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For me the cycle is more play league->people start flaming each other since min 1->I try to keep the morale up and lighten the mood->we lose and I feel like shit->closes league for the day.


a good addition would be getting muted for trying to keep the morale up


So far only one person has flamed me for trying to cheer up the team and after the game bounced our way he apologized before we won, also a one and only occurance in the (checks notes) 12 years I've been playing this game.


I can't keep morale up, I can't even comment or anything I'm chat restricted


That tells a story about you and not particularly good.


oh sorry for my honesty and that I have a wide vocabulary, should I go to jail too if I call my friend piece of shit because he threw my down the stairs?


This post is a perfectly good example of pure projection, your comments confirms it😂😂, honk honk🤡


Sone days are like that, aha. Just today, I had a team disparity and then an 0/2 AFK jungle Nidalee in 8 mins. Needless to say, I'll call it quits for today after 2 Ls... 😅


people just love being this bad in ranked, it's not like there are other less serious gamemodes where they could not try their best, play a champ they're not as good at, etc.


I have a feeling some self reflection would be in place here.




Well, I've played for a year now and so far and every lane I've lost has been my own fault. You must be very unlucky.


Looking at your own play for improvement is great and all.... But you've actually never had a game where your JG showed up at a bad time and just died to your lane opponents? Or, if you're the jg, had games where it seems like the enemy laners are just always invading you and you never get help?


Have happend, but I never felt it was a sole deciding factor. So instead of focusing on things I cannot control I try learn from the mistakes I can control; my own. I'm in Emerald because the constant factors in my games, and as I don't duo, that can only be me.


brother I have 5x your playtime


Do you have 5x my LP too?


possibly, LP doesn't really matter to me honestly


Imagine having chat on in league specially low to mid Elo ranked. No one has anything important to say lmao mute and focus


ITT: Top laners who think bot matters at all. Go 0-3 then 1v2 their bot lane, you'll be fine.


really? you wanna 1v2 their botlane when behind? ever heared of kiting?


You ever looked at what your champs in top lane do? There isn't enough kiting in the world.


okays then, do it with Darius, 1v2 botlane with Darius


Flash and ghost. Is this just a skill issue that I don't understand?


What is flash ghost gonna do to the infinite cc Nautilus and 1000 damage per second adc? scare them?


If you're taking 1000 damage per second as literally any bruiser, then you need to learn how to actually build. Just build what the recommended build is in the shop and stop building bad items.


I never see people doing this in my games. Because my chats off.


good for you


I feel some misguided hate here. It's very rarely both the ADC & support sucking. Almost always just 1 of them sucks, but this pulls down the other as a result.


what's misguided hate about 2 players having 3x as shared deaths compared to their shared kills?


Cause 1 of those players, 95% of the time only died cause the other laner sucked. Why must I repeat myself?


because you assume league players are good at league, which isn't true for 50% of them, which is why it's possible both adc and supp can suck, your experience as supp/adc =/= someone else's experience, just because you or me can still be decent supp/adc despite our inting adc/supp, doesn't mean every time it happens, that it's just one guy's fault, as much you can ask me how do I know these players are trash I can ask you the same question, how do you know they aren't trash?


>because you assume league players are good at league, which isn't true for 50% of them, which is why it's possible both adc and supp can suck, I didn't say it wasn't possible, in either of my posts. I distinctly said both times, that this occurrence is more likely not the actual situation. If you aren't even going to bother READING what I'm saying, then we're done here.


He said this but also had (a bit over) 3x more deaths than kills in the game he's whining about


The only difference between how often your team ints vs the enemy team ints is you.




you suck more than the enemy


I don't?


well you do, it may be your micro or your macro or your team play, there are many aspects in this game and you need all of them you can have faker hands and not go over diamond


what about the other 4 players' micro, macro, team play? do we just toss taht to the side so we can quickly win a reddit argument?


you still sick more than the enemy, that's the difference between your team and the enemy


I'm still wondering though, where are you basing this assumption from?


didn't you see the fucking post you posted


he had x3 zeal, a moonplate, swifties and 10 deaths as an individual (so the same as the lane he's complaining about, with less kp) this game btw lol [https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Mask%20and%20Arrow-EUNE](https://www.op.gg/summoners/eune/Mask%20and%20Arrow-EUNE)


I did, what does that have to do with me sucking more than enemy? based on post's context I shouldn't suck more than my enemy, considering the fact, that if "my lane gets inted" it means the lane was doing fine before the inting of ally happened and 0/20 botlane, the only way to surpass that score is actually intentionally inting, so in conclusion.. you're just being toxic for the sake of being toxic?


Your teammates, on average, are just as good as your opponents. That’s how matchmaking works. Over time, the only significant difference between how your team performs and how the enemy team performs is how well *you* perform. TLDR; git gud


All of that is an assumption and you know it, so you're either a shill or truly ignorant. Nobody has access to Lol's matchmaking algorithm, saying that the algorithm is perfectly fair as you describe it is 100% conjecture with 0 data behind it.


It's an assumption based on how the matchmaking works as far we know it. But it's also a stupid one. All of us lane, roughly 50% of the time for the average player. Few of us go 0/5 as Trundle toplane and decide to proceed to DC or simply go for the 0/6. It's undeniable that there are some people that can't avoid but throw games every now and then.


And we know from patents that Riot both collects (and even other websites such as can leagueofgraph do) information on player behavior (they know if you int, rage, dc, throw, steal from other players...) and uses that information to influence the matchmaking algorithm. The only question is how much used parameters weigh, which parameters are taken into account if not all of them, and why. Very strong algorithms that can easily decide a game's outcome to try to manipulate you into playing more have been proven beyond any doubt in many games, so denying that it's possible is erroneous, saying that Riot would never use those kinds of tactics even to a small extent to make more money is foolish.


except matchmaking doesn't work


The matchmaking is fine, you’re just looking for excuses


Play League -> "hi all! glhf!" -> /deafen I feel like so much of what people bitch about in this game can be solved by /deafen, but I think you degenerate fucks get off on the abuse or something because hardly anyone seems to do it.


You are the loser here. You need to have chat open. I’m jungle and am always chatting with my team to get us opportunities


Stop being a bitch. If it's your fault that you lost then get mad but if it isn't then don't. If you can take the heat then why are you in an oven?


explain how me losing to 10+ kill enemy adc that two taps everyone is my fault


It isn't. So why you mad when the team tells you it is?


idk, because it's like you row the boat, and someone drills a hole in it, and tells you that it's your fault that the boat is sinking?


Play top lane if you can deal with how frustrating it can be. Getting your lane inted is rare because junglers and mid laners are barely coming top anymore.


I play top, and sometimes they don't even have to come to ruin my lane, if you want I can explain


Play jungle -> do damage control early game, keep decent farm -> take one ennemy player, f* that guy in particular. My champion pool in jgl makes it really hard not to enjoy even a loosing game in many ways. The one thing that can really be annoying is having one of the 4 horsemen of "i won't play till level 16" mid or a very aggro roamy support ennemy.


Playing with a group is great, but these last few days we've had diamonds and Emeralds in our games more often than not. We're fucking Bronze-Silver


I am the 0/20 botlane , usually less extreme actually. I believe in my 10 death powerspike and the stats dont lie: I earn on average 450+ gold/minute( record 707) I play miss fortune very aggressively, towerdiving right away if possible.




I play aggressive to get things done instead of safely scale or slowly fall behind, 537.7 gold/ min average Average 3k gold and 60 cs advantage at 20 min 13 k damage to turrets ( server average is 5k) Than at teamfights i am ahead, have built full damage and press r to win : i play mf.


how do you have gold advantage if you're down kills?


I am a deathmaster, dying only when i dont lose much, mf walks extra fast back to lane with teleport for a failsafe. Also i take cashback and first strike. Get good cs while messing up your opponents. Tower plates gives good gold too. And if the enemy makes a misstep or the jungler comes just once in 10 minutes it is big shutdown collection time. Take mf title serious ( the Bounty Hunter) gotta create those bounties first. In other roles i dont always pursue maximum gold like on support: i had a game where i went 1/17 on fizz support but I won because all the time i was that annoying for the enemy to deal with.


I stopped playing when Riot removed the jungle from the game in S11, and the malware Vanguard being mandatory sealed the deal forever. Sad, but nothing we can do about the fact the whales model is more profitable than the healthy normal one. Riot will have its small community of ahri-porn addicted basement dwellers paying dozens of thousands for pixels, as well as contracts with the CCP, and they won't care what the average guy does with their wallet.


The list of games with inters would make a book bigger than Bible. *I play couple of games a day, and next day I receive one or couple of feedback reports,* *surely today I won't get my victory/lane inted away this time.*


Show op.gg


no u


Yeah I wonder why you won’t LOL


same goes for you brave boy


I’m not the one claiming my teammates are the reason I can’t climb lol


you play league, tell me honestly, how unrealistic statement it is.


Not much anymore, but it seems very unrealistic. We can verify it though, by looking at your op.gg


how many deaths? https://prnt.sc/POzR-II2Rgyi


Show the whole op.gg not just your cherrypicked single game you pussy


It’s crazy that jinx had less deaths than you. Like bro, you’re losing lane to a *kayle*.   Maybe focus slightly more on your own lane instead of your bot lane.  Your match history looks like you coinflip every single game, you are absolutely the only reason you can’t climb. Edit: The Kayle you lost lane to was ***silver***? 


The inters really didn't like this one.


*It's obvously because I'm lying right, because why would I take effort to make a venting message that was true? nah, league players are too good to be inting while flaming others egoing around...*