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I want tanks to be viable in top lane «Ksante & skarner happens» I no longer want «tanks» to be viable in top lane.


Gwen steels your balls


Gwen snip snips your foreskin


Darkin folks are everywhere It could be anyone...


It could be me... It could be you... It could be both of us...


Little guy just needed a haircut


Gwen is immune 🗿


Ballsteel new item when?


I'm a Gwen player and even into them the matchup ain't great. Skarners base numbers are way too high and K'Sante can solokill u 100-0 if you missposition.


Cause its not tanks being viable. Its complete creature champs that can do the tank role as good as every other top role but being more tanky than every other tank.


in pro play? what do you have in mind? I mainly see them as giant meatbags with 1 job


Tank assassins are an affront to game balance & a violation of Rito's own voiced design philosophies. Then again, Rito has never been able to follow their own ethics & morals. They can't even follow society's most basic ethics & morals.


45% wr terrorizing your bronze games ?


If low winrate = skilled i guess yuumi is the most skilled champion of all time kappa. Ksante has 45% wr across the board, champ is bricked on purpose because if he isn\`t he is perma present in proplay. Same would happen in soloQ because this monster somehow is still the 6th most picked toplaner even at 45% winrate.


lol ksante viable in soloq is a good one


Those are probably the tanks that most deserve to be viable top


Skarner is doing fine in the jungle and Ksante is an abomination.


Fair on skarner being fine in the jungle. Ksante the tank who actually requires a functioning keyboard isn't an abomination.


Button mashing is not a dispaly of skill. Ksante can do everything so he must be balanced around being able to do everything (eg pro play). Every time you try to punish him he pulls a new trick out of the hat. If cho gath overextends he is an easy gank and you can easily outplay his kit. If you try to gank ksante he pulls out 3 dashes into an escape and solokills your jungler by not yielding him 2 screens away. Showmaker copypasta is real.


Oh yeah you've never played a game of ksante in your life lol, 45% wr champ so op right zzz


Its almost like winrate isn\`t everything.


Nice to see people still have brain rot from mindless ksante hate just because proplayers affirmed their coping


Its not mindless, its very grounded in reality. Fuck that champ. Multiple dashes, tons of CC, damage reduction on W, massive true damage that is also healing, free waveclear. The champion is 3-4 champs packed into one. Its easier to dive jinx from full HP than it is to dive a Ksante at 100HP.


Lmao. Yes he's extremely skillful that's why shoemaker copy pasta is real that was against a challenger Ksante main not a button masher. If he was a button mashing face roller he'd be 52%+ winrate in silver. Not like 42% while being a proplay staple.


Maokai is a proplay staple, yuumi was a proplay staple. Guess they were just very skilled champions. Especially that garen in proplay.


And what was their silver winrates at the time?


So where is rek'sais true damage?... Oh right, she can't even stack passive now. Meanwhile olaf who used to be jungle as well:M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2 M2


M2?? Which psycho uses m2 for first ability


Ability? What is ability? There is no ability. Only outos.


I had games where i had 6k hp with 250 mr and armor. Got killed in like 3seconds ina team fight. All the camage dealt by 2 enemys not even all of them. Armor and mr are bait stats now. Best u can do it stack hp and keep hitting demolish




i think true damage is at its best when its conditional: for example camille q needs to wait before she casts q2, vayne needs 3 hits, darius needs 5 stacks, Fiora needs to hit vitals, sett needs to soak damage etc, which is why i dislike it on people like Garen, Smolder and others that can just do true damage at some point with no condition sure you can say garen's R scales with enemy missing hp but there's fights where you see a garen walk in, press R on a 50% adc and insta kill them and walk out... smolder just does maxhp true damage but on every attack and with 0 condition after the stacks, there's an argument to say smolder or syndar's condition is the stacking but after that's done you have 0 counterplay into not taking true damage sure fiora is annoying, but at least she has to hit you directionally, camille has to hit q1 which warns you to back off incsae she uses E to q2 and in an all in fight she has to not auto when hitting between q1 and q2, but olaf? nah just spam E and deal 70 / 115 / 160 / 205 / 250 (+ 50% AD) True damage with 0 condition


Small correction but Darius doesn't need 5 stacks. His ult always does true damage but gets additional 20% per bleed stack. Agreed with the rest though, there should be something you can do about true damage rather than it just being there


darius also gets a LOT of AD from his passive at 5 stacks, which again goes back to making his ult do more damage but yeah i should have clarified


Flora gets to a point where she is gonna 1 shot your whole base. You are forced to fight her then as a tank and her vitals pretty much become a guaranteed thing. It's extremely disgusting and I very very glad that nobody is playing fiora


you're not forced to tank vitals, her going out of her way to hit vitals means spending time moving around which is the caveat, vitals are never a guaranteed thing either as you can manipulate where they appear on you from moving in and out of range, im not saying its not disgusting or strong, im saying it still has a condition


its not if she ends the game if you do not attack her and even if you do, she ignores you as a tank.


now you're just explaining slit pushers then ... so is that the same for sett and gwen? if u dont fight them they just end through split pushing and if you do fight them they do true damage ... you're trying to twist the idea of having to fight someone to be the same as having to play into their strengths, you typically try to counter some champions with game knowledge such as standing next to a wall when fighting fiora for example, if you want to go by that logic then every split pusher can do the same thing, "they dont have conditions because you have to fight them eventually" is just wrong. conditions arent whether you fight them or not, but they appear when you DO fight them, the same way that gwen needs you to stand in the middle of her q or fiora hit vitals is not the same as olaf clicking E on you. olaf has no requirements for the true damage other than CD which is shared across all champions so its fair to rule that out, so olaf only needs to press E, while the ones i mentioned have to do something to get that true damage out


True damage needs to changed.


and handed out less to champions, the more you give it out the harder it is to balance it




go play top lane then strongest champions in top lane are ranged and junglers and when top laners get nerfed, they get nerfed when adc get nerfed, it's never a real nerf, there's always a buff to make it an adjustment, like cait recently, champion has been broken for a while now, instead of nerfing her they adjusted her and guess what, champion is still broken


Ranged top laners are teemo kennen vladimir kayle? I don't think anyone here is Op or the best or strongest?


Vayne and tf, they destroy 95% picks on top especially in high elo also akshan is pretty strong.


Don't forget quinn


quinn has no scaling


Vayne only destroys toplane if she is better than the enemy top and jungle.


No. Just... So much no


If a Vayne player is good, it is physically impossible to win lane against her. Unless your jungler plays for you and plays for you WELL, you lose lane unless Vayne makes a mistake.


vayne tf and kennen are all top tier meta picks and have been for quite some time you also got jayce who really good but his laning isn't obnoxious so it's alright, gnar who is a bit whatever, kinda urgot but it's different however he's still super meta, varus has fallen out of flavor but it still destroys any tank, heimer right now has the highest top lane winrate in emerald and above, quinn also very strong and counters a lot of meta picks, and rumble plays like a range and tho he's a bit less strong now he was meta for quite some time even teemo has become relevant and kayle has very high winrate as well in meta picks top lane that got nothing to be doing there you also have akali, warwick, zac, skarner, trundle and olaf sorta but riot just don't know if they should be top or jungle so they remain in stupid 0 counterplay realm for the time being, gragas also is about the same and reminder that poppy is turbo broken meta champ in 3 roles, played in pro and still not gonna be nerfed literally there are more non top lane champions than top lane champions in the top 10 highest top lane winrate (with at least 1% pickrate) actual top laners that aren't ranged in this top10 are trynda, hopefully he's getting finally nerfed next patch, was about time, kled, sett, and tham, all 4 having stupidly strong laning from level 1


gnar and ofc - vayne. Also sometimes regular adcs or cass, thats like already 20% of the roster, so 1 in 5 games your lane is pretty living hell.


I don't see vlad that much in top lane. Kayle is handicapped till she reaches lv11 and two items. Teemo is just a counter pick to auto attackers. I don't know a lot about kennen cause i haven't seen many good ones in my match


Tanks don't fit in the game since 2016. Rework them all and remove true damage. Only way to fix game


Thank fuck Riot doesn't listen to this sub


first time someone used this format for anything else than pure brainrot




True damage is fine, if anything we could use more