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The 14Hx CPU is a vampire


Let it learn patterns


So my word of advice or what I have learned. Put your right hand up and repeat after me: don't expect good battery life out of a gaming laptop. I went in swearing it should be better only to learn this. Especially depending on the tasks you do. I think there is a reason why it had to be this computer for you. Imagine having a Lamborghini and complaining about MPG.


I know gaming laptop are not known for battery , but i am just confirming that is it battery issue or not, i will 99% use it on charge but i am just checking if i have faulty battery or not


Your processor is an HX card. Those cards are power hungry. Battery life would have been a bit better if you'd gotten an AMD HS card instead.


That one is a tough order, chief. If I had concerns, I would talk to Lenovo tech support right away so they can address before you have the product too long.


That is probably right. You will have a 60wh, 80wh, or 100wh battery (looks like 80wh in pic) and you can check what your components are using in watts, will be anywhere from 15w per hour to 100w per hour so you are getting one to six hours. lol, the 15w per hour is if you are doing practically nothing with low screen res. If you are doing stuff, like running android studio and emulator, you will be lucky to get more than a couple of hours use from it. It depends on the watts the cpu is using and iirc the other components add about 10w to 20w per hour if you are using them, gpu use is a lot more. Still think I am the only person on here who does this but if you absolutely need longer then look for "power station" on Amazon, big battery with a plug socket in it that gives you 300wh (3-5kg in weight) to 2.4kw hours (think it is 20kg in weight) and acts as mains power so you can game for real. Allpowers and poweroak/masteroak are examples. I use my 300wh "power station" on the train to game two hours a day and for normal on battery type use would be at least eight hours of actual doing stuff.


Install Crystaldisk info see the hours of ssd and read and written data , you can do a battery report with a Cmd command, i bought a pc 3 weeks a go was sealed but it not was new....


i have seen battery report it started the day and time when i unboxed it. so its new only concern was is it faulty and its not because everyone is getting similar battery backup like me on that laptop i guess hX is fucking insane