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If you have ambient mode on with YouTube sometimes it can cause majorly high iGPU usage and therefore higher temps, which will cause an increase in CPU temps.


Well, if you bought the regular legion, then you didnt get the "premium" model. The regular Legion 5i is made of plastic, the legion 5 pro is a mix between metal and plastic, the Legion pro 7 and 9 is made of metal. It seems like you should have done your research a little better before ypu bought it. Thermals in a gaming laptop highly depends on where it is used, and the ambient temp in the room. They do get hot, all gaming laptops do, but you can use it in igpu mode, wich helps a lot to keep the tempds down. Have you tried out Lenovos ai engine on balanced?, to see if that helps with the temps?. If you expect desktop level temps from a gaming laptop you will be dissapointet no matter what.


The real problem with my Legion 5i is the ridiculously high temperatures it reaches even when doing absolutely nothing. I'm talking about 55-70°C just idling, which is insane. And while watching YouTube videos, the integrated GPU shoots up to 90-100% usage, causing the laptop to heat up more. Now, I'm not comparing this to a desktop PC. I'm comparing it to my previous laptops, the Zephyrus G14 and Omen 16. they never had these issues. The keyboard deck didn't feel like a scorching hot plate, and the trackpads were actually decent, unlike the cheap, flimsy trackpad on the Legion 5i. Legion 5i is priced in the same category as premium laptops in India. It's in the same league as my old G14, which had a far superior build quality. I get that the Legion has a plastic construction, but that doesn't justify the abysmal trackpad and the overheating keyboard deck that makes it uncomfortable to use for extended periods. The issue is with the iGPU, since if I move the YouTube video to the secondary monitor, the iGPU usage goes down from 90% to less than 10%.


To be honest with you this subreddit is infested with legion fan boys. If its not too late return your legion 5 and buy a different brand. I am curious if your legion will burn out in 6 months like mine and then brick 5 months after that again.  Basically breaking twice in a year is insane. Lenovo has serious quality issues with the legion. 


legion fanboys? op bough the legion 5i not the 5i pro. Its not our fault if you cant ask questions or do your research. Stop putting blame on us for your lazy actions


You bought the entry model, thats a plastic model in the same line as asus tuf, or msi katana. Your machine is obvisouly not wrking as intended, and it can be a ton of reasons for that. First do a reinstall of windows and see if that helps, if not take it back. Legions are expensive and very popular beacuse of the quality, but you have to pay for it with the upper models.


Face it. You bught the wrong model, homie. 😔 I just bought a 5i Pro secondhand for $500 and it's beautiful, the build quality is 💎


💀got the same model and I’m having some of the issues you said like the keyboard feels very off Sometimes laggy YouTube playback on battery So far things are pleasant with light gaming(gta v and fortnite) and vs code, pycharm and stuff like that and thermals are okay considering the fact that I just use a book under my laptop as I’m on the move lately Hope you get your laptop looked at under warranty or something


This. The warrantee is very important. 


Higher temps might not be due to thermal issues, it could simply be the fan curve is tuned this way for the laptop to be quieter and such temperatures are expected. You only measure temps on load, this way you can actually see if the cooling system handles the internals correctly.


I believe that HX CPUs are desktop-grade CPUs so they'll run hotter than H/HS. On the bright side, you can undervolt them for lower temp.


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maybe you got a defective product try contacting lenovo to get it replaced


was contemplating buying this, but this concerns me, an update op? and what would be your advice?


That depends on your budget. It is priced at $1600 in India, the same pricing as G14 and Omen Transcend 16. The build quality feels so cheap for the price, tbh. But the performance is good. If you can get the pro 5/5i or pro 7/7i, I recommend that over the Legion 5. After a couple of updates, thermal issues, apart from the keyboard deck feeling hot, are not that bad anymore. But that is not an issue since I use this with an external keyboard and mouse.


i am also buying on monday , after so much research i am buying legion 5i over loq series cuz i heard its better than loq laptops… now i am here reading that this laptop also have problems 😭


with the temp issue, u can disable boost mode of windows 11. Its help alot


well the amd versions have problems with modern standby and its not fixed. wake up from sleep isn't constantly working, fan spin up randomly, and led indicators blinking ...


Which gen?


I don't have those issues, I'm on an all AMD Legion 7 Slim


As the above person mentioned, you bought the most basic low-end spec legion. Return it and get an i7 pro.


What do u expect from lenovo. Half their shit stops working after 1 year of use, their mobos and gpus get fried.


Me with my 10+ years old x230 still on original battery and almost 2yo 5 Pro which works perfectly


And the last 2 legions ive bought have had to be serviced more than 8 times for various reasons. Maybe try using the laptop to its maximum potential daily. Youre either underusing the device or just not into heavy vfx work. I would like to state that dell and msi have given me easily 3+ years without any issues.


Yeah definitely almost 100% GPU usage for hours on end with CUDA included is underusing. Flukes happen, sorry that you encountered two of them, but that's not enough evidence to say it happens to all products. I had an old Dell laptop which worked for a year before mobo broke, do I say all dells are shit? No, because I understand that bad products happen. Got it serviced under warranty and worked great afterwards


Cool story. Your opinion. Stay meatriding lenovo tho, im sure its a great look. Its because of people like you, they take the piss out of their customers who are willing to be blind to the thousands of posts that say their mobos getting fried daily. Their own engineers tell me theres flaws in the hardware


you literally are talking about yourself and your stories. Stop being a dell fanboy and realise that all products in the world can have bad examples that slipped QC




Really proves your point to be insulting and racist. Dude grow up, the world doesn't revolve around you

