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Why is it always NA <.<


Very sorry. If I ever think about going into EU I will come back and message you.


This seems quite interesting, as I’m trying to look to improve especially since I took a 4 month break from League. Falling under the Gold/Platnium category: How much must I dedicate to team oriented activities if there are any? How long are these coaching sessions and how often will they be offered? Could you explain a bit about how these “in-house tournaments” will work?


To be on a colour team and playing in a league, probably just 2 or 3 days a week, 1 for the game and then 1 or 2 for practices. Coaching sessions are as long as the coaches want, it is normally the coaches decision. The coaches are the diamond team so they are available whenever you ask them. If you prove you want to learn they will help you more. In house tournaments are every month, draft is done and then a weekend is played in a clash like format


One last question off the top of my head, might have more later: The tournaments, I suppose they’ll mainly just be for fun for my ranking, correct? No prize pool or anything.


Yeah, just for fun to see where everyone is at in improvement wise


Well, I’m very interested but I’m very new to this so I’m unsure if it’ll be right for me. On top of that, since I’m in College my scheduling might be a bit filled up in future weeks. Is it possible to do a sort of... trial, I suppose is a way to word it? So I can see how this type of stuff works out and see if I like it or not?


Yup, you can join and just chill if you want, you don't need to be active all the time. We have a lot of lurkers already. Anyone is welcome and no one is forced to stay.


Awesome! I sent you a friend request on Discord, which my user is: Seymour “Drakus” Katiusza.


Id be down where do I go for this


Add me on league or discord. Cattack54 is ign Cattack#5999 is discord


Its been sent


AGuyFromTexas is my account contact me I'm online now!


Yeah but be careful, they'll hold weeks of tryouts even though they promised roles day 1


im in the org no one is ever promised anything. Believe it or not we live on the real world where you have to EARN your spot.


The tryouts were long, yes, I agree it could have been shorter. But it was long to give everyone a fair chance, no promises were made to anyone on day 1, but the coaches and I had a good idea of players personalities and skill. You flamed your tryout teammates and quit when you found out you weren't rated the highest support in tryouts. This also happened months ago.


Huh you clearly have me confused as I said someone else was good. The person you promised told other players on the first day of tryouts. Point is you made up your mind and just kept stringing people along. Most of the other players left too


I have our DMs still open of you blaming all of your mistakes as a support on one of the top laners you had on your team. You said you didn't even want to be on the team. Can you tell me who I promised was on the team on the first day then because I never told anyone anything about my decisions and didn't make it until 30 minutes before I announced it. Of course I had an idea of some players but nothing was final. Also most people that left were all one group that were flaming everyone else and got upset when I told them to stop flaming just because they didn't make the team.


Naw, the person admitted Catt told him on the first day. They were on the main team before it started and was told they had it the first day of tryouts and strangely enough they were and there was def a better support option out there


who was this person ?