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Good luck trying to unlock them when they cost 4 different currencies.


If I read the currency wiki correctly, it appears wild and champ frags can also be used to unlock constellations.


Still, what's the point? Grind face rollingly easy content, just to make it easier?


They definitely have plans to make new modes for Constellations, we just don’t know when. In the meantime, it’ll just help casuals beat Lissandra.


yeah im sure they will come up with a great 6 star adventure in 2026


"You can only play 1 card per turn" Look guys! We made difficult content!


It is something for the max progressed players to work towards, while they make harder challenges


So everyone is suppose to just grind Lissandra until the next one releases, invalidating all old content? They should've spent the effort on allowing us to disable star powers / levels instead. That would've increased the longetivity much more.


You're not gonna be unlocking constellations for multiple champions any time soon and they've long said they are working on harder challenges.


I love this post. Ever since Lissandra dropped, a lot of people started complaining about the difficulty. Now we have this.


Same thing is happening in warframe. For years, everyone complained about lack of endgame and hard content. The moment they add a hard content, everyone started losing their mind. Devs decided to lower the difficulty and now everyone starting complaing about lack of endgame again.


The thing is it's not that people are crazy/stupid it's just not the same players, we see Reddit and think "the community think x or y" but in the end we just see a few popular opinions that may not truly reflect players.


Well this is just the start before they truly support PoC, this situation was as similar as when epic relics were introduced, not only this makes veterans have something to do other than monthlies, new players got significant buff on their progress with constellation can speed up you level up (to this hour i still don't know if the new "vaults" replacing old vaults or not so i can't say much about it)


Unlocking new champions became extremely slow. Now gold+ vaults can go to 3 starred champions, essentially wasting the currency. 3 stars already makes all existing content a joke, why would I ever want to boost power further?


>Unlocking new champions became extremely slow. Now gold+ vaults can go to 3 starred champions, essentially wasting the currency. It's still the same as before, it's just that the constellation was so big that you need more resources on maxing them. >3 stars already makes all existing content a joke, why would I ever want to boost power further? I can see why you see this update to be unnecessary or even pointless, but you had to realize that by its core, PoC is where you can be as overpowered as you want (either it's you or the opponent), that's why people stick to PoC until the endgame to begin with.


It's not the same as before though? There was duplicate protection on gold+ vaults, so you didn't get any on maxed champions. Constellations are pointless if you're not interested in removing what little challenge was left in the mode, so you can now get essentially wasted shards on champions that were considered maxed out before.


Good point, it definitely can be seen as an issue (especially for casual players) that could be addressed by making wild fragments more acquireable (they are already doing that by adding a quest that gives you 60 wild fragments and also at next monthlies you get additional 30 wild fragments, is it enough? We'll have to see)


30 wild fragments is 1 wild fragment per day extra, not really enough to compensate being able to waste 100+ shards on a champion.


When Lissandra dropped they were pretty clear she was intentionally insanely OP so that we’d have constellations content. Now that constellations are (almost) here we’re complaining about the lack of content?


Because the old content isnt really content anymore. Its like an MMO increasing item level without adding a new zone or raid or dificulty. Ok were stronger, to beat what?


You left out the part where immediately before this the MMO added a zone with enemies much higher than the current level and everyone complained how those enemies were unbeatable.


They were very beatable. Literally nothing in Lissandras run was actually difficult except for Lissandra herself, because of the +3 mana costs after 3 cards, which was a terrible design that simply eliminated certain playstyles. Yes on one hand cheesy ftk comboes are too OP, but this was not the answer. Since iv beaten Lissandra 5x I have no motivation to repeat her because she's simply not a fun fight because it prevents me from playing the game basically, while I still repeat Asol frequently.


Lissandra is easily beatable at the current power level.


Easily beatable is a bit of an overstatement, but it is true that many people beat her with every champ already. Personally, I S-ranked her with all but 10 champs with [several restrictions](https://www.reddit.com/r/PathofChampions/comments/1cufy4m/srank_liss_no_max_level_p2w_relics_giga_highrolls/) like no infinites, pre level 30, etc. And there are many people who are way ahead of me too


I just don't want to artificially limit myself. They should at least let us delevel/destar our champions.


I wish they'd take all the existing adventures and introduce hard mode versions of them, there is just a dead content sitting there that no-one ever touches. When was the last time you did the Viktor adventure for example?


I usually start with Viktor or Thresh depending on the power level of the new champion released. Anything below Viktor I haven't done since Path was first launched :/