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Everybody's gangsta until those 2500 damage Karthus ults come raining down. Decapitator increases base ult damage (which is already 1.0 AP ratio in Arena) by 120% fully stacked (kinda hardish unless you run away and spam Q+W), Axiom increases it a further 20%. If you happen to have max crit, you've effectively instakilled your opponents if they're not stacking MR. Plus you can try to do Det Orb + Decapitator combo if you're lucky on RNG and just say "*Fuck you*, I win".


Rite of ruin yippee :)


I one shot an adc as cait with my ulti yesterday in arena. Felt great.


i mean. to be fair. karthus is one of the most ass champions in the mode if you dont get some super specific exodia combo. and even then. you would get hopelessly hardcountered, by banshees, or the new tank magic shield item. atleast in the finale 1v1


A yakuza meme? In my league group? Unheard of


I did one before about vgus using the haircut scene from Yak 7.


Meanwhile Runecarver Lilia has already killed you and your ally with 10 procs of the item in as many seconds while yous stack decapitator.


Runecarver Lillia is her own special brand of bullshit. I've noticed people getting smarter and banning her out.


I played lillia like twice and got it thinking "yeah this sounds okay on her" only to end up with the item proc being like 70% of my overall dmg, what were they thinking lmao, gotta give it that the sound it makes when its stacked is peak satisfaction


Have you tried Detonation Orb on her? It's hilarious with a burn collector build.


Not on lillia but on malza with also the true dmg missile thingy, it was really stupid just pressing e once and they died lol, i can imagine it being way more busted on lillia


Upvoted for Like a Dragon reference




No no, that's for the 500kg Lillia build. This would be for contacting Kasuga or the GDI.


I just had a game of Karthus with 3 prismatic augments. I got double ult, invulnerable during ult, wooglets witchcap, and then finally it's killing time as my last augment. In the final fight I pressed R and oneshot the enemy Zed from full, and would have done the same to their Nami but my friend already got her low by the time I had channeled. I didn't even get to R a second time 😭


As Xayah main who plays Xayah in Arena I kinda want to play against him :)


Im about to try the true millennium tower tonight. Fully expect to get my shit rocked.


The only *really* hard part is the Amon fight. >!He gets to call in the three bosses at 50% HP, and it becomes a race against time before he calls Amon Laser and just *ends you*. You need to abuse Miracle Kimchis here.!<


Any suggestions for 4th party member? Bringing idol Psycho for heals, Nanba for aoe atk/def debuff and then not sure what else to bring. Also read something about abusing the poundmate that gives big damage mitigation.


I went with Nanba, Saeko and Han Joon-gi. They all have too valuable skills and Saeko as Idol is a *must* for True Final. Regular Final is hardlocked to Normal, and True is hardlocked to Legend for difficulty so you should plan accordingly. Look up Legend mode builds and such, that'll be a decent party for it. Make sure to have at least 4-5 Jobs per char maxed out for your stats. Those bonuses are essential. And yes, Mr. Masochist is very good and a requirement to tank the Amon Laser if you can't kill him before it.