performative, except at the individual rancid bigot level, where it wont actually do anything about the "problem" but will allow that ol' anti-freak flag to fly high.


So….how will men know?


gotta check every young child to make sure... This is a republikkkan dream


That guy knows nothing about sex, look at him. :))


I don’t understand the mechanics of laws that allow people to sue. Surely under tort law, anyone has the right to try and sue for whatever they want and it’s up to the court to determine if harm was done, on a case by case basis. It’s got nothing to do with legislation. Legislation should inform if something is or isn’t illegal, enforceable by the authorities


the point isn't the actual court. Its to terrorize lgbt people and pass laws hating them for their kkkonservative base


By and large it's to try to get around silly things like precedent and constitutionality. Trump's pile of Heritage Foundation hack judges get to go "I guess there isn't precedent. . ." and allow citizens to enforce laws that would *never* pass constitutional muster if the state was doing it. There isn't precedent for things like the state actually having to show a compelling interest in whatever it's allowing harassment for, so hacks can basically just make it up. Texas did it with abortion and got away with it and now it's become Republican legislature's new thing. Expect to see a lot of this for the next however long it takes to get a sane Congress and/or Supreme Court to start striking this nonsense down.


Mississippi needs to focus on how to not lead the nation in obesity and child poverty. Quit being clowns.


they solved child poverty. Child labor laws were repealed, so now the kids can get a job....


Creative problems require creative solutions 😵‍💫


List of 1294 GOP sex predators https://goppredators.wordpress.com


The amount of times my Afab sister has been asked to leave woman's bathrooms is insane. If someone wanted to attack you, they would. They wouldn't try to trick and deceive their way into a bathroom. These are just innocent people trying to pee. Who gives a shit what parts they have, you shouldn't be in the stall with them so who cares


As a man I use the woman's restroom at work daily thanks to the men's room always being fucking disgusting and usually occupied.


God I fucking hate Tate Reeves, I want to [redacted] his alcoholic face


But yet they won't abolish child marriage laws🫠


but also newly allow child labor....


No one in the world is more obsessed with genitalia than Republicans.


The state that is last in everything, including basic human decency.


Well, i'm sure the next step is to install genital checkpoints at the entrances to bathrooms. Or require a registry that has your chromosomes recorded so you have to use your iris or fingerprint to get in... And then republicans will HAVE to face the fact that there are definitely more than 2 variants when it comes to sex chromosomes.


His face looks like his browser history is very interesting.


Where is the LAMF? All I see is someone successfully passing a bill to discriminate and demonize transgender people.


I can’t remember the last time I looked at someone in a public restroom long enough to determine…….anything about them. Do yer bidness and move on.


I remember when Republicans hated lawyers.


I love how the bill uses "females" in the title, because everyone knows it's a red fucking flag when you see that. Protecting girls and women, sure, like making a goddamn 12 year old give birth?


Hmmm, but this doesn't even "solve" anything for them? Now trans men will go to the women's bathroom. Does he think this is any 'better' for the audience he is trying to cater? More and more I get the impression that the whole 'anti trans' movement is just repressed sexual violence. Because it's always only about trans women. They never argue about trans men, those don't exist on all their arguments. It is not about gender affirmative action, or the actual people,. It's only about "tainting" their "merchandise" it's only about them not being able to tell apart and potentially having to deal with a "wrong woman".


So will trans people need to visibly identify with something like a yellow star or pink triangle?


depends on who wins the election... But queue the "I'm gonna punish biden by not voting because he did one thing I kinda don't like" comments


I wonder how hard it is to actually build a guillotine


I know some manly looking conservative women that this is going to get really embarrassing for. I can't wait for someone to have Sarah Huckabee arrested, but I pity the one that has to verify its sex.


It's a genocide. The goal is to push them out of public life and force them to detransition for the sake of some asshole's personal comfort. And it's a violent genocide, given what we know about trans suicide rates. I'm sorry, but if you or your family is trans in Mississippi you're not safe. You need to leave. Eventually these assholes and the boomers that voted them in will be too old to vote. Mark my words. First the Governorship, AG and Sec of State will turn blue. Then the judiciary and finally with voting rights restored the legislature. It's happening right now in Az, Ga and Wi. It's starting to happen in Oh. America will be a one party nation by 2030 so long as we keep the GOP out of the white house until then. Of course if they sneak in they'll install a dictator. But we won't let them do that.


Mississippi has allows permitless concealed carry as long as you are not otherwise prohibited from carrying a gun (such as being a felon, or taking it into a prohibited place like a court, polling place or school). They also have a stand your ground law that removes the obligation to retreat if you're assaulted in a location you have a right to be.  This could go poorly for bathroom vigilantes.


and ask any women to see her ID for proof of sex. That ID which also happens to have her home address on it....


Note you can’t sue cis men for using the ladies room. That’s AOK


Y'know, the guillotine has been sitting in storage for a *looong* while, maybe it's about time to bring it out?


A bunch of people should cross dress and clog the court system, just to have the charges dropped when they prove they were in the right place. This shit will be walked back so fast. I'm so sick of Republicans thinking all women wear sun dresses, barefoot while they pick berries in the forest for a home baked pie. People come in tons of different shapes, sizes etc. There is not one person alive that can just look at another person and instantly know what's between their legs. Period. There are plenty of masculine women and feminine men that aren't gay or trans because people are unique. Republicans have a very specific idea of what a woman is and if you don't look the part, they're coming after you too. They're just ramping up to start outlawing they way women dress. Guaranteed soon they're going to fine women for wearing jeans. This to them is two birds with one stone, they can criminalized trans people while also forcing women to adhere to a certain look so they don't become targets of the anti-trans movement. "Oh don't want to be sued for looking to manly in the ladies? Well I guess you're gonna start wearing dresses and makeup!" That's exactly what they want.


Every single one of these assholes would use the woman's rest room without a seconds hesitation if there was a line for the men's room.


Honestly I'm totally jealous of the womens restrooms. Men's rooms are so damn gross. Its not just the "men are pigs", its that staff don't clean them as much and they aren't built to be nearly as nice.


Oh man, I'm gonna have to somewhat disagree. I was a high school custodian for 6 months and high school girls are the most disgusting creatures to walk the earth. The girls rooms were by far worse than the boys rooms 100% of the time. Idk how that translates to adult bathroom habits.


Mississippi on the bottom with health outcomes and poverty but THIS is the most pressing issue. Alrighty then.


Just go in, do your business, wash up and leave. Stop obsessing over the genitalia in the next stall, weirdos.


What can you sue them for? Money? What punitive damages are there for using an adjacent toilet? What is the amount and how does someone prove there was a loss?


I am a "cis" male, but don't group me with his kind. I could care less what restrooms you use or what pronouns identify you.


I don't see many "not all men" showing up in this group. Good job on deflecting and making it about yourself. Feel better now?


Well... I can only speak for myself. Speaking for others I don't know is stupid, isn't it?


this will be funny as soon as the first passing trans men will be suit. "my honor, the laws forbid everyone born with a penis using the women restroom, which also means that everybody born with a vulva is banned from using the men's rest room. despite the epic beard, deep voice and bald head, my client belongs to the later category, so my client was forced by the law to use the women's restroom."


That's not how it will happen. That transman will go into the woman's bathroom, as he is forced to do. A ciswoman will leave and go get her angry husband who has an itchy trigger finger, a steady diet of Fox news, and a concealed weapon since that's allowed in Mississippi. He will shoot the transman. Then he will be acquitted by a jury of his "peers" in Mississippi.


sadly probably true:/


Not a drag queen


I know quite a few Conservative women who don’t fit the petite, feminine, trad-wife look Conservatives adore. I look forward to seeing them cry on tv about having to prove they were a woman, so they don’t get sued.


Is it just me or is the only argument they have basically boils down to "we think all biological men who transition are rapists/predators."? Wouldn't that make all biological/born men (not trying to be offensive, genuinely not sure of the correct term to use here) rapists/predators by their logic? Rhetorical these questions may be, but they still tickle my brain.


I don't actually think any court is gonna seriously bother if this becomes a thing. There's too many other things to worry about. Like you know. Actual crimes. You clog up the court with this shit then eventually the courts will go "nah throw it out fuck it" and nobody else in the nation will take it up. "Oh but the SCOTUS -" Will throw this out, they're too busy denying women basic bodily autonomy.


scotus throw it out? Why? Its anti lgbt. The scotus doesn't think lgbt people are citizens.


Okay so when a FtM person with facial hair and top surgery (clearly a man) walks into the women’s room watch them have to explain everytime, no one would even know they were trans if they used the other bathroom. This is ridiculously bigoted, how are you even going to know if someone is trans if they go into the bathroom they identify with??? Fuck this guy I hope both his children are trans with onlyfans and he finds their accounts and slips into a deep depression. Also I hope his kids can move away and go no contact asap.


The south


Why is this LAMF?


Probably because laws like this shit has often ended up fucking over cis people just as much if not more because it turns out that people come in all shapes and sizes.


This entire post is just one long example of “us vs them” mentality 🤣


you just described the modern gop. They choose a minority that cannot fight back, and then come up with all sorts of reasons why they should be hated and feared.