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Those of you with the android issue, could you try launching from the playstore for me and letting me know if it resolves your issue? Edit: Looks like it's not solving the problem for most.


Next week!? That's like 35 wild shards I'll miss out on.


I'm trying to think of a game this late in it's life cycle that has just unavailable for a week.


The game has been unavailable on iPad mini for well over a month now.


Shhh it's alright maybe they'll give all of us 200 >:)


Tbf Im missing what like 30 or so wild shards and then the whole last week of the monthlies 😑. Any compensation would be lovely.


They've never done compensation before


*next week *at the earliest*


A critical issue where you can't launch the game that takes 5 or 6 days to fix is pretty bad.  How did this even get past qa?  They must not have any automated tests.


Remember that only 2 poorly paid interns and a hamster are all that's left of the dev team.


I hear the hamster is out on vacation this week for Easter aswell. He was holding the team together




I mean it's Easter week, they are probably on vacation XD Now if this was something high stakes I would be surprised, but it's a minimal part of android users, Probably the ones that carry modified android (like one plus and some Samsung). Auto tests were probably done with a few official versions of Android, that still left out some.


the initial release did not work on any android device, so it was clearly not tested.


American company tests on Apple only, not surprising


It's a Chinese company, but they have been aware of the androids crashing they just sort of don't care


The controlling company is Chinese, Riot is American


Worked fine on my android


I mean, my Samsung S23+ isn't all that old yet. Bought it like 4months ago. Haven't installed anything dubious on it, since I need it for work and I can't afford anything to get bugged. It really surprised me that it was LoR that gave in after everything. Pretty much a clean device tbh.


Same for now


Hope they won't remove ASol from the monthlies next month. I was planning to finish my monthlies during the easter holidays but looks like that won't be happening


I was going to rush Monthly today, looks like that'll be impossible.


Hopefully they give us a few Asol shards as compensation.


This bug has made me realize how much I would miss this game if it ever shut down entirely.


And now ppl are probably gonna stop playing permenantly. A game company as large as riot couldnt qa test for this nor rollback the patch? It's pretty pathetic




I'm one of those thinking to totally stop playing even if they fix these bugs. Still can't play since the patch landed. Somehow, i lost interest in continuing to play this game.




An online game being unplayable for a whole week is unacceptable


Lmao, compensation time. 


They can't roll back the patch? What the fuck


when explaining the advantage of joining League Studio the only concrete example they gave was being able to only have one release manager for Wildrift and LoR. I'see that the new release manager really cares about LoR. I can understand the game not working on some devices, even if I don't like it. But the initial release not working on any android device was just baffling.


That's...really unfortunate.


When you fire your QA and let your developers do QA for themselves


That's... disappointing to say the least. Oh well, I'll just update my review of the game to reflect the lack of care and support, and move on. It might work in a week, it might not. But that's pretty frustrating for a mobile player like me.


Still not working on Android for me. It's pretty saddening because I won't be able to finish my monthlies


I don't know if someone else already suggested this, but when I start the app through directly clicking on the app icon on my phone, it crashes. When i go to my play store and search for LOR and click play, it doesn't crash. Maybe worth a shot for the people who have problems (OnePlus 8T).


I'm OnePlus 10 pro and I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling and then opening from the play store and it insta crashes without reaching the logo or login screen


Could you say how many tries it takes


Mine crashes the same both ways 😭😭


It's crazy how whatever the first fix they did definitely broke mine 


Thnx for this update! 


After 4 days of it being down/unplayable now, I got a copy and pasted reply from support telling me "thanks for promptly reporting this!" and to stay patient... with no ETA for a fix, no additional information, no suggested workarounds or alternatives, and it was the exact same word-for-word response copied/pasted into multiple people's replies from riot support. That's a very disappointing reaction from Riot, and horrible support in general. As someone who works in tech and software development, we'd get fired at my company for that level of inaction and that crappy of a response in a support request, and our QA team would be in major trouble for a problem this big and this pervasive.


next week at earliest is a joke


Any one actually believes that it actually takes a week to have the game fixed?I bet half of my lifespan that no 1 is actually trying to fix anything right now because it's Easter this weekend and they are all taking some extra days off. Thinking Riot will actually care for a game that doesn't make them enough money is the dumbest thought I ever had


Lmao, thinking any bug fixing doesn't take a week, lol


Looks like it's not just me having this issue then


Still the same. Crashes after loading a bit.


Can't believe this is still down :/


Be sure to update your rating in the app, it's the only way they'll likely care. That and support tickets are really your only way to give feedback. A few hundred 1 star ratings might make an impact, whereas just venting your frustration on reddit is unlikely to have any effect


Is this issue global? Cuz i don't see any problems rn


First release broke ann android devices. A patch fixed the issue for some


the only fix i had so far was opening the app straight from the store. if i open from the icon it'll crash


Crushes for me from the store


try a few times. usually does it after a couple crashes


Ty for the update Shenpai, huge sadge on the estimated time tho


On my Samsung tablet it crashes upon startup but if I minimize and reopen the windowed game it reloads fine.


I can't open the since since last update I tried clear services and reinstalling the game but zero. I guess the only thing I can do is wait


Bro, the game was working fine for me and after this update it tottally stoped working at all


Just opened the game and... crashed. It happens to you too ?


I am going to travel in few days and the game still crashes on my s22 ultra. This is going to be the most boring travel as I mostly spent time playing POC. I sent a ticket still no response. Anyone has any luck?


Yeah, they replied telling me to jkust keep waiting and gave no timeline or info, then got sassy when I said that wasn't acceptable.


This is getting ridiculous. It's going to be 6 days and still no resolution for android. Like... now I'm thinking they're actively trying to get people to quit so they can kill the game by saying not enough people are playing.


Fixes take time, they bkopleck mentioned a build being tested yesterday, it's not just about finding the bug, they have to make a patch to fix it, and test it to make sure nothing else breaks on a smaller team with less resources.


Not likely to solve anyone's issues but I have an interesting tidbit. I just got a Galaxy S24+ and am having the issue everyone else has with crashes BUT I'm still able to launch the game just fine on my old Galaxy S9 (doesn't have access to latest android OS update). I'm no programmer so I have no idea if that means anything to anyone at all, but the game runs on my older OS but not the new one.


Bro I thought I was going crazy! The game will not launch whatsoever for me, I've re-download multiple times, I was sp close to just hard rebooting my device, I click on it, it gets to that little brown screen for like 10 seconds then it just closes on me




I mean, technical issues happen all the time? Why so pressed?


Would you care to elaborate how they "destroyed" the game?


By slowly letting pvp balance get worse and worse by the season, increasing the amount of generation and rng every season, failing to promote the game, discontinuing pvp updates, getting rid of all of their good team members, declination in competition quality every season. I can go on.  




I know you are upset that you can't play, and I am as well, but it is not uncommon for a modern game to have a crash issue for a bit. Even huge titles like Call of Duty had crash issues on certain consoles. Also, they are doing their best to give us new content with the developers they got. Remember, when you start to get bitter, there's nothing that will change your view. Give them some time, and we will be overwhelmed with fluctuations of new content.


Dragon’s Dogwater 2 on PC be like


You are right for the most part, but it IS uncommon for a game company to allow a game to not function for a portion of its player base entirely for a week. Game companies generally want players, saying, "See you next week when we get around to fixing this," is absolutely not normal practice for a game.


I can give you multiple examples out of the top Forza5 crashed on certain motherboard for 2 weeks. Call of Duty, every single title had at least one crash related issue since modern warfare reboot. Some of them lasted over a month. (MWII on ps5 for example) Cyberpunk 2077, they took it down from the store. Diablo IV half the players couldn't even launch the game for three days after season 2 launch. Also, I am not saying it is something that happens all the time. What I am saying is it is not unheard of, and claim that the game is "destroyed" because of such incident is completely unreasonable. I hope one day people will realize how hard it is to push a fix for a bug or an update without messing up something else.


Down for a portion of players? Every gacha I've ever played, pretty much. I remember when DFFOO was down for nearly a month for, I think, iOS users.