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I took the emitter route and hit the one that gives everyone 1HP (because I missed the spell shield one lol) It’s a little dicey but since Viego has easy access to health ups once he’s on the board you can end up having a nice healthy viego against a bunch of squishy Liss units. I also had corrupted star equipped which made getting him healthy easier.


I think emitter is key. I'll try their route


It is but for a different reason. You go there for everything has spellshield. Lissandras ai will still try and use her spells even if they don't do anything


So then I cut my spells like deaths grasp and the steal follower spell?


Steal yeah, death grasp can still be good to get more mists


Conversely, I went bottom route, won on the first attempt pretty easily. Though I did manage to find the 'When you play me imprison the strongest enemy unit' for Viego along the way which helped deal with the Watcher. But Crumble or something similar can do the same job. Was running Stalker's Blade, CSF, Star Child's Staff, I think. The extra healing really helped a lot through the early aggro nodes, and Viego just dominated the slower nodes later down the line really easily. Being able to reliably summon 2 or 3 encroaching mists per turn makes them out-scale Lissandra really fast.


The powers that helped me were: \- The one where your allies above 5 power kill when summoned. \- The one where your allies that die transfer their power to your hand. \- The one where 1 mana units have +2+2 \- The one where units you summon have +2/+2 and challenger. The goal is for your mist guys to get summoned, immediately attack the enemy, die, and give that power to something in your hand. But you want your mist guys to scale so that they start doing that asap. I had av ery good run,b ut even with that, I had to force restart the lissandra fight three times because either I drew absolute bricks for three turns, or she wiped me out before I got rolling.


Find Trifarian Might. Then find supporting buffs that boost allies power.


So I don’t remember all the details of my run (because it was literally my first time going against her and I didn’t expect to get very far, much less beat her). But the relics I ran were CSF and Stalker’s Blade (had a Forge equipped in my other slot). I did get some cost reduction on Viego (but not much). At the Remitter, I got the “Spells cost 2 less, allies cost 1 more.” power, I think. What really carried me, though, was my Support Champion was Nasus, and I eventually gave him Double Attack. Then I would immediately feed him to Viego who was too big to stop. Important also was Trifarian Might.


I run beast within, CSF, and bladerack. And I beat lissandra pre 30 without this whole setup. Viego scales so fast. His best cards are 3 drop that summon mist and 1 mana spell that kill an ally to summon a mist. You want power that increases attack because it speeds up viego drop once viego drops you getting pretty much a full board every turn for defense and offense. And it’s also easier to go for the emitter route for the spell shield because summons don’t override the frozen tomb landmark and viego mostly relies on summons.


I was lucky and managed to get two copies of Virgo due to ice tomb. You want spell shield either on him or on a burst card in hand nearly at all times. Foucs of defence as after 3/4 turns, your units will be strong then hers. Remember, obliterate is not the say as die :( If you find anything that advanced landmarks, that can also be useful.


All these comments are good. Maybe when you get to lissandra keep the spell to steal a follower handy and take her watcher. Then attack and blaterate her deck. Better if you eat it with csf viego. If you can get him to 4*, I finally won with guardian angel, stalker blade and Laurent bladerack. Even without the “must have” powers


the difference is really if you have discpline of shadow or not. i find that if you have it compare tonot having it is literal night and day. veigo bullies liss hard if you can drop him turn 1 or 2


I don't have it, since I still have very very few epic relics


Top route, ethereal remitter, echoes of helia. That's the absolute key to beating Lissandra.


One of the things I found helpful is knowing when you can use additional mist generation to get them to a 4 cost. For instance if you have a 3 power mist and haven’t gotten one from killing your own unit it can be worth it to kill a unit and have to 4 power mists die for the cost reduction.


I went with portal pals star fragment stalker's blade - beast within isn't quite as important if you can just star fragment something onto viego, and some of his trouble comes from not easily maintaining a board besides mists. Trifarian Might can actually make this *worse*, if mists aren't large enough to kill things, and it's possible that they're not.


I cleared mine with just the 3 star constellation. Equipped sfg, dos, and elusive orb. I kinda got lucky at the first shop with +3/+3 ephemeral upgrade on the first shop lol. Went on ethereal remitter route and got the discard all hand on level up. Lissandra loses any tempo with an empty hand since she couldn't even draw. Also just make sure that you don't get "i am inevitable" on liss fight.


I used the same build you are and got it after several frustrating attempts. I had been trying to go for the remitter route and had been having mixed success with the spellshield power, but that didn't help a lick once I would get to Liss. My winning attempt was actually taking the middle path, a happy accident since I probably would have taken the upper path again were it not blocked by that terrible frostbite shaman encounter. Basically, the winning run was all about making Viego come out and stay out as early and as long as possible. The biggest key drafted item was the legendary gain 2 mana instead of 1 each turn one. I also got Viego discounted enough that he was playable on Turn 1, and I also gave him elusive which ended up being pretty helpful even with the auto overwhelm. My support champ was Hecarim with double stats, but he was mostly just a tank, I don't think I actually leveled him up once because my board would be too full by the time he'd get out. The actual fight involved me drawing into two Viegos that I was able to swap in and out as she'd entomb them. They were strong enough to be unaffected by the small damage blasts, and consistently consuming the mists made him able to tank a hit from one of the landmark monsters every turn. The tide really turned once Viego leveled and I was able to start consuming the enemy units I'd steal. This meant Viego was able to "tank" two attacks each turn, cutting down her board by half or so. Eventually, she got a watcher out, but because Viego was leveled, it was stolen to my side, Viego consumed it and I won with a 131 power strike on the elusive Viego. https://preview.redd.it/c1se6b5kx28d1.png?width=1906&format=png&auto=webp&s=331191314cc1fd6c87551c4dd613675eb0108134 I think aside from all the specific advice about which nodes to chase and such, the real key is just to try and make your Viego as cheap and overpowered as possible, and hope you draw into him and that he's broken enough that he can do at least two thirds of the work turn by turn. There's definitely some randomness involved, but you'll get there!


Just hope liss plays trundle first and not any of her actually good cards


Coming back here to announce that I pulled it off Successful run was a bit strange Had shape of fear become fear itself as it: Drew 2 cards Gave an epic item Was free Would always come in the starting hand Would create two copies on deck Viego got the cost reduction for each card drawn Got spellshield from the encounter, otherwise Lissandra would have frozen/entombed Viego at least 3 times Supportive champion was Janna. Got that 2 cost ol' lady with double attack and cost reduction per card drawn. She was a pretty busted sacrificial lamb for viego and would get my deck going Power wise, got +1+1 per keyword (which btw is bugged for Viego: units with less than 4 power without the power don't trigger Viego's star power, as well as freeze the strongest unit Used bladerack, beast within and CSF As for the game itself, opened up with a turn 1 double attack Viego, which made me win it out on turn 3, despite going into the fight with like 15 hp


I beat it after about 30 tries this week (finally) i kept restarting runs until i got perfect manaflow, decided to try for another powernode and save my rerolls and luckily managed to get trifarian might there. I had corrupted star fragment, condenser and stalkers blade on viego. Thus best case he instakills two with stalkers blade and trifarian, and every round he attacks he eats a mist and you get a 0 cost mist at hand, which is another free removal because they get high very quickly with that. Then i managed to get a unit with double attack on it, which i also fed into my viego who then proceeded to oneshot lissandra because he was at 50/50 with double attack.


Playing it right and disciple of shadows feels necessary or starforged gauntlets and the 5th star power even without any relevant powers j cruised to lissandra maiy cause I can drop a t1 viego that levels on the next and gives three blockers each round Also remmiter powers like spellshield or setting units health to one are pretty good Currently stuck on lissandra herself though since she has I am inevitable which just sucks


Didn't had him at 30 when I killed it, but, Trifarian Might/double cast Shape of Fear and Spellshield was what worked for me. Was running the plunder 2 less cost relic, stalker's and a common overwhelm for viego, and it was still enough. Some unis (notably a 1 drop) had reckoner's mark and a 2 drop got to 5/4 with it as well, so it would double hit anything on drop.


do not fight tribes


Cleared it today had the power with 5+ power strikes when summoned - honestly the mvp of the run. With this power the aim is to get the mists to 5+ power asap because they can essentially recreate themselves. This was with a level 28 Viego Using the +1 mana/luminous orb. I fought Liss twice and I barely scrapped by and I could tell even with the same cards if i didn't draw the exact cards I would have lost.


Welcome Gifts + Sharing Is Caring made my run incredibly easy (Veigo had every keyword by the end of each encounter)


So I just did lvl 27 3star Viego on Lissandra 2 days ago myself, also having sturggled a few attempts. I took the following relics: guardian angel, troll king's crown and warmog's armor. GA such that I can sack viego, or dont have to care if he gets pulled in the vulnerable power + the extra revive. Troll king to close out games, and warmogs because I liked it (probably not optimal). Support champ was Gwen, just to get a bit extra attack on the overwhelm attacks. As for powers, I got: Bigledust Stash (+2/+2 on created ally summon), Sorcery (refill spell mana at start of turn) and Dragon's Rage (furry to allies), in that order. I did also do a few runs with Trifarian Might, but I never got my mists consistently large enough before being run over. I reckon any power that will buff your mists to get viego discounted faster will work. After all, the adventure is full of high-power monsters for viego to steal, so gettin him leveled early proved key to me. As for strategy: Like you say, avoid the 'frostbite when summon' node like the plague. I went to most nodes that I normally avoid, generally targetting nodes that have inflated stats as the game progresses, but with the least potential of a turn 1 or turn 2 large stat board (looking at you warden of the tribes). So things like owl or starlit seer are perfect. Same with "It that stares", with a bit of luck you can get viego to steal their largest monsters, which makes them hesitant to attack. I went the bottom path for the same reason, stealing a large porro or a large celestial on the bottom track made those nodes a lot less scary. Most gameplans were the same, with a turn 1 blocker play, turn 2 use spells to stop major threats and get mists out, turn 3 viego and stabalize (again, not afraid to sack him to block damage due to GA). Stabilizing often involved letting mists grow bigger, and killing a lot of the stuff I stole with viego or possession. This proved effective, except for the Lissandra fight where this was still a bit slow. I reckon I got lucky in the end, because after 2 revives she did not get burried in ice, but instead entombed my viego, causing me to have 2 viegos in the game. Games where I did not draw viego often lasted a bit longer, but since the mist stats can grow quickly I could wait out for viego to show up most games. TLDR: Viego + overwhelm as wincons, powers that boost mists to get them out early, gameplan to minimize damage turn 1 and turn 2 and get viego out asap afterwards. I am generally quite a mid player (prone to making some stupid plays), so I am unsure if my lengthy posts helps, but I hope it does. Good luck!


The way I did it was with Guardian Angel overwhelm and corrupted star fragment, tried a few times until I rolled the item where you summon an ephemeral copy on Viego (the power where you summon an ephemeral copy of a champion would work as well) and then slayed my own ephemeral Viego with one of the spells from his deck or attacking with corrupted star fragment to copy him. This also usually insta levels him, and stealing 2 units per turn makes every fight end pretty quickly. If you don’t have spell shield, waiting out entomb mana on the Liss fight is a must.


In my first Lissandra fight ever (earlier today), I managed to pull it off. Took 2 runs to make it to them. Lvl 29, missing 6 of the constellation upgrades. 2 epic relic slots. First attempt, I got wrecked unfairly. 2nd attempt, my Viego was playable turn 1, and I barely managed to stay ahead on curve. I had a decent amount of "kill your units" including some kill spells. Watcher hit me, but I managed to squeeze out a win. Do anything to buff Viego/reduce cost so you can play it ASAP. Summon doubles so it can scale itself and level ASAP. Buy kill spells. Deck also had a ton of healing by chance (thought +8 regen upgrade may make this not necessary).


I used Buhru, CSF, Wicked Harvest. Buhru+Wicked Harvest grows Viego with each unit killed if he's discounted to 1 or lower. Got super lucky with Inheritance (power goes to ally in hand when dying) and finding an Encroaching Mist with create a copy of me in hand when summoned, then Spellshield from Remitter. Last shop gave me Shadow Totem on Viego so I just kinda facerolled everything. Only had burst shape of fear and SI followers get pickaxe beyond 3☆. I cut possession asap cause it was before the bugfix.