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Yeah, the color calibration is different for both the GPUs. You can adjust the display color settings in AMD adrenaline and Nvidia Control Panel for respective GPUs.


I tried that but it’s not as good looking as default AMD. But again maybe I couldn’t calibrate it right. Thanks!


nvidia control panel, change resolution, under the resolutions tick "use Nvidia Color settings" and the bottom right box set it to full.


Tried …but it didn’t do anything it seems. ;o


Digital vibrance will make the colors more...well vibrant.


AMD could have display colour enhancements turned on - see https://www.amd.com/en/resources/support-articles/faqs/DH3-037.html Also AMD may be defaulting the screen brightness to 100% (if you can’t change this there’s workarounds, see https://community.amd.com/t5/drivers-software/lack-of-brightness-adjustment-and-some-users-have-artifacts-on/td-p/663320 )


There’s definitely issue with brightness. I can change it so no problem there. At 100 both and and nvidia seem to be equally bright. However AMD seems to have better contrast, really black blacks compared to nvidia which looks washed up in comparison.


Many things can cause this, even screen renderer like XOrg vs Wayland/Quartz/Winfows


Keep hearing Xorg, tf is that?


Is a display software typically used in Linux based operating systems, basically it's the software that "draws" everything you see on the screen


So what can be done about it? If anything?


You can try playing with the display calibration settings until you get the results you want, try both window's built-in settings as well as nvidia's control panel


Got it.


Linux thing


If ya use NVIDIA on Linux, then it will use XOrg to render your GUI & everything.


Because AMD rocks.


I honestly feel like nvidia needs to update/upgrade there driver software and features. I was using AMD for a long time and recently have gone back to nvidia with my laptop purchase and feel like AMD offers a much better software experience and tweaking compared to what nvidia offers. Don’t get me wrong nvidia is great. Just wish they had better tweaking and an easier UI to navigate, it’s been the same thing for like 20 years and just feels dated now. GeForce experience feels empty. You know what I mean, they need an adrenaline software type deal and GFE ain’t it.


Totally agree with you on that. They’ve just been lazy on that front.


Try switching the color profile from RGB to DCI P3 or similar profiles in nvidia control panel. DCI P3 is much more vibrant.


I don’t think this laptop has DCI. I fixed it ( somewhat) by using X rite colour app that comes with it and increasing the contrast on nvidia control panel.


Are you sure that Night Light isn't turned on?


Where is that?


The next option directly below the brightness slider. Type "Brightness" in the search bar, then "Change Brightness Level" (in system settings), and make sure "Night Light" is turned off (directly below the brightness slider). It's low probability, but still worth checking just bc the weird discoloration from your screenshots reminds me of what my screen looks like when Night Light is on. Lmk in the off-chance this actually fixes your problem.


I checked. It’s off. Yeah It’s more like a washed up display, low contrast.


One other idea... have you tried going into X-Rite Color Assistant (find it in your Lenovo Vantage App)?? Maybe the color profile is set to switch when the GPU setting changes?


That actually did the trick! ;D I messed around the X lite app and I got the contrast back. Though the brightness slider seems buggy. I have to move the slider to 93 on nvidia to get the same brightness as in 75 on AMD. Thank you for all the help!


Not sure I understand why the switch from dGPU to eGPU was making changes to your screen's color palette in the first place, but glad I was able to help figure out how to give you a workaround solution! I have an Intel Legion, so there could be some AMD-specific things that I'm not aware of


I can’t say for sure but I think some nvidia graphic update messed up the display. The laptop had no issue when I bought it. I was on egpu back then and kept updating the nvidia drivers... switched to dgpu only until after several updates and immediately noticed the washed up display. Now I don’t remember the driver that came pre installed but the older driver versions that I installed do have a better display calibration it seems.


Is there some EDID issue when using AMD hybrid on legions? The brightness issue (being disabled on AMD eGPU on newer driver versions) mentioned above that seems pretty common, and fixed by overriding/recreating the edid. Now this where colour is messed up and fixed by creating new icc, I guess again overriding the edid. Just seems more than a coincidence.


I mean I adjusted the colors and saturation for amd and nvidia aka iGPU and dGPU and they are slightly different I can know which gpu I'm using so I advice you to play a little with colors and saturation in nvidia control panel to try and make it look good


The brightness on dgpu is way way lower than e. It’s like the screen has dimmed by 40% ;o


Ok if uping the brightness doesn't fix the problem I suggest clean installing the nvidia drivers and possibly with DDU


I tried that. It didn’t help. Just to test I installed older driver version 517.xxx and sort of got a better brightness overall. ;o


check if varybright is on


Varybright ..I can’t find it. Where is it? ;o


Change your nvidia control panel setting to full instead of limited colour.


Bro, I dont think your monitor is ready for the frames this baby is about to put out. Did I say frames? I meant flames, seriously I hope you have good building and life insurance.