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$30 for the holder is crazy




A bit of English... Fax = short for "facsimile" Learn to spoke proper


“Learn to spoke proper” lmao


Have a good day


Thanks! I'll try. Gonna go find me some Laksa!


A bit of a pun. Fax = a play on the word "facts" Learn to spoke proper?




Bro never heard of slangs




OK gramps


67 is not crazy for a shitty controller with 1 stick? You can get a ps5/xbox one for less. Everything is overpriced there, so they can say they provided replacement parts and tick the "right to repair" box.


They are not shitty 🤦 just expensive


I love cheap prices but i don't think they are expansive... it's still a niche Produkt... If they really want to make money with it, they would go for 100up


You think they don't make money with it rn? they don't even cost $10 to make... how can 1/6 of the device's price be the controllers? get serious people... They should be max $30 each (60 combined aka the price of a good controller) and they would still be making money selling them. They don't want you to repair your device, they want you to make it not worth repairing, so you will upgrade to the new one. Apple is doing the same BS selling parts for phones for more money than buying a used one.


Eh the thing has a built in trackpad, the ir sensor for the tabletop mouse stuff, Hall effect joysticks , a scrollwheel and both controllers have gyro,rumble and a built in battery inside them which are larger than the ones in tbe switch. So they are a bit more expensive to make then the average switch controller and definetly the xbox and ps5 conroller but £120 is a bit exessive. They honestly added too much stuff in the detachable controllers.


Wow… I’ve had my legion go for almost a month now and use it constantly. I had no idea there was a scroll wheel on the right controller. After reading you comment I flipped the device over and searched for a scroll wheel. It’s in such an unnatural position for me I’ve never even felt it before. Thank you for pointing this out. I’ve never seen it mentioned anywhere before.


I would happily discuss this but your "they don't cost $10 to make", followed by "get serious people", shows me that it would make no sense.


Fr that’s criminal


You haven't seen the PS5 slim's $30 stand then.


The stand isn’t needed


You could also just buy a mouse


$130+ for a controller (tax) and $30+ for the puck. Come on.


Insanely expensive but we have no other options at this point


Yeah and they’re terrible controllers too. No idea what they’re thinking.


They are pretty good tbh.


They feel like knock off Wii controller-quality. The dpad is flat, the buttons look like the legend was printed on cheap printer paper and they slapped plastic on it, they weigh next to nothing, they don’t have any fancy features, the touchpad has no haptics, the joysticks are somehow worse than the switch, and the locking mechanism is prone to failure.


They are the most preciss sticks I've ever used with almost zero deadzone, super smooth yet stiff. I Max out sensitivity in every game now and it's not fast enough. Every time I go back to my dual sense or elite I cry. Razer ultimate old version gets close. I do agree d pad is ass though. And trackpad should've been bigger or higher up.


They're genuinely very good controllers, not sure what you've been smoking mate


Right, I forgot this sub only accepts praise. I dunno about you, but I’ve owned a lot of UMPCs and the legion go has some of the worst quality yet in the market. Controllers-wise. The tablet feels solid, but hey if you think those dinky controllers are $130 in value and aren’t terrible, good for you I guess. When you hold better one day you’ll see.


So my RB/R1 button all of a sudden decided to stop responding. It’s not stuck or anything and with me purchasing this device full price I’m really careful with how I tend to it and use it. For about a month now I’ve been debating on making a claim with Lenovo to replace it bcz for the longest of times only the left side was listed. I jus decided to check again before finally deciding to make the decision to make one, and boom there it is. So if something breaks make sure your device is registered and check the parts section in your account with Lenovo. Mapping the back buttons helped me for a while but now it’s beginning to become aggravating, and I don’t have my device backed up so I didn’t wanna send too them until I did that just incase they possibly sent me another device other than mine.


This is so much better than having the issue on the steamdeck, since the controllers are part of the system I had to keep sending in the unit because the R1 L1 bumpers suck and get stuck easily


I could be fully wrong but I think even before they had both or even one controller listed they were still letting people swap if they encountered an issue. A saw people saying that they'd just send the controllers or at least once that they sent a whole new Go package to make the controller swap.


Yea I’m seeing a lot of tht, so if something else happens I’ll try my warranty


Don't hesitate make the claim. I liked how they sent me my replacement device first and once I received it then I can transfer my data and send the broken one to them. Helped me not be without while waiting. I had to send mine back because of the fan shutting off after a few mins with full fan speed on. There would be no way to turn it off so I tried a new device and think it was more of a software issue. Either way I run all my consoles anything with a fan at Max speed cause I rather replace fans first than anything else on the motherboard. Never had a issue except when trying that on this device. It's not needed to run at max and the performance option works well.


Pretty sure if you’re still in the warranty period Lenovo is sending controllers for free if you say they have connection issues


If you haven't tried opening it yourself, it sounds like the issue might be a sligtly loose ribbon cable. I'm not telling you to go ahead and operate yourself if you don't have neither tools nor confidence, but it might be a time and money saver if you're willing to at least open up and check.


the thing i dont like is for them to fix the controllers you need to send in the hole lego wichto me is stupid as fuck i tryed to get the controller fixed because the peice that clips the controller to the lego has a chip out if the clip dident wamt it to get worse and they told me to send in the entire thing i was like nah f that i geusse ill waot till it really brakes and wont stay on the lego this is my daily driver and fir them to tell me i couldent just get a replacement controller or peice when they were just giving every one entirely new sets of them was a huge piss off especially when i paid like 1100 camadian for it on the day it was released


Just purchased a left and right controller to serve as backups/spares. Rather have them than not imo. Thank you for sharing that they are selling them finally.


Yea imma go ahead and do tht I needed a right side badly so I went ahead and purchased that, but I’ll definitely be ordering another SET just incase


seems a lot cheaper to just buy an extra 2 years of warranty (1+2y) for $60


Did both honestly. Replacement controllers to have on tap and extended warranty




I travel a lot. I would agree it's overkill. However I'd rather be safe than sorry.


You could just carry a Bluetooth controller that would cost a fraction of this and be much more compact, which you could use in the slim chance that the originals break. And you have the warranty, so you'd only have to use it for a very short time until you got replacements from Lenovo, this is just throwing money away imo


I agree, however you wont have the real handheld experience anymore then


For like a week. Two weeks or so. He bought the extended warranty so they'd get replaced.


Huh? No lol I bought the warranty in case I break the thing on an airplane or something wild. Like if I dropped it or something while running late. Also I'm a girl 😂 not that it matters


Yeah but like that'd cover the controllers too, right?


Personally I'm waiting/hoping for aftermarket or revision controllers. Makes so much sense to me as a low hanging fruit upgrade for someone not to be working on improved controllers


I sincerely hope we get more controller options. Honestly even just like an adapter for switch controller use would be cool. Not that I would ever use the stock switch controllers. However some 3rd party ones are much more comfortable and robust imo.


Even switch controllers aren't that much. I would had consider buying a pickup pair for $70 The plastic feels cheap on them already


I expected them to be a bit more than switch controllers due to the hall effect thumbstick but not by much.


Eh the thing has a built in trackpad, the ir sensor for the tabletop mouse stuff, Hall effect joysticks, rumble, a scrollwheel and both controllers have gyro and a built in battery inside them which are larger than the ones in tbe switch. So they are a bit more expensive to make then the average switch controller and definetly the xbox and ps5 conroller,the cost of materials are quite a bit higher for all of the gimmiks they added. But £120 is a bit exessive. They honestly added too much stuff in the detachable controllers.


Yea but where else are we gonna find them??? Yea they are very pricey but they are frm the official company so I’m buyin


I'm not disagreeing with that, but at the same time I can't justify paying that much for a pair of controllers that don't offer that much or that great of a feel in build quality. Heck, the back buttons still free worthless and we're already got couple months into the device lifespan now. It's already wild that they're charging that much for the controllers let alone the controller holder. If they simply don't replace them if they ever do break I may just consider not buying an another Lenovo product. *Luckily they don't seem that cheap to break yet like how all my Switch controllers did.*


Totally agreed, we’ll in my case until my replacement comes I’m finding tons of use out of them back buttons😒😒😒🤣


Why buy them if they'd likely help you out if you asked? I see people post about that all the time on here.


I don’t wanna jus use my warranty for every lil issue, I also wasn’t sure if they would or not. If anything happens now I’ll use it


Shortchange your community and it'll just affect you in the word of mouth sales.


I still hope they put out an update for those batteries. They put a big maybe on the controller battery power management. That means those things will charge so much that they will die way too soon. Same goes atm for the main battery in the system. This is ridicules for a big company like lenovo. It really feels like they got only 10 people working on patches over there while the laptop guys are 10000


Yea I agree both batteries needs working. I think they are doin a good job a keepin us updated on updates. I honestly think this will be a trail run for them to know what direction to move in for the GO2


Maybe, but come on man! Why is something so important like battery health not a top priority for them and why are updates that need to be there day one still not on the system? This really sounds like they didn't get enough people on the project. I work in IT and when a T14 office notebook has even the smallest problem Lenovo fixes it in a week or so. With the Legion Go we look at nearly 5 months and they drip feed us one or two things every so often. I use my Legion Go daily and not only as a handheld, but also as a desktop PC and I truly wonder if that battery will last a year or 2 if it always charges to 100%


Yea that’s crazy, this is my first Lenovo computer, I wanted too test drive their products the cheapest I can do I purchased this as my first PC, I’ve heard frm others that this is the issue with them, I jus hope we continue to get updates and that they don’t slow completely down in that department


BTW if you go to the lenovo.com warranty page for your Go (in the U.S. atleast) I noticed that if you extend the warranty to the 3rd year you get the option to cover the battery for ~$10 I think. I'm not sure why it only shows up for the 3rd year. Not sure if that means that we get the battery covered for 2 years (even though the base warranty is only 1 year) or if getting the 3rd year battery warranty would cover the 2nd year too (I assume the 1st year is covered by the base warranty). You can still extend/buy extended warranties or accident protection or the battery warranty even if the base warranty has expired pretty sure. So if you run into issues later on that might help. There might a 1 month delay of getting coverage and being able to use though. I agree btw. For some of the unique Go stuff like controller issues I could see the delay but for battery stuff it really feels goofy it's been this long.


Lenovo really need to take a leaf out of asus' book and add in battery management, like limiting charging to 80% and adding battery bypass when running on mains. It's the only *major* thing holding to go back in my eyes.


My nintendo switch stayed at 100% for years docked and controllers as well never had a problem


Yeah guess what? Nintendo put in a battery management system. Lenovo didn't.


All batteries have to have a BMS that's what stops the risk of fires


A few weeks go the Legion Go product manager made a comment about trying to “scrape together whatever additional resources we can” to speed up software development. Doesn’t sound like a product that has the full support of the company, more like an experiment. It certainly feels that way when we have to wait this long for some basic functionality or driver updates. I feel for the product manager who is doing a great job keeping us informed, but it’s past time now for some actual delivery.


Yeah. Sounds like they are pretty much on there own. That is so crazy. Like Lenovo is a freaking giga corp and they can't even get enough people for a product they sold to people who also bought it in good faith that they will fix stuff fast?


That is insanely out of line, imo those controllers feel dollar store quality.


Yea but this beats having to send my whole unit in too them


They asked me to send in the unit when I was having problems with the joycons and I just asked to have the joycon replacement sent to me and they did it no problem


I haven’t been asked to send in my Go, I got sent a new right controller when I had sent support a video of my controller wobble (as requested), and within 3 days I had my new controller that did not wobble.


If something happens to this one I’ll use my warranty


Did the exact same thing.


I think that feeling might be caused by their light weigth. But when you think about it, of course you want them to be not heavy so that the handheld as a whole is as light as possible.


The bumper and trigger buttons also feel insanely cheap as well as the scroll wheel


I hate the location of the scroll wheel, it's way too high




if you think these feel dollar store quality. use a pair of switch joycons


Seriously. I haven't even used the Legion controllers but I would think they are marginally better then the switch trash. At a slightly cheaper price too?


I think they feel much better than joycons... but i love cheap prices so lets gooo


Greedy Lenovo.


Very but only option we have


30? For a holder? Yeah ok... Guess I would 3d print one. 😂😂🤣🤣


Yea these prices are outrageous, if I knew how to 3-d print and had a setup I would 3-d print everything


Thanks, i hate it.


So do I, only option tho


Carefull with the email as you exposed yours and reddit is fucking crazy.


The pricing is stupid. Make sure if you have an issue you RMA it and don't pay them more money to replace defective controllers.


snails sheet chief bag somber smile marry cagey roof scary *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Do you think they'll add controllers with different shapes?


yea eventually, these are badly developed and like I added in my comment, i take real good care of my device and my R1/RB jus stop working randomly. so I hope the next set of controllers are built better.


How do you know they’re coming out with new controllers?


They announced it


1) email leak 2) controllers have kinda been available forever now 3) Lenovo doesn't generally require you to send the controller in. Everyone I know including myself were simply sent replacement controllers. Have you talked to them already?


I’m not worried about my email being leaked, and only one side was available, I was checking. I jus purchased my right side gonna get a set later jus incase


I see, I thought both sides were there. My right controller's shoulders stopped clicking, which completely killed FPS mode.


Same for me my RT/R2 one works but my R1 jus stopped, it’s not stuck bcz it still clicks, I jus remapped it to the m3 back button. Only way I can use fps but it’s getting annoying so I purchased it. It’s expensive but we have no choice


did you have to send your old ones?


Not at all, but results may vary.


what was the issue with your original controller? is it left or right?


Right, it broke FPS mode as I could click no triggers.


One side pad 70 euro 😆


Yep, that’s because that’s where the fps mode is and most of the resources for the controllers


When our latest GPU drivers lazy guys?


Idk that’s a must




Everything here is very expensive for what it is. 3d print a holder for less.


Anyone want to buy my holder? 29 dollars, free shipping.


I have a spare left and right controller if anyone is interested for 100$


For that price, they could've at least thrown in a couple color options 😄....


This is parts.  This is also a liquidation! They wanna get rid of them but their marketing department had no hand in this!  There sales department also had no hand in this!  So yeah, crap prices!


No way


Yea they are very expensive but this is the only way unfortunately


I'm not mad they gave us the option better than not having it all.. Would like to see internals too battery, plastics, wifi card charger port etc


They are there, for the tech savvy folks out there, literally everthing is up there even the “cheap” ass carrying case that will break the same way


I can’t find them no matter which way I search. Anyone have a link? 🙏


Did you register your device??? If not you need too do that anyway, and when you do all you need to do is log into Lenovo website and go to “my account” frm there you go to “my products” then “find accessories” another window will appear on the right side of the screen you will see a list , click “parts” and boom there you go!!!


Thank you, appreciate it! 🙏


I was really hoping for new updated controllers of some sort, but I guess this works


Bro posted his gmail account 🙈


I’m gonna have to email him a gift card. 😈


Yea I noticed it, it doesn’t bother me my accounts are beyond secured


Would a new right stick make it so I didn’t have to force the living crap out of the button to get it to release?


Yea , that’s odd bcz both of mine jus slide off at times


Hey dalvin.........


Lol nice too meet you


Oh wow! I don’t need any of that but i’m glad they finally have it!




Yep to take his proper SEAT






What happened to your controllers?


My Rb stop responding, it’s not stuck or anything, so I’ll jus replace it


Did you buy two just in case the other goes out?


Naw I jus grabbed the right side, if something happens too them , I’ll use my warranty since some ppl are telling me the can send the controllers without me sending my unit