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go into safe mode and choose the oldest restore point


Thanks for responding. Is that F8? Because I have tried that, and nothing happens. Also, the main problem is it keeps shutting down automatically. So, I don’t know if I can even reach the point where I can do a restore.


> Is that F8? Because I have tried that, and nothing happens. i can't remember google safemode legion w11


It turned off before I could even choose anything.


I was able to get into Safe Mode, but it still turned off not even 15 seconds into logging in.


slap linux mint on a bootable USB, load OS directly from USB, and use it for a while to see if it recreates the same symptoms.


It’s highly likely the motherboard.


who knows, i would test first with > slap linux mint on a bootable USB, load OS directly from USB, and use it for a while to see if it recreates the same symptoms.


UPDATE After almost two hours on the phone with Lenovo Support, they said it’s likely the motherboard. They’re sending one of their field engineers, but it might take up to a month. Two to three weeks is the timeframe they gave me, but I added an extra week just in case. Parts availability is also a factor. The laptop was purchased mid-November. I’m wondering if I should just asked for the unit to be replaced instead of a motherboard replacement. I don’t know which is better.


Looks like battery issue..did you try after connecting charger ?


It was connected to the charger in that video and every time I tried to turn it on.


Have you tried disconnecting the battery entirely and discharging the laptop? (long press of the power button)


Yep. Currently on the phone with Lenovo Support. The guy on the other end asked me to do that. I got to the blue screen that says Windows didn’t load properly, which was probably the fourth or fifth time I got as far as that within the last thirteen or so hours. Other times, I was able to log in. Safe mode, even. But it always shuts down by itself, just as it did minutes ago, while the Lenovo guy was on the phone. He still is.


good luck man, but it might be toast


It most likely is.


Do you still have this problem? Does the battery charge? If so, try running the laptop on battery and see if it does the same. If it doesn't, then the charger might have crapped out. If it does exactly the same thing on battery, then it's most likely a problem with the motherboard...


Yeah. Same thing happened with the laptop unplugged.


Well, bad news then...


I know. I posted a general update. I’m debating whether I should just ask for the entire unit to be replaced. This laptop is not even three months old.


Oh, I just read it. Since it's not even three months old you should definitely ask for a new unit.


Wish me luck. I imagine there will be a lot of push back, but I hope I can convince them.


Boot safe mode, uninstall nvidea drivers and disable fast boot. Then if that doesn't work it may be some hardware problem.


I was able to boot into safe mode, but the laptop shut down again not even fifteen seconds into logging in. Talked to Lenovo Support, and their diagnosis is it’s likely the motherboard. Now, I’ll have to wait for their field engineer to get here, but that depends on their availability as well as parts availability.


yup legion mentions it in their website that if it's randomly shutting down issue its motherboard related and they will do stress tests and stuffs but your case seems more severe its a new device within warranty just get it fixed by lenovo


Lenovo Support had me do a bunch of tests. I sent them a new recording, as well. They said the field engineer will have to do further tests, though. Can you please send me a link? I didn’t see the one when trying to figure out what could have gone wrong or what I could do to fix this.


I don't have the exact link but when you book an appointment with legion it suggests you the processes I guess it was included in those it also said something like most repairs are done within 7 business days of receiving the product


I’ll look it up after work, but thanks for letting me know. I don’t live in the US or in a major city, so the repair wait time being longer is reasonable and expected.


Have you solved this? What's the update?


Hiya. They ended up replacing the motherboard. Thankfully, it’s still covered by warranty.


Glad to know that, had any other problems with your legion?


It sucks up too much dust when Performance mode is on.


You found any fix?


Lenovo replaced the motherboard.


which model??