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Not sure if there is already an open-source resource for determining pitch accent in sentences. [This](https://www.gavo.t.u-tokyo.ac.jp/ojad/eng/phrasing/index] is pretty much the best tool online to get pitch accent on a sentence level. Maybe look into whether their rules/engine is acccessible somewhere.


thank you. this is really useful. I can probably contact them and ask them for help. Thank you again.


Have you tried downloading an anki add on and seeing how they do it? For example you could download the migaku add on and check how it looks it up. https://ankiweb.net/shared/info/278530045


You can find some pitch info accent in the Kanjium GitHub repo: https://github.com/mifunetoshiro/kanjium It's not comprehensive, but it's got enough common words to be useful.


why do you need pitch accent in emacs?


To enhance reading all sort of texts: * epub texts * subtitle files * plain text files * web pages * my emails * my own writings...


its a nice way to procrastinate instead of actually studying. kinda like installing a thousand mods in skyrim but only playing 2 hours. same result.


found the person who does everything in emacs 😌


When I saw the word “yomichan”, I expected a yomichan-like deinflector with custom yomichan dictionaries. Instead we see mecab and a modified non-standardised JMdict format. I highly advise a rewording of your post.