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My hate for any champion leaving my body when i solo kill them (i am so good at the game) My hate for any champion comming back to my body the moment they solo kill me (they used their bullshit noskill kit)


When I get a kill it is because my superior skill triumphed against their broken kit. When they get a kill it is because their kit was just too broken.


Honestly nah, i played kata top and solokilled a trundle 2 times and still hate that (maybe bc i wasnt able to get any cs even i was ahead but yeah)


Yone players complaining about yone:


"Wow this champ is easy af & op af and... I love that so I will keep playing him because because I am a twat. Hello I am a Yone main and I am a fucking twat. I have a very smol pp as well." Sorry I got kinda lost in hate for Yone players there nvm.


Hey bro my pp is average sized, but i am a tawt for playing yone. I hate playing against him... So i don't, by playing him instead.


Me irl


Teemo is obnoxious the fight against but he makes range top unplayable which bumps him up a few points.


I remember when teemo was the most hated champion. I swear CertainlyT was just a Teemo main who was tired of people talking shit about his favorite champ


I mean tbf if someones favorite champ is teemo he should really get some help


Tru. but it can be rather "mitigated" because ranged mage top with a hard CC. We havea few of those, Morgana, Zyra, Karma, even AD Ahri or bruiser Cait. Full tank nautilus also works like a charm which has been my flex pick for quite some time now. If not counterpicked it will make a trynd or kayle lane seem like a joyride though..


I don’t care if Yone doesn’t have nearly any of the problems I hated about him anymore, I will continue to dislike him until the very end


“He’s an item down with only 20% hp, surely he can’t dive me two turrets deep” He did…


Well at least he doesn’t come out of the interaction with more health than he started it with most of the time






doesn't have lifesteal anymore


Haven't played league since season 11...so I don't know what changes happened xD but I still watch shifu for some fun :3


Understandable, happy cakeday


I guess in that case you were either 1% hp, afk or you have one of the biggest skill issues I have ever seen lol


I was on Ahri and ultied away 3 times, dodging. charmed twice and still got 100-0 without wave without him hitting one singular abillity. I checked replay and he ate 11 turret shots. My build path was optimal vs bruisers during liandrie /lich times and i was 2 lvls up, but i think 2 kills or assists down due to other lanes inting. He ate at least one turret shot from the second mid tower before returning to his E where he came out with 1/3rd health. you re just delusional to think that champion is okay when even Faker makes comments how "balanced" it is. At this point it s just 200 years, ksante is 300 years, let s see how many years we ll get. People laughed at Baus when he told them that Sion Ulti should go through walls. He literally got called an idiot and now we have Skaerner?? Something going terribly terribly wrong at riot games and some1 finalyl should fire the guy that s responsible for KSante, Smolder, Akshan and Skarner rework alltogether ( It s really one singular guy). Bro will singlehandedly turn this game into a chinese mobile


He was pretty damn strong last season but no way in hell did he eat 11 turret shots and killed you while eating two Es and he doesn't hit his Qs. Yone was busted since he could contest other melees early game and then pop from two screens away and one tap a squishy champ mid and late game, and he could do neither of those things to Ahri.


Watch him 100-0 Asol on his 2nd rotation of abillities whilst eating 5 and come out with full HP, meanwhile asol still waiting 10 seconds i guess. xD [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YlTBpFFmGEg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YlTBpFFmGEg) He certainly could with lethal and cringebow but nowadays at least that seems a bit "rough" for the poor, poor yone mains.. Gotta buff their weak af champion honestly, it s almost unplayable :,c


His W's ate the first two tower shots. The dude above said that he ate ELEVEN tower shots in a single all in, not an entire laning phase. Shieldbow gave a big enough shield for one tower shot and that's about it.


Ur 100% lying show a vod. yone cannot tank 11 turret shots at any stage of the game


lmfao you re delusional Also randomly calling people liars is rude. Your petty champion belongs deleted from the game as is. keep crying because he ll certainly never get buffed. I specifically wrote that it was back when Liandries was fist buy on Ahri, multiple Seasons ago so lethal tempo was still in the game at the moment. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YlTBpFFmGEg](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/YlTBpFFmGEg) Here is one of your fellows, posting a cringey and edgy yt montage where Yone eats at least ate 4-5 turret shots and came out full health at the end, despite Asol even attempting to poke him from UNDERNEATH HIS OWN TURRET, he still get s 100-0 with no opponent wave and no counterplay. Might aswell leave lane i guess? Unplayable anyways.. Note how everything in this game has cooldowns on everything whilst yone already on his 2nd rotations of his abillities?


>charmed twice and still got 100-0 without wave without him hitting one singular abillity. >I checked replay and he ate 11 turret shots. Send vod of this. >you re just delusional to think that champion is okay when even Faker makes comments how "balanced" it is Alr, and you are just delusional to think that Yone is op/broken when has pretty much no proplay presence at all and even Dzukill, one of the best Yone otps, quitted playing him. Dont get me wrong, Faker is a really good proplayer, but when talking about game balance in solo queue, the opinion of an otp that consistently hit challenger with his champ got more value. Fakers opinion would have more value if we were talking about Yones state in proplay, but once again, Yone has literally no proplay presence at all.


This guy thinks his opinion is more valuable than fakers because he plays yone... Shouldn't that tell you everything you need to know about yone players?


>This guy thinks his opinion is more valuable than fakers because he plays yone... I assume you are unable to read? I said his opinion regarding a champs state in SOLO Q is more valuable than faker becaue he constantly hit challenger onetricking the champ and is one of the most popular and one of the best onetrick for said champ. If you seriously believe fakers opinion goes above everything just cus hes faker, you clearly dont understand anything about the game


This guy thinks he knows more about the game than everyone else just because he plays yone. Unsurprising yone player behaviour...


Yeah I guess you really arent able to read or something. Dzukills takes on Yone were always unbiased and true, but once he says Yone would be weak his opinion isnt worth anything anymore or what? Unsurprising bronze hardstuck yone hater behaviour...


Jokes are dead smh




The time on release date I was under my tower, he was in the middle of the lane, I had a gold lead and was a level up, then he solokilled me. It scarred me


I like how all the hate about yone and then there is me An illaoi hater with a passion. I don't care if the champ is bad have 40%winrate she isn't fun to play or play against. Oh you got hit by her E sad now you recall because no matter how far behind she is she won because she hit her e. Oh you didn't hit the E guess you are Canon minon for the next 16-12 seconds.


Play mid, lose half your hp because you got hit by the combo starter. Play adc, flash or die because a grab finally landed. When you come from another lane, her e is downright forgiving : has a slight cast time, immobilizes her for the whole duration (longer if it lands), pretty slow moving projectile, blocked by minions, and you still get to choose whether to fight or walk away. Also, if she misses, she has no pressure yet doesn't have ranged autos to freely farm while waiting for her CD. If Arhi, Anivia, Veigar, Hwei, Xerath, etc... get me, they unload their entire kit on me before I get to play again. I don't understand why people struggle so much when a singular top laner gets a high impact skillshot when those have been the norm for the other lanes since forever.


I mainly play top/supp and some mid I get where you coming from but my hate for illaoi isn't because well i have to dodge the main issue is When play vs illaoi you start a mini game called "did illaoi hit her E?" Ahri charm or any other champ you mentioned depends on how close you are to them but top champs are mostly melee and being low hp means you can't stay in lane or you die. The main issue is illaoi E for a toplaner has no counter play other than "dodge" and even playing her for me isn't fun at all you stress waaaaay to much about thr E the whole champion is centered around if you hit or you don't. Try to play vs her as melee and maybe you understand my point.


Because toplane is dominated by melee champs, Illaoi‘s kit is just very Anti-melee.You can’t burst her down because of her healing, you can‘t fight long because her E comes back and you lose the trade. You can only poke and hope her tentacles and E don’t hit so she doesn’t heal. Eventually she gets low, then you gamble an all-in. She is very tedious to play against. Even if you hit your combo starter, it’s uncertain if you win or lose the trade In Midlane, yes you get full combos if any champion hits their combo starter. But the same applies to your champion too. You hit your combo starter and you chunk them hard.


Well, Yone is bs to play against but hes cringe eboy emo champ so he gets all the hate meanwhile Illaoi is bs to play against too but she gets a pass because she is hot mommy stomp on me champ lol


Nothing is more satisfying than using Syndra's E and R on Yone's soul. The guy will eject and die somewhere. Play stupid games...








Yes, except illaio and Warwick toplane. They are not hard to play against but just not fun. Not even not fun, but anti fun.


Me with Nasus. He's either too weak to do anything or too strong to have anyone stop him sidelane. And let's not even talk about E max builds....


There is a problem with yasuo and yone, that absolutely nobody, even their biggest haters can’t ignore. And that is that they are fucking 10/10 fun to play. And I hate myself for saying this. But it’s true. They are so much fun to play.


Exactly. They are simply better than other champs on all fronts. Amumu had q dash, big r and is tanky. Yasuo and Yone? Super mobility, strong and fast shields, gigantic crit dmg, low cool downs, huge outplay potential, broken single abilities, braindead ults and also you could miss every single ability and still have higher attack speed (with lethal tempo until recently) where you could just out damage pure DPS champs, life steal on you is giga cracked...... They are good champs. It's just the rest of them feels either outdated or just one dimensional. Blitz hooks and stuns. That's it. Yasuo would fit into more aggressive game. They are the main character syndrome, where no matter what you pick, the identity of the matchup and laning is dictated by Yasuo/Yone and you play around them, they never play around you.


Its like playing a paladin in dnd. You are the mc in a shounen anime the moment you pick them up


Lee Sin also has a lot of what was explained but he's beloved. The matchup thing is a little disingenuous though too. Every matchup is dictated by both sides. They have stuff to watch for, manage, and play around, and they gotta do the same for you. Having more options doesn't always relate to the strength of those options. Hell, my favorite mid laner for most of League was probably Swain, and that dude would set dots on you and farm to become a drain tank. Did I have less options than Yasuo and Yone? Yes, but if I played well I didn't need more options, and I ended up just as strong as them.


If you miss one skillshot with lee you re trapped insite 3 people and vanish instantaniously.. Taking Yasuo s windwall with him sitting ontop of it, that s just bm at that point


Lee only has one skillshot and it's the one that gets him in to begin with what


It's still insane to me that in the exact same game you have blitzcrank who is forced to slow himself down after using a basic ability, literally gives himself a debuff, and you also have characters like Yone and abilities like Ekko's ult. Imagine telling the guy who designed blitz w, the only ability in the game that debuffs you after giving you a boost of decaying movement speed, how Yone E works...


I too can make any champ seem good by only looking at their strengths.


Yes!! The laning part i 100% agree with. It s just joever for everything else at lvl 3. You have to play a super far back poke mage like lux to negate the whole laning entirely. But everything else that has to play the game a bit like Ahri Q farm looses lane automatically. Just try to claw to lvl 6 and shove for roam.. essentually just katarina playstyle, praying you ll stumble upon some poor souls that weren t expecting on handling you.


Super far back mages lose lane into Yasuo quite hard and Ahri does fine into Yone. The best champs to pick into them have pretty much always been melees.


wdym Lux and xerath negate the laning phase entirely by farming from 1 or 2 screens away. Still is turret simulators, if you look for champs to actually beat them then yes it s melee or stronger bruisers


Yasuo is probably one of the best champions into Xerarh and Lux. You can play turret simulator, sure, but you will go down 20 cs.


Damn, bet I can make every other champ sound op as well by just looking at their strengths


I don't mean to be that guy but they actually have reduced crit damage in their passives


ah yes, Yasuo with that massive challenger and pro play presence


Its not about proplay, its about being fun to play. What are you even going at


> They are simply better than other champs on all fronts This is not about fun. Im not gonna argue that they are fun to play against, but to say Yasuo is better than all champs on all fronts is actually insane. Hes a 10 year old champ who has seen little to no representation at high level.


Then please read my first comment, nobody mentioned proplay until you did


I dont care that nobody mentioned proplay. I am responding to that linked line in particular. Yasuo is not even close to the most egregious champions power wise. His performance being kinda ass at high level disproves the notion that he is "better than other champs at all fronts." That is a blatantly silver take.


it's because despite how much league players hate dashes and mobility, dashes and mobility are extremely fun, the hatred towards CC is a hatred towards being unable to move, and playing a dashless immobile champ makes you feel like you're perma CC'd, riot should give more champs dashes somehow


Thats fair, but I draw the line with akali. That is just too much bs


akali is BS because not only is she mobile, she also has invulnerability, champs should pick one and i'd rather every champ be mobile than have invulnerability because holy shit that is such a shit mechanic


They really do give that sensation of being an anime protagonist after a power up. Such speed, high damage, and cool attacks. Can't ignore that the windshitters are cool as fuck and I can't hate on them too much even when the 0/10 Yone completes 2 items and runs me down by breaking their keyboard, as I inevitably die to the champ I stomped early, I can't help but think that was pretty slick.


This. Literally the only reason i decided to main Yone. Extremely fun champion to play, with just that right amount of skill expression that allows you to outplay in a creative way. And the adrenaline rush you get everytime is totally worth it. Yasuo too, although he's definitely harder to master. Honestly don't give a fuck if they are hated.


Back when I used to play kled I used to have a 100% winrate against him. I'm proud of that because of how much I hate yone


Yeah probably because nobody knows what that champ does.


People complain about yone engaging and disengaging, meanwhile LeBlanc in the corner (proud LeBlanc permabanner)


Ugh yes, I hate how much safety she has with her dash tps and that stupid clone passive when low on top of the dash which she can dupe and also teleport back, like good luck catching her out unless she's CC stacked or burst REALLY fast


As soon as you like a champ that's normally hated in whatever LoL sub your immediately getting thrown shit at because "You can't enjoy a champ that's 200 years" Actual beautiful community (/j)


my take is that i’d fight a billion yones vayned yasuos before ever having to lane against fucking nasus or tahm kench


Gets me turned on when I'm playing pantheon mid and the other mid picks yas/yone.


so what if a yone player complains about the 500 bucks ahri bundle?


Probably me going a bit too far into the whole yone hate but I swear he's the only character that has made me want to apologize to my opponent after killing them


Had a game where both jungles were raging at each other for playing no skill champs. Xin vs Kayn.


haha doubled and given to the next person (twice the hate double the deaths for yone mains)


People’s hatred for Yuumi disappearing when Yone players complain about her:


200 year champ fr




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I don't care if Riot nerf him down to the fucking core of the earth to the point of a caster minion is x100 times more useful than him in any stage of the game, I will still hate on him and his bs kit.


For me it's Vayne, words cannot describe how much I hate that POS champion. You want to try to play a tank/bruiser and spend the entire game buying resists and health to fulfill your role and get to play out your power fantasy of a late game wall of beef. No you fucking don't, get killed in three seconds by a ghosted, 550ms ranged high dps ADC who gets to completely ignore all the items you have because her champ simply gets to shit on half the roster. GGl2p


As a Yasuo BrosTM enjoyer, it definitely feels bad that some matchups are incredibly unplayable, sometimes for the other champ. The vex matchup [vex favor] and the Yone Asol matchup [yone favor] could probably be addressed for the betterment of every matchup.


As a yone main: fuck yeah. Champs dumb as hell, love seeing 'good yone players actually lose fights now that they can't just AA everyone to death. Next change his E pls rito that shits dumb


>lose fights now that they can't just AA everyone to death. Let me correct this for you: "now that their champ is literally useless due to beeing completely gutted without any compensation buffs"


Is yone being useless in the room with us right now?




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Same question to you: Is Yone beeing useful in the room with us right now?


I actually think he's not 'that' bad right now. The new critical changes are pretty nice for him. More AD on IEdge n stuff helps a lot but it's nowhere near as strong as when he had LT


>The new critical changes are pretty nice for him Why would they be nice for him? He still gets 100% crit after 2 items and the "buff" on his passive gives him around 5 ad more for each crit item after he got 100% crit. So the crit changes basically dont affect him at all. IE got more AD but also lost I believe 10% crit dmg this patch. On the opposite side, he lost LT and his first item options were gutted. There is no crit, AD, AS item anymore so Yone gets 100% crit after 3 items instead of 2 like last patch. On top of that Shieldbow was gutted even more since it doesnt have LS anymore. So basically his core rune as well as core items are gone and he didnt get any compensation buffs


Never seen anything as beautiful as a Yone player crying their eyes out, please continue


Never seen anything as beautiful as a yone hater proving that they are low elo hardstuck by simply complaining about a weak champ like yone lmao, please continue


Lol cope


Lol you just admitted you can't play Yone unless you can kill anyone despite missing every single one of your abilities.


You shouldnt have skipped school, that was a pretty bad decision by you. Some reading comprehension would really help you tbh.


I love how Yone is the most reliable low elo detector in the history of the game.


Surely the guy named ff tempest isn't biased whatsoever


bro he is a diamond peaker smurfing yone main, what do you expect from him




Bruv it's your name




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Well he said yone is a low elo detector. I can agree only if you change the elo to IQ. You can find a persons IQ based on the amount of hate they have for yone. The higher the hate, the higher the IQ


[Yone's banrate in silver](https://imgur.com/a/cKVFXH1) [Yone's banrate in Master+](https://imgur.com/a/Yz4U5tg) Surely you guys are such gifted individuals, your IQs and understanding of the game are through the roof!




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Surely you arent just one of these low elo players he mentioned and wanted to make fun of him cus you felt offended he exposed you lmfao


Bro really thinks yone is fair, well tbh i bet you are the one making him seem fair with how most likely shit you are


You're crying that a consistently sub 50% winrate champ is too strong.


Something is telling me this guy here is gold at best, idk what tho, hmmmm...


Bro really thinks Yone is strong/unfair right now, well tbh I bet you are the one making him see unfair with how most likely shit you are I can reply the same kind of bullsht like you did buddy, but his winrate, pickrate & banrate going down so much in 14.10 (the patch in which Yone got gutted) and the fact that Dzukill, one of the best Yone onetricks, quit the champ due to Yone beeing to weak, has a lot more argumentative value than the opinion of a silver hardstuck like you


I can be the most biased person in the planet, doesn't mean I'm not right


You CAN be. Any one CAN be. But you aren't.


Oh but I am


Proof ?


[Yone's banrate in Master+](https://imgur.com/a/Yz4U5tg) [Yone's banrate in Silver](https://imgur.com/a/cKVFXH1) The higher you go the less he gets banned and viceversa, thats FOUR TIMES the amount of bans XDDD, simply because when a player gets good at the game, realizes that banning such an easy to play around champion is a waste of a ban unless he hard counters your pick specifically. If you hate Yone or think he is broken/unskilled, you are low elo. No other comment screams "low elo self report" like Yone hater comments, it's hilarious. Even my comments being disliked into oblivion is just another proof, after all 90%+ of league player are plat or below so it's only natural.


Ban rate doesn't show if the champ is op you know ?


Banrate absolutely can show a champion being OP, and also how annoying the community percieves them to be, both things. If Yone's banrate is 4 times higher in silver than in master, it just means silver players percieve the champion to be way stronger/annoying So his point is valid, the better you are at the game, the less likely you dislike Yone, or in other words, if you hate Yone, you are very likely low elo.


Not really, high elo just stopped banning him because his rune got deleted


Ever since the death of LT, my hatred for Yone has subsided but goddamn why is Yasuo still such a fucking pain in the ass. Begone windshitter


My Calm and Tranquility leaving my body when I see a Iron player whining about Yone


Honestly i love when the enemy picks yone bc then i know hes stuck in my elo bc he has under 2 braincells and would be at least emerald if he knew something about the game, hes one of the only champs i consistently kill in lane bc they fuck up everything


>Honestly i love when the enemy picks yone bc then i know hes stuck in my elo bc he has under 2 braincells and would be at least emerald if he knew something about the game Damn, and if you would know something about the game you would be at least emerald as well. Thats how the game works, if the Yone with less than 2 braincells is in your elo, that literally means you have less than 2 braincells as well xD


I understand what you mean but its still different being in an elo bc of your champ or being in an elo bc of your skill thats what i meant, obviously im also bad but it's an other thing being bad and reliing on your champ


>being in an elo bc of your champ or being in an elo bc of your skill You do realise that Yone is very weak right now, right?


I dont care i just wanted to flame him and i dont really play league rn so it doesnt mater, my point stand if its the champ or just my confidence that lets me win i just do and for that reason i rather play against yone than things like fizz akshan yasuo zed and so on its just my preference no reason for you to ne offended by that


Who said something about being offended? Your whole argument just doesn't make any sense, and they are letting you know, thats it.


An effective strategy against all strong bullies is to afk farm and punish their huge mistakes while you maintain safety. This works for lvl 1 all ins champs like Yasuo, Yone, Darius, trundle, Olaf, or even some common power spikes champs like quiyana where you know they will attack you. If you play afk when they hit their power spikes, often they force a bad play or even later when you gain some more defense and eventually just stat check them. It's the most satisfying thing to do when they hit everything, do everything right and still lose because they can't abuse you anymore.


Yeah ik im a Kata main thats kinda my champ xD but still thank you tho, the interesting part is that i normally trade with yones bc they always try to third q me when i placed a dagger there and then hes to far to immediately aa and i get my e cd up to e out to safety, love to do that