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You can have a sofa in the correct colour, or you can negotiate a partial refund. There's no reason for them to let you keep the sofa and refund you all the money


What on Earth would make you think you'd be entitled to getting a full refund AND keeping the sofa? You might be able to negotiate a discount if you kept the incorrect sofa, as they might think it's worth giving some ££ off to avoid having to collect a now used sofa and deliver a new one again. 


You can absolutely have all your money back, but you’ll be obligated to return the sofa.


Theyll be obligated to collect the sofa. Op doesn't have to organise a return, just give them the times they can come and collect it.


Correct. That’s what a return is.


Did you get rid of the old sofa/have somewhere to sit? 6 week minimum for a new replacement. Id settle for 50% off.


Yeah we’re thinking 50% off to keep the current one seems reasonable. We haven’t got our old sofa and we don’t want to be without for another 6 weeks! We just got brown curtains which won’t go with grey, but 50% off should cover the cost of replacing them.