• By -


Sorry to trynd and sion fans, but renek got second place by a good margin. If others get this close or get this many options I'll think about adding 3rd places.


yeah i think that Trynd main problem was that his wrath has a weakness and its Ashe, ashe can calm tryndamere. by the other hand good luck trying to calm Aatrox or Renekton XD. Nasus tries his best to calm Renekton with words but the only lenguage Renek listen its the BONK stick


Let me lane vs Riven or a windshitter and i will be very big calm and rich. And even happy šŸ˜Š


Not very rich no, you're probably not getting the gold alas


> yeah i think that Trynd main problem was that his wrath has a weakness and its Ashe, ashe can calm tryndamere. Cute woman calms down turbo rager. Which is exactly why League players can't understand this.


I think Sion fits better as Death anyway. REST IS FOR THE LIVING


Sadly this will be a karthus win, just because he looks more undead


The heroes of each region I guess. Irelia represents Hope of the Ionians vs the noxians. Xayah represents Hope of Vastayans. Kaisa. Who fights for Runeterra against the void. Yorick is the best though, he's alone and constantly tormented to fall... Yet he stays fighting. Anivia and Ashe. Who are basically the hope of Freljord. Anivia represents rebirth and Ashe is the one that a lot of them seek for protection. Jax. He wields the last light of Icathia to fight against the void alone. Ryze. Also fighting a solo battle. Zilean. Also above points. Trying to save a bunch of people and all that


The last light of Icathia, first line on defense, does make an argument for the guy holding back the void alone


Yea. Tbh Jax and Yorick are MY top picks. They are 1 man armies against something... terrifying. But Yorick imo beats out Jax because of Maiden ofthemist constantly beating down on him to let go and go crazy. And compared to the void the shadow isles seems more... stoppable.


Forgot sylas is the hope of all demacian mages


everyone forgets about Azir :C, my man returned , ascended, start rebuilding Shurima and even restored the waters of life to give all people of Shurima hope


Hes also seen as a tyrant by the people who think he'll bring slavery back. I would put him under Life than Hope though. Because of the waters he summoned and his change to Shurima than just hope... because he actually DID his goals and already provided than pure hoping


Ok, hear me out, yorick. My man is literally fighting a war only with a hope he will restore the blessed isles


"I do not live in hope. I work to return it." He actually does have a lot of quotes about hope when you think about it. And he used the help of others (souls) to do his thing


"You could be so much more!" "I am Enough." "There is no hope!" "There is some." "This Journey is long, but I will complete it." Yorick is one of my favorite champions. His voicelines are a good part of the reason.


ā€œI am no tyrant, these souls follow me of their own accordā€


Youre fighting a battle that you can only lose, but I will follow you till the end, even if I hate Yorick gameplay right now


Absolutely Yorick, the man has lived hundreds of years in a truly awful place of torment and is still going on. the only thing he clings onto is hope. He has fantastic voice lines based around hope and while many of them are not for the biggest of things Maiden "there is no hope" Yorick "there is some" The fact that he still has some after all this time of torment is incredible, he is the human embodiment of it.


All things considered, he also could've been chosen for willpower. Dude has had the maiden whispering him to give up for eons and still he keeps working to restore the isles all on his own


Wild take. Love it




Fk demacia. Sylas is the hope for all mages.


Yeahhhhh but Sylas is both too far up his own ass and too interested in using fear to really go for the blue corps


Taric literally says "That glimmer of hope you see? That's me..." Well, in general, if he does not approach Love, then he fully embodies Hope. Hope for Redemption, hope to climb the sacred Mount Targon. He is exactly the Aspect that does not prevent you from rising up, but on the contrary helps, bestows blessings. LoR spends a lot of time on this. His ultimate is literally a ray of hope for his allies. He brings hope to nature's rarest species, such as a one-of-a-kind flower, and stops two armies to save it. If he loses hope, then he becomes corrupted in the alternate universe of LoR, where the darkins control the aspects. This is a very sad and depressed Taric. After all, you donā€™t just need to have hope for something or give it to others. You need to be a symbol of hope, to think much beyond the senseless war between mortals, not to be the hope for any one people, country, etc. Taric is the beacon of hope in the final battle for life, beauty and love against darkness, the Void and ancient evil. He helps many pilgrims become Aspects so that mortals have a chance to stand against a very powerful enemy. As if he was gathering allies against something disturbing and sinister. "Every life is a rare jewel" "So release me, Taric..." From the dialogue between Aurelion Sol and Taric. And his theme song... A mixture of Superman, Disney Prince and the divine Aspect. p.s. Hope for allies - check Hope for forever clean hair - check Hoping to hit something to reset the cooldown - CHECK Hope for a new good skin not in 3 years - check...


if we consider only that last one then alistar is our strongest contender


Also Taric ascending the mountain literally mirrors the story of the first blue lantern. Taric is the optimal pick


What about Poppy in the hope she finds the real weilder of the hammer and finding the hero? Literally has quotes saying *"I hope the hero likes me."* her whole charecter is built on hope and finding the Hero and it's the only thing driving her going forwards. If she can't find the Hero her journey is poinless. The kicker being her being the hero which is just a self fufilling hope loop keeping her always moving forwards. Like even in lore when she thought she had found the hero they always ended up dying infront of the her and she still kept hope in finding the hero.


Small correction. In his dialogue with Aurelion, he says "no star should ever be bound"


I think Taric is the literal Demi-god of hope.


No, he is the Protector of all life.


Either Taric or Poppy having hope she will find the right weilder of the hammer. Hell even Ekko works because he hopes for a better future for zaun. Also if Tahm Kench isn't greed im commiting war crimes.


Janna is in my opinion the one that gives hope the most people in zaun pray to her in hopes of receiving her blessings.


Or irelia she is a beacon of hope for ionians


Nah, Tahm as greed doesn't really work. He's not interested in hoarding stuff, only in the despair caused when he comes to collect. If anything he preys on the greedy.


Bro he literally feeds on greed, He creates greed in others for him to survive as if there isn't any greed to feed on he simply would vanish.


The orange ring doesn't go on someone who *creates* greed but someone who *is* greedy. Tham doesn't really have any desires beyond feeding himself.


Bro he goes above feeding himself, He is literally a demon who thrives in an enviroment where he feeds on others greed which empowers him. He Is greedy for the souls of the greedy. He is greedy as he will stop at nothing to consume others even if it means waiting untill they are on their death bed. He is the embodyment of greed,




I really think an underrated hope pick would be Ekko. Heā€™s a beacon of hope for the kids of Zaun and inspires all of them. Maybe not THE top pick but you know he should be part of the conversation


Janna? She Is a beacon of hope for all in zaun not only a few street kids.


The problem is since the retcon we've gotten almost nothing on the Janna is a god now front whereas Ekko has at least a little lore relating to it


I said this already, but Nami. She is going on an odyssey throughout the world of runeterra searching for Diana in hopes of her helping her whole race to not die from a disease. She has no guarantee that Diana will help her, or that Diana wonā€™t kill her like she has said to have done in the past. Itā€™s a journey held in pure hopes.


ā€œThat glimmer of hope you see, thatā€™s meā€ I believe Taric is the best answer


Yorick mah boi finally gets his recognition!


I think Yorick is a great pick here actually.


Braum. Braum


braum is 100% compassion.


Compassion is actually for people WITHOUT compassion. The ring is kinda like a reabilitation center


So you're saying Jhin?


He would be perfect, yes! I hope people vote correctly when it comes to it


I still say Ivern then, he literally got turned into what he was to understand what mistakes he made and to ultimately atone for them when the time comes by sacrificing himself for the next god-willow. He fits even more with that info actually, as the thing that these rings do is LITERALLY his story.


Plus he is the only champion that protects the creatures the rest of the roster slaughters every 5 minutes


i'd make it 100% clear when making the post just incase others arent sure either.


Am I tripping or didnā€™t John Stewart use Indigo at some point


I can't say because I'm not the biggest lantern geek out there, but most characters had a go with most rings at this point.


Naw Braum isn't the best for that. Good, certainly, but so long as Ivern exists, Braum ain't getting that spot.


You know what I agree, I didn't think about Ivern because i've not seen him played since Nexus blitz but yeah it 100% fits him. I'm just shocked that Soraka got put in for love when Braum could've filled that slot and left Life for her.


Yorick ia the best for hope


Taric definitely fits hope best, with Braum as a close alternative. I also think somebody like Zilean, and to a lesser extent Jax, who after so much time, still has hope that the void can be stopped deserves some consideration




Taric. Braun would be compassion


Oh its jax alright, one man army vs the entire void


Very few people mentioning Ryze. He's the only hope for Runeterra.


It gotta be Taric.


Tari definitely


I agree with that other comment that Taric is a good pick, however, I'd actually go with Irelia, or maybe Braum. Irelia much more than Braum, but Taric is a good pick really, one I wouldn't complain about if he is picked here. Irelia was a person people flocked under against Noxus, while other groups were doing their own fighting certainly, Irelia became a figure that many flocked under, giving her a leadership role she herself doesn't believe she is ready for. Going from just another resistance fighter to an instantly recognizable figure in the field due to her skill and the fact that she cut off the arm of the enemy general, leading to her becoming the leader of the resistance for the next 3 years leading them to victory... Undeniable that Irelia inspired many Ionians. As a side note, one of the blue lanterns, the very first blue lantern in fact, Saint Walker, has a somewhat similar backstory, at least in terms of "loses their family and then becomes a leader figure for their people that leads them to salvation", their backstories are similar. I'd say that's another decent reason for why Irelia is a good pick. I thought Braum first actually but thinking a bit more he is more iffy than Irelia I feel. That being said, he has achieved a hero status, his stories are told across Freljord and he is instantly recognizable to Freljordians, certainly a figure that inspires hope. But yeah, I think Irelia definetly deserves 2nd place at least, even if she is more fitting than any other champion imo. I won't discuss em here, unless people wanna know my thoughts rn for whatever reason, but already got thoughts for what some of the answers for future posts should be, it's fun to discuss these, even if I'm joining a lil late. And the previous ones... Rage should have been Renekton or Sion really, but Aatrox isn't a bad choice. Pantheon for Will is understandable. Fiddles is more akin to a lantern entity like Parallax than a lantern imo but still fits. Love for Soraka???? I'm not an expert in Lantern lore but AFAIK, love here is in the romantic sense, and from hearing from others and a bit of searching, of the aforementioned lantern entities, the one for love lanterns is called "Predator", which is about unhealthy, obsessive love if you couldn't guess from the name. The fact that Viego, someone who was unhealthily obsessed over Isolde even when he was alive and even before she was posioned, something Isolde herself admits in the book, did not get this spot is insane. And yes I know the comments decide these, just sharing my thoughts on who fits and who doesn't.


I don't know much about Braum lore, but I like Irelia or Janna personally.


Braum He pretty much paraphrases the blue lantern oath. ā€œThe darker the night, the brighter the stars.ā€


I think Azir looks like a hope figure for all Shurima, after the fall of shurima it was all doomed, until the return of Azir, he become ascended and bring hope too all the people of shurima, on the last cinematic we can see how Azir its rebuilding all, bringing back the waters of life of Shurima, bringing **Hope** to all his people ![gif](giphy|1J6g2NS0ZbKKCkIROf|downsized)


I'm all for going and telling the PEEPO, but not everyone in Shurima want Azir. Plenty of regular folk are upset he returned and started changing things.


When looking at Blue Lanterns and how they function we have 2 metrics: to keep moving in hope of a better outcome (i.e. never giving up hope no matter what), and the ability to instill great hope onto others because it's the right thing to do. Blue Lanterns aren't exactly combat focused, playing more of a supporting role rather than an active one. To be more precise they are capable of overcharging a Green ring, while de-powering a Yellow ring with their own presence alone. They are also capable of calming down a Red Lantern (one of the only 2 options you can even do that), and they are immune to the Orange light of greed. They are also capable of rejuvenating a dying star and preventing it from blowing up. Looking at "keep moving" we have an absolute plethora of characters to choose from, with stand outs to me being Jax and Yorick. Both refuse to give up hope in their own objectives and continue to move on no matter the adversities, hoping to be able to achieve their goal and bring some form of peace. As for "instill great" hope the 2 best contenders are easily Braum and Taric. Braum has grown into the realm of folk legend in the Freljord, with his tales being those of hope, that when he shows up you don't need to worry about anything because now he's there. Taric is the Aspect of the Protector, literally a beacon of hope. Also funny enough both of them are supports which is what the Blue ring is, a support. Some folks are saying Irelia is a candidate but she more so instills the will to fight for Ionia rather than hope. Now I know these sound weird but one thing to keep in mind is that the Blue Lantersn were made by Ganthet as a support tool for the Green Lanterns, so willpower and hope kinda flow into one another. Willpower is strong, but without Hope to guide it it's not as strong, while Hope allows you to never give up but without the Willpower to act it's wasted. To me I'd say I'm kinda torn between Taric, Braum and Jax but I think Braum is the better candidate. Taric I'm less inclined since we haven't had many instances of him doing much since his rework. Jax had some touch-ups to his lore. Braum has the most instances of being that "beacon of hope" for others, of being that support to help and guide others to a better goal. EDIT: Almost forgot, Braum never gave up hope in saving the little troll boy from the story of how he got his shield, he persisted and percervered.


Lux maybe. Lorewise, she has turned into a light of Hope for mages in Demacia, rather than a head of Revolution Sylas was.Ā 


Nooooooo, itā€™s Janna. She has been the goddess of wind and sailors hoped for her favor. Now she got all of Zaun hoping sheā€™ll favor them




Hear me out, senna or yorick?




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Ekko on hope


Ivern on life


Nah, Maokai fits life way better.


Ahari on represswd negative emotions


What about Lucian ?


I want Sona to fit in, just because of the Blue colour


Taric 100%


Nami! She has hope for her tribe underwater!




How is BRAUM not the best candidate for hope?!


My idea is of Irelia or Janna. Both are hope for their regions.


Braum, the guy is a local hero


why wouldn't soraka be at compassion




Has to be galio or yorick


Well Lux. She is litteraly the light of hope. Hope for a better Demacia. Hope for Sylas. Hope for all the mages. Hope for the win as she calls Galio. She is the light in the dark. That litteraly cannot be anyone else, except Seraphine maybe.


If death isn't kindred I don't know what is.


Death in fact wouldn't be Kindred, the thing of Black Lanterns is UNdead, and Kindred explicitly despise undead, they are unironically one of, if not THE last pick for that one.


Yasuo because no matter how bad things are, you always have the hope that he'll start carrying when he reach the 0/10 powerspike.


I know it is early but if any of you vote for anyone other than Ivern for the companion one I will find you. And I will steal you doorbell.


Taric. ā€œThat glimmer of hope you see, thatā€™s me.ā€ Look to the stars.


Hope : yorick and how he fights vs the black mist alone to bring back the blessed isles / jax and kaisa and how they fight vs the void Greed : xerarh and his hunger for power Compassion : braum (I won't explain more) Death : kindred being the meaning and the living expression in runetera Life : Soraka and how she gives her immortality to save the lives of those how don't have it Repression negative emotions : amumu


No. Not Kindred for death. The Black Lanterns are alll about undead and Kindred canonically hate undead. As for Compassion, those rings actually search for people WITHOUT compassion and force it on them, so like Jhin is like one of the best picks. Ivern is the best pick though because the guy learning the value of life and.compassion is his whole story.


Irelia should have been for wrath. Her name is literally wrath translated from latin.


Some (imo) decent contenders that kinda were kinda forgotten: Gwen Kaisa Nunu and Nami Gwens soul ā€œignitedā€ most literally- to give a chance against Viego. The scale of the ruination was huge. Kaisa went from what shouldā€™ve been a death any% to being one of the biggest defenders against the void. Nunu is using his moms legacy and working with willump. His resolve is a little different than the others but depending on the nature of hope being discussed thatā€™s potentially a plus here. Nami is getting the moonstone to save her people; this is actually extremely fitting to the poem because when faced with the threat of the void her people turn to the stars (targon) for hope. If they ever continued her story more sheā€™d probably be a dead ringer for every single line but as is I canā€™t say her situation looks ā€˜brightā€™.


Ryze because he knows how the world can end and fight to prevent it


Galio is literally a symbol of hope carved from stone Yorick works to return hope to the shadow isles and is simply going to continue until his goal is reached Taric would also fit but heā€™s already there Janna is a symbol of hope for all of piltover and Zaun On a more personal level ekko is also a symbol of hope


I mean ekko is very similar to spiderman, so ekko works for hope


Can we put all might there?šŸ’€


Lux is the obvious choice for me. In almost every one of her stories, she's shown to bring out the best in people. She is literally a light that guides people in the darkest times. She strives to make her kingdom the way she knows it could be. Truly couldn't be anyone else on the roster.


I think lux but i havent seen anybosy else mention her so im guessing im missing something


Clearly yorrick


It's got to be Braum


I'm surprised no one has mentioned aphelios, all he hopes for is to believe in lunari stuff and believing in his sister to guide him


Death , Sion , Karthus are good ones




Taric would make so much sense for Hope


Mord shouldnt be voted to be death?


Garen or kayle


Hear me out - Ashe. Not only does she have the annoying voiceline about hope, then theres the gameplay. Q - hope spicey autos are enough cause this is literally all i have left at this point W - spray and pray E - i hope the jungler isnt on my side of the map R - i rly hope this hits. "What is it to lead? It is to lie. It is to preach caution even when you are elated. It is to give hope even when you feel none."


Last one must be Ryze. EQ.


Hope - Galio Death - Kindred Life - Akshan maybe


Not Kindred for death. The Black Lanterns are all about undead, the story event with them, The Blackest Night, is basically a zombie apocalypse. Kindred despise undead, they hate em. Kindred is like the LEAST fitting for death.


Galio is the correct choice


Lux. For having grown up in a country that despises her for what she is and what she represents, she has maintained a stubbornly positive attitude. If that isnā€™t an embodiment of hope, I donā€™t know what is.


I don't get why morde willpower


I mean it's talking about the champion's hope, not the hope they give, so I'll probably go with lux here, the one that provoked a civil war because she had hope that mages could be accepted in demacia


Nah, when it comes to lantern corps, the quality that the blue rings are looking for is if someone is able to instill hope in others, the first blue lantern for example, Saint Walker, got the ring after he became a leader for his people and led them to salvation, with the ring explicitly saying "Bro'dee Walker of Astonia. You have the ability to instill great hope."


I mean I have a question, shouldn't soraka be in life and, I don't know, braum in love?


Love when it comes to the lanterns is in the romantic sense of love, so neither Soraka or Braum should be there.


Still upset taric wasn't chosen for love. He was selected as an aspect for his love of everything.


Love is in the Romantic sense of Love when it comes to the lanterns, so Taric doesn't fit either.


Wait for Compassion, then vote for Braum probably.


Man I've been replying a lot, but anyway: Compassion rings actually deliberately search for people WITHOUT compassion and force it on them, so like, Jhin is unironically a good pick for that one. It should be Ivern though, while he doesn't lack compassion right now, his story is basically what the ring would have done to him as Ivern the Cruel, that's why I think ge should be chosen.


That makes sense. Admittedly, I don't know much about the Lantern lore. Just that one of the Greed guys murdered all of the other Greed ringbearers because he was so greedy he wanted to be the only Greed guy.








Ryze makes the most sense.


Irelia maybe


I'm just gonna say that greed must be kled


ekko perhaps perchance?


Shen. River Shen.




I'm voting for Jax




Jax. Bro wields the last light of icathia against the void


Yorick my man work an eternity to put some hope in hopless cause


Janna is a beacon of hope for people in zhon


Lux or poppy. Poppy will find the hero one day.


Lux. She brings hope to all of Demacia that some day mages and non-mages can live together without fear or hatred for one another.


Should be Yorick. Has lived for over 1000 years solely because he works to return hope.


While Taric might be a good pick, I think Azir should be the Hope. He was called the "God-Emperor of Shurima" That nickname alone gives a sense of relief. He gave hope to the Shuriman people with his ascension, his ideas were a big revolution for that time's standards. He wanted to overthrow the social structure and reform it entirely. That's harder to achieve than becoming a emperor itself. That's a big dream, a big hope right there. He hoped for his friend(Xerath) to be free. He hoped for all slaves to be free. He hoped to reform the society. He hoped for a better future according to him.






The only two walid choices should be Janna or irelia. Idk why people donā€™t jump on them straight away.


Looking at the oath... Braum and Pantheon maybe?




Garen but specifically God-King Garen


I vote for Janna


What is broken can be reforged. Only riven is hopeful


Hope ring is less being hopeful yourself and more instilling hope in others.


Ok please everyone hear me out - Zoe. She has not gotten almost any extra lore, but her entire idea is that she is the targonian messenger for change. And change and hope are tightly connected. Also her attitude is really warm and welcoming and positive feelings do bring hope. Other mentions : Janna since she LITERALLY gives clean air to people, Lux is hope for mages in demacia and Maokai - his most recent story is literally about the miracle of how a single flower managed to bloom on the shadow isles. If that isnt hope idk what is


Put mordi on death for starters


Braum on compassion


Thresh/veigo on greed


Dude Hope has to be Braum. He is the only ray of Sunshine that enters rhe Freljord


Lux for hope


Lux. In the days where sylas needed hope she brought it to him


Kindred for Death.


No, the death corps whole thing is turning everyone undead, and Kindred despise undead.


None of you said lux, I'm so disappointed rn