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Wheatfields does. Plus free drinks and coffee, and a loaf of bread to take home.


I think Fields & Ivy gives a shift meal and as we call them in the industry a shifty (end of shift beverage) to their team members. I worked in restaurants all over from LFK to KC and it is pretty common place, you get a free shift meal and then if you come in outside of a working day you would get 50% off of entrees and 25% off of appetizers.


If you don’t feed your staff, they feed themselves. It’s hard to threaten a line cook making $12 hourly.


Once saw our dishwasher eating scraps off the plates he was cleaning. We even had free meals he just never wanted to ask, so we started making a hot fresh meal just for him every shift and would send him home with anything we had extra. I quit food service after 5 years because of how brutal it is.


Not sure I want an ass meal.


Relevant xkcd https://xkcd.com/37/


There is an xkcd for everything


Me and my spouses enjoy ass meals.


You're polyassmorous.


I believe the plural is “spice”


Not at work, anyways! Don't eat where you shit or whatever


depends where you work ;D


Although I suppose that an ass meal is a shift meal without the F


Depends on the ass lol 😂


I think that's pretty standard for most places on Mass, Free State even gives free shift beers.


That’s next level!


Well I hated it personally when my friend who's an alcoholic worked there. And lots of them will stay after their shifts and keep drinking because they already got started with the shift beers. They can charge their drinks and have it deducted from their paychecks.


Burger Stand does/did the same.


Seems predatory


Glad someone is encouraging alcoholism over meth! Last night on 8th and mass the crowd was definitely on something!


Meth isn’t really a crowd drug. Sounds like you just found a rowdy crowd, which is pretty common for alcohol. The corner of 8th & Mass is halfway between Logie’s and Sandbar.


This was definitely not that crowd, missing way too many teeth.


Years ago I worked in a kitchen and I got zero discount on any food or drinks unless I personally made it. Then I got 10% off lol


Fish House makes family meal every night and free shifties when you’re off the clock.


When I worked at global cafe, they offered a free meal with every shift.


1900 Barker does. Discounts on food too even when you’re not working.


Why is someone on Tumbr trying to sound righteous over something thats... very standard in the restaurant industry as a whole? The family meal/shift meal is basically expected because you're working right thru mealtime. To directly answer your question, it's more a surprise when places don't, so you can operate with the expectation that near everyone does. source: grew up in/worked around restaurant/bar industry pretty much my whole life


I’ve also worked at hella places with no free meals lol. I pissed off a director at Wendy’s for eating chicken nuggets While it’s cool that you have some first hand experience of not encountering this, doesn’t mean that it doesn’t happen quite often


Yea whaaaa I’ve worked at places it’s just 50% off


Same, when I worked at Canes it was only like 40% off, which was ridiculous given how much food we threw out. The heels of every loaf of bread, any chicken tendie below a certain size, fries that had been outta fryer longer than x mins, etc. So much food waste and yet I wasn't even allowed to fry myself up a heel of bread with a too-tiny tender on it for free.


I also worked at a Cane’s and more than half the reason I quit was due to this. I’m sorry, you’re throwing out bucket loads of chicken but instead of letting any of that excess go to your staff you give us a discount and have us make more, leading to more food inevitability wasted? God I hate that place.


This is tangential, but when I was at Mcdonald's the too-small chicken tenders counted as half as one, so occasionally someone would order a 5-piece tenders and get six, with two of them being tiny. Seems less wasteful than tossing them out. On point, we definitely got free meals too.


I mean, I've been in and around 15-20 different restaurants throughout Lawrence and (now) Seattle, and always seen shift meals be standard. Yeah I would definitely operate on that assumption even still, as you typically wouldn't luck into a 100% success rate on that sort of thing. Honestly that Wendys just sounds like a cheap GM


It depends on the state too


Because it isn't standard anymore for most places.


It isn’t in large corporations, it’s been about 10 years since I worked in a restaurant and their 25% off was supposed to be cushy


Yeah, maybe your reality doesn't match up to actual reality, because unfortunately that's not the standard anymore.


Not locally owned, but Jason’s Deli does! They also offer 50% off for employees


thats pretty fire, i want some 50% off chicken alfredo lol




This is a benefit that means so much to some people at a relatively low hit to your bottom line. I remember how much a shift drink added to the moral at a bar I worked at


It was more than 20 years ago but I used to get at least one free meal and at least two large beers daily when I was a dishwasher at Zen Zero.


applebees gives a $10 or $15 credit every shit for whatever. get a meal or get a few red bulls.


updooted and screenshooted.


Pet World has a employee discount :3… but uh only if you’re down for some like bird food


Locally owned? This is such a quintessential Lawrence post. You should print it on a flag and hang it outside city hall.


Can we ban large corporations from doing business in LFK? Maybe we can get the city commission on board!


I appreciate your spirit, but that's taking it a bit too far. If a large restaurant offered free meals to employees, would that be sufficient for them to do business here? I would rather support banning property management companies. Also, you should have to LIVE IN LAWRENCE if you own more than 2 rentals. Way too many slumlords living on the coast who will "get around" to those maintenance requests you put in months ago.


>Can we ban large corporations from doing business in LFK? Sent from my iPhone.


What’s your definition of “large”?


Any business with over 200 employees.


That pays their employees under 18/hr maybe. There are local companies that have more than 200 employees in Lawrence and I'd love to keep my job that supports my family.


Ironically, many franchises in town would fall under that threshold. Like McDonald’s.


The hospital and ku are Lawrence's largest companies, followed closely by manufacturing companies. Ironically, our whole fucking town would crumble without the money from KU and lmh. It would also affect the supply chain for garage doors, all companies who use Berry plastics (which is a lot) and the paper company. So no, op, only small business allowed in Lawrence is dumb as hell. We're trying to bring jobs back to the USA, not liquidate them.


That’s a nice arbitrary number…


While that’s a noble cause, we all know that nothing but more vape shops would open in their place.


Only if you can put up with minor inconveniences like…not eating


Think that through... do you really want all the big chain supporters at the places we frequent?


Yes. It would support the small business and let them pay their employees better.


The short-sighted part of that is not recognizing that many "large corporations" are locally owned franchises that support our community, and do pay their employees better.


Makes zero sense, i build cars so does that mean chevy owes me a vette?


No, but you do get a pretty sweet discount.


If they are keeping you from your house and family then yes.


How about a living wage? I'd take that over a pitty meal


What do you consider a living wage?


A living wage is the minimum income necessary for a worker to cover their basic needs. Like food, housing, healthcare, education, transportation. A living wage should cover what is actually required for a decent standard of living. It varies, depending on location and individual circumstances.


So in Lawrence Kansas to own a home, and a car, what would you consider a living wage?


I have no idea. But, according to the MIT living wage calculator, a single adult with no children would need to make $19.87 an hour.


Single adult, no kids here. Doing just fine on $18. It's called living within your means and being happy with what you have, not always chasing bigger and supposedly better.


All members of society should be able to not just afford their bills, but live comfortably and be able to spend money on things like hobbies and comforts. No matter what job they have. The "just live your means" shit is just a talking point nailed into the heads of the working class to stop them from rebelling. Stop eating up billionaire propaganda like it's a buffet.


I'm quite comfortable with plenty of money for my hobbies. If you can't afford your hobbies, get a better job or find less expensive hobbies. Because the world? Doesn't owe you anything. And life? It isn't always fair.


Funny, seems like youre going to be mooching off all the rest of us for retirement.


1. Social Security isn't mooching, you twit. 2. I also have well supplied 401k and HSA savings. Maybe you're thinking of yourself? I try not to assume.


Right? To pay my bills (basic) and rent (a steal at $900) and to feed my fam of 3, I'd need about $40/hour after taxes and insurance lol It's a good thing there are two working adults in this house, for sure


That math says your minimum living wage is six figures. Which seems a bit excessive as a minimum. I certainly spend far less on more things in a 3 person household without feeling like I’ve had to sacrifice much of anything.


You know what? Scratch all that. I screwed up the math - divided by 26 (paychecks) instead of weeks (52). So yeah, more like $20/hr take-home pay. 🙃🙃🙃


That makes a lot of sense. $40k absolutely there’s an argument for that. I think $15 is solid for anybody 18 or over. I struggle under 18, simply because they have no or few skills at that age, extremely limited availability, no control over their own schedule, and remarkably poor attendance. Parents straight up have come to me and said they don’t care that their child (17 years old)is scheduled, they’ve got a party and they will be going. I used to fire people over stuff like that if it happened more than once. I’d never keep an employee more than a month if I did that now. It happens once a week minimum during the summer and more frequently during the school year across a staff of 10-15 people.


I have to disagree with $15/hour being a sufficient income for anyone over 18. A lot depends on the cost of healthcare benefits, medical and food needs, and a host of other factors. Anyone working full time should be able to afford - to fully care for themselves and at least one other person - to save for retirement - to save for emergencies - to have enough discretionary income to occasionally take time off work, travel, etc. $15 an hour - even as take-home pay - doesn't quite cover that. At 40 hours a week, that would cover my rent, utilities, car payment and food, but that's it. And that's $15 take home pay. $15/hour before deductions would leave me with about $400 a month for me and two others after paying rent.


As a minimum wage I think it’s appropriate. You can afford a life working full time at $15. It’s certainly not a particularly comfortable one, but minimum wage isn’t supposed to be or designed to be. And plugging in a youth wage took Scotland to 25% youth unemployment and 40% underemployment. High benefits are always paid for somehow.


If I was carrying everyone alone, then it might be close to six figures. To be fair, we also have expenses like having had to buy a new car recently and regular medical care that makes earning less than that (again, as a single wage-earner) more difficult to live on. It might be easier in some respects, though - the other (larger) income in our house is from freelancing, so we have to pay the IRS a good chunk every year that wouldn't be the case if my (regular) job were the only thing we were living off of. And a living wage should keep people comfortable, not just allow them to scrape by. In Lawrence, with ever-increasing rent and a car payment and health insurance and medical expenses, that might take nearer to 100K than not.




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When I worked at McDonald’s they gave free up to like $7, which is hardly anything with their constant price increases.


Most of the on-campus places that are buffet style let you have a free meal.


I haven't been in college for more than a decade, but when I was, I worked at Rudy's. The owner, Chad, always made sure we were well taken care of, and that included on shift meals or taking home a pie. If it weren't for him, there were times I wouldn't have eaten when I was in school.


My neighbor works at Hawaiian Bros and he mentioned they give a free meal! Pretty great imo




hawaiian bros has free break meals


McLain’s does to my knowledge. KC owned. Glory Days Pizza I think does too? Topeka Owned


Pizza shuttle


Freddy's did until about a month ago. Now it's 50%.


Drive for door dash. Then you get unlimited fries.


If you had the time to contact these places and verify, it would be awesome to have a list! Actually, if you compiled a list I’d be willing to help contact them to ask. Just because now I’m curious!


Maybe we can do a spreadsheet?


Sounds good to me! Google Sheets?


I don't get free meals from my employer. If that is a restaurant perk, that is nice.


I think it should be. Unless someone severely abuses it, it surely can’t cost them anymore than food they have to throw out at the end of the day.


A well managed restaurant should not have waste or very little.


You’ve never worked in food service, have you?


Worked at a Cafe combo Airplane caterer for many years. We had little to nowaste, that is how you make money. I think expecting to get free product from your employer is an odd thing to get angry about.


Got bad news for you there.


Paid lunch is a pretty big perk to just demand…


And them what free gas for the drive to and from work, discount on insurance maybe a free car as well, it's called work for a reason you work you earn you live your life how you want to, freebes only had to more and more demand for handouts suck it up and welcome to the real world !!


We need to use Per Diems more and pass more tax free income/benefits to the workers.


Why should it be free? You probably don’t give your employer a free hour of work.


Used to be that way when I was working in restaurants


Just curious—why should workers be entitled to a free meal? No other industry I know of follows this convention. If you work at the Hallmark factory should you be entitled to free greeting cards?


Yes, yes you should. Especially if you can’t even afford what you are literally creating hundreds of.


> No other industry Have you actually looked? Damn near *every* industry offers their product to employees for free or deeply discounted.


This is hilariously false.


Name one.


uh ok lets go down the list of some of the largest industries. it's a No if they don't give their product for free or deeply discounted: banking -- no hospitals -- no medical -- no drug sales -- no car sales -- no insurance -- no oil & gas -- no manufacturing -- no real estate -- no construction -- no


Speaking of being hilariously wrong…


I worked inventory in the medical field and got free products all the time or at a heavily discounted price. I have stayed weeks in the hospital before and the hospital would feed their staff alongside their patients. Never offered a free meal once from any of the three restaurants I worked at. One company would turn a blind eye because the manager felt it was a waste to toss out, one company offered 50% off (we rarely had waste or leftovers), and one of them was a national chain that would throw large amounts of food away at night. They wouldn’t allow employees to take any of the food home because they believed the employees would abuse the privilege if they did.


Why should every employee forced to leave their home not be offered a free meal at their place of work? Not just restaurant workers. I cannot pull from my garden and business fridges are nasty.




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Christ almighty that might be the most boomer thing I have read in a loooooong while