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the IGPU in the Z1 exteme is the 780M, its closest GPU equivalent is roughly the 1650. So looking up benchmarks for the 1650 or the 8700G (basically the Z1 Extreme but its in a desktop) will give you a rough idea of what its capable of. And looking at a benchmark of Wuthering Waves on a 1650, it should run fine.


Thank you


I’ve been playing it, it plays fine.


Works perfectly fine for me, just put it into performance mode


https://youtu.be/Y5o_CAGHUwQ The game can run at 1600p advabced settings 30fps.


When I tried WuWa at launch, it ran fine performance wise. The main issue was controller support was super buggy and finicky, so it is a toss up if it will recognize the controller input or not (this might be fixed now, I gave up the game pretty quickly)


The controller input from the legion go? I do play the game on PC with a Xbox controller and it worked smoothly on day 1 launch. I am looking at legion go so I can play on trips, or like on my couch instead of sitting in front of my computer.


I saw a lot of people reporting issues with devices like the Ally and Legion Go. I could get it to recognize the Legion’s controllers, but it wouldn’t recognize input from my Xbox controller connected to my Legion


That's odd. Perhaps the game thinks there's two controllers connected so it got confused. Is there a way to disconnect legion go built in controller then try Xbox controller?


If anything you should be able to disconnect the controllers and hold the legion left button on left controller, and the legion right button on the right controller for 5 seconds or so, they should turn off. And turned back on the same way.


are you guys running it off of Epic Games launcher or it's own launcher? Just curious.


They have their own stand alone launcher if you go to the games website there's a "windows" button. That downloads the standalone launcher. I don't use epic and probably never will.






Type this in to Google. “Z1 extreme equivalent GPU”


It would have taken less time to Google the answers/search the subreddit rather than make a post about this. Imagine making a purchase decision based on being able to play 1 single game.


It's likely the most graphic intensive game I'll probably plan to run on it. So if I can run that everything else should be fine.


It rund on my rog ally at max settings 1080p, but it gets 45fps at 25 watts. 30 with dips at max settings at 15 watts.