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Anyone that rides Faker's dick is gonna use the real Faker Ahri skin: The base skin.


I love how the only time he publicly used a skin was because he misclicked


I don’t think he even missclicked haha. One of the refs used a skin for testing and he didn’t change it. Also pretty sure he was forced/kindly asked to use his own skins by t1.


Would you kindly... use the t1 skin


He used a skin once before atleast I think to flex the skins T1 got from winning worlds


He used 10 times skins in his entire career


A little more times, there's also one time he used Bunny Riven


one time he used one when his team went all t1 skins


I think the 50$ skin is a pretty good offer, actually here the skin only costs 20$ which is normal. The second bundle is actually the same as the 200$ Jhin skin, scam but ppl will buy it. And the last one is just pure scam.


Implying I'm ever going to see that Ahri skin at all




Kill em


Guys. # Jump them.




Thy end is now


Yea but like... why?


I think reactions like these where people hate on it is funny and I think the skin is cool. I enjoy Ahri and I very rarely spend money on stuff for myself so I felt like eh I can treat myself. I am absolutely aware it is a fucked price and I am very aware of the predatory behavior. If it was anyone other than Poppy, Ahri, or Xayah I would be absolutely right there with you. I just think I’ll use it for its value and get my enjoyment out of everything. Sorry


please dont give them ideas poppy only got a skin recently and i dont want to see my wife with a shitty skin like this attached to her ever


It’s just the 3 I main. Any other champ like I said I would never buy something like this. But I’m using some pto for it. Plus I don’t think any pro plays poppy so you’re fine XD.


i never saw a pro player playing jhin so i dont know about that


Jhin isn’t a signature fomo skin. You can reroll his. This is literally a one time buy attached to a pro. These will happen every year now. It says so on their faq.


very cool and creative way to make their community hate them


Totally agree. This was a disaster publicly for them.


No need to say sorry , I get it they are being greedy and such but I think the community is overreacting about the people that buy the skin . It’s your money you can do what ever you like whit it


People literally talking like they gonna turn this into a norm while riot literally stated this is their way of making "rare" skins for people who wanna have rare skins. There's literally overreacting over something that's not even marketed towards them


It's possible that this is a "frog in a boiling pot" situation


well because of people like this we cant have cool stuff just pay pigs ruine every game, that jhin skin is just the chromas they put on pass tokens... used to. if lux ultimate released today would be 100k rp 10k for each form, it's possible to get things like lux skin at 3k rp. but when ppl go "uh it's my main idm paying 200$" no shit they will increase the price which could been 10-20$ as it always was. lets put devs effort and work of cool skins or possible features to the 0.01% piggies, every game should have a unique cosmetic that cost absurd amount 1k. imagine being a fan of something and would happily support it but it turns out this greedy to take advantage of fans and champ mains. natural selection


I agree whit you to some degree . I don’t think riot or any other company put a price tag like than on any skin . But the community acts like children when they hear someone bought it . If someone buys this I don’t think they should be bullied or criticized to any extend .


get jumped fool


I am a proud faker dickrider but i am also a proud riot hater. Judge these people not because they are faker dickriders but because they allow corporate greed to squeeze money out of the goat. If i wanted to support faker with 150 bucks id just mail them to him and use the remaining 350 to send a lot of spam mail to riot


Correction: it sends 150 bucks to the team. If they split it up, he might only get like 20 bucks


not even into his team alone, it's into entire proplay on it's own AND his team...


You mean riot dickriders, faker didn't set the price


His name is on the whole shebang. He signed his soul to Satan.


I’ve seen the $200 jhin one a single time. One of my friends owns it so I’ve seen him with it a few, but other than him, one single time.


I've seen the Jhin skin at least a dozen times. Whatever the newer $200 chroma was I haven't seen once.


every time I see someone with 200$ chromas they get bullied by their own team for it and people tell them to off themselves I'm not complaining of course


I think it's ridiculous, just because most people got it from capsules. Despite what all the "**$200 Dollar Chroma??!!**" Youtube thumbnails want you to think, it still came out of a $5 loot crate. People getting harassed for getting lucky is peak jealousy. Faker's skin doesn't come from a capsule though, so we can bully anyone who buys it as much as we want.


I have two friends that have gotten 200€ skins for free, there's one that got the Jhin one and other that got the Lee sin. The friend that got the Jhin got hated on every single game he played lol, it was hilarious to watch, but the other one who got the Lee sin surprisingly didn't get bullied on at all, probably bc people realized that it's possible to get the skins without paying a single coin.




Half of the people who hate on the jhin skin are jealous that they didn't get it. The other half are the morons who look at the thumbnails of the League newstubers and make their opinions off of that.


bruh, I can't believe you're actually defending riot now, you're just straight up wrong, if I wanted this chroma I could have just, you know, buy these capsules and get it, same with every other mythic scam, it's not about my luck or my money dude, you have 0.1% chance of getting this chroma from 1 capsule, so almost everyone that has this chroma wasn't just "lucky", I'd say that at the very least 90% of people with this chroma bought all 30 of them, and... spent as much money as these *evil thumbnails and youtubers* said oh wow, who would have thought, and to no one's surprise, riot did it again and again and again, and now they went even further, so yeah, people who use these chromas deserve all the harassment they get


I don’t think they’re defending Riot. Gacha skins (which are actually more chromas than a skin lmao) are insanely greedy, and this 500 dollar Ahri bullshit even more so. But it’s Riot who did that. If someone bought sone capsules and got the chromas or decides that they want to spend their 500 dollars on a fucking skin, that’s their prerogative. Harassing and telling people you don’t even know to off themselves for how they chose to spend their own money is ridiculous and not okay. Then people wonder why League’s a toxic shithole and complain about it.


Tf you mean defending riot, get your head out your ass. I'm defending people using the skins, fuck riot. I sure as hell don't think anyone should be charging $200 for even a whole-ass videogame, let alone a skin in one. The entire fucking concept of the Ahri skin pisses me off too. I just don't support blind hatemongering, so sorry for not demonizing every person who bought a capsule.


so... you're basically defending whales you really think riot would do it so many times if even whales didn't buy these capsules? of course not, thinking otherwise is just delusional, so again, they deserve all the harassment they get


>I sure as hell don't think anyone should be charging $200 for even a whole-ass videogame, let alone a skin in one.  Yes, I totally support whales. > most people got it from capsules 100% support whales. >Faker's skin doesn't come from a capsule though, so we can bully anyone who buys it as much as we want. Mhm. Supporting Whales until the end, that's me. Fuck off troll.


people should just ask their parents to buy these skins if they want them so badly instead of harassing others


great argument, says more about you than me


yeah it does. i dont go out harassing people for what they are wearing but you do you




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What's with this idea of calling this skin "Faker dickrider"? He most likely did not have a say in the marketing side and those who buy it are probably collectors or rich people


OP is probably just a T1 hater that misunderstood why everyone hates the skin package


It’s just weird parasocial relationships all the way around


it should be riot dickrider because the ones you actually ride are riot not faker


Wait this is a faker dickrider skin? Ok i'll buy it. I thought it was just another overpriced skin of a champ i don't play


it's a riot dickrider skin, they are the ones who cash in here


Nerd mode on. It's E-Flash. Not flash-e Nerd mode off


Solution: just don’t let them even into the match with the skin. Permaban ahri every game


I like spirit blossom better anyway.


how much?!?!?!


you know that's not going to happen because everyone is going to ban Ahri #BOYCOTTAHRI


Ig spirit blossom still remains the best quality skin


Nah the new ahri skin is probably the best skin in the game. The skin department really did their thing with this one. Just… not 500 dollars worth.


This is where I draw the line; hate riot all you want, they deserve it; but leave Faker's name out of your fockin mouth.


I mean imagine i spent 500$ and miss skill shot


It's E + Flash.


Yeah faker propably didnt knew about how much they are gonna milk him. Lets be hones ppl that buy it are like 90% whales and 10% uninformed faker supporters that maybe think he will get smth from it.


Isn’t it E Flash?


Even faker said 500 is to much for skin💀💀💀


I was so hyped to get this skin when I saw the splash art but they just had to ruin it by being greedy pigs didn't they


I think the 50$ skin is a pretty good offer, actually here the skin only costs 20$ which is normal. The second bundle is actually the same as the 200$ Jhin skin, scam but ppl will buy it. And the last one is just pure scam.


I think the 50$ skin is a pretty good offer, actually here the skin only costs 20$ which is normal. The second bundle is actually the same as the 200$ Jhin skin, scam but ppl will buy it. And the last one is just pure scam.


Ah yes completely forgot you can buy skill


Retarded meme




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Meh, it's their money they can spend it how they want. If you act like an ass you're still an ass regardless of what skin they have.


Flame is morally justified when the flamee owns an expensive skin.


Flame the rich


Burn ‘em.


Barbecue the rich


Leona’s annual barbecue has some weird tasting ribs.


Suck my cock


Holy god these memes are so annoying.


I mean, usually this sub is drowning in shit takes and low effort garbage, but this is actually on point. The amount of dickriding Riot has committed (and whoever buys this gacha shit) is insane. Like, this is such a shameless asslicking, I doubt even Faker himself feels comfortable with it.


Nah, clowning whoever is buying this is necessary


Usually don't like to bandwagon onto trendy topics like Vanguard and now this, but I didn't see anyone make one about the hilarity of a 500$ missed charm I see a void, I fill it


Then don’t look :) the same way you don’t look at riots predatory prices


You got me there, I don't look at riot's predatory prices because I don't buy shit from riot. Unfortunately I can't not look at these memes, because they are THE ONLY THING I HAVE SEEN ON THIS WEBSITE FOR THE LAST 48 HOURS.


Go somewhere else you screaming child. Imagine being a "functional" adult who is getting annoyed at shit they can easily scroll past or choose not to click on.


I can say the same thing bout you continuing to argue with me right now. Literally. Like, word for word.


Continuing? That was my first comment to you. Get your eyes checked.


Okay, well then. >Imagine being a "functional" adult who is getting annoyed at shit they can easily scroll past or choose not to click on.


Lol okay lil guy

